Friday, August 16, 2013

Discussion Page 8/16/13 Westminster College Has Called Mariah's Name!

Meri: Mariah, are you sure you don't want me to move into the dorm with you?

Yep, it's that time of year when college Freshman are moving, or getting ready to move, into their dorm rooms. I just have a couple of helpful things to say about dormlife. First of all, never share a dorm room with a friend because I will guarantee you won't be friends by the end of the semester. And remember the old saying, "Neither a borrower nor a lender be..." FYI: This goes for boyfriends, too.

Here's a snapshot of Mariah's journey so far....

Nice pic, but who is that guy in the back seat?

Oh boy. I would pay MONEY to have seen this happen!! Can you imagine the look of scorn on Meri's face?

Geez, not in the dorm 24 hours and already...

Back in the real world, you can never have too many pictures of Truely...courtesy of her big sis Aspyn...

Free discussion !! (within SWB Guidelines, of course)


  1. My guess is the guy is from production?
    Otherwise, her future priesthood holder?

    1. He almost has the same eyes as Mariah...

    2. My first thought was a brother/whatever of Kody. Looks like him but decently groomed and younger.

  2. Mariah totally has Meri's chin.

  3. Truely is truly a little sweetie!

  4. Truly is the most interesting person in that family lol. She is always dancing around and smiling. I wanna know more about Truly and her life lol.

  5. Looks like they are in a Panera restaurant (see napkin in photo). Do you suppose they're in one of Panera's honor-system cafes where you pay what you want? Just wondering.

    1. With a little googling, Las Vegas is not one of the cities with a Panera Cares Community Café.

      For those interested the cities are Clayton MO, Dearborn MI, Portland OR, Chicago IL, Boston MA.

      No need to wonder any more.

    2. It's Panera Bread, there are several locations in Las Vegas

    3. Panera in Clayton, MO??? Could they pick a little less affluent area to offer their 'care' services? I mean it's their business and they can do what they want but I would have thought some of the North County areas or St. Louis City would have more of a need than Clayton which is mostly businesses or wealthy homeowners.

  6. You can bet that if they are in one on those types of cafes that they aren't paying a thin dime since they expect to have everything handed to them anyway.

  7. I was delighted with this blog when I first found it, especially since, at the start, these gals were catching heat JUST for being polygamists. I frequently came to their defense. Unfortunately, I've found that I can't really add much constructive commentary, as I agree with most of the comments made, that Christine and Janelle are likeable and intelligent people who have it together familywise/lifewise, Robyn seems to be not as awful as some say, but still relatively clueless, and Meri bugs. I'm seeing Meri as being more and more of a negative person with each episode, even though she started out as my favorite of the Sister Wives. I guess I could paw and snort and threaten to stop watching, but I won't do that - I'm too much of a masochist, so I'll just keep reading and appreciating all the comments. Thank you all for starting my days with a HUGE toothy grin. Also - I used to watch the episodes a few days late on On Demand, but On Demand is not keeping up their end of the bargain. I ended up missing two episodes altogether that were not on On Demand, so does anyone know where I can go to watch catch up episodes without paying $1.99 to YouTube or Amazon? I pay for cable, and I pay for On Demand Give it to me!

    1. That's strange on your end because I also have on demand and they do indeed add each episode to on demand after it airs, almost immediately. Ive missed episodes on Sunday and if I check Monday or Tuesday, its there on demand.

    2. Occasionally an episode of something (not just SW) will not be put on demand. Usually its the exact one you want to see. I missed an episode of the truly ill-conceived 'Zero Hour'. The episodes around it went to demand, but not the one I missed. And, I checked every other day for a couple weeks.

  8. Isn't that Kody's youngest brother that showed up for the Great Vegas Bar/Motorcycle gang SW episode?

    1. I don't think that is Michael Brown.

    2. That makes sense. IMO he looks a whole lot like Mariah.

    3. He could be Mariah's cousin? Didn't Meri's sister have a son?

  9. Being a newbie to the blog, I have been searching around for some dirt on Robyn's (Sobbin's) ex-husband. I cant seem to find anything on this blog, and there has go to be something on here, you lil' gossips (lol that is why I am loving this blog right now) can anyone point me in the direction of some discussions that talk about him?

    And yes Truely is adorable, she and christine should have their own spin off show!

  10. Where is Aspyn going to college?

  11. I said it before, I'll say it again. I'm rooting for Mariah. I hope time away from home and with the help of some new and interesting friends, shapes her character in ways no one thought was possible. Especially now that she's the furthest away from her family. They seem to be all they have most of the time so I pray she finds good spirited, non-judgemental, non negative people to surround herself with. Hopefully she doesn't have too much of a hard time with those who have a negative, preconceived notion of who she might be because producers prefer to only show her in a not so good light. I wish her well on her own.

    1. I'm rooting Mariah gets to live 'the dream' of polygamy. Maybe then she will understand how misguided and unpleasant the whole situation is when your husband takes on multiple wives. M is used to being a 'special flower' in the family.

      I would love to see the bloom come off the rose in this situation :)

    2. Hear! Hear!

      All the Best Wishes for Mariah's new venture and life.

    3. I am praying that Mariah learns to make wise, positive, mature, faith-filled choices in her life. She is just starting to spread her wings and grow as her own person. I truly wish the best for her.

    4. Okay, but who knows that she really will be a polygamous after all. Lots of young teenagers THINK that they know exactly what they want at that age. I know I did! She may be back in Utah, the base of her religion, but as I said she's now the furthest away from home. Away from her mother(s) and father and siblings. And its not like she's attending a religious school either.
      Wouldn't it be something if she eventually fell in love with a monogamous with no intention on practicing polygamy and liked it? And instead, one of the anti polygamy girls at home fell in love with a polygamous and decided to go that way after all? Regardless of what they say now, no matter how passionate, you never know what a persons outcome will be. They're all still so young. They just might surprise you!

    5. I'll bet Mariah's first serious boyfriend experience will be enough to convince her that polygamy's sharing may not be for her. It doesn't seem that she's had lots of dating experience in high school but that will probably change in college. Living the Principle is all well and good in the abstract ( good in fundamental Mormon circles anyway). It's the reality of the Principle that would be very uncomfortable for her. College and independent living are grand teachers! It would be so great to see a follow-up show 5 years from now.

    6. PlygKoolAid, if only there was a like button as I completely agree. However, that goes for ALL the teens. Not just Mariah.
      @Anon 12:19, we'll see if this show lasts as long as the Duggars. If so we'll get to see Mariah in those 5 years. Probably not though if the series doesn't bring something fresh to the table. If not, I too am hoping for a follow up. Or at least a book. I'm really interested to see who follows through with the beliefs or not. I for one, seriously believe we will be in for a few shocks.

    7. I, too, hope Mariah has a wonderful college experience and I'm hoping that being away from home, she'll be able to gain some life experience and perhaps rethink polygamy. When I was a teenager I was dead set on never, ever having children but once I got married, I changed my mind. Maybe Mariah will change her mind on polygamy. I mean, if she really wants to live as a polygamist, then more power to her, but I fear that maybe, like others here have said, she views being a sister wife through rose colored glasses due to her being the daughter of a first wife. As this show has shown us, the first wife is just treated differently (usually better) and if Mariah happens to be the second, third or fourth wife, she may see polygamy in a whole new (bad) light. She's still young though and being on her own for the first time will probably change her, so we'll see. I certainly didn't like the attitude she seemed to have while everyone was helping Janelle move in to her new home, but Mariah is a teenager, just like all of us once were, and teenagers can be bratty. I had my bratty moments as a teenager too, but I grew up, and that's what Mariah is doing, growing up. I really do wish her nothing but the best and a very happy college experience.

  12. I am glad that there first three kids are going to college. I would find it hilarious if Mariah fell for a regular LDS mormon and was monogamous. I'm not for sure on Aspyn or Logan. I guess it depends on who there firsts are? I'm a little surprised they haven't gotten with other polygamous families like the Dargers so the kids could meet other kids of the same belief system.

  13. These kids know many, many of their own kind. They actually go to lehi all time. They just act persecuted to support the victim image that they have manufactured.

  14. Where was that first still taken - have we seen that plaque in the background before? I assumed this was in Meri's house, but am kind of surprised that she would have her "bonus kids'" names on her wall.

    1. I don't know whose house, but it might be the bottom of a larger plaque with all the kids names, since those are the three youngest ones. Or it might even be the set that they use for filming the couch sessions.

    2. Actually it is Meri 's living room. Notice they are sitting on the sofa Kody chose from the consignment store a couple of seasons ago.

    3. Oh, good eye! I figured it probably had all the kids....I'm going to need to look for it onscreen now. Are Robyn's other three listed? And will they have to make an add-on plaque for any future or "seer-git" Kodypendents? Inquiring minds want to know! ;)

    4. Yes this is in Meri's house and the plauque has everyone in the family listed. I want to say there is a quote or verse about family on top and then all the names are under it...

  15. Truely is just darling I wish we could see more of her. Sol is pretty cute too. I just wish they would feed them something with a few nutrients. That bowl of pasta does not look all that healthy. Have they heard of the 4 major food groups?

    1. My goodness, Pollyanna, that is exactly what I thought when I saw that photo of Truely: She'd be cuter eating something with fresh vegetables.

      Does this family not know how to eat, or are they just damn lazy?

    2. While I don't think the Brown kids are fed the best food ever, I think that picture is taken in a restaurant and Truely's bowl of pasta is probably the only thing she would eat without protest. I have seen children before eating the very same thing in a restaurant even though their parents feed them much better at home.

    3. Agreed, my son is 6 and a very picky eater. For the last 3 years, all he eats mostly is peanut butter and jelly. Its too much of a protest to get him to eat anything else. Its not ALL he eats lol but its his favorite. Since he likes it so much I give him whole grain or double fiber bread, not white, and I buy jelly without high fructose corn syrup. He also will get fruit or vegetables along with his sandwich. Im trying to get him to try new things, it works sometimes and sometimes its a fight lol. Had we gone to a Panera at Truly's age he would have wanted a pbj im sure.

  16. My best friend from high school and I roomed together our freshman year of college. We're still best friends 10 years later!

  17. I'm wondering if the young guy in the back seat is actually Logan with longer hair/different hairstyle? Looks a lot like him to me (and a lot like Kody). If it's not than my guess is that it's one of her cousins.

    1. I'd wager dollars to donuts that isn't Logan.

    2. It's not Logan. The previous post here had a photo of Janelle's fam and Logan is in it. Still the same short hair and no face fuzz plus this kid's face is rounder.

    3. Not Logan, but def. looks related to Mariah.

    4. I would imagine it is a cousin that they picked up when they reached SLC. Lets not forget they have a ton of family there and might have wanted some extra muscle for move in day.

  18. You know what would be funny? If Kody somehow converts and marries Mariah's college roommate. I wonder how gung-ho she would be for polygamy after that.

    1. Maybe that's why Kody didn't go on the know how it is, any time he's talking to women, they immediately think he's interested in them for his 5th. Life is tough for the surfer dude.


    2. Omg!! Anon 10:15 that was hilarious. I would love to see Kody and Meri scouting out potential fifth wives at Mariah's campus. We all know the fifth wife is coming eventually!!

  19. I wonder if Kody went along to help Mariah move in and see her off. I just moved two kids back to school and couldn't have done it without my husband. I didn't see Kody, but he could be taking the picture. Meri would need him to drive her back. I cried halfway home the first time I dropped my daughter off!
    And I think the guy in the back is definitely a cousin given the resemblance to Mariah.

    1. I moved both my kids into dorms without the help of my husband. The oldest went all the way from San Diego to Cornell in New York. We didn't drive we flew, so there really wasn't much to move. The other went to St. Louis, same thing, I did it without him.

    2. I am a widow and have been doing everything by myself since my son was 12, including moving my son into his dorm yesterday. You do what you have to do.

    3. I've done it both ways, multiple times. I much prefer to do it by myself because we can take as long as we need, go to the local Target, or whatever, go pick up books etc, on our own schedule.

      There was no crying involved. But maybe that's because I had boys.

      I expect Kody was there, because that car didn't look near big enough (especially with at least 1 person in the back seat) to have all Mariah's stuff in it. I expect he was driving a second vehicle also.

      I'm sure Logan and Aspen moved themselves in, with the help of Hunter and Maddie and MyKelti. No parents required.

    4. Anon 8:29 - LOL that is funny, "I didn't see Kody, but he could be taking the pictures!" Kody would never be the taker, he has to be front and center in ALL pictures!


  20. In my research, I discovered that the state of Utah never had any plans to prosecute Kody for polygamy, leaving it up to local law enforcement who investigated to make sure there were no minor children being married into or out of the arrangement, which of course there weren't. Otherwise, they had no plans to charge him with anything. In May 2012, LE issued an official statement that they were not going to pursue charges against him. So I wonder why they didn't just make plans to move back to Utah to their home they never sold and to be near their church family. It's obvious the older kids had wanted to go home from the beginning and since there was no longer any danger of prosecution, I don't get why they wanted to sink all that money into new homes in Vegas. Do you suppose moving back to Utah wouldn't be as entertaining as staying in Vegas, missing home and family would be? I have a clue for them; it's not working.

    1. That's interesting. Maybe they really moved because it was a little too close for comfort living under the same roof together--especially with a new wife coming on board. As it is, they sometimes make remarks that even living next door to each other might create some privacy problems!

  21. Prediction: Within the next year we will hear the publicity hound Brown krew complain that the college kids' privacy is being invaded on campus because of their "fame". Now that they are settled into the gated cuddle-sac and the Nevada authorities don't want them for polygamy they'll need some other excuse to play the victim role.

  22. I think the boy in the back seat is one of those kids Meri thought she was going to have.

    1. That is priceless, CPA Carol! Imagine if we began seeing all 8 of the children Meri thought the universe owed her! I think I'll write a story about that.

    2. Love it CPA - really wish there was a like button or LOL button!!!


    3. Yep, it must be Obadyah. Lol

  23. Hi, I'm confused. Are the shows 1 year behind? If we know they already got their homes last Christmas, does that mean these episodes with Mariah going off to college are new, filmed within weeks since its almost September now?

    1. We are watching what happened in December 2012. Mariah and Aspyn were still in high school. They were only visiting the college campuses.

  24. This may have been covered in another thread but I have to say I was so impressed by Christine's presents to the kids. She is clearly the most motherly, and I really liked it how she included all the kids equally. Even Robyn's. Also each child had a long page, not just a sentence or two. I thought that was a really nice and lovely thing.

    1. I've always believed that Christine loves all the children as her own...she certainly did a great job raising the older ones (hers & janelle's). It bothers me to see her at the bottom of Kody's wife pile. I know Meri is valued as the queen bee, Janelle as the brains & Robyn as the trophy but he just doesn't seem to value her devotion to his multitude of offspring.

  25. I've been thinking more about Kody's comment about 'sometimes being romantic with Janelle being awkward'. I re-watched the episode, and caught the next statement. He was specifically discussing the shopping for a new mattress and bedroom suite, and said 'it wasn't awkward at all'.

    Now for all us old married folks: is there one bit of romance involved in picking out a mattress for your 20th anniversary? Because I have never found shopping for furniture with my husband romantic in the least little bit.

    1. I think Janelle takes what she can get in the opportunity to spend ANY time with her husband. Or not. Of all the women she seems the most independent.

  26. Hey, do you guys think Meri still makes pajamas for all the kids on Christmas Eve?? Somehow I don't think she could have done it through all of the grief and tears this year.

  27. Did we see Janelles recent tweet about the beach trip? Vegas isn't what I would call "relatively close" but who am I? I just don't get their logic with their Disneyland trips and this trip to the beach...

  28. I do like the picture of Sobbin shooing sweet Truly away, shows her true colors!

  29. Did anyone notice Salvation Army on the boxes of food the girls were making caramels from. What's up with that?

  30. Where is Robyn's older son? She wanted to show her daughters the house but didn't say anything about her son?

  31. I don't know why but that little Truely sure has me infatuated. She is such a little doll - spry little cutie pie. Has such a precious innocent sweetness about her :) I am on Team Truely, even if it is spelled wrong :))

  32. I know it's been stated before but I just do not understand how if bigamy is against the law and in ILLEGAL and people used to go to jail for what they are doing, this is not the case now. I mean is this a law that is the equivalent of taking off the tags on your mattress? I mean, it says on the tag it is some kind of crime I think....

    I am not saying I want them to go to jail but their grandparents did - please educate me. I really want to know. Or direct me to where it is already covered. I

    1. This Wikipedia article gives a background to Mormon fundamentalism.

      Mormon fundamentalism

      In reference to why Utah/Arizona does not prosecute, the article says "...the Utah state government has left the Mormon fundamentalists to themselves unless their practices violate laws other than those prohibiting bigamy". The laws being referred to are those prohibiting underage marriage, welfare fraud etc.

      By the way, it is the retailer of mattresses that cannot remove mattress tags. This is to protect the consumer - to ensure they are purchasing a new, unused mattress.

    2. Government pretty much picks and chooses which laws they will enforce anymore. It's a bad law, get it off the books. But when our elected officials allow some laws to just be dismissed it sets a bad precedent for everyone!
