Thursday, June 16, 2011

Christine is Kody Brown's third wife. They have been married since 1994 and have six children: Aspyn, Mykelti, Paedon, Gwendlyn, Ysabel, and Truely. Their lives in a plural family are featured in TLC's popular program sister Sister Wives.

I am at my brothers wedding. There are so many wonderful people in the world and it never ceases to amaze me how terrific my family is. My brother is from my other mom and it is strange to refer to him like that, he is just my brother. He has always been so adorable, even now, even though he is 6'4 and 28 years old. He has always been a positive, energizing person. He is the type that can light up a room with his energy. His fiancée is beautiful, sweet and loves him! She has a warm, caring, thoughtful family. It is a beautiful thing to see great people get together.
Our culture believes that sexual intimacy should only be after marriage and these two are beautiful examples of these standards. They keep their public display of affection at a minimum, so it is comfortable to be around them. Even though their marriage is tomorrow they are very honorable about their upbringing and keep and have kept themselves pure.
It will be a beautiful marriage ceremony filled with love, anticipation and wonder. A true celebration of life.
Courtesy of TLC

Christine just won't give it up that Kody kissed Robyn, will she! Is this much of a blog? Can't they do better? your thought? Comment below!!


  1. Does Christine's brother have multiple wives too?

  2. I'm usre if he doesn't, he will. Christine's family is deep into the AUB church, known as her maiden name, the Allred group.

  3. I guess she's glad she birthed 5 girls and 1 boy then LOL

  4. I guess! that gives more wives doesn't it?? LOL!!!!

  5. Here's what Christine's statement doesn't tell you - in 10 years, her brother will have 3 wives, each one living in her own trailer, all on food stamps, no savings in the bank, not one of his wives will have a college education. His kids will have jobs by age 9 to help support the family, and they will be on Medicaid.
    Any other questions ?

  6. How do they continue to do it?

  7. How do they continue to do it ?
    By using other people's money, that's how.

  8. It is staggering the amt of money they continue to run up on Bankruptcy, over and over again. Anyone go and add it all up? Appalling, and that's just the ones we know of. Once, ok, over and over, knowing your going to swindle?

  9. Interesting isn't it that the Browns have told the press that Christine was driven into bankruptcy by medical debt. If you review her bankruptcy filing, nothing could be further from the truth. Credit card purchases from Best Buy, Costco, and Home Depot are not "medical bills." There are only about 3000 dollars of medical expenses itemized there. Her bankruptcy filing also documents that she was receiving food stamps while the Brown family was on the payroll of TLC. A mysterious, unnamed companion is paying her "rent." This mysterious, unnamed "companion" failed to pay medical insurance for his 6 children he fathered with Christine. All 4 of the "SisterWives" have filed for bankruptcy - and I would suggest that they will do it again once the TLC gravy train is over.

  10. When did they do that? (says it was medical) I would love to read it! Can you post it?

  11. Here is the detailed listing of Christine Brown's assets and liabilities in her bankruptcy filing -

    Note that the medical expenses were detailed at about 3000 dollars, but the credit card expenses and charges at Costco, Best Buy, Columbia House Records, and Home Depot are clearly not medical....Note that Christine is still taking food stamps even though the family is on the TLC payroll, with the food stamp income is over 600 dollars per month. Why is it that Kody Brown could afford a wedding reception and a Mexican honeymoon with wife # 4,but could not pay the surgeons who performed the emergency appendectomy which saved his daughter's life ?

  12. I would say that TLC paid for the wedding and honeymoon; however, they would be paid by TLC too, which could of paid for the Appendectomy- which is a VERY good point! Where did they comment on the Bankruptcy? And, what are the total discharge debt?

  13. See their filing as posted on Born in Brooklyn's Scrbd account for the discharge amount. The Browns made enough money from filming one episode of the series to pay for their daughter's surgery. What a hoax.

  14. Man, I am good looking in the TLC pics, they always get my hair just right!

  15. FYI Although many of Christine's family are in the AUB, Christine's father, Vance Allred (and I think, her mother) became disgusted with the religion and left.

  16. Christine's father is Rex Clark Allred. Vance
    Allred is his brother and Christine's uncle!

  17. It does get confusing.
    Rex Clark Allred is her dad, and her mom is Ruth LeBaron.
    Rex's dad was shot and killed by Ruth's Uncle.
    rex and Vance are brothers who both left the sect.

  18. Just because Christine is a polygamist and comes from a polygamist family doesn't mean that her brother will automatically follow in those foot steps. The brother she is talking about will not be a polygamist. His bride made that clear while they were dating. She is from a strong LDS Family and told Levi that she will never agree that being a plural wife.

    Are you your brother? Christine has siblings who believe as she does and siblings who don't- just as most everyone does.

    That is the beauty of family- no matter the diversity- they are always yours.

  19. That's true A, they are always your family. Am I correct in saying most of Christine's family is not polygamist?

  20. That is correct- most of her family are not polygamist.
