Saturday, October 12, 2013

Vacay for a few days!

Hi all!! I apologize for not being on top of things this week. Mister is taking me to see some family and hopefully refuel. I should be up and running as usual by Wed. Enjoy the blog, and I will see you in 3-4 days! I will occasionally check for comments. Looking forward to coming back and hitting it hard again here! Much love, Mister Sister


  1. You do such a good job and deserve some time off. Everybody needs time off to rejuvenate. Enjoy.

  2. Have a nice time Mister Sister, so enjoy your blog! I wanted to know too, like another poster, if the show has been renewed? I'm thinking how could it be? There are so many new shows on TLC, you would think they would be done with this scripted one.

  3. Enjoy your well deserved break! Hope you don't into one raggedy homeless looking blonde dude with one of his baby mommas on his many trips :)

  4. Take all the time you need, Mister Sister and the Mister!!

  5. We will miss you but enjoy a well deserved break!

  6. Have fun and safe trip! God Blesd

  7. Hope you have a great time certainly deserve it!

  8. You definitely deserve it!! Enjoy yourself & safe travels to ya'll :)

  9. Enjoy it and thank you for all you do. I love reading this blog!

  10. Well deserved. Enjoy!

  11. Plural Ants in My PantsOctober 13, 2013 at 7:05 PM

    You totally deserve a break. Thanks for your tireless efforts to keep us informed and amused.

    I'm still reading Krystn Decker's book (Christine's cousin) "Fifty years in Polygamy" and thought this quote that sort of sums the whole darn mess up was worth sharing.

    "I loved my sister wife I would always love her. I just didn't love her in my husband's heart, face, arms and life. This lifestyle was so much more tolerable when my husband and I were fighting all the time, when I made myself numb and oblivious to anything going on around me. No wonder the god of polygamy demands that women have a zillion church duties and children to wear them down! That keeps them too busy, tired and depressed to care when, where or which wife god's male populous is busy serv(ic)ing to help build his kingdom."

    1. That quote really does sum it up. It makes my stomach turn, to think of a man sharing himself intimately with several "wives" and I think it's why none of them will speak about that part of their lifestyle. They have to block it out of their minds, or they would go mad.

  12. I don't really have a comment yet, I just wanted to try this out. I'm attempting to set my user name as 'Simplex wife' in honor of the gift Robyn gave the family...the one that keeps on giving and giving:

  13. Enjoy! Have a wonderful trip:)

  14. Have fun, your bloggy peeps will be here when you return!

  15. Enjoy your time off! We all need to step away once in awhile!

  16. Enjoy your vacation. (-:

    So, I'm not sure if this is free discussion, but....I'm off today, and decided to watch some past SW's episode. I watched the very first one....and all I can say is, wow. First of all, Kody is wearing a suit. I don't think I've seen him in a suit since. He actually worked. Not sure how "successful" he was, but at least he did sort of work.

    Second, everyone keeps talking about how much weight Meri has gained, and I keep looking at her thinking, "She's really not THAT big..." Now I see what people mean...compared to the first episode, yeah, she's gained a ton. She was about the size Robyn is now when the show started. I am amazed at how TINY she was.

    Third, they actually seem happy. And like a family. Meri was apparently the family tooth-puller, and after she pulled one of the kid's tooth, one of the little girls - one of Christine's I think - grabbed Meri's hand and screamed, "Come on!," and pulled her out of her apartment and into Christine's. The kids obviously wanted to be around Meri, and she seemed to want to be around them. Then they showed her just hanging out with Christine around Christine's kitchen table...just laughing/talking. When is the last time we've seen that??

    And finally, they showed them more than once in the yard, working, together. Just normal family stuff.

    Then cut to episode two. Robyn is introduced, and the crying started, and hasn't stopped yet. I honestly don't think there's anything inherently bad about Robyn, I just think this family didn't need a fourth wife, period. And it breaks my heart, because I really feel a large part of why they brought Robyn in was to snag the show....So sad to ruin a family to get a tv show....

    Anyway, just some random observations....The first episode is vastly different from EVERY episode after...did I mention how sad that is??? )-:

    1. In response to whether Kody was "successful" in his career . . . I think 3 bankruptcies among his 3 wives (before Robyn) would indicate he wasn't successful enough. Fortunately, they had the rest of us to buy their food and absorb their unpaid credit card debts with our HARD-EARNED money.

  17. thank you for your great description of the first show--What we saw in the first episode was an intact family--very used to each other--very much at ease. I think there was something familiar and relatable about the family until Kody started "courting" a 4th wife (with 3 kids) while his third wife was very pregnant. For the family and viewers everything swerved into the creepy zone at that point. it became a freak show.
    Why? because it is hard to imagine who could relate to a husband leaving his newborn baby girl and her mom to give his girlfriend a ring. Not to mention that these 4 adults had been together for over 2 decades before Kody meets wife #4.

    Then there is the issue of bringing step children into the mix ---it never gets any play--yet anyone who has lived through blending two families knows how much work and time it takes. particularly when one of the children has special needs.

    I think it does have something to do with Robyn's personality. She presents as immature and fragile with a dark edge (which was real apparent in the recent "debate" episode, in which she bullies and becomes sarcastic). It confirmed some stuff I saw hints of in previous shows----like, what mom introduces her 3 kids into a huge family and then becomes pregnant right away with a new baby--a baby who is a "real"sibling? Not a very sensitive one. The first 3 wives are each mama bears--they have deep relationships with their kids--but Robyn just remains a new sex object--right down to her very awkward and inappropriate "sex talk" with the teens in the family.

    So maybe it is the editing and directing or maybe it is Robyn--but she is not likable. if it were me i would demand a chance to get presented as a more fully rounded person. it is hard to know if she is as shallow as she comes across as. hard to imagine Christine without her brood always about, or Meri not making sure that her only child doesn't get her fair share, or Jenelle not concerned that her children have not settled into their new homes.

    I always found it hard to believe that the 3 wives really wanted a new sister wife. If it is true that the other wives had to agree to bringing her and her 3 children into the family then why didn't we see that footage?

    I think we could have spent a whole season getting to know the Browns as a polygamist family that had been together for 20 years. Second season --introduce the new wife and kids.

    I really do hope for Robyn's kids' sakes that she is just short changed on camera and not the one dimensional character she plays on tv. But so far I am not convinced.


  18. *editing above comment to say "kid's teeth" - sorry! - Anon 3:28

  19. In season two there was a whole segment about how the sister wives would still stay together even if Kody died. Now it's in question and they need to have a ceremony to make sure?

    How come all the flashbacks in each episode don't flash back a little further to show how just two years ago they were saying the opposite of what they're saying now? That would be entertainment

  20. Hope you and the family are having fun MS! We miss you but everyone deserves some down time.

  21. I watched season one thru three and looking back, it was the addition of Robyn really destroyed Christine and Kodys relationship. Their trip to Vegas with the kids was heartwarming to see, and i still think they are cute together and seemed to have a good relationship. Meris weight gain seemed to start about the time robyn came into the picture. She was bigger when they moved to Vegas. I feel like Kody abandonded his family by bringing Robyn in.

    1. in a couch session with christine and kody talking about how the move to vegas really put a strain on their relationship, you could see christine biting her tongue, she wanted to say im sure, it was robyn that put a strain on their relationship. These women have been pressured from day one of the show to not put blame on their lifestyle for their marriage problems, I believe it was season 5 this was shown.

  22. Hope you are enjoying some down time Mister Sister- I've been with you from the start and appreciate what an amazing job you do!
    Thank you for the humor, education & access to the greatest group of people who make up the SWB family!!!

  23. You know the way the younger kids tend to talk about Meri, I honestly think the animosity between the wives (possible exception: Meri and Jenelle) is really part of the show gimmick. I think they intentionally edit to make some more villainous (r); some more vulnerable (c); some more brainy (j); and some totally unlikeable(m). They also seem to edit mariah as an outsider, and maddie to be somehow "different""than the others; , but if you follow the kids tweets, the 4 oldest girls are all very good friends. I have a sister who is very close in age (irish twins) and, though we each had a group of friends, we were always best buds though we were soooooo different. I sort of think these 4 girlscwho are so close inage must be the same.

  24. OneWifeTwoWifeRedWifeBlueWifeOctober 16, 2013 at 10:45 PM

    so I was listening to a local program here in salt lake city...... and the radio show is doing its campus "tours" - they go to local colleges and do a live program . This morning they were broadcasting from Westminster, yes the school Mariah goes to. They did not make any mention to her attending there or of her family being "public figures". However one of the people they interviewed at the school said "please call me Christy........My given name is Christine, But that is such a polygamous name." LOL I thought it was a little Ironic.

  25. Love this blog!

  26. Agreed on the above! I rewatched Seasons 1-3 and Kody used to really love Christine. I think Kody just stopped trying. Meri persued Kody, Kody persued Robyn and Janelle went further into herself.

    1. Agree with you Suzzy. Really despicable on Kody's part. Christine seemed so much more secure in herself before Robyn. Meri also seems to have become more unhappy and unlikable. As Anon 11:11 mentioned, the weight gain seems to have coincided with Robyn coming into the picture. I'm not a psychologist (and nor do I play one on TV, LOL), but I think that the reason that Meri desperately tries to be Robyn's BFF, going as far as letting her be between her and Kody in the "body sculpture" activity at the marriage retreat, is because she feels that she can only be close to Kody if she's close to Robyn. Ergo, Christine who is not close to Robyn gets shafted. Interestingly, Janelle's open disinterest in everyone and everything seems to be drawing Kody in. I wonder what the therapist at the marriage retreat really thought about the Browns.

    2. Right on Ginger,the dinamic with the wives to anyone paying close attention and re watching episodes comes across as anything other than what the wives say. Would love to be a fly on the wall of their family meetings about the show. The family councelor they had in Utah said there were slamiing doors and yelling before Robyn even came into the family. I wish they would address Meri's ause of Janelle.

  27. I think Kody assumed wrongly that Christine would be ok with a 4th wife because she had a strong polygamy pedigree. I agree Kody stopped trying. Christine needed more assurance and effort to get thru it and Kody was too love struck with Robyn to see it and I think Kody got frustrated with Christine obvious post partem depression. He was to busy courting Robyn to see his wife of 16 years need help.

  28. Last night on Greys Anatomy Callie said she felt like a sister wife on Big Love!! I didn't know if anyone watched Greys and saw that or not

  29. So how many episodes was this most recent season? Is it over now? I watched it On Demand, and only ever saw 3 episodes, and now it's gone. Did I miss any?

  30. I am going crazy with no new updates to this blog! I am an addict!!!

  31. Did any of you see that Maddie Brown was crowned Homecoming Queen? So happy for her! Also, Hunter was Prince!

  32. Who is your favorite brown kid?

    I pick Paedon. There is just something heart warming about him. I really like his recation to Garrison hitting Gabriel over the video game issue. They way he threw his hands like "Dude!..why". When Kody was getting ready to leave for Montana with Robyn, He really made a point to get a hug in with his dad. It was sad when Kody didn't put as much into it as Paedon had. Finally...Janelle said it. When he was told about the move to LV, his reaction was heart breaking.

    All in all, Paedon is just a really well rounded kid. Just so likable.

  33. Oops...I was mistaken. Maddie was on court, but was not queen.

  34. Is it sad and pathetic that I miss you and this blog so much?!? Hope you are having a wonderful time with you and yours :)

  35. Hope you are enjoying your vacation. I am catching up here while sipping some tea from my "team Janelle" mug.

  36. how does Meri square "the more the merrier" with "i like my me time"?

  37. re watching season two..Free Range Brown's....Kody was firm about getting on the horse that threw Mykeltie
    to teach it a lesson, but dosnt see, inclined to disapline his children who bully or punch each other..noticed holes in the wall of Janelles downstairs in lehi house

  38. I just looked up some of the Plyg USA people on Facebook and I see Tiffany has changed her last name to Hammon. Rose Marie is still listed as a Cawley.

  39. news flash are still having pre marital sex and have a child out of wedlock...

  40. so,,i guess im new to this story from 2011 when Kody and family were onBillie Bush in 2011..but Kody said yes they were under investigation by the county but that is not why they movd to Las Vegas, and Robyn chimes in and says they vacation in Vegas, that Kody had wanted to move rhere for years. When i re watched season two with the couch session where Christine challenges Kody about moving and Kody whips his head to Robyn and Meri, like help me here, Robyn shaking her head at Christine, this move story drama was all a farce?They put the kids thru all of that for a story line? They are that dishonest? wow

    1. That shows how dumb they are should have continue to say they moved cor fear of being separated. Their comments on different shows was stupid. The state said they were looking for them. they were clean till they opened their mouths. I hope they don't decrimilize it.
