Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Stop Dragging my Heart Around...and Other Nonsense..Sister Wives Blog...NEW VIDEO, Time Capsule Choices

William Winn Brown, Kody's father, has passed. His obituary in post below.

 I have to confess I've been a bad girl this week.
I let my mouth fly in the face of the posting guidelines that we made.

I soo knew that Cynical so wanted to put me in Time Out. She let me go like you let a child go a little farther away into the ocean, watching carefully. Luckily, I swiftly caught myself and came back! We make such a Good Team! 

It wasn't MY fault..I mean...I...well...Robyn was just to freaking goofy to not lost my patience or my lost sexualitililty. And it him broke her heart. He stole it from me.
Or whatever the manipulative minion said, it's my story too.

Truth is, I am better than that and so are you. We shall go back to Thinking before we Type. Let's go back to the fun loving yet respectful people we are.

 I keep hearing Stevie Nicks singing "Stop Dragging My Heart Around."

Kody has a receding hairline in common with Tom Petty. Robyn has nothing on the face of this or any other planet in common with Stevie Nicks other than possibly she has two legs. But the juurrreryy is still out on that.  

I keep seeing that heart necklace fall on the floor. KA-Thunk. The real Mister Mister is so sick of my cupping of hands and chasing him saying "Here it is!" that he got me last night by jumping up and saying "Repent ye, for I am purrr and you are not! You have not prepentded enough. Thou shalt not speak to me again with cupped hands until truly worthy of my love!" (Angry Voice - Pointing at me, ok, you had to be there but it was funny.) I fell in shame at his feet.

My 2 yr old granddaughter just came out of my son's room and ran to Pappy angrily and started smacking him on the butt going "BAD PAPPY BAD PAPPY!"
Out of the mouths of babes. I guess a 2 yr old can understand female abuse more than Robyn.  
(Yes we re-assured her we were making a funny. No children were harmed in the making of our joke, but we might of warped on or two in the many years of child raising.) 

Here's me in my new joolry from MSWC. Do you like?
That's Cynical Jinx behind me making me purrty. You should have seen how she turned out! Maybe next time, she's shy.


My necklaces for "The Family" the Purity Mafia formerly known as Brown Adults.

Meri Brown. She's such an Angry Spice.

Robyn Brown. She is such a manipulative winch I'll have to get TW to make her one. But for now, her luv is giving her wings. Yeah, so do my Kotex woman so don't think it's so special.

Janelle Brown. I am so proud of you for losing that weight. I secretly wish you would keep going and be the star of the group! But you are still with Kody, so here's a necklace with your huzbaynd as the inspiration.

Christine Brown. This week you have totally gotten a pass from me. I know you are a good teacher, and the backbone of the children. You and Janelle seem to be team members. Since you have a pass this week, I am giving you an apple for the real teacher of the group! Sadly, you have given your puurrty away and must repent by wearing the green apple.

The latest joolry ideas from SWB, hopefully Twisted will make us a few!

Renewable Purity Ring (Thanks Today is the Day)* we may have to trademark that one!
Heavy Heart Necklace
Ball and chain
etc etc etc
Can you think of any? 


If you haven't read Lobotomized BRILLIANT TRANSCRIPT of Robyn's Testimony you may find them under the comments at:  

Thank you L! 

I can't wait for the review, how about you?

"Time Capsule Choices"



  1. I may have written this too soon after the past couple of hours explosions!!! Robyn not pregnant before marriage? Who knows!

    1. You know, I was thinking back on Sunday night's epidrama and I recall her saying something like...."When I found out I was pregnant, I was trying so hard to love my husband at the time...". Now, I know that Robyn has never been one for strong vocabulary skills. However, when she said that, I immediately thought, "Huh! I thought she said she got pregnant BEFORE she married. So that would mean that she would not have been married at the time she found out she was pregnant!" But, reflecting on how she said..."When I found out I was pregnant, I was trying so hard to love my husband at the time.." I am just not sure that this story is the real deal, as that statement leads me to believe that she was already married when she learned she was pregnant with Day-in.

      I think it is possible that this whole story was fabricated in a effort to help the ratings. Of course, I have no proof of that, but those are my thoughts.

    2. Hmmm. Let me pull up her statements Lobotomized transcribed and post them up here. I always forget what she said it was so marbled!

    3. ITA - this blog rocks and all the investigative/resources provided here. Everyone is cracking me up. On a side note from above, love the cookie necklace.


    4. Anything for ratings! Remember their dog Drake....happy and tail wagging and put down because why??????????? Ratings???????

    5. I thought the whole show was so sad. Destroying one's father on T.V. is going to help her children? "He stole it" - I'm from Indiana, never heard much about Mormons except Warren Jeffs.

      This statement floored me. Why is her ex husband not upset? Is he in jail for raping her? I don't think so.

  2. Robyn was married June 26, 1999. Dayton was Born March 6, 2000
    Here's what we were discussing in #3

    This is a fun site!

    Help Pregnancy due date (or birthday):March 7, 1999

    According to my calculations, given the baby is due on Sunday, March 7th, 1999, this would put the conception date on or around Sunday, June 14th, 1998.

    Furthermore, considering you can get pregnant 5-6 days prior to conception/ovulation, this would mean you (or the mother of the baby if checking someone elses concption date) likely had sexual intercourse sometime between Monday, June 8th, 1998 and Sunday, June 14th, 1998

    1. I had a good laugh at everything you said above especially about Cynical giving you a time out. I had just come over from the State vs Jodi Arias page and since Alyce is in the news they were talking about her. It was mentioned again when she told Jaun Martinez that he needed to be put in a time out. What sane grown woman would say that to a prosecutor in court. At least yours was said as a joke.

      Holy Cow, the pages have exploded with comments, Robyn sure hit a nerve. Of course on her twitter page they all think it was a lovely speech.

      Like your joolery, just bought some for my grandaughters to play dress up, and not at $100 a whack...more like $1.

      Love this blog as do so many others. Thanks for keeping it going.

    2. I thought Meri and Dayton were birthday buddies. Isn't Meri's birthday in January? I think the wikipedia entry of March is wrong.

    3. Type (little) a aka Michele

      I think you're correct. I believe there's a typo. In fact, someone else posted a list of all of the kids birth dates and two of the boys ages were incorrect. Didn't match the birth years. I googled the Sister Wives Wikipedia page and it does in fact state that Daytons birthday is JANUARY 16, 2000. NOT March 7, 1999. I was confused myself when reading the blog last night because the whole time I too was remembering Meri and Dayton being birthday buddies and celebrating the day together. They did it when Meri got that trip to Mexico. Soooo....something isn't quite right.

    4. Belay that last comment. Just saw that everyone caught onto the birthday-gate and that this discussion has already been resolved. Once again, weird family. Weird, weird family. They should try lying a little less. They would be so much happier.

    5. I agree, something's not right. 8 hours ago to the dot....Dayton's birthday ws March 7, 2000 on Wikipedia, IMDB, etc. Somebody's changing things.

    6. @ Mister Sister, even more proof they and their network read this blog.

    7. I too noticed this change. I just can't believe it!

  3. LobotomizedAugust 27, 2013 at 12:40 AM

    It is so sad that what I half-jokingly predicted to be her secret last week, actually ended up being the secret. So sad. She is definitely not the brightest bulb on the tree.
    Anyway, if you can not sit through it all because either you fall asleep or risk damaging your TV set, I took upon myself the painstaking task of transcribing her chastity speech. Enjoy!

    I am actually going to speak to the kids about the biggest mistake in my life and I am actually pretty nervous about it.

    So I'm gonna tell you t this two stories about two girls who had what they did with their purity and what happened.

    And these are true stories.

    When I was a teenager, I was very chasted. I was actually what a lot of people would consider to be a good girl. And then as
    I got older, and into my senior year and into college, I really started to question my faith. I don't know I think I hit that
    point when a teenager questions [Kody: everything] uhum....

    You have this purity, and this purity has to do with your body and this purity has to do with your mind and this purity has
    to do with your heart, and it it is very very very precious it is priced above all jewels.

    1. I was chaste... Only test drove a few before committing to marriage ;)

    2. Me too, Amy. Gotta get those test drives in before getting committed for life.

  4. LobotomizedAugust 27, 2013 at 12:41 AM


    Well yeah and it's like I remember at that time in my life I was sitting there going oh gosh I sit here, and you know I've got
    a cute guy I'm da-in' and I don't kiss him and I don't you know I am not doing anything with him physically and I have my body has
    these urges and and he is you know I know this would be something that would be part of our relationship would be fun. I felt
    like I was missing out on something by not you know endulging in the physical aspects of a relationship with a boy. And I started
    questioning my faith and whether or not I really believed in it. Because you know I saw my parents struggle you know with plural
    marriage and I was questioning them as people you know the parents aren't always right they're not God anymore you know and
    you start breaking away and figuring out what you believe on your own. I think I was kind of a little bit angry because I had been
    so good for so long and it just didn't seem to be getting me anywhere haha.
    She took her purity..... and she gave it to someone who begged for it. And I spent the next nine years trying to make it right.
    And I put everything, everything I could into that relationship and into that marriage. Everything.

    At church today actually I'm gonna be talking to the kids about the biggest mistake I ever made in my life.
    So I'm gonna tell you t this two stories about two girls who had what they did with their purity and what happened.
    And these are true stories. Every single one of you has this really great gift and it's called your purity. And it's yours
    to give away to someone else. When you have your purity, and you give it to your husband and your wife when you're married
    then you have a lot of happiness and a lot of blessings.
    So I was nineteen when this when I decided to to move and I packed up my little car and I moved to Montana. My parents weren't
    there, my foundation wasn't there, I wasn't going to church, I was questioning everything about what I had believed in in the past
    and and I was still in this this stupid place in my head where I wasn't letting God in I was gonna I kinda I have to say I was

    One girl she took her purity and she gave it to someone who begged for it. And he begged for and begged for so she gave it away.
    She gave away her purity. And he didn't respect it. He threw it on the ground. He broke it. Because I was just in a weird spot I
    started da-in' this kid and and I actually made a mistake and I changed my standards. Uhm, this kid that I started da-in'uhm was my first
    kiss. And there was only one thing that he wanted aha and uhm ahhh so I got pregnant.

    And she spent her whole life trying to get it back but she you only have one. And it him broke her heart. And she spent her whole life
    being sad about it. And then when she finally found the guy that she was supposed to be with she had to go to him and say look I gave away
    my purity to someone else he kinda stole it from me. And this was supposed to be yours. But I gave it to someone else and I'm so
    sorry... I'm so sorry I gave it away to someone else... And it broke her heart. In our religion we believe in being chasted before marriage.
    It's very impor-ant you know Kody and I were very chasted before we were married uhm it's no different if you are like it a first wife
    with a husband uhm you should be chasted that is a belief of ours.

  5. LobotomizedAugust 27, 2013 at 12:41 AM

    Last part:

    You know telling this story in church is very impor-ant to me because it is a tennent of our faith, to be chasted. And it is a tennent of
    our faith to repent if you make a mistake. The mistakes that I made were very challenging for me, and very very painful for me and actually
    led me down a path of nine years of a lotta hell.

    This is yours and this is the most ultimate gift and it is yours. You know, when I found out I was pregnant I was devastated at that point
    I was I was really scared. I was trying so hard so hard.. to love my husband at the time.

    You know, when I found out I was pregnant I was devastated at that point I was I was really scared. I was scared of...a of my family, of
    rejecting me I was scared of what my church was gonna say and it was very impor-ant to me to to take responsibility for my actions
    because I had made this mistake and so when he asked me to marry him I said yes. I was trying soo hard so hard to love my husband at that
    time. My little Day-on was the best thing that coulda ever happen to me. It was, I'll never regret him. Day-on was my happy place.
    And hemeant so much to me. And I have a special bond with him because he was my sweetheart during these times that was so hard. I wouldn't
    wish those experiences on anyone and I don't want our kids to go through that. I made this promiss to God, years ago that if I could ever
    tell my story as much as it makes me vulnerable and exposes myself I would always tell my story to help other kids make right choices.

    I have a second story of another girl. Another girl who took care of her purity. She knew how valuable it was. And so when she found the
    right man she was able to hand him her purity and say this is yours and this is the most ultimate gift and it is yours...

    I believe that Kody and I were supposed to be together from day one...and because of my mistakes I spent years and years and years trying
    to make it right and actually not with the person I was supposed to be with. I ask each one of you to decide today choose today no matter
    what is going on in your life to save your purity and protect that purity and honor it. Because it will bring you a lot of joy and a lot of

    1. Yes, there it is....

      "You know, when I found out I was pregnant I was devastated at that point
      I was I was really scared. I was trying so hard so hard.. to love my husband at the time".....

      That's the statement that caught my attention.

    2. You know, when I found out I was pregnant I was devastated at that point I was I was really scared. I was scared of...a of my family, of
      rejecting me I was scared of what my church was gonna say and it was very impor-ant to me to to take responsibility for my actions
      because I had made this mistake and so when he asked me to marry him I said yes. I was trying soo hard so hard to love my husband at that

      The comment she made above that comment, I think it what is messing you up. She says she was pregnant and afraid, so he asked her to marry him. THE JERK! (kidding)

      I want to hear his side of the story. Anyone?

    3. In the first place virtues are Not found in a body part; furthermore she simply shows how illiterate she is.

  6. She might have said it at some other point, I am not sure!

  7. Mister Sister you are a riot! And Mister Mister sounds pretty funny himself :)

    As for the pregnancy-induced marriage, I am calling BS! I am going to lay out the most benefit of the doubt scenario based on the FACTS that we have, namely that Robyn and DPJ were married on Saturday June 26, 1999 and Dayton was born March 7, 2000.

    Robyn was not trying to get pregnant. She and David were sexually active. She has a 36 day cycle and Dayton was two weeks overdue. I'm using these numbers because 1) 36 is considered a very long cycle and she would be unlikely to even get pregnant with a cycle even longer than that (with long cycles most people aren't ovulating) 2) after 42 weeks, the placenta can not be trusted to provide for a fetus and doctors will not allow a woman to continue the pregnancy.
    Okay using the above info it STILL doesn't work that she got married due to pregnancy because she would have conceived between May 25-31. That is one month before her wedding. Now, conception occurs two weeks before a pregnancy is able to be shown on home pregnancy tests. Most home pregnancy tests you buy in store will pop positive when the mother has an hcg count of 40. Implantation of an embryo occurs about 5-8 days after fertilization (conception) and then it takes about two more days for the hcg to start to build in the Mother's blood. Even longer to build in the urine. Sooo....we're looking at around 12- 14dpo for a positive pregnancy test. That means, if Robyn conceived May 25th she would have AT THE EARLIEST been able to know that June 6. So, she would have had three weeks (20 days) to.....fret about being ostracized, plan the wedding (she was married on a SATURDAY. The city hall isn't open on Saturday...she had to have planned it ahead at least a little. And Saturday is by far the most common day to celebrate planned weddings in our country), and get married.

    But far more likely is that she conceived around June 15 which means that the EARLIEST she could have known she was pregnant would be June 27-29. AFTER she was married. This woman is a liar. In even the best, most forgiving scenario it just doesn't add up. She would have to have been either temping or taking early tests to have known before her wedding. And who does that unless planning to get pregnant? She would have been about 3 weeks late at the time of her wedding with the absolutey most forgiving scenario. Plenty of women would just be starting to have fear and symptoms which don't usually start before 6 weeks or so. Unless you're expecting it, you don't go from 0 to gunshot wedding in 20 days. You just don't. especially considering that most miscarriages occur in the first few weeks of pregnancy...you would get married before you even know if the baby will make it?

    You lied Robyn. And your poor kids will know how easily you throw them under the bus one day. So sad.

    1. Well, let me finish my story.....

      Mister Sister walks in the door. I start reading the transcript above in my best Robyn Shakespearean voice.

      Me: "I ask each one of you to decide today choose today no matter
      what is going on in your life to save your purity and protect that purity and honor it. Because it will bring you a lot of joy and a lot of happiness."

      Mister Mister: WHO?

      Me: Repeat entire quote rather loudly

      Mister Mister: WHO?

      Me: Repeating quote with several cuss words.

      Mister Mister: WHO?

      Me. Slaps down computer. I've waited all day to read you this you never listen to me I've said it three times!

      Mister Mister: Laughing Hysterically.
      He had paused the muted TV to the GEICO Commerical with the Owls! You'd have to know the commercial to get it.

      Mister Mister: Purity and Honor? Joy and Happiness?

      Me: yea
      Mister Mister: Sounds like dildo names to me.

    2. It's really isn't uncommon for someone to get married in a month in the LDS faith, or fundamentalist faith. There usually isn't the hall you rent for the reception, the dresses aren't elaborate you order months ahead of time. You can get married for time in the mormon faith and not be sealed by their clergy. Who said it was at city hall? Even papa joes kid and Robyn and Kody were given simple receptions in backyard or parks respectfully. The photos of kody with the first three wives on their wedding day was a simple picture done in the house. Hyrum and Kelly dated for two weeks in polygamy ASA. NO temple and NO city hall.

    3. Now Robyn said they were married in the AUB temple and were planning on SW at the time.

    4. I think Robyn got pregnant on her wedding night and delivered 3 weeks early - reading that transcript made me dizzy and nauseous.

    5. As for the timing of the pregnancy, what I found interesting is how Robyn wanted everyone to believe she got preggers her FIRST time. What she conveniently left out of her confession to Lord Krody was just how long her failure to maintain panty went on. Of course, none of us will ever know unless that DAVID JESSOP steps forward to defend his HONOR against this Kray-Kray beotch who acted like he was some passing fancy in the night when we all know he was a PLGY PRINCE who witchipoo was probably "honored" to throw dozens of cookies at. Sobyn: the world wants to know .... just how many times did you leave your Magic Panties on the floorboard of a 1979 Malibu in order for Day-in to be conceived, Liar-Liar-Panties-on-Fire????

    6. Oh my that is cute. Maybe Mister Mister has a new product line coming out! And I DO know that commercial! The owls in the tree.

      Twisted Sister can you make Mister Sister her a Kotex Wings Necklace? In PHEW-Tur

  8. It was in the last part, second paragraph.

    1. I see it but I clearly remember she said she was PREGNANT and HAD to get married, too. I think if you look he wording is so garbled it is all messed together.
      I really do see where it would be confusing!

      Like the joke on the post
      And it him broke her heart.
      Now, there's a sentence to say on TV!

  9. I think we all need to show our Sister Solidarity to the SisterWivesBlog by proudly wearing one of these!


    And then we can "give our cookie" to anyone we damn well please!! :D

    1. What a SCREAM!!! I LOVE IT!!! Can I put the picture on the post?

    2. Robyn should have given that to Kody instead of the heart pendant! That would have been priceless!! :)

    3. Rose you are brilliant and no I am not mispelling my name. Robyn told me so.

    4. Should be cookie with a K. Kookie (kooky?!)

    5. Yes it should.

    6. @Mister Sister I'm not sure of the ownership of the photo, I just did a quickie search and thought that this cute thing was just priceless!! With more searching this morning I see that you can buy these handcrafted necklaces from Tiny Hands Jewelry. tinyhandsonline.com I don't think they would mind a plug from us!! Everyone loves cookies!!

      The cookie necklace to buy is:

      It would be so cool to have a SWB on the back of the cookie!!

    7. Yes, this is cute!!!!!

  10. Great Joolry Foolery, Mister Sister. How about an engraved toe ring inspired by Janelle's trip to the furniture store. Twist it one way it reads "Dirty", the other way "Clean" .

    1. LOVE IT! Oh my, by the end of the night, my resident designer, Twister Sister will have her work cut out for her!!!!

    2. oh, that made me pee my pants!

      Can Robyn have the same, a ring with a P and one with a U, so suitors know if she's pure or unpure?

    3. Perhaps TS could design an hour-glass pendant containing dirt from the cuddle-sac shoveled by Kodouche.

    4. okay, I need a charm bracelet since I can't decide. As usual, you're all killing me! Back to my fits of giggles after borrowing a Depends from a patient.

    5. And a codpiece only with a K for the C. They can market it as Krody's purity shield. Also while we're at it, how about updated chastity belts for the teens. Purity rings were so 2005!

    6. Ro-Bun wants that codpiece with an R and a K. Cause she's sooo mature.

    7. And Meri wants "LOVER" imprinted on hers....oh how I shudder when that runs through my brain. Oh! They could sell brain bleach as well. I wonder if they'd hire me? ;-)

    8. I've tried looking for photos to use for the Kodpiece designs...but now I feel a little violated and dirty. I'm thinking that anything I designed for those would be NSFW (or the blog)

    9. You are getting talked about on Twitter, some one twweted to SWB that your pieces were cute. SWB bragged too. Check it out.

  11. SNORT
    We needed some comedy relief after Discussion 3!
    I can't wait to see the picture you come up with for Cynical Jinx. BTW, you are just beautiful.

  12. Quick Mister Sister get to Meri's twitter page. The mystery metal has been revealed to be........pewter!!


    1. Where Where Where? I can't find it!

    2. the convo:

      Raquel ‏@daRHLingdesigns 14h
      @MeriBrown1 @leecie_pie OMG wow looks so cute !! I want to get my own :) are the charms made of sterling silver? Can u get them wet?
      Meri Brown ‏@MeriBrown1 12h
      @daRHLingdesigns They are pewter, and yes they can get wet. http://mysisterwifescloset.com

      Is pewter iconic?!

    3. It's from 12 hours ago. Three before the colorful THANK. She says the jewelry can get wet.

    4. They finally revealed the mystery metal!!! So a pewter waterproof trinket is retailing for $12.99 (chain is $13.99 & itty bitty matching earrings are $25.99) Yup...seems they are keeping in line with their 1000% mark-up on joolery!

    5. So basically...tin jewelry. Sweet. Like the kind I used to find in Cracker Jack.

    6. Pewter is very 13th Century so maybe it's befitting for their joory biz.

    7. a quick look at amazon for pewter jewelry and once again the brown jewelry is way overpriced. You can buy pewter charms for 2 bucks on several other sites. A large pewter carved cuff was 13 bucks

  13. This purity business is confusing. Did I lose my purity by having sex with my remote control?

    I thought I would ask the knowledgeable bloggers at SWB.

    1. You lost your purity by having sex with your remote control, and not with just the batteries inside it.
      Lucky for you, you can go to church and give test-err-money and you and your remote can go back to having Sex!

    2. No No No.
      you lost your purity THINKING about your remote!

    3. If you gave it a cookie then purity is gone. The good news is that purity will be restored when you move on to a new remote.

    4. Then MIley Cyrus definitely lost her pur-e-tee at the MTV awards this week with that foam hand. (OMG how vulgar was THAT display??? Made me almost wish to see Sobyn 'splain her pur-e-tee issues again which I do not think I could possibly bear)

    5. Webstanator that make me spit my grape drink!

    6. Anon 1:41, this blog has historically been associated with splattered computer screens.

  14. sounds like she wasn't pregnant when she got married, but she also wasn't 19. She had been with DPJ for at least a couple of years before conceiving Dayton. What sort of a person would lie about a teen shotgun wedding after being forcibly impregnated? Maybe she's so mentally ill that she believes it. Or she didn't realize that we could "minus" the years and see holes in the story big enough to drive a double wide through.

    1. Cuz like, ya know, she wants Krody and us to believe she got magically pregnant after one time of accidentally on purpose giving away her pur-e-tee which was really actually "sorta stolen" from her.

    2. The Brown's could sell purity cookies on their MSWC!

    3. That was what I thought this was actually all about, this whole purity kerfuffle was likely to introduce a new line of purity paraphanalia and jools on their MSWC site...like that weird ornament that Robyn threw on the floor, or possibly some sort of other purity products that they will be selling...Yeah I'll let your imagination tell you what they will be selling...

    4. New poster, reading blog a couple of months, horrifyingly watching SW since it started!!!!!! So glad I found this blog. I was beginning to think I was crazy for watching this train wreck!

      Mister Sister, loved your transcript, I bet your head still hurts! Webstanator, I read your post and spit my tea on my computer, glad to be part of the spitting group. This blog should be shown during the show, it would keep it running for years, help pay for the therapy the kids are all going to need! Thanks for all the laughs. Every time I watch SW I go away feeling a little dirty. Reading this blog makes me feel normal again.

  15. Frankly at this point nothing would surprise me about how far and how twisted these people will go to keep the show and the income going. We shouldn't be surprised or shocked at anything by now.

    If this was yet another puffed up, non-real scenario, it is on them.
    If this Sobbin drama was BS to the Enth degree, it rivals how many (?) other scenes these people have foisted on their fans since the end of season one ???

    Like the fateful scene over two years ago, with cameras rolling, and with all those poor kids crammed in the living room where Kody delivers the ominous news *for the first time* (yeah,right) that Daddy is being persecuted and hunted by the police and that they must MOVE...are going to move in just THREE days.
    Now unless these five adults are complete morons who should not be in charge of children OR they are heartless sadists, that scene was BS to the max.
    And for the sake of those kids, I truly hope it was the latter. Otherwise Child Services should have investigated five parents who would spring such emotional trauma on 16 kids...and have it filmed for the world to see!!!

    Or how about watching the family dog filmed romping and wagging his tail alongside where Kody is dogging the animal's grave under the supervising eye of Meri. Real or BS??

    And don't get me started on the credibility and logistical integrity of Sobbin and Meri's private lend-a-uterus chat *immediately* post partum.

    And Oh god, the houses !! All the tediously phony scenes with the McMansions !!

    I can think of more but would rather hear other posters' recollections.

    Anyone else recall any similar blatantly bullsh*t moments on SW???

    1. Good question. I am so revved up on the babygate I can't think but hope others add!

    2. I'm confused about something. If you can get your purity back, how big of a deal is it to lose it in the first place?

    3. One word. Nauvoo.

    4. Remember when they talked to the teenagers about not dating (or something) while they were in high school? Not being sexually active before marriage? I thought it was very hypocritical then. Even more so now.

    5. Janelle: I was raised LDS I had no idea what a polygamist was!

    6. That Meri had the room made for the girls

      That Kody was a businessman chuckle
      Season 2 Robyn worries about being a burden on the family. No wait! Later she said she was working then!

      They can't find a polygamous house in Utah

      The police chasing the girls

      The 4th of July when Kody worries what Lovell Utah will think of him as a polygamist!

    7. One question for those of you who have the advantage of closed-captioning on your Tee-Vee sets: what the hell was that "farfunugen" word Sobyn threw in there whilst confessing on the couch to Lord Krody and Kamera Krew? There was some word she threw in ... was it German? French? Swahili? Robynili?

    8. And another one! My god you are good! Too funny!

      I want to know where Ro bun went to college? Anyone? School of hard knocks?

    9. in the first season when all the wives went shopping together was rather unbelievable then..


    10. >>
      Frankly at this point nothing would surprise me about how far and how twisted these people will go to keep the show and the income going. We shouldn't be surprised or shocked at anything by now.
      << --Amused

      Reality Show-biz scripted. Time to jump the shark?

      Remember the Balloon Boy, Falcon Heene? A survey of U-Tube Videos.
      This opens to "The View" discussion of the event. The parents staged this in the hopes of getting a new "reality show".

      (Graphic WARNING)
      Keep eyes wide open when jumping sharks.

      "Oh, the shark has pretty teeth, dear
      And he shows 'em, pearly white ... ."

      Survey of U-tube videos. Balloon Boy.

    11. Dear Webstanator, You write:
      One question for those of you who have the advantage of closed-captioning on your Tee-Vee sets: what the hell was that "farfunugen" word Sobyn threw in there whilst confessing on the couch to Lord Krody and Kamera Krew? There was some word she threw in ... was it German? French? Swahili? Robynili?

      "LOL" Robynili? I like it!

      Well, here's the translation, Pray, do share more of the dialogue.
      While the (combined) word comes to us directly from a 1990 VW ad I wonder how it translates in **Robynili**, A salacious story of chastity owned, lost (or stolen?) and regained.

      Considering her tears, "Enjoyable Driving", sounds inaccurate.


      Fahrvergnügen (German pronunciation: [ˈfaːɐ̯.fɛɐ̯ˌɡnyːɡn̩]) was an advertising slogan used by the German automobile manufacturer Volkswagen in a 1990 U.S. ad campaign that included a stick figure driving a Volkswagen car.[1]

      That German term means "driving enjoyment" in English (from fahren, "to drive," and Vergnügen, "enjoyment"). One of the tag lines incorporating the word was: "Fahrvergnügen: It's what makes a car a Volkswagen."


      "Fahrvergnügen was an advertising slogan used by the German automobile manufacturer Volkswagen in a 1990 U.S. ad campaign that included a stick figure driving a Volkswagen car."


    12. Back to the cheap jewelry...A charm with a penis (very small) surrounded by eight breasts would be my vote.

  16. Mister, I don't blame you at all for breaking the guidelines. Robyn broke a few guidelines herself in concern to how you treat human beings in general, let alone her own children. The woman makes me sick. I bet we could find the cookie necklaces really cheap. I'd be up for it lol.

  17. Forgot.....
    Mister Sister, love the SWB jooleery for the Brown Babes. Great job!!

    Also, you were a star during the live chat and after.
    Sobbin pushed a lot of decency buttons for all of us.
    It was "purre" reaction !!

    1. Is that on Facebook? I'd like to join, where is it?

    2. yes, where is the live chat? I'd love to follow. While I think Cynical Jynx a fantastic writer, I actually love Mister Sisters straight on and dive-in-head-first approach. Other than the children, I'm not sure why anybody needs to tiptoe thru the McMansions with this krew.

  18. TLC & SW's Production Company need the investigative journalism skills of Sister Wives Blog and its loyal, intelligent blog fans. SWB just showed them up big time! Hooray for Sister Wives Blog!

    1. Who can see the number cruncher in the family secretly cracking up over this? Janelle, you're busted!

    2. Mister Sister: you should not be blushing, you should be boasting! I was just thinking today how the show has grown so stale & repetitive that I would MUCH PREFER a reality show of THIS BLOG over the actual show. Of course, the lame show would have to continue to make your BLOG SHOW work ... but you get my drift. You guys do an amazing job at this blog. It's so vibrant, honest and interesting ... which contrasts sharply to the blog's muse. When the muse becomes more interesting than the artist the "artist" Is in serious trouble. You amazing gals eclipsed the show long ago. Kudos! (Pun intended!)

  19. Meri should design a watering can necklace-to remind sister wives, frds, neighbors that they WILL water their own plants-this means u Janelle! Janelle should make an iconic cup necklace just for Meri with a card reading u can store your other cups anywhere u want but this cup was made to be shoved up your wetbar!

  20. To the poster, Anony, that has an unposted comment about a fantasy. Shhhh.... Cynical Jinx is working on the review, I bet you will have your answers then!!!

  21. First time posting, though I've been reading for a long time. I'm not sure where the March birthday for Day-un came from, but Becoming Sister Wives says that Meri and Day-un share a birthday, and that Janelle and Kody got married on the day after Meri's birthday, two weeks after their first date, shortly after New Years - which means he was born in January. So unless they lied in the book, which would have been a long time to premeditate this lie for ratings, the gestation works.

    1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sister_Wives#Children_.28color-coded_by_parents.29

      Dayton March 7, 2000
      Meri Jan 16
      Kody Jan 17

    2. That is indeed in the book. Maybe we jumped the shark by having March 7, 2000 in our heads.

      Meri has bonded with Dayton, and they share the same birthday.
      Becoming Sister Wives: Part Three: Family

    3. Who knows?
      It seems that Meri is one day different than Kody.
      So there are 3 within two days? How would the viewer know that? I remember the wives getting ready for Kody's birthday, but no mention of them.

      Can't blame us for looking to wikipedia!

    4. Even on the show they have celebrated Meri and Dayton's birthay on the same day. I wonder if Robyn changed his birthday too?

    5. The next mystery is if Robyn was born Oct. 1978 and married DPJessop June 1999 then how did she come up with being 19?
      And... if she was married in 1999 and HE filed for divorce in 2007 then it's 8 years, not 9.

      This girl needs a calculator & some cue cards next time she decides to tell a "true story"

    6. Mister Sister not so fast. I think we may be right about pregnancy gate.

      ALSO in the BOOK

      She married at 21 to a man who was from a "well-regarded" family in their community. In fact, she called the Jessops Spiritual leaders. Unfortunately, he mistreated and misled her.


      Did she just not say she got married at 19? So, Robyn, were you 19, 21, 83? what?

      Also in the book:

      Mariah shares Meri's eating habits - they prefer fruits, vegetables, chicken and fish instead of "kid-friendly" foods.



      My favorite stuff from Cynical Jinx ever ver everah!

      What a despicable, opportunistic, manipulative, gold-digging, passive-aggressive wrench this woman is! Don't forget she married into a "well-regarded" family the first time around. She knew what she was doing, too bad she didn't pick the right polygamist to climb up the social ladder. But wait, along comes this Lexis convertible with a goofy long haired dude inside it just aching to add a hot skinny mama to his unhappy harem to do the wild thing with. No matter what this woman says, read between the lines, folks, its plain to see exactly what her agenda was.


    7. About "kid-friendly" foods: in my world that nets down to french fries, chicken nuggets, broccoli covered in cheese sauce and mac 'n cheese. If your lucky, a Manwhich. Which 'splains a lot 'bout this fam-ly. Did y'all read Sobyn's blog on TLC about how food makes her repulsed or some such Krap? It was called "My body is mine" or something. In Seasons 1-2 I really LIKED this family (for 3/4 parts) but ever since they have become the show I LOVE to HATE. Sobyn is 80% of that problem. Meri and Krody are the other 20%.

  22. (Yes we re-assured her we were making a funny. No children were harmed in the making of our joke, but we might of warped on or two in the many years of child raising.)

    That is so funny!!! Might of warped one or two!! I am sure you didn't, but noooottt to sure about What other children's fate might be. Mommy starts with an R.

    Also, the tribute to Christine is refreshingly nice. She does try to be a good mommy. but the apple core, green because she's lost her purity, now that's funny, I don't care who you are.

  23. Thank you Lobotomized for posting the transcript. I just went and rewatched the episode. The way Robin uses her words is so confusing. It's like she hints at things but don't come out and say them. Usually I just tune her out when she is on. But I MADE my self listen. I agree with all or your posts. What she said was horrible. My parents were divorced when I was 3. He was abusive and an alcoholic. My mom HATED him with a passion and bad mouthed him all the time. She also liked to point out that most of my bad points came from him. One thing she never did though is refer to her marriage as a mistake. She said that if she would have never married him she wouldn't have me. So she was glad she did it. Growing up hearing only bad things about a parent CAN scar a child. SO Robin if you read this you need to think about your child's feelings rather then your's or Kody's. Sorry for the rant. I guess Mister Sister is rubbing off on me. Did anyone find it odd that Robin was a 19 yr old SENIOR in college?

  24. Thanks to Robyn, I may never eat a coolie again! Shudder

  25. Are the items for sale that you made? If so, where does one go to order something? Will you be doing a play by play again next week or for the next few weeks?

    1. These are not for sale, hopefully Twisted Sister will make some that we have talked about and put them on her post, at cafepress Twisted Sister.

      Cynical Jinx Reviews each episode like no one can beat! The best!

      We will be doing a spoilers/constant update on all episodes that we can, it was so much fun. There are two more episodes the season.

    2. The 'live' constant update was great! ESP since I live in Oz and last weeks first run eps here were when Logan, Hunter, Maddie and Mariah went back to Utah then Meri & Kodys Mexican vacation........oh the joy of seeing his sweaty butt for real, I remember the posts when it ran there. lol

  26. I just want to say thank you for posting all the obituaries. I enjoy reading them.

  27. Thank you for responding so quickly. I must head off to bed. Am looking forward to the blow by blow details to come. I love the blog. Thanks again.

  28. I wish I could read the comments after the 200 posts but it will not load. I have done more research about the `KID`` Robyn gave her purity to - David Preston Jessop - born 08/26/1979 making him 19 years old at the time of the wedding on June 26, 1999.
    I understand Robyn`s game that she must lie to satisfy Kody`s ego that he is the one and only MAN. He is the rock star and she is the groupie who will do and say anything to keep him. They are both dumber than rocks.

    1. So Robyn is a couple of years older than her first husband? If she was 19 when she lost her purity, he was only 17-18??

    2. 3 Digit - Do you use Explorer or Firefox as your web browser? I just realized that I cannot read comments over 200 on Explorer, but can if I use Firefox.


  29. You know...I have a friend who works for a different "reality" tv station and the shows are scripted...of course we all know it...but they are so scripted that I'm almost certain (because it's so late at night) that before they filmed the Scene of Lies that they sat the kids down and told them "remember this isn't true, it's just for TV."

  30. Who knows when those children were born, unless you were there. Heck, if they would not put Kody down as the father, (can you lie about something you are honestly????) what else would they lie about?

    Living apart
    I bet welfare fraud was amuck. Reading Christine's bankruptcy papers was just the beginning......

    Ly-in ain't no big deal as long as you got your purity.

    1. Unless u b ly-in about who/when you been ly-in with which might upset ur eye-dees 'bout pur-e-tee or cookies. Cookies? Really? If so, I be Sobyn's are like oatmeal raisin!

  31. http://sisterwivesblog.blogspot.mx/2012/01/i-scour-internet-black-out-day-edition.html
    Tweet from Robyn on January 16, 2012
    Real Kody Brown and I are taking our boy Dayton on the Brown traditional bday date.
    HE IS 12 TODAY.
    His birthday is January 16, 2000. Why is his birthday listed as March 7, 2000 all around the internet on Wikipedia, IMDB, etc.

    1. I can only guess because polyamory has POLY answers to EVERYTHING!

    2. Poor Robyn has a problem with numbers & dates I think. Seems she can't even figure out how old she was when she got married:

      Hint to Robyn: 1999 minus 1978 does not equal a 19 year old bride...oops!

    3. If Robyn changed his name why not change his birthday too??

    4. Wikipedia is never right. It has been shown several times that his birthday is January 16th so leave it at that. I will change it on Wikipedia now.

    5. Since his birthday is listed as wrong everywhere and it actually is mid January, that puts his conception at the first to mid April the previous year.

      Conception in April and marriage in June is more plausible.

    6. Didn't they make a big deal of Day-un having the same birthday as Meri's? What day is Mares?

    7. When did they flee Utah for their very lives? They stopped the hysterical packing to celebrate his birthday in mid "flee". That was back in Season2?

    8. Yes it was. We've established since last night that in the beginning, Robyn and crew manipulated the date for Dayton to March 7, it actually is in Jan. Since our discussion, the date is changing on major sites from March to Jan.


    9. Maybe Robyn is now employing "She-Ra" for Public Relations?

      ......I still can't say that out loud without a little giggle. ;D

  32. OMJS (Oh My Joseph Smith) how much do I love this blog??? This blog is ten times more entertaining than the show it is about. TLC should give YOU a show! I can't believe you gals have not picked up advertisers yet b/c you are way more interesting (and NICE) than, say, Perez Hilton who is brutal. I believe you admins to be like me: I WANT to like this family (or parts thereof) but

    1. I went to twitter, which I don't even have an account. If I did, I'd retweet all the posts to spread the word about the blog.

      Friday_Surprise ‏@Friday_Surprise 12 Aug
      @LuvgvsUwngs @SisterWivesBlog Better save ur packing peanuts. There's probably another double wide in your future. #whenthemoneyrunsout

      hahahahhahhahahahhaha!!!!! That was a good one, I've seen you added to many, you are BLOWING UP! I wish I could read what Robyn said, Darn it!

      Let's all get behind out bloggers:
      Tweet, facebook, whatever you do, put their posts up or tweet their tweets! Spread the
      Gospel According To SisterWivesBlog!!!!

  33. Two Comments: 1. Don't these women have to wear the "holy" mormon underwear?? Or does that only apply to the other three wives and not Robyn? Maybe this offshoot sect doesn't wear the underwear, but other have commented on the weird bulges under their clothes and assume it to be the underwear. I can't believe Robyn could rack up a $1000 debt to Victoria's Secret if she is supposed to be cloaked in her pure and chaste undies.
    2. Of course she would lie and distort Dayton's birthday. She has changed his name, why not his birthday? This fits with her fantasy that Krody is now his father. "Dayton's" given name is actually David, after his father, David Preston Jessop. My moles in Montana tell me that "Dayton" did go by his birth name David. So at what point did Robyn change it to "Dayton?" One guess. Or maybe she really is trying to say David and because we can't understand her mush mouth we hear it as Dayton?? That might be more plausible. In her tweet she says "Kody Brown and I our take our Dayton on the Brown traditional birthday" What the hell does that mean?! Like everything else, that comes out of her dodo mouth this makes no sense. I think she is saying that this is his "Brown Birthday" probably Krody assigned him this new birth date and it has no basis in reality.

    1. I took it to mean the traditional Brown birthday type of celebration. But not sure. You give food for thought.

    2. Now we have seen that Kody, Meri, and David Dayton all are together by one day, why have we not seen more of that? Surely in a family of birthdays galore, they'd put them all together.
      Then again, I've always wondered why in that large family Kody even gets a big present from his wives at Christmas.

  34. Mister Sister, nice to see you posting once again!

  35. I wonder who has the authority to change these pages to correct the birthday for Dayton. Funny that some of the kids only have the year of birth listed while Dayton has a month a day and a year and only the year of birth is correct:
    Again there is the same wrong info for Dayton.

    1. Note - these have been changed in the past 8 hours. 8 hrs ago, Dayton's birthdate was indeed March 7, 2000. I have it saved on record.

  36. In Robust divorce it stipulates neither parent is allowed to drink when they have children. Wonder why

  37. In Robust divorce it stipulates neither parent is allowed to drink when they have children. Wonder why

  38. Although I don't agree with her for doing so, I completely understand why Robyn lied about Dayton's birthday in earlier printed materials. (Of course she is not really smart enough to understand how flimsy this kind of lie is, and she is too naiive to understand that the public might be interested enough to do the not-very-deep digging necessary to expose the lie.) But I do understand the fear and shame that caused her to "move" Dayton's January birthday to March. It is the fear and shame that surrounds sex and sexuality in her and many other very controlling religions. Unless you have experienced that fear and shame yourself, it is very difficult to understand the crazy and irrational actions and lies it engenders (Robyn might have feared as much on Dayton's behalf as her own.) I'm not excusing Robyn, only saying that I understand why she lied about Dayton's birth month.

  39. Watching again, another serious issue I have with Robyn is her bargaining with God. In the clip above she thinks if she writes it all grace. come true.
    In the episode, she promises god this and that to attain what she wants. Well, in my world, there is no bargaining with God. you may gain through his grace, not by your own works. Not that you aren't supposed to do good, don't get me wrong, but by

  40. Robyn basically hid for 6 monthes after DAVID was born then for a long time tried to pass him off as 2 months older than what he was.
    Yes the church frown upon this but it has happened since the beginning of time.
    The church also didn't want her to marry Kody.
    She started dating him because she knew theyere was big talk of some show they had been working on a pilot for. She sought Meri out by driving to SLC and going to a couples function! Is that not strange, and down right evil.

    1. Why did she try to pass him off as two months older?

  41. Video "Time Capsule" above.

    Why is Robyn talking about Logan making Janelle a grandmother?
    Why is Robyn always the main speaker?

  42. Funny Review - yes it all has been hashed, but the picture at the end is priceless!
    Let's think about the picture of "rebel" Robin pointing to the Montana picture. Who took it? Since she went alone, nobody nobody was there, remember?
    Such a rebel that she ran all the way to Pinesdale, MT; one of the biggest AUB areas other than Utah. I think many are right... she dreamed, probably wrote it down....and Mom was saying, go for this guy!

  43. The Kody, Meri and Robyn Show has become far too tiresome to keep me as a viewer. The first show of the series, gave you an overview of the family and hearing from everyone is what made the show interesting.

    Who is to blame for the amount of air time given to the Kody, Meri and Robyn trio? The producers? Or is it the egos of the three, knowing certain subjects will give them the majority of the air time on the show? How many YEARS has Meri been deciding about having a baby? Come on!

  44. Ok I am confused. Robyn said she was trying to love her husband. Ok, so she slept with her future husband before marriage, but did not love him then. I could see if she loved the guy and things got out of hand - but this trying to love him is stupid. She had no business giving her purity away to a guy she was trying to love.
    I would love to be a fly on the wall and see what really goes on. There will be more wives as Robyn ages. Kody and his beady little eyes will scope out some young thing who thinks he is a "rock star plyg" and off they'll go. Unfortunately, I doubt if the TLS dollars will be around that long to see it happen.
    Robyn may think she is the hot wife, but she really needs to take a look in the mirror. Pretty is as pretty does and her actions to her fellow sister wives, especially Christine while she was in labor, and to her own kids, is down right ugly.

  45. With all this soul mate bull, Robyn manipulated Kody hook, line, and sinker!

  46. The video is much better than the actual film seen in the show, minus sobbin robin.

  47. Honey boo boo has her bisquit; Sister wives their cookies. Why is this all have to be food? I think both shows are a scream, and know lots like hbb here too.

  48. Mister Sister you are such a hoot! Glad no children were harmed!
    Does Mister Mister actually watch the show?

  49. Has anyone else noticed on the MSWC site that they are trying to re define the meaning of the term Sister Wife! They say something to the effect of a Sister Wife is a bestie, someone who you confide in and trust your kids with??? Wha? Is this one of Kody's brilliant marketing tricks? Can you just see them sitting around at that table in one of their MSWC board meetings with Kody at the head of the table, hey guys let's re define the term that way our iconic jooolry will actually be iconic to non plygs...they are also trying to say the SW charm stands for Super Woman, or Splendid Woman or something like that and not Sister Wife I guess...weird weird weird!

    1. I think Robyn is following the advice of her new manufacturer/mentor Gina. They've always said SW stood for Strong Women though.

    2. I also see it as a way to downplay the whole polygamy mess, as well as their faith.

  50. I don't know where is the best place to post this, but on Christine's twitter she said watching last nights episode and I was so sick on the set that day. The set? Isn't that your home, your life? Some time ago when Christine said we have to reset as a family. I thought that's what they say on film and tv sets when they have to do the scene again. They say reset, back to one. reality my you know what

    1. I'm sure she means the set where they film the couch sessions.

  51. Here is the ABSOLUTE truth about what the A.U.B. church believes about chastity. I grew up in the church. I have been to church with the family. I will not speak of them. I will only give you the facts about chastity and being chaste.

    Before you are married, no hand holding, kissing, even overt lust is considered a sin. The reason is that you might marry this person. Something might happen, then you've sinned.
    When my husband was courting his second wife, he was holding hand with her. I reminded him of our beliefs. He actually gave testimony about this and what I reminded him of, and that he was sinning, for he had lust in his heart for this woman before they were sealed. They were sealed in marriage. But many end up not, then you have to repent.

    There should be no kissing. Period.

    That should clear up some things for you to understand that chastity have many components. You can decide if they are following the tenets of faith.

    1. So when Christine told Kody he was "lovesick" for Robyn, he was actually lusting after her.
      When I think about this "family" to much I get sick to my stomach and creeped out. sometimes I even have nightmares that my husband is courting a girlfriend.

  52. https://www.thewrap.com/tv/article/tlc-introduces-progressive-polygamists-my-five-wives-exclusive-114021

    TLC Introduces Progressive Polygamists With 'My Five Wives' (Exclusive)

    TLC is ready to introduce its viewers to a new polygamous family. But, if you're thinking this is a redux of its hit "Sister Wives" reality series, you may be pleasantly surprised by the show's twist on polygamist values.

    One-hour special, "My Five Wives," will premiere on Sept. 15 at 9/8c and feature a polygamist family that left the Mormon Church in protest of its conservative beliefs, TheWrap has learned.

    As TLC has been known to do, the success of the special may lead to a series pickup for "My Five Wives."

    Also read: TLC's 'Little Couple' Stars Address Double-Adoption Criticism (Exclusive Video)

    Brady Williams, his five wives and their total of 24 children, live outside of Salt Lake City. They believe in all kinds of progressive ideas they don't share with the Mormon Church, including equality for everyone and a God who accepts all people.

    Shunned by their former Church brethren, the family says they are polygamous by choice and not just religious doctrine.

    Produced by Relativity Television, the series also goes further into the family's intimate relationships than "Sister Wives." Cameras are allowed in the bedrooms and the women speak openly about their schedules with Brady.

    See the cast descriptions below:

    BRADY WILLIAMS: Brady was born into the Mormon Church, but until age 16, he had never heard of polygamy. At that time, his parents converted to a faith that embraced the lifestyle. Until the age of 34, he grew as a church leader before he and his family decided to break away. Currently, Brady works as a project manager at his brother’s construction business while also pursuing a degree in philosophy at the local college.

    PAULIE (1st Wife): Paulie and Brady have been married for 21 years and have six children, ranging in ages from 20 to nine years old. She was raised in a polygamist family and expected Brady to have additional wives, but she is also proud of her oldest daughter, who is recently married and plans a monogamous lifestyle. Paulie works as a dental hygienist.

    ROBYN (2nd Wife): Robyn and Brady have been married for 20 years and have five children, ranging in ages from 19 to nine years old. Married about nine months after Paulie, Robyn also grew up in a polygamous home and expected to be a plural wife. Dubbed by the family as the “creative” wife, Robyn has taken a few art classes and loves making handmade gifts for her large family.

    Also read: 'Supernanny' Star Is Breaking From Tradition in 'Family S.O.S.'

    ROSEMARY (3rd Wife): Rosemary and Brady have been married for 18 years and have four children, ranging in ages from 17 to 11 years old. Rosemary used to work for the family construction business but stopped after winning a scholarship at the local college. She is studying for her teaching degree in music and biology and is particularly passionate about composing.

    NONIE (4th Wife): Nonie and Brady have been married for 15 years and have five children, ranging in ages from 14 to four years old. Nonie was living in Montana when she first met Brady, and the two had a brief long-distance courtship before they got engaged. She currently handles the administrative side of the family’s construction business and is the only wife that works with Brady on a steady basis.

    RHONDA (5th Wife): Rhonda and Brady have been married for 12 years and have four kids, ranging in ages from 13 to two years old. Rhonda, who is Robyn’s cousin, loves to work outside the home and is now a medical assistant. Despite their immediate bond, she confesses it still took eight years before she really felt like she belonged in the family. While Rhonda says there are downsides to polygamy, she loves that her kids always have other mothers around that love them.

    1. This is super de duper big news!
      I can not wait!
      We will defiantly be covering this special, and hopefully it will get picked up!

      I smell the end of Sister Wives.

      I think it might be much more acceptable-by choice not by religion.

      I hope they don't have to FLEE fearing prosecution. *snork*


      What do you think folks?

    2. oops! I wanted for this to be seen and copied their name! This is Mister Sister, just to HAPPY!

  53. I'm glad Dayton's birthday was brought up. I remembered seeing the March date on wiki and just wrote it off as misinformation (since anyone can edit a wiki) because on the show they made a HUGE deal about Meri and Dayton sharing a birthday. Maybe she did manipulate the birthday to try and hide having premartial sex..

    But the web of lies is so thick and sticky at this point who knows. I don't even think Robin remember the truth at this point. Some people lie so well and so often they begin honestly believing that the lies are the truth.

  54. I can't post this where the pictures are, but in the post where Robyn is giving birth.
    I guess:

    Much of the labor where she so quietly grunted three times was shot when she was in early labor.
    That way, so nice and easy it looked!
    Then cut to one quick shot of the birth, or shot after the birth and they put the baby down then back up like it was being born so easily.

    I never thought they were honest there, much like what is shown in the review.

    Can anyone think of how that was shot? It's bugged me for a year?

    I just know those close ups of her hoochie was when it was early and she wasn't pulling Kody's hair out while crying. Hell, she cries over everything.

    Her first sight of the child was to blase' like, hi, wasn't that rough? As emotional as she is, no way.

  55. NEW Polyamist show!August 28, 2013 at 11:32 PM

    YEAH YEAH YEAH! This looks much more interesting.
    People. Started out Mormon, now not.
    I hope they don't jump ship and try to sell us stuff.

    1. NEW Polyamist show!August 28, 2013 at 11:32 PM this is exciting news. They all look so.. ..normal in the picture!

    2. My Fives Wives! Wow Now that's a crew.
      All the folks work, Have gone to or a college educated. They were FM but broke from the sect. This should be good!

    3. 5 of them. Geez. now surely they are smart enough to have their act together before doing a show. Sister Wives is life the guide of what not to do.
      Are they still so fearfu ...they will be packing for Lehi in 3 2 1

    4. I have to admit, I am fascinated by religion-based polygamy, and the family on this new show seem to have drifted from that to polyamory for its own sake. This seems too "normal" to be all that interesting to me.

  56. Laughed my way though the post and through the comments.

    I could see Mister Sister and Cynical Jinx sitting together gabbing about all this, trying to make each other laugh wearing 2 shirts and the whole garb. Even starting to talk like them to crack each other up. I wonder if they make Mister Sister wear a Kody wig!
    Just kidding, all of this fun!
    Glad you didn't harm any children Mister! what ahoot!

  57. NEW Polyamist show!August 28, 2013 at 11:32 PM

    Oh boy I can't wait! A new show for the blog. I hope it is good, and I hope they pick it up! Bye Bye Browns!

  58. Yipee! The description of the new show sounds yummey!
    They are going to talk about sex. Like grown ups. I see a SLAM Browns!
    Are you going to put a post up about the new show?

  59. I noticed this yesterday-I say fresh meat folks, the execs @TLC are sharpening their proverbial cancellation cleavers. Not sure what this new family will bring-they do look a bit healthier, happier, and also a bit younger. Looking forward to this nuplyg clan. A new guilty pleasure perhaps!


    1. the first wife and plyg hubby have been married 21 years and 5th wife 15 years, so not sure how they could be any younger than the Browns. sounds like the same ages.

    2. looks like new show is only a one hour special like Dargers were.

    3. They are less conservative...some wives are showing their arms...and they work! WORK!

    4. They have jobs!!!!!! Oh wow! -T-

    5. They very well may be, let me clarify; I would say this because they as a group look quite a bit fresher, not so rough around the edges, eh? "Rough" is definitely the word.

  60. Forget the sex talk - let`s hear the money talk. I want to know how they make $$$$$ and support a huge family without scamming the government and faking multiple bankruptcies.

  61. TLC has been listening. I am convinced but of course have not proof of this, but SWB would bring up little tidbits that almost would stop you - like - did they read what we thought 6 months ago? Good for the blog for being so honest and introspective, and the posters for adding so much richness.

    TLC viewers are the good ole bible belt.

    They can accept this group much easier. Why? We all sin, we all can be forgiven. (Their beliefs)Example: One person smokes. Another has affair. Both still have deep rooted belief systems within the Christian or Catholic faith. So don't judge and move on. What did not muster was the whole celestial planets and such.

    There is Polygamy USa which showed TLc up by at least having the families actually have some
    works behind their faith.

    The Browns lost believability factors with the move.

    Robyn has ruined their quality of family.

  62. http://www.nytimes.com/1997/12/11/garden/a-house-10-wives-polygamy-in-suburbia.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm

    This is an old article written when the Williams family (new polygamists) only had three wives. It also talks a bit about the architecture of Centennial Park and Colorado City. I thought it was an interesting read, if anyone else wants to look.

  63. A new show sounds great. On the other hand, cutting off the TLC funds for the original SW means the end of our current fascination and sick obsession with this group. It also means no money for the endless therapy all their children are going to need! While I would enjoy watching this group literally kicked to the curb for their unbelievably
    horrible behavior, I would like to see it played through. Once again, Janelle and Christine, if you ever read this blog here is YOUR GOLDEN TICKET!!! Run like the wind far far away from Kodyville! You have fans that even though we do not understand most of your decisions, we would tune in to watch you both run, run, run and start a new life without the two most unbelievably manipulative, self centered, immature,narcissist women ever to unfold before our eyes! Kody deserves to be left with Meri and Sobbin, TLC would be nuts not to televise the two of you on your own! You both seem to be good parents that love your children. Separated from Kodyville you both will shine. Be smart, buy a reasonable duplex or something similar and save your money for the future LIKE WHEN THE TLC MONEY IS GONE! Yes that is me screaming on the computer. TLC are you reading??? We would LOVE to see this scripted version of SW. As for Kody, Robyn and Meri, karma is a b!!

    1. Working titles for the pilot show featuring Janelle and Christine on their own...

      "Sister Wives Smackdown" (as an homage to Kodpiece's love of wrestling)

      "Coming Out of My Sister Wife's Closet"

      "Two wives, twelve kids, no longer counting"

      "Stuck in Lehi Again" Christine and Janelle return to Utah and "occupy" the Lehi house (leaving grim Meri and Sobbyn with new neighbors on the cuddle-sac once Janelle and Christine sell theirs. They help their children rebuild the lives they loved and lost when they were forced by egomaniac Kodpiece to move to L.V.) (Speaking of which... if one of them did want to sell one of the McMansions and forfeit their night of culdle-sac-s_x who would buy it and how would that work with it being a "gated" compound? Obviously they didn't think that far ahead or there's some kind of agreement that if they want to sell the house goes back to the rest of the family?)

    2. What an awesome statement regarding Janelle and Christine They need to get the hell out of Dodge and leave the rest of that sorry mess on their own!

  64. A mailbox with a thumbs up or down if Kody is there?

  65. Twisted Sister,
    What about a cartoon with KODY wearing a codpiece or chastity belt over his clothes?

  66. A sign to put in each women's yard: Honk if your horny and coming in!

  67. A Mailborx with a thumbs up or down to indicate if the want Kody! With $'s in case there's a line!

  68. "It wasn't MY fault..I mean...I...well...Robyn was just to freaking goofy to not lost my patience or my lost sexualitililty. And it him broke her heart. He stole it from me.
    Or whatever the manipulative minion said, it's my story too."

    Good play! Such sarcastic humor. Love the blog.

  69. Are you aware that EACH adult on the show receives $75.000.00 per episode I refuse to support this mess of a "family"

    1. Are you aware that EACH adult on the show receives $75.000.00 per episode I refuse to support this mess of a "family"

      I have two words as proof the Browns don't make $75K per adult per episode:


      Take out your calculator and multiply 14 episodes (6 so far this year and the 8 from 11/18/12 - 12/30/12) by 375000. That comes out to a whopping $5.25 Million!

      That is more than what has been speculated as NeNe Leakes salary, reportedly the HIGHEST paid housewife of the extremely successful Real Housewives franchise on Bravo. Supposedly she only makes $1 million plus bonuses).

      I don't know where this rumor originated about the Browns salary, but think about this...TLC is not Bravo by a long shot, but supposedly it's paying a talent, that doesn't even garner the popularity of Honey Boo Boo, more money than the highest paid talent on a highly rated reality show on a top tier cable channel? Hell, that's money rivaling salaries on some top-rated national TV network shows!

      And one other thing, here's a link to the OK Magazine article with the estimated salaries of the Real Housewives. Where's your link ?


      Please, no more speculation about the Browns income without some kind of proof. Which we know doesn't exist because THEY DON'T MAKE THAT KIND OF MONEY!

      Until a link to an article in a national e-magazine is provided that quotes the Browns salary for Sister Wives, this topic is CLOSED for discussion.

  70. Now I don't care who you are, this stuff is funny!

  71. Just read this post! I have to tell Mister Sister I've missed her humor and glad to see her posting again!

  72. The kotex wings joke is too cute. Now every time I see that luv will give you wings crap I will think of a kotex.

    This public display of K and D, all the pictures, is a real mental issue for these kids.
    Most 4 yr olds would get mad if daddy was kissing someone else, and they haven't been indoctrinated in the Robyn school of Purity.

  73. Funny. Kotex wings....classic!
