Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hearing set in ‘Sister Wives’ case

Family on reality show challenges Utah’s polygamy law.
A federal judge has set a hearing date for arguments on whether a reality TV show family’s challenge to Utah’s law banning polygamy should be dismissed because prosecutors won’t file charges against them.
A central legal question in the case has been whether Kody Brown and his four wives, Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn, have the legal right to challenge the law even though they were never charged under it. 

Please read the rest at :



  1. Still Not drinking the Green KoolaidJuly 5, 2012 at 7:23 AM

    Good morning,
    I read the article and I saw a comment on it that was very telling. If the person who commented watches this blog, I would love to hear more about this. Here it is:
    How very strange that the USA hides from the real truth of the harm of polygamy, whereas on November 23, 2011, Chief Justice Robert Bauman of BC Supreme Court, Canada, ruled that Canada's laws against polygamy must stand because the ancient patriarchal practice harms ALL society. After examining evidence from both pro and con groups for 4 months, and examining many research papers, he ruled that polygamy contravenes women's equality rights as guaranteed by Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, (something the US lacks), impoverishes their children, and sets younger, poorer men in competition with richer, older men for a wife and a family of their own, this because Nature has not even made two women for every one man. Polygamy comes from the dark ages when women had no rights and were considered chattels. Kick it into the garbage can of history, where it belongs, and give American women back their dignity. The year is 2012 AD. not 2012 BC.   

    1. That is extremely interesting. I hope to hear more.

    2. I also saw that recently when Canada decided that about Winston Blackmore and large plyg family. and he got charged for tax fraud/evasion. BUT I still never saw any jail time nor any consequence that he went through?? Seems like Canada's no different than Utah when it comes to actually upholding and punishing w/jail time re:their plyg law.

    3. Peanut Butter FritosJuly 5, 2012 at 11:15 AM

      I wish Utah would step up and enforce its own laws. Texas did charge felony polygamy on a couple of Warren Jeff's followers, even with no child brides. Utah, not so much.

      I don't think it's up to the sheriff to enforce what felonies he feels like, and Utah's bigamy felony law is still on the books until the people of Utah say otherwise. I don't see them rallying and marching for polygamy just yet. They knew it was illegal and went on TV anyway to further their own agenda. Maddening.

    4. Utah will never enforce polygamy. Too many mainstream Mormon elected officials w/too many plygs in their own ancestry. It opens up a whole can of worms for the mormon church which they've spent decades now trying to distance themselves from re:their history. they are part of the problem. it's not going to change.

    5. MeriMeriQuiteContraryJuly 5, 2012 at 12:03 PM

      Still Not Drinking the Koolaid, Love your name! I am loving the new names. I guess I better join in.

    6. Also, Utah is not made of money. The same reasoning why marajuana use isn't really enforced, even where it is illegal. If a cop sees you smoking a joint, the most they will usually do is take it away from you - if that - and if you're at a concert or some similar event, they won't even bother to look at you.

    7. I didn't post that original comment but I love it :) I'm Canadian and one of the things I love about this country is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and not just because it makes polygamy illegal (although I can see why a broad ban might not be good, since not all polygamy is necessarily bad, right?). I wish that the US had something similar in place because otherwise it's just too easy to make women second-class citizens a la The Handmaid's Tale.

      The Winston Blackmore case was dismissed because the Attorney General cycled through several special prosecutors which the BC Supreme Court decided was not allowed [ref]. It is disappointing that the government at all levels hasn't taken adequate steps to prosecute the polygamists in Bountiful.

    8. i'm still failing to see how Canada is taking care of their own polygamy problem any better than Utah or the U.S. in general. The only law enforcement/court I'm proud of so far is Texas for finally stopping Warren Jeffs when Utah clearly could have years before.

    9. In my blog, I wrote a post regarding this topic and I cited an article about it as well. There are no instances where a society that practices polygamy flourishes. They have all shown to produce more poverty and more crime due to the increased competition between males to win mates.

    10. This is actually a ruling I disagree with. As much as I dislike polygyny and as much as I believe in the equality of all people ( including women! ), I also believe that to maintain a truly free society you have to allow people the right to be bigoted, racist, sexist a-holes in their private lives. To do otherwise is a little too close to "thought police" for my taste.

      Also the same arguments -- that this somehow harms the fabric of society -- are currently used to argue against gay marriage which is something I support. So in general I'm not comfortable with anything that dictates the private lives of adults, even when those private lives are repellent to me. I prefer the approach currently taken in Utah and other places where the law steps in only when other laws (like rape) are broken or when the children are at risk.

    11. KathyRo, I would disagree in that polygamous marriage is seldom just about marriage. Hundreds, if not thousands of children are affected. As StillNotDrinking...said, it harms ALL of society, not to mention the cost to the state; to the taxpayer. I'm reading yet another book by awoman who escaped a polygamous cult. "Fifty Years of Polygamy", I think (sorry, it's on the iPad I'm typing this on, and don't want to start all over!). It tells the same tale we've heard over and over again, only with more sexual abuse. It is not just about consenting adults, but a culture that certainly seems to inevitably lead to abuse of one kind or another.

    12. Kathy Ro: Philosophically, I understand your position. However, I do not believe that polygamy (one man/multiple women) is comparable to same sex marriage. As with heterosexul marriage, same sex marriage is between TWO people. Polygamous marriage is a dominant male and subservient females. (I am not discussing polyamory here). Marriage between TWO people has the potential to be equitable. Marriage among three, with the male dominant, will always require subservience.

    13. rape IS going on in the FLDS compound in utah. children ARE at risk. the cops and the judges ARE the FLDS themselves and the women who have escaped (most of the time without their kids) are saying there's NO ONE on the inside to complain to nor get help/justice from.

      religious indoctrinated polygamy is NOT really a choice! just ask anyone who has finally escaped its hell. FLDS, AUB and others.

      fwiw - i'm also for gay marriage. ;') it's apples and oranges from religious indoctrinated polygamy.

    14. 50 YEARS OF POLYGAMY - is great! She's an extremely nice woman who endured being First Wife in the AUB. same sect that Brown Family are representing. sad it took forever but good for her for FINALLY realizing it's terrible and NOT God commanded after all!!

    15. @Chantelle: I'm glad you like your country's Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I mean no disrespect, but most of us in the US are happy with the US Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

      Correct me if I'm not understanding this right, but the Canadian Bill of Rights was not enacted till 1960 and was not part of the Constitution of Canada. That's why The Charter of Rights and Freedoms were enacted in 1982.

      The US Constitution was adopted in 1787. The US Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments)was enacted in 1791. Although the original Bill of Rights pertained to rights at the federal level of government, the Fourteenth Amendment (1868) extended those rights to the state level of government. Presently, there are 27 amendments, but the first 10, the Bill of Rights, specifically, protect the rights of liberty and property.

    16. as a Canadian I mean no disrespect, but which country is more screwed up?

    17. @Anonymous 12:14 pm: I was just simply trying to explain to Chantelle that the US already has a legal charter of supreme law. Incidentally, it's the oldest one anywhere and has been the model for democracy since it's inception. As someone who has family and friends living in both countries, I have to say that one is just as screwed up as the other.

    18. I'd like to respond to Chantelle's post of July 5, 2012 3:53 PM

      Chantelle stated that "The Winston Blackmore case was dismissed because the Attorney General cycled through several special prosecutors which the BC Supreme Court decided was not allowed [ref]."

      Actually, the Winston Blackmore tax evasion trial was held and completed. It lasted five weeks, but spanned four months between Jan/Feb and May 2012. Federal Court Judge Diane Campbell said she will render a decision sometime in the fall (2012).

      I suspect that the poster's comment is in regards to the original legal wrangling in 2009 regarding whether to charge Mr. Blackmore and James Oler with offences under criminal code s.293 (polygamy/ bigamy). Those circumstances eventually led to last fall's Baumann decision.

  2. Still Not drinking the Green KoolaidJuly 5, 2012 at 7:26 AM

    Just an aside, Mister Sister, do you every sleep? Thanks for all the links and information. I have been fascinated by polygamy for years. I love the blog and all the diverse perspectives it provides. Thank you and CJ.

      My kids asked me the same question this week!
      CJ and I take turns! LOL
      and thanks!

    2. This is misPlaced but I just wanted to ask if you finished the brown genealogy and if so, where can I find it on this blog! I love this site, keep up the good work.

    3. Actually, I did except for one part I can't figure out, and then my FTM froze. Hence, re-doing it. ugh. Email me if you want to help on certain parts!

  3. Hey Guys, Does anyone know if the Natalie Morales Tell All is on NetFlix? I just signed up but can't find it... have o idea how to search apart from typing in the search tab...

    I think Mister Sister said it was on netflix? or someone else?


    1. someone gave alink...on one of the previous posts, maybe the T shirt one

    2. Thanks Anon 9:32 AM

      I found it and watched it, it's on the t-sirt post. THANKS!

  4. Peanut Butter FritosJuly 5, 2012 at 8:41 AM

    I do find it hard to justify wanting to throw these degenerates in jail, which I do. I think that maybe the time of government in the bedroom has passed, and the Browns might just win. That would make Kody a hero in their backward compound.

    No matter how this goes, it will be appealed all the way up to the Supreme Court. Kody must be thrilled about all this attention, and the lawsuit helps insure the TLC gravy train. Brilliant, really. Obvious who is getting played with Kody's political agenda: us.

  5. Does anyone think they will do a thing? I don't think so.

  6. The idea that the polygamy laws should be overturned by the supreme court (either state or federal) is absurd. The very idea that one man should be allowed to marry as many women as he feels he deserves whether for religious or life style choice damages society. The Browns and Dargers can boast all day long about how sisterwives makes women better and that sisterwives' children are better for being in these extended family situations is obscene. The Ten reasons why Polygamy should remain illegal.
    First, we know it doesn't make the wives better; in fact, it fosters anger, bitterness, jealousy, and greed;
    second, it creates a pecking order where one woman is usually vying for the spot of lead wife at all costs;
    third, the children are raised essentially by single women;
    fourth, the men involved in this plural relationships become godlike to the women and children that they race around trying to couple and parent respectively; fifth, the children even develop the pecking order amongst each other, their half brothers and sisters, and amongst their full siblings;
    sixth, it creates low self-esteem amongst the women because the women are constantly comparing themselves to other women that their husband is sleeping with;
    seventh, the children run the risk of being abused (physically, sexually, or mentally) by the non-related extended family;
    eighth, the men are not setting examples of how to be good husband and father to their sons;
    ninth, the government should not have to pay for one man's irresponsible sex acts;
    tenth, the children deserve a full-time father.

    1. AnonymousJuly 5, 2012 10:04 AM: I'd also like to add an eleventh reason: the possibility of multiple health issues: the rate for infant deaths among fundamentalist Mormon's is sky high. Not only do the parents not provide for basic healthcare options (threatened not to speak to outsiders/hospital staff/monetary concerns for trying to provide health insurance for all children of the legal wife, can't but other wives/children on hc plans), but do not have the resources to provide for major medical emergencies (I know this is FLDS, but Carolynn Jessop author of Escape, stated that two of her kids had severe problems and she received no support from anyone her husband or co-wives for their care).

      Also: STDs/STIs many women sharing one man (unprotected sex, since pregnancy is the goal) can't be healthy. Anything from BV to HIV could be in the mix.

    2. Sheila Ann, VERY good point! The moderators here talk about the FLDS quite a bit, it's all the same "group" and I thought that was insightful

  7. Peanut Butter Fritos,
    I doubt Utah will throw him in jail. I doubt that any government would throw them in jail for committing adultry. If Brown wins, which he certainly will not, all men will be legally allowed to marry as many wives as he wants; likewise, women could marry as many men as they want. If it were just about the men and women, I would say knock yourself out; however, anytime polygamous relationships are allowed in any society, the ability for that one man to support his multiple wives and their children becomes not only his responsiblity but our responsibility. While I believe social service programs are wonderful and I do not begrudge any man or woman who cannot work for whatever reason the use of our welfare, foodstamp, and medicaid program, I certainly don't want to see my tax dollars go to men like Kody Brown. Unless Kody Brown is as motivated and ambitious as...oh say, Jim Bob Duggar, there isn't a chance in hell that he can support all those kids and we have seen it through the multiple bankruptcies and social programs that his wives have been on in the past. While Kody now is eating high on the hog, not all polygs have the luxury of putting their family on a reality TV program and making a decent living. IN fact, the majority of the polyg men are uneducated and work either at menial jobs making low wages or they work for one or more of the FDLS prophets who get their money through corruption and on the backs of underage boys.
    So to say what two people do in their bedroom is between them and no one else is true until their actions in the bedroom cause a drain on the social service programs that were set up to help indigent people and not baby mills.

    1. I strongly agree Anon. Well said. Also I know from doing research and I believe it was also on this blog, there is a known birth defect that a lot of these children are born with, that is a life long mental and physical disability. This is from the intermarriage and close bloodlines of polygamy. That is child endangerment and a huge expense to the health card system and your taxpayer's money.

  8. no, i don't either. they're being left alone already as long as there's no welfare fraud and child brides, so what's the point of spending time, energy and money to go fight the good fight? They didn't even stay in Utah to make their stand to begin with. They ran. Supposedly. How can you believe anything these people say anyway?

  9. I think the suit will be dismissed quickly. There is way too much evidence of them frolicking in Vegas now to say they are scared/suffering

    Kody really needs to step away from the purple shirts. There are other ways to be flamboyant. Pictures of him make it look like he only owns the two ugly purple shirts.

    Meri was really having a bad hair day in that picture!!!

    1. Hahaha Paw Print, I went back to check out Picture and he is getting so round, with that purple blouse and golden locks it appears to be 5 sisterwives. And yes Meri's appearance just gets wilder and louder as to scream "look at me!"

    2. One has to wonder if Kody has visited the Liberace Museum yet. That might be where he's getting his wardrobe ideas. What's next, chinchilla fur balls? Dancing waters? I think Kody wants to be a Vegas dude and to his way of thinking it's all about lavender shirts.

    3. I'm laughing so hard, DakotaJustice! :D

      Right after reading this, I had a vision in my head of Kiddouche Soggy Pants walking around L.V. wearing a sequined jacket, tight sateen pants in a day glow color, and whipping his mane in the sunlight.

    4. let's not forget that obviously gay motorcycle jacket he was so proud of. I betcha Meri helped him pick it out years earlier. i thought it was funny that he pulled his "gay" jacket out of the closet. i thought for sure we were going to be given the announcement. lol

    5. KurdledC.O.W.Pie, what an image! I also see the sun glinting off his bald head while he whips that mane of hair around :)

      Paw print, I agree that the suit will likely be dismissed. It's clear from the Vegas footage that the family wasn't really running scared. Also, I think Utah doesn't want to give lunatics like Warren Jeffs free rein to be polygamists and they'll do what they can to quash this suit.

      It would be interesting to see what happens if the case does actually go to trial. Legalizing polygamy would mean that the state could place restrictions on the practice. Maybe they could prevent marriages to anyone underage and also make it practically impossible to Bleed the Beast.

    6. "It's clear from the Vegas footage that the family wasn't really running scared."

      Kody certainly didn't look scared running around the perimeter of the properties putting his "stink" on the place. I mean what was that stink thing about, was he farting as he ran?

    7. Robyn said in one episode that they arent asking for it to be legalized just decriminalized. I guess so they can continue with state fraud but not be penalized for it

  10. it will be dismissed, I think. If it became legal it would be regulated and I actually think that would be bad for polygamist. they benefit a lot from not being legally/financially responsible for all the extra wives and children. most in these types of community's want to be off the government radar. AND the mormon church would be in a real bind since if its legal the members who want to practice it will start demanding it. It is a known fact that mormons believe they need multiple wives to get to the highest heaven. The mormon church has a lot of power and influence, this will be squashed.

    1. Isn't that the same as saying it is legal? I agree with you, but so confused by all this.

    2. I still maintain that if the Browns lived in California, or even in vegas and never said the "P" word - they would be considered a commune of sorts, just an unusual living arrangement is all. But Kody would never stand for anomymity, he clearly didn't in high school and he especially doesn't now. He will stand on the rooftops in his gaudy lavender shirt and shout "I'M A POLYGAMIST!!!"

      Funny, the same-sex couples I know (and I know many, living in the Bay Area - ain't no thang here) don't feel it necessary to make a big deal about *their* maritial status. I mean I'm sure that most of them were/are staunchly working for their rights to be married, but they aren't doing it to make $$$, they are doing it because it's right and they just want to be like everyone else. Kody doesn't want to be like "everyone else".

    3. Exactly. That's why "narcissist" has a picture of his grinning mug, w/ his hair and product all over it, in the dictionary.

    4. yes, he makes sure the first thing he does when meeting strangers is to let them know he's breaking the law by throwing up on them with the private matter. then he walks away all smugly impressed as he's convinced the strangers are likewise. social idiot.

  11. I like to follow the money. It always leads me back to the welfare fraud. Welfare and foodstamps are a stop gap method to help Families make ends meet during a crisis. Although that original intention has been distorted and become a generational way of life for many groups in society it doesn't make it right. How could any government sanction or encourage any group that has no choice but to use such resources as a way of life. Just the idea that government would validate a cult is beyond belief.
    It is not isolated but proven that their is civil right infraction, systematic abuse of services and generational slavery of an entire gender.
    The "pop" version of plural marriage that the Browns' are portraying on TV is nothing but a polished up version of the same horrific condition that the most isolated of FLDS compounds.
    The Meir fact that these woman have been brain washed to servitude, emotionally battered to deny their emotions and natural instincts and desire to be equal should be enough to be unconstitutional.
    These feelings are not going to be lessened in a suburban McMansion.

    1. lisasumms: "The 'pop' version of plural marriage that the Browns' are portraying on TV is nothing but a polished up version of the same horrific condition that the most isolated of FLDS compounds."

      Perfect description!

    2. My parents taught me that you were to WORK. I was working at 15 and stayed working part time jobs throughout college. Now, McDonald's is no thrill. My parents were well of, but wanted to teach me work ethic.
      They also told me there were two type of Welfare folks. Some that can not help it, due to illness, etc., and some grew up seeing it as an income, and slide into the easy path they saw their parents do. Not saying they were perfectly right, but, these kids have all seen their parents run B & Welfare, who knows what else, and that's just sad. Now, McMansions?

  12. 1) Utah will never approve polygamy - not just because of religious reasons, but because that would open (to them) the floodgates to allow same-sex marriage. Remember LDS was VERY active in getting same-sex marriage (temporarily) banned in California? Even though to me polygamy and same-sex marriage are not one and the same. I have no issue with same-sex marriage.

    2) who is going to finance the Browns' supposed appeal to the Supreme Court?

    3) I am convinced that really, their best ($$$$) interests lie in keeping polygamy illegal and clandestine. That's the Browns' (and Dargers') bread and butter - the illegality of it all. Take that away, and you take their current main source of income away.

    1. Dakota Justice: The answer to 2): Jonathan Turley is doing this pro-bono. He considers it purely a matter of civil rights. I think he's using it as a back door to augment gay marriage legislation at the state level with similar federal court rulings.

    2. Peanut Butter FritosJuly 5, 2012 at 6:04 PM

      Plenty of attention-seeking lawyers who will jump on this on both sides as it gets higher up. This case isn't going anywhere.

  13. a little less conversation, a lot more action. I'm tired of just hearing talk, talk, talk about all the wonders and benefits of polygamy. Where's the proof in action? The majority of the wives hate it, the majority of the kids hate it and even the men must hate it the majority of the time. In all plyg families i've read about or heard.

    1. Yes, really. I'd like to see the real day-to-day challenges, but we'll never get to see that. All that stuff ends up on the cutting room floor. I want to see the nitty gritty...wives butting heads, Kody's tantrums, unruly kids having meltdowns,etc,. I just don't believe that none of that stuff goes on. There must be a clause in their contracts that prevents TLC and the production company from airing the real life scenarios. Instead, we get to see a bunch of fluff like vacations, Kody flipping his hair, flying kites,sliding down hills on blocks of ice, Kody flipping his hair, SW lunches, visiting college campuses,date nights, and Kody flipping his hair. BARF!! Did I mention Kody flipping his hair?

  14. SheRah-SkitsoSplitMindJuly 5, 2012 at 11:10 AM

    But how can they just let it be gotten away with, now it's so public? I don't get it. Does that mean my uncle Ed should be able to grow pot, so his son won't buy some laced with something, since it can be medicinal?
    Can we all change the laws, are are they going to do something. They let this go WAY to far.

  15. I was just wondering: on SWB, there has been a debate over which wives would leave, if any. I wonder if a few are biding their time until their TLC contract comes out, and then they'll split?

    1. Janelle and Christine have so many reasons to leave, but I don't believe they have the self confidence to do so. As many posters have correctly ascertained on this blog, Janelle seems to have emotionally checked out, quite a while ago.

      Can you even imagine how painful it must have been for Christine during the Natalie Morales interview when Kiddouche Soggy Pants verbally slammed that poor woman about eating nacho chili cheese chips? An "understatement" that he did not find her physically attractive?!! I cannot fathom how she took that in, knowing that millions of people were watching and hearing him demolish her w/ his inexcusably cruel words. He is a repulsive narcissist, and an emotional sadist.

    2. let's face it... everything pales in comparison to the ultimate insult that your husband is forever sleeping with other women and making babies with them. that nacho cheese incident has got to be the least of self-esteem and self-worth crushing issues. sadly disgusting and soul killing lifestyle.

    3. Janelle and Christine might get fed up enough to leave, but they would most likely end up in another polygamous marriage. I suspect Robyn will high tail it out of there, when the show is canceled.

  16. Seems to me the male dominated cult needs to rethink their position. Truly I believe this case, with this particular family involved, is tv drama with a self righteous secondary motive.
    What would happen if it was legal? The wives would be able to demand a whole lot more than they can now. If their "husband" isn't providing or is abusing her or the kids...she can go to the govt. The govt. will sanction husband for her regarding child support. Polygamy is bad for them all,imo.
    The Browns are laughable as the "face" of polyg. They are not self sufficient w/o their tv salary. Their portrayal of this well off plural family living in separate homes (which makes it more palatable to non informed) always doing things and loving each other even through their jealousies.....they're a sham. Use a "dirt farmer" polyg family as the example and see what happens.

  17. Who is paying the Brown's legal fees, will we next see a web page asking for donations to cover the legal fee's???

    1. finally seeing realityJuly 5, 2012 at 1:01 PM

      I was sitting here thinking the same thing. Who is paying for this? I suspect it is really for some financial gain.

    2. @finally seeing reallity: You can bet your life that they are doing this in the hopes they'll get a hefty settlement.

  18. I think that anyone who has been on any government assistance for more than one year and refuses to name the father of their children (or claims to not know) should be required, by law, to submit each child for a DNA swab. If the mothers refuse then they either find a way to support their own children or the children are taken away. I think if this were to be enforced, it would cut way down on the burden the tax payers have to shoulder for this "religion" and lifestyle. The only way to get through to these cults is to play hardball and hit them in the wallet. The way these people use us and play the system is infuriating. Welfare and government assistance should be for the people who've payed in or the ones who genuinely (disabled) cannot work.

    1. I think this is an AMAZiNG idea!

    2. Kelly,
      I would argue that taking children away from a parent based solely on refusal to name parent is not in the best interest of a child. True, men should support their children, but the child should not be traumatized by removing him or her from his or her primary care parent. What will that do but hurt the child. We are, if anything, a compassionate society and we always put the best interest of the child first.

    3. This is how it works in my state. I know because I had to do this for a very dark six months of my life. They go track down the guy you claim is the father, and they DNA test him with a court order. You have to put in a statement about what happened if you don't know or aren't sure who the father is. It's all sworn.

      The state enforces the child support through the court and even out of state, and it doesn't let you do it under the table like this BS. They tracked down my ex four states away for child support. Utah must be crazy if it doesn't care about paternity and child support when you are on government assistance.

  19. Has Kody ever called the children "my children" on the show or is it always Christine's kids,Janelle's kids etc...?

    1. He may have bragged, I have 17 children, all of them are my children, etc. But other than that he always says her children, J/C/R's children, the children, etc.

    2. No I watch and rewatch and never hear him say, my son or my daughter. It's always by child name, pronoun or Christine's daughter, janelles kids, the youngest of "insert baby mamma name"... I never have seen him say, "My new son with Robyn...etc"
      There is a series of "meet the family" web clips on TLC that it becomes so obvious because he just keeps repeating women's name to identify.
      Even when talking about Logan you hear that he is the first child born to the family. I have never heard Kody direct say MY first child or son.
      The paternity is always implied but never spoken. Please correct me if you find a "slip up" of Kody taking responsibility for one of his kids. He doesn't even parent them.
      Does anyone else think that when Kody was playing with Solomon and saying, "Hey little boy, hey little boy" that he didn't remember his name? Sadly I do.

    3. When Sol was born, Kody said "he looks like one of my kids..."

      Also he's pretty much stated on the show that he is the bio dad of his kids, and calling himself the father of Robyn's 3 older kids.

    4. He sounded so stupid when he said that Sol looked like his boys. It was almost as if he was in he wasn't really sure the baby she was carrying was his till he saw him. LOL!!!

    5. yes, he did, early in the series, when he said something to the effect of "Brothers from different mothers" in refrence to the two children he was standing next too. Now unless he is implying that his wives sleep around I'd say he's claiming to be the father of those boys.

  20. I think that if their suit does NOT get dismissed, both Utah and the federal government should sue them for all of the aid they have received due to Janelle and Christine getting food stamps as single mothers who do not have a father's name on their kids birth certificate. There is lots of film of Kody admitting biolgical parentage of all of the children. They can request that Kody pay back child support to public aid. The state should should declare him the legal father so that his income has to be counteed for all income eligiblity programs including Pell grants, Map grants, subsidized college loans etc.

    I don't care if he and other continue to only legally marry one woman (one partner is all that should gain the legal public monetary benefits, such as Social Security),and he wants to 'spiritually' commune with others. They should all be required to name their spiritual partner as the legal father.

    1. has it actually been established that Kody did not put his name on the kids' birth certificates, or are we just assuming this is true because it is apparently the modus operadi of plyg families? And really, does the absence of a father's name on the BCs make a difference nowadays with DNA testing available?

    2. I have seen no evidence one way or the other about whether Kody's name is on any child's birth certificate. It's all speculation as far as I can tell.

    3. I don't know what the laws are in other states, but in Florida even if you put your name on a child's birth certificate if you are not married the state requires a paternity test to establish paternity and child support.

    4. Might have to look at the older shows, Kody did say something about the secrecy of parentage.... I would guess e wasn't on all of them. Meri's, yes.

    5. "I don't know what the laws are in other states, but in Florida even if you put your name on a child's birth certificate if you are not married the state requires a paternity test to establish paternity and child support."

      The ability to obtain court ordered Child Support is an interesting dimension of the Kody Brown Paternity Scandal. I think the discussions on this board about the question of documented paternity have mostly focused on the rules for getting WIC and/or General Welfare support monies and/or Food Stamps.

      I'm no expert on government subsidies, but the premise of the discussion here was that the absence of a name on a birth certificate, or a mother's declaration of "unknown" with respect to a father, was a criteria for obtaining WIC/General Welfare $'s/Food Stamps. This was discussed as part of the general toolbox associated with "Bleeding the Beast"

      I'm not sure we've discussed the idea of one of the Brown ladies obtaining court ordered child support from Kody. I think it is a VERY interesting idea. I would LOVE to see Christine and Janelle escape the sad situation they are currently in and get themselves on the road to a healthy independent life where they could realize their own dreams.

      It would be very dramatic to see them both going about getting this child support ordered by the court. What a change that would be for the viewing audience to see Kody dealing with that! Very entertaining indeed, and I would certainly tune in with a bowl of Nachos.

    6. I swear I read this post before now-crazy. Oh yeah, in MANY states, UTAH, for one, you do not have to list a father, the girls put unknown; then the get the benefits and nothing is done about it. Many Many States. Good for Florida!!!

  21. I get so irritated when people behave badly and make poor decisions but feel they are exempt from decency and common sense because they claim to be doing it all for God.

  22. How does this go along with the DOJ case?

  23. You know, the first few shows, Robyn had no boobs, even on the honeymoon in the bathing suit. But she's always actuating them. Look at this picture. Now, this is the picture they used abt. Nov 2010 when the first Lehi case started.

    SHE is still rockin the Victoria's Secret! So much miss modesty.

    1. Lobotomized (VictoriasSecretPushUpBra)July 5, 2012 at 2:56 PM

      I just looked at that picture and hell yeah Rob-chin is rocking some tittehs!

    2. she's still nursing. i was otherwise very small busted but always had the huge nursing boobs going on for the year i would nurse and yet still only weighed 98 lbs. ;')

    3. This picture, as Bubbles said, was BEFORE she was even pregnant, during the first case, around Nov-Dec 2010. Thought I'd clarify that. Now, yes, nursing.

    4. there's no way that picture was taken in 2010. Not with all those obvious weight gains of everyone there except Janelle. None of them were that heavy in 2010 - save Janelle, of course. Go back and look at the episodes that year and you'll see. no way!

    5. Do you remember the episode where the sister wives were all out shopping, and Robin tried on some shirt? Then Christine told her that it made her look even more flat chested? Priceless! But this lifestyle is making them all better people right? It's all out of love...

    6. Sorry Anon 8:53, but that one and another were featured in the Salt Lake Tribune, same clothes, one being Jan 18, 2011, a planned report on them leaving, prob. taken Dec 2010. Yes, there older pics.

  24. I think the state just wants this lawsuit disappeared.... One way or the other they want it to go back to where it came from, because either way it will harm them. I guess it will just be dismissed and passed onto the oval archives.

  25. When a man can support on his own and with no goverment help, no welfare help and if he can provide a home,health insurance food, paid by himself,then so beit, but he can't, he should only be allowed 1 wife --- honestly why should the rest of us support his life style -- has anyone questioned this??

    I feel sorry for the children, but why isn't he in prison - ? I cannot feel sorRy for these wifes, BECAUSE THEY know excactly what they are doing!
    if we all listen to what the children are saying (except for Merrie daughter) none of them want this life style when they are legal age? Its onlyh good for the leagal wife and her child!!

    we the people are supporting him with our goverment welfare he gets free--- they don't contrubute one dime toward taxes -knowing all the loop holes - it is time our governnet changes our welare system-- I for one am sick of it .

    1. I think it's a tad more complicated, because these women genuinely believe that living the "principle' is necessary for them to go to heaven. That's an extraordinarily powerful incentive to become a subservient wife.

    2. Excuse me if I'm wrong, but isn't it only IF he (Kody) calls the wife's name after death that they- according to their religion- will be called up to a higher place in heaven? If he doesn't call, let's say, Christine's name, then she will be forced to stay in the lower level of heaven. If that is the case, poor Christine needs to get out now because we all know that he's NOT going to call her name! Poor thing. It saddens me that these women are fooled into believing this mess. I see the potential for 2 out of the 4 wives to be strong, loving and independent women but under Kody's reign they will never be anything but scond-class.

      The other thing that bothers me about this whole situation is that Meri, being of obvious unsound mind, wants to counsel others, especially kids. She has no business counseling anyone, much less her own child. She obviously wouldn't have disclosed to her patients that she was a polygamist and that her views were warped. As a parent myself, I would have been irate if I had later discovered that a whack-job polygamist had been advising my child. I don't think she would have come straight out and convinced kids to see her views but we all know that our own religious views dictate our own view on the world, other people, relationships, work ethics, etc. All I'm saying is that she shouldn't be in a profession such as counseling/therapy with an illegal lifestyle. Heck, you wouldn't be standing in line to see a rapist, drug dealer or murderer would you?

    3. I feel sorry for Christine, because she is something like fourth or five generation AUB. The indoctination goes way back in her family. Plus, she is a decedant of one of the founders. I'm sure she has been brainwashed since birth that she is an example to other polygamous families. Christine would have to go through a rigorous deprogramming process like other cult members do.

    4. they all seriously would have to. the kids, too. and Kody. it's an indoctrinated belief they all are convinced is true. even the teens that are on the fence about it would have issues to overcome if one of their parents left after putting the kids through it all their whole childhood.

      these people would all be in therapy for years if they ever woke up to the realization the emperor has no clothes.

    5. so you are saying they think its okay for them to cheat our government in any way or form to get to heaven or their heavenly planet- whatever they believe ---this is what they tell themsleves to absolve guilt of doing illegal things. wow!

      Janell has lately on show been very quiet, like she is holding a secret? anyone else noticed? -- she is brains and smart one in business and money for that group- poor gal-- other wise brain- washed too!

    6. I have noticed Janelle's quiet disposition lately. She doesn't have a poker face! I bet they didn't get the homes, he is courting his 5th wife or she's running ALL the businesses herself and is worn out. I truly believe Janelle is depressed and wants out but doesn't know how to follow through...

    7. what kills me is how they call the LIV MLM a "business", when actually it isn't a business at's just a pyramid scheme.

    8. jenisue - they've clearly demonstrated they have no issues w/sticking us taxpayers w/the responsibility for providing for their large family they've CHOSEN to have. they've also clearly demonstrated w/their bankruptcies, they also have no issues sticking businesses for services and goods they received but didn't pay for AND that also is passes on to us customers who do pay our bills in the form of higher prices the companies have to charge to recoup bankruptcy losses.

      at least Duggars and Dargers (as far as i've seen) DON'T see it as anyone else's responsibility but theirs to provided for their large families they've had by their own choice.

      Have as many kids as you want as long as you don't think you have a right to expect me to pay for them. OR if you do, at least have the courtesy to come and ask me first if i'm willing to pay and support your next one BEFORE you get pregnant!! lol

  26. OT but an interesting read. Hollywood Life reviewed the final episode and had a unique take on the Meri/Janelle/Christine tussle re the new houses. Here's the link

    1. MustBeGrouchyTodayJuly 5, 2012 at 3:06 PM

      Interesting in the fact that they act like Janelle is attacking poor little Meri. I agree to disagree. I think Meri had plenty of space in the house in Lehi, with an extra bdrm, and a lounge area in her bdrm. with a fireplace. to me, Christine has the worst of it, and didn't care.
      Janelle is thinking logically. Boo hoo poor Meri, your house now is ridiculous considering Christine was on food stamps and filed for bankruptcy 9 months prior to moving to Vegas, and then she wouldn't live in a tad smaller house next to Robyn, and had a pool when Janelle's house was no larger!

    2. Horrible write up. Didn't mention Meri's deck or wet bar. Also, Meri is not shy about asking for big house; she is demanding it. She is crying because people judge her and call her selfish for it.

    3. Also, the quote they used to back up the claim that Janelle was being "mean" to Meri was “I felt like you were taking family resources that our family could use,” she tells Meri. “I remember being so concerned about your need to have this home with a pool and I was really looking at how I can feed my family.” I don't think that anybody in their right mind would consider this a mean statement! It is the reality of their financial situation, not some personal assault on Meri and her semi-barren womb!

  27. Here's another interesting article:

    Mormons in mass resignation over gay marriage and polygamy


    1. we left "the church" and it was with great difficulty officially leaving, ie getting our records removed. I still think we are on some role or record, even if its a black list. I wish all non-believers would take the time to have there records removed so the church could stop counting them. Its a cult and no one knows it better than some one who tries to leave, thats when the dark side comes out!

    2. Kay, we'd love to hear more of your story, Send us your thoughts about sharing with us.

    3. I find it unlikely that any records would ever be destroyed without triple back-up. After all, we talking about the same folks who run virtually every genealogy and people find site known to man. I'm sure that even we who have never in our lives had an actual link to mormonism have a file--I know for an absolute fact that ANY of us who are descended brom European Jewry do--I figure every ancestor of mine, back 4 or 5 generations has been Baptised vicariously through some LDS Yahoo.

    4. Oh, yeah. They have records on everybody, locked away in that vault in Immigrant Canyon. Strangely, they can trace my family lineage back to Metheusalah. Crazy!

  28. 3 posts left if they want to put in a T Shirt Message!

  29. Sorry to change the subject for a second, but I wanted my fellow posters to know I posted a short yet insightful article and link under the post (same subject):
    "DOJ files bias suit against towns home to polygamist sect"
    It is good reading, well worth going down and looking.

    1. I did, and it was good. Will post down there.

  30. The State of Utah should really look into what they have been declaring on their taxes etc. Now that they make so much money, they should not be receiving any government assistance. I do hope they have health insurance, but doubt it. On a more humorous note, Kody should look out or the fashion police may arrest him. Doesn't he know that purple is a gay color? He gets his hair done in a pet store.

    1. I think Kody's VERY AWARE that his purple shirt is screaming "I'm GAY!" it's the only way he can be his true self in some small way. He doesn't have the license from his religion to be authentic. He believes it's something to overcome by Satan to prove his loyalty to God and inherit the Celestial Kingdom.

      It's actually quite sad when you have to deny who you are to yourself your whole life.

    2. I don't think all of them have health insurance. I seem to recall in the first or second season they were mentioning that one of the older daughters had an appendectomy recently that cost the family a lot of money.

    3. Yeah they did SAY that, but I later saw that the debt was included in the 2009 bankruptcy.

    4. Well, they definitely don't have Dental insurance, & ALL of their teeth speaks for themselves o_O Dental hygiene obviously isn't a priority to them.

    5. It's not purple! It's lavender!!!

  31. Just saw this tweet (off topic but I had to share it)

    Kody Brown‏@realkodybrown

    "@t_ricks96: I always drive with a cup full of small rocks to throw at the windshields of construction trucks. #PayItForward" Tim-LMAO:-)

    Seriously? SERIOUSLY??????

    1. I, too, saw that and thought... Wait! I thought they didn't drink or cuss. But then again, they did move to Sin City. Maybe...just maybe, they're changing their views a little. Maybe we'll begin to see him slipping a little booze into those nasty green drinks. Anyone think he's used one of the famous escort services there in Vegas to find his 5th wife? I would love to follow old Kody around and see what he is really like when the cameras are off. I bet he is always on the prowl. He is a real piece of white-Utah-hillbilly-trash!

    2. He's actually from hickville, Yoming. I don't think Utah wants to claim his hillbilly arse.

  32. This is off theme, but the last page was full.

    To all "Mean Jerks" [Read: MOST OF US], IT HAS BEGUN!!!

    Openly posted today on the TLC FB page:

    "Hi! First of all I am sorry to post this here but it appears I cannot send a private message from this page. This is to inform you that there is either a problem with your messaging system at your stores site or I'd hate to think that the person who is suppose to reply to messages about orders isn't doing their job. This appears to be the only way I can contact you....I sent a message through your "My Sisterwifes Closet" site, I really wanted an answer before placing an order, but I didn't receive one. Now hoping you were just inundated with orders and messages, I placed the order anyway for the Claddagh Charm Necklace and Charms - the complete set. I then received the confirmation of the order and the confirmation that it shipped, so once again submitted another question because I didn't receive a tracking number. My Customer ID number is 359 and order number is 35. I also included just as a suggestion, the purchase of insurance should be made available to the purchaser or at least let us know that hopefully it is included in the cost of shipping, since the "shipping costs" are slightly on the high side. Thank you for reading this. Have a wonderful day. ♥"

    [comment by another poster] "I agree Penny and experienced similar issues. I hate to say it but I don't think the site it running at 100% just yet. UPS does NOT insure jewelry so hopefully they have an outside insurance company that is covering the shipping. USPS is far cheaper and offers insurance for jewelry. Hopefully once the kinks are worked out they will explore different shipping options!"

    Also, the ladies must be back from Disneyland, because someone had time to go to the MSWC FB page and delete the negative comments--but only from the "Posts By Others", it seems. There are a few critical comments--but very mild--left on the "Posts by Page".

    1. Thanks for sharing this...couldn't stop laughing!!!

      I don't know which is worse- the SW's blowing off customers by not responding, or the celestial fan who bought the $300 chopped up claddagh ring necklace anyway!

    2. I saw that post before and now I can't find it.

      Which is worse: blowing off customers by not responding, or deleting the comment and making it like it never happened? How about doing both?

      What a bunch of losers. I can hardly wait for people to start receiving their orders and discovering that they're way overpaying for crap.

    3. Chantelle--this comment was NOT on the SisterWife's Closet FB page. It was on the TLC page--they don't control it. The post is still there--interesting that none of their groupies piped up with defensive comments, defending their obvious negligence. I can hardly wait to start seeing the complaints by people who paid double for 2 day shipping and still haven't received their future family heirlooms. Did anyone notice their explanation about the double band ring--so stupid that they explained how their stupid design kept catching on Christine's scarf becasue of the S. Awesome marketing, there, ladies.

      SW=StupidWives::SW=Shamelessly-griftingWhores (take your pick)

    4. SW = Stop Whining (about pretty much everything that sucks about your polygamy you want us to believe is so AWESOME!)

    5. The Browns seriously don't know how to professionally handle criticism or any type of negative feedback for that matter. Like someone mentioned before, they don't even like to acknowledge all of the bad energy among the 5 of them.
      It's only a matter of time, that MSWC, will be another failed biz tax write-off. In the meantime, they're literally financially raping & taking too much advantage of their small loyal fan base...smh! Soon, they'll realize the Browns are not interested in customer service satisfaction & their loyalty will soon fade. Shortly after this stint of silent treatment to their customers & fans, most likely SWB, will get another batch of new fellow posters :D

    6. Oh I suck! linnet you're right - the comment is still there on the TLC Sister Wives FB page. I looked for it but couldn't find it and assumed that it had been deleted.

      At the time I made that comment, I was watching a documentary on the decline of customer service. They were showing a segment with "customer service" agents saying all those phrases that drive me crazy when I call with a problem so I was all riled up and looking for an outlet.

    7. I'm sorry...okay I'm NOT sorry...but that just cracked me up reading that message. "uh sorry we're in Disneyland right now, can't get back to you suckkkkkaaaahhhh" LOL

      I forsee a lot of credit card chargebacks against MSWC...

    8. finally seeing realityJuly 6, 2012 at 3:01 PM

      It appears that their jewelry business is a just when it is convient business, after travel, Kody, kids, or what ever else!

  33. Which one of the wives knocked up Kody? He is just such a TOOL!

  34. I saw this woman on a TV interview the other night. Got her book only $4.29 on Kindle right now. MUCH BETTER than Sister Wives book by far!!

    It's Called FIFTY YEARS IN POLYGAMY. She was First Wife in an AUB plyg marriage.

    (no, i don't get anything for promoting it. Just thought others would like to check it out, too.)

  35. This is particularly apropos to the legal hearing, but has anyone else noticed that Mormon polygamists use contradictory language when describing their relationships, and the dissolution of same? When their relationships are intact, the husband describes the women as "wives" and claims to be "married" to them. Yet, when one of the relationships doesn't work out, the woman is said to have "left the group". They don't say that a "divorce" happened.

    From reading Flora Jessop's and Carolyn Jessop's books, it appears that there are a lot of marital separations in polygamous communities, with many women getting "reassigned" to four or five husbands in their lifetimes. So much for the Mormon polygamist claims of being so superior to the monogamous majority, who, according to the polygamists, frivolously practice "serial monogamy" and adultery.

  36. Well, since you are talking about it, I'll put up the post that's ready about Kristen!

  37. that's great, MS! thanks! i tried to find a link to her interview i watched but it's been taken down. Hope you've got it tho.

  38. Off topic I know, but no room to answer on the last thread. Concerning Robyn Linnet wrote
    "July 5, 2012 5:48 PM
    Her mom and step-dad may not actually be "divorced". Do we have any evidence, other than that she and her mom lived. Most plygs that I have known of--prior to SisterWives--don't all live in one big house, but live singly in abject poverty, or in pairs/small groups of wives who live somewhat communally with their children."

    As far as I know, Robyn's biological father is Robert Marck. He was/is an AUB member married to Annie (Anne Marie Marck). He is FB "friends" with Robyn. Robyn's mom left him and married a Jessop (don't know whether he has multiple women. - think there may be some info on him on this blog - he was there for the birth of King Solomon.)

  39. That is her bio father, Robert Marck. Paul Sullivan is her "new" dad. Although, not sure her name was ever legally changed. Robyn was married to David Jessop.

    1. I am guessing that her mother and "new" dad as MS put it, are not living together, they are they still together?

    2. @Nemur--that was my question, exactly. I know that when her Mom married Sullivan, they didn't live with him all the time--she even said once in the show that he denied them in public. Whether they're actually living together or not, I'm thinking they could still be "married". That would be an awesome honeymoon experience, if you could send them on their way when they start to p*** you off--and just chill in your 40-year old single wide, with your daughter and her load of kids--too poor to buy a crib.

    3. EEEK, her not real dad, not even legal step father taped the whoha during birth? Didn't she say he lived in LV? Mom lives in Utah, I believe.

    4. The house in Utah where the 3 families lived was rented off a Jessop lady (can't remember her first name). Maybe Robyn had HER eye on Kody for awhile.

    5. EEEEk - i answered you here but for some reason it's shown up in the section below this one.

  40. It's from linnet 7:11, too funny!

  41. Just the fact that all Robyn describes in the book is that she was raised in a polygamous family. Her mother was her dad's second wife she says. She goes on to say they HAD a honeymoon marriage that lasted for years and years. She leaves it at that. It obviously ended as we all know it was her stepdad and not her dad that came to her birthing of Solomon. (ick.)

    It's lying by OMISSION to not state that her mom and dad are no longer in that honeymoon marriage and why. She just makes sure her sister wives know she plans to have the same marriage with Kody. Wonder if it will have the same ending as her mom's long honeymoon marriage did.

  42. Here's another question for EXAUB, Gladys, "anonexaub", or Cosmo--why all the awkward use of the letter "Y" in plyggy names?

    1. This is snark...... It's for Yyoming!

    2. Weird names are a Utah phenomenon that get's worse in polygamist communities. Here is one author's take on why

      "Another reason for uncommon Utah names is the historical phenomenon of big families, with many relatives living in close proximity. In small Mormon communities, often founded by groups of relatives or polygamous families, it wouldn't be uncommon to have a hundred children with the same last name, Eggington said. Parents had to find ways to distinguish children from their multitude of cousins and siblings. Families who want to name kids after their forbears have limited names to choose from -- names they have to share with siblings and cousins. Thus, Grandpa Earl may spawn names like Earlette, Clark said."
      Here is the link

    3. EEEEK - yep! we all thought it was so weird that it was her stepdad and not her mom. She felt no reason to give any explanation either. we're like, "stepdad?" where's your fairy tale honeymoon marriage real dad? where's mom??

      we were especially creeped out too when he brought her kids in and began to explain to them about the cord and why it hadn't been cut yet. it was just weird and raised questions.

  43. I think Robyn was referring to her stepdad as "Dad". And her mom had a "honeymoon experience" with her stepdad.

    1. Lobotmized (ColdSoreVsPushUpBra)July 6, 2012 at 9:28 AM

      Hence her children are now calling kodster kodouche Daddy, and appear on their website as if they were his.

    2. Anony 9:04 - Robyn said on the show that was her stepdad. She says it's her dad in the book. So, she should clarify the difference then in who she's talking about in the long honeymoon marriage. Again, in the book AND on the show, she states her mom and dad HAD a long honeymoon marriage which implies they divorced and now she has a stepdad.

      It's her usual way of muddying the waters like she does when she wants to get some point across is all imo. Otherwise, it's very simple to clarify the confusion she's cause. ESPECIALLY in her book.

  44. Robyn's entrance into this family raised it to a whole other level of ick-ness.

    Her family "tree" is convoluted just like the rest of them but at least Christine didn't bring in a step father to witness Truely's birth.

  45. Getting on TV brought her on. And, she might of married him for it. Sadly, Christine got lost in the mix. This is not In my opinion, what the AUB nor Christine was going to happen. They have turned into the housewives of Las Vegas - a far cry from the AUB wants. In the early months of the blog, there was a post of her and Kody ant a AUB mtg, where he caught the TV bug. I just caught it.

  46. Sorry, just found something below, in the DOJ files, it has a link - Colorado City Now Has Cops That Enforce Arizona Laws Instead of a Child Rapist's Laws

    Thank the Lord they are brinking in "real cops" i would read it, it makes the DOJ seem real and not going to disappear.

  47. RAM from Texas

    I just posted my not nice comments on their factbook page...just wonder how long it will be on there before deleted. But I had to post my feelings to how insane their cult was. Love this blog and an very addicted to you. i've learn so much on here. Please keep up the great work!!

  48. I just posted my negative comments on SW facebook bage about being a cult. I'm wondering just how long it will be on there before they delete my post. Also, I've been reading this blog for a few months, but never had the nerve to post anything. Y'all are doing one hell of a job and hope you'll continue this blog of such educational information.

    1. If you worded as they have us here, politely disagreeing, maybe they will answer.

  49. I bet this is a bunch of nuthin, nuthin but publicity for KodyBrownEntertainment

  50. This photo of Brown's really gives me the heebeejeebees for some reason. Am I the only one who feels this way?

    1. All of them do to me. And that's an older pic!LOL

  51. I am sure SWB will be watching May 25th!

  52. I see a lot of valid points in here but I do not believe what they are doing is wrong it's their lives they aren't hurting anyone or they're children, in fact they seem to be doing a fantastic job and the children are happy and healthy and splitting them up and throwing their father in jail wont help any of them. I watched the episodes where they had to move and were constantly scared and how broken up those children were and I read on here people are talking about the welfare of the children in polygamous families when they would have been just fine had they been left alone. There are children in monogamous families or single parent house holds that are treated poorly as well as probably some polygamous families it doesn't matter how many moms or dads there are and I don't think they should split families up when no harm is being done, the police wouldn't walk into a house with one mom and one dad and break up that family would they? I think the fact this is even a law is ridiculous, people should be allowed to believe in and marry whoever they want as long as no one is being harmed from it. I'm sure everyone who is criticizing their life style doesn't have a perfect home life and should step back and criticize their own and stop worrying about someone else's life. As for the issue of a dominant male and it isn't equal for the women in this life style that should be up to them if they don't mind it why the hell do other people mind? It's not like Kody Brown fighting to send women back to the dark ages where they have no rights and it seems to me those women speak up for themselves. I think people should mind there own damn business there are a lot worse things going on out there then the Browns.

  53. We DontUseChineseKidsBuyOurJunkJuly 13, 2012 at 9:15 PM

    I can't wait to see what happens the 25th!
