Friday, June 22, 2012

Sister Wives Tell All

A clip from what we will get to see Sunday. 


  1. No matter how many times Kody tries to legitamize his relationships with this wives, his actions fall short--now, you could blame that on editting, but I think that IF there were more parenting, more loving, more connection with his kids and wives going on, then that would show---but I feel like the kids, especially, are being swept under the rug to allow Kody a moment in the spotlight---unfortunately, under a spotlight, we can see that Kody is nothing more than a man who is taking advantage of a religion that encourages plural marriage to legitamize his "calling" to have multiple amazes me that he will go to to try to make everything appear wonderful in Kody-land, wll the while his "kingdom" is crumbling around him.

    The other thing that I notice in this clip is that Christine looks better in WAY less makeup...I always thought she was attractive, but the huge amount of makeup makes her look old and harsh.

    1. It's Christine's false eyelashes that were throwing me off!

    2. that lighting was terrible. and Christine's eyelids are too puffy and the 40'ish overhang to pull off false eyelashes. that actually just emphasizes it.

      it's no surprise that she immediately went to Kody's defense on the "womanizer" statement as that's a personal insult to her that's what she's attracted and married to. but how can you NOT be labeled a womanizer when you can always add one more to your harem and you've got first wife always on the lookout for you. again, we're not shown the religious spirituality regarding this belief in your lives.

    3. Robyn's already not aging well for as young as she still is. Those eyelashes actually give Christine a tranny look. when Meri actually looks the best, everyone needs to rethink their makeup and/or the lighting.

    4. According to the Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition of "womanize" is two-fold:
      1. to make effeminate Check! See hair flipping, etc.
      2. to pursue freewheeling relationships with women Check! See entire run of badly edited tv show.

      Grody might not see himself as a womanizer, but he fits the textbook definition on both levels, and also fits the definition as far as American social mores are concerned. Epic Fail, Grody! Try again!

    5. I hav never been a close follower of the show - but I thought the "honeymoon" phase with RNC would have cooled by now. You're right on with Janelle & Christine. Lay off Meri she's probably going through pre-menopause and empty nest not a good combo, trust me. I feel for all the women and children i can't imagine being on television all the time. Heck I can't imagine living with Cody!

  2. I don't think that lady has much tolerance for Kody, does she? HAHA!!

    I wouldn't either. The man is an adult who has never passed the juvenile stage. He's an adult kid. There's no way he's being emotionally connected in all of those relationships, or even one.

  3. I noticed the end of the clip listed the mid-season finale, so I'm guessing this is going to be the same way it was last season, where they take few months break between episodes.

  4. Robyn looks preggers and Kody is blabbering the same shit he always serves interviewers. One might actually believe it, but then each and every episode proves those words that come out of his mouth are lies!

    1. If you let the video finish and wait a few secs, you'll see they are all getting together to announce the Big News (or that must be an old video from when Robyn was pregnant with the Prophet).

    2. yes, that was the King Solomon big news old clip.

  5. Meri looks beautiful! BTW I was 39 when I had my first child, and 44 when I had my second. Natural births both and strong and healthy children.

    1. Anonymous 1:59,
      You are lucky. My friend had her first baby at 35 and she has downs and she had her second at 40 and that baby was born without a brain and died a few minutes after birth. The risk of having a baby with downs or other problems increases every year after 35. It's a crap shoot.

    2. i saw so many sick DS babies (born to moms after the age of 35) at a children's hospital when i was only 19. i remember making the vow right then and there to myself, i would never get pregnant after 35. just a personal but very profound and impactful experience that stayed with me.

    3. I agree she was lucky with having a baby at 39 and 44 without birth defects or downs. It is not wise to wait that long to have a baby. You are 66 when your kid is 22. That is not fair to the children and grandchildren who will barely have a grandmother. I've had one at 28 and one at 35, it is much better to have them in your 20s. You are too tired as you get older.

    4. In my case, I had my children at 31 and 36, one is autistic. I wanted to be married and have children, that's the way I believed it back then. I was not going to become a single mother on purpose, because I knew I couldn't support a child. I didn't get married until I was 29, before that, it simply didn't happen. I tried to meet so many persons, tried having relationships, but it NEVER happened that me and a guy felt right for each other to take that step. Sometimes, even if you really want to have children earlier, it just doesn't happen. In my case, it was not on purpose to wait, you can't force it.

    5. Amen. Can we not turn this into an attack on women's reproductive choices?

    6. Okay, just to reply to the tiredness factor. My two kids are now 18 and 23 and I am 62. It is harder AND it does keep you younger! Let's face it, life is a gamble. Truth be told, I know of more younger mothers whose children were born with congenital problems than I do older mothers.

  6. Again, cameltoeboy, you fail, as does your interviewer, to understand that those of us who oppose your argument do not oppose it based upon whether we see you as a womanizer or as a whoredog. In the beginning of your show, you and Christine, Janelle, and Meri all said that you wanted to show us how sisterwives makes the women better and how it is how life was meant to be…in a sense, you wanted to show us that you are a good husband to all three/four of your wives; you support all four of your separate families; you help raise all of your biological children; and you provide emotional support to all of your children and wives. You even made the point that your life is so much better because men who are not in a polyg life style cannot be in a monogamous relationship…it just wasn’t meant to be, you said. So, your life style allows you to have the four wives (how is that different from being a womanizer? I will address later) and in the same breath of your argument you say that monogamy doesn’t work because men are meant to have more than one wife and you taking extra wives prevents you from having one-night-stands and cheating on your wives. In essence, then, cameltoeboy, polyg is a deterrent to womanizing. Because taking extra wives prevents you from straying from the fold because men, you say, need a variety of women.

    Let’s look at that first argument, shall we. If you believe in the religious factions that are based on the bible, you know that polyg doesn’t work: Rachael and Leah fought; Sara and Hagar fought. Joseph, Rachael’s son was eventually sold into Egyptian bondage because why? Because his father loved him more than all of his other sons. Why? According to the bible because he loved Rachael so much more than he loved Leah and the maidservants that he raped to have more babies. (You cannot deny that it was rape because they were slaves and could they say no? Of course not.) So what did polyg do for Jacob: made him a rapists—the maidservants; made him love one wife and not really like the other; made two biological sisters hate each other; created hostility between all of the sons of Jacob to the point of the older boys selling Joseph. The results of Joseph’s bondage created the enslavement of the Hebrews to the Egyptians that lasted for how many years? Then, there was, before Jacob’s polyg mess, his grandfather Abraham. Abraham had one wife and she kept whining about a baby and even through god had said, you will, you ugly assed old woman, have a baby, she convinces her husband to take Hagar, the maid. Did Hagar have a choice, no? If a woman doesn’t consent, what is it? Rape. Hagar has a son, and later Sara has a son and Sara cries because Abraham’s older son by Hagar is teasing his little brother. She has her husband send Hagar and Ishmael to the desert with a bag of water. We know that Abraham wasn’t very faithful because even though he was going to kill his son by Sara, he still bred with another woman in spite of god telling him Sara would conceive. So, as a result of that little stint with polyg…we have infanticide of sorts and two sons’ descendants who, according to bible scholars, are still fighting today. (See next two posts) I ran out of room.

    1. Hold please, I might be rusty on my bible-thumping (Southern Baptist here), but you can't entirely blame Jacob. He never wanted Leah, her father tricked him and that's why he ended up with her, which ultimately would lead to the fighting and the one-upping (Rachel gives her slave to Jacob to have his children and then Leah does), because Leah knew she wasn't wanted by her husband. Thus her father really created that whole mess, end of story (because he felt he couldn't have the youngest daughter married before the oldest--happens all the time). But I completely agree with you about Abraham, he failed at listening to God and his actions created the war between the Judo-Christians and Islam.

    2. You're right about the being tricked; however, the movement of the second wife into his family and then bringing in the maidservants certainly makes for the making of a polyg clan. True, Jacob didn't set out to marry more than one woman and he was tricked by his father-in-law, but he didn't have to marry Racheal and he certainly didn't have to rape the maidservants. But, he was disobedient and a liar long before he "ran" from his brother Esau. I believe his mother and he tricked both Esau and Issac to get the blessing and the birthright so that he had not choice but to run from his brother. His punishment could very easily have been the multiple wives and the problems that followed. Which would make polyg not so much a blessing but more like a curse…wouldn't you say?

  7. The final installment of the one post that had to be chopped up:
    You say that you picked each of your wives because of the depth of their character—yet they must grow? What’s up with that? If we review their character, and this is by your show and your book: Meri is a bully; Christine wanted special status as the third wife because it was the last wife, which blows the whole being led by god thing right out of the window; Janelle couldn’t even mother her children because she worked so hard to support the family and she was content to let Christine mother for her. She admitted that she didn’t even know the small girls’ hair needed brushing. That sounds like a real virtuous woman. Even in my darkest days, I knew to take care of my children. Duh! And, RNC has three children by another man. Granted, she is portraying herself as the woman who really tried to make it work but let’s review: she said her children did not have cribs yet she spent thousands on Victoria secret…tsk, tsk, tsk…not much character there. She said she really tried to work the marriage out but said she was attracted to him because of his status, and she had her kids sort of far apart so that if he was really treating her badly, she could have gone bye bye with just one or two. Me thinks she may be lying a bit about the whole I tried. More like, I got fed up when the man couldn’t pay my 30,000 Victoria Secret debt. Give me a break. Who puts panties above her children?
    Finally, you say, cameltoeboy, that you put emotional work into these women’s lives to make them better. Liar. We saw you with Christine. She hadn’t even expelled the placenta and you were flipping your hair and heading out the door. You avoided her because she ceased to be fun. Janelle is in constant torment about the bills and it seems as if she is shouldering this concern all alone. In fact, instead of supporting her idea of a fitness center, you shoot it down, leaving her felling crappy. But, your RNC bedroom wife has this hair brained idea of turning her doodles into jewelry and you are all over it and expect Janelle to shoulder the brunt of the cost with her retirement. You are a real jewel. Then, let’s not forget the crap with the reproduction issues of Meri. Really? On her vacation, you start badgering her about let us know something…please. You are a real tool. And who is the us? Us as in all the family or the couple you and RNC?
    You are not good to all of your wives because you do not emotionally or financially support them or your kids. Please, give us all a break.
    Open marriage is not even near what you have. If a man and woman are in an open marriage, both are free to take as many sexual partners as they both want. In fact, the only requirement is honesty and that you save your devotion and love for your partner. In polyg, you are seeing other women, you are betraying your wife, you are emotionally betraying each one of the wives. So, you are right, you are not in an open marriage—open marriages are reciprocal.

    1. Amen, Zelda!

      I could imagine the hurt Janelle felt when he stomped the fitness idea to go with RNC jewelry. I think its very clear to these wives that RNC is the one that matters at this point. I think Janelle and Christine have both checked out.

    2. Your comments are always spot on!

    3. Absolutely right! It was very clear when Kody couldn't even identify Janelle's voice, yet Robin was the one who was immediately identified. He has selective hearing. If Robin speaks, he hears loud and clear even through a chopped call to another country, in the middle of the jungle. If ANY other wife speaks, even RIGHT NEXT to him, to his face, SPECIFICALLY telling him her concerns for serious issues (i.e. Christine when trying to communicate with him), his ears go deaf like a block!

    4. All of you have pretty much summed up the entire Brown Family Fiasco.

  8. Again, a tell all? Seriously, they do not tell us a thing. If their church is so open and honest, why aren't they?

    1. I think the people from their church have threatened them with excommunication if they opened their mouth. Or maybe they are already kicked out. Who knows. But they seem like people that would whore out anything (except for the obvious, sex).

    2. But they seem like people that would whore out anything (except for the obvious, sex).

      I think they'd do that, as well, if they thought that they wouldn't get caught.

  9. Why do they bother even marrying the first wife legally in the U.S.? If they are SO into their religion, why come under U.S. law for one of those marriages? Why wouldn't they all just be under their mormon god laws? Doesn't make any sense.

    Also, Christine with makeup looks nice at first, then scared me! What is going on with her?!

    Lastly, it looks like she did curl his hair in this video!

    1. Just to clarify...they are NOT "Mormon". They are Fundamentalist Mormon or Fundamentalist LDS. Which is a very, very different religion from the mainstream "Mormon" or LDS Church. Cody states this frequently when they are answering questions.

    2. I don't know, Mormon this Mormon that....seems like hairsplitting to me. They all have the Joseph Smith, Brigham Young history...both of whom were polygamists. They both have the Book Of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, etc, etc....

      Just seems to me like there is a lot more in common than not. Much more shared than distinct.

    3. The polygamy is a huge difference.

    4. Not really Anony8:26-
      One group believes in polygamy here.
      One believes it for all eternity in the afterlife.

      Potato, pa-tah-toe.

    5. That is good question, which I would love the answer to.

      Yet here's my thought, it might have something to do with common law status, I'm not sure... every state is different. I know in Alabama, you have to call yourself husband and wife in front of at least two witness, have joint finances, and live together for seven years. Maybe if he didn't marry one wife legally, he could be charged with having 3 common law wives which then would be bigamy...

    6. Anon, 7:46. I have to agree with you about the hairsplitting. At the end of the day, they are all Mormons because they follow the same general teachings. It would be the equivalent to hairsplitting about Baptists and Methodists... they might have different teachings on somethings (Ash Wednesdays/Lent vs. not having it) but at the end of the day they both fall under the nice general umbrella of Protestantism, because that is what both denominations/sects (whatever you wish to call them) are Protestant.

    7. but that's what original Mormonism was based on by Joseph Smith. it's why he was killed. it's what Brigham Young went out west to practice full-blown. when they had to stop (although they continued secretly for like another 25 years) that's when all the fundie groups broke off cause Brigham Young told them it would be a principle never taken away by God no matter what. that's why these other fundie groups are a lot closer to Joseph Smith's religion he started than mainstream mormons. They've changed so much in the last 180 years, Joseph Smith wouldn't even recognize it as his church like he would the FLDS and all the other splinter groups still practicing polygamy.

    8. Hi Anonymous 12:15, that's not why Joseph Smith was killed, despite common belief. Alas, the actual circumstances of his death don't make him look any better! Smith was in jail for the destruction of a printing press of a local newspaper that published some unflattering things about him, including that he was having relations with other men's wives. While in jail, his followers smuggled in guns for him. Smith shot three people; reports vary as to how many, if any, of the three died. Then Smith was shot as he jumped out a window, in an attempt to flee. He died outside.

    9. I see where you all are coming from with the belief that Mormon is Mormon regardless of any attempt to distance the fundamentalist from the mainstream branch, but I really have to disagree. Yes, both faiths are kooky, but one is far and away kookier than the other. Let's put it this way, it's like saying that all Seventh Day Adventists are Branch Davidians.

    10. Magic Undies - actually that's EXACTLY what i meant by that's why Joseph Smith was killed. The unflattering piece you're referring to was William Law ( the printing press owner and former member of smith's church) was exposing Joseph Smith's secret polygamy practice. I'm very well versed in Mormon history I assure you. (the unvarnished history - not mainstream's whitewashed version they give to their member and the public." ;')

    11. Hi again, Anonymous. I think it's a bit of an idealistic stretch to describe Smith as dying for polygamy, even indirectly, since Smith was a felon in ways other than polygamy. As you probably know, he was first jailed in 1838 in Missouri for unrelated reasons; he escaped from that prison, and then resisted rearrest in 1843 in Illinois. Thus he was already a fugitive before the Nauvoo Expositor was published in 1844. Also, the allegations in the newspaper were not restricted to polygamy; they also questioned whether he was a true prophet, and asserted that he was inappropriately attempting to establish a theocracy. Smith's pattern of criminality made his fate almost inevitable irrespective of his sexual proclivities.

    12. Seems to me it's not an idealistic stretch at all! Here's a quick but accurate read from Wikipedia under "Nauvoo Expositor." it jives w/the historical accounts I've read in the past - including the ones from mormon scholars themselves who aren't into whitewashing church history such as Michael Quinn, Richard Bushman, Terryl Givens and Grant Palmer.

      The paper's criticism of Smith was focused on three main points: (1) the opinion that Smith had once been a true prophet, but had become a fallen prophet because of his introduction of plural marriage, exaltation and other controversial doctrines; (2) the opinion that as church president and Nauvoo mayor, Smith held too much power and desired to create a theocracy (see also Council of Fifty, Theodemocracy); and (3) the belief that Smith was corrupting young women by forcing, coercing or introducing them to the practice of plural marriage.

    13. I think it's a bit naive to say that Terryl Givens doesn't attempt to whitewash Mormon history. I can't speak as to the others, but Dr Givens is an apologist disguised as an academic.

    14. which makes it even better as he still acknowledges polygamy as a main reason for JS being martyred. ;')

  10. A calling at fourteen or hormones it's an honest mistake it can get confusing especially if your mixing drugs like viagra and whatever you were smoking when you thought you were convincing the interviewer it will also make you dilusional like you think we are all buying your crap and to boot it also makes you blind to how sad your teenagers are and your fake marriages are a mess.

    1. timeline check, did Kody say 14? I thought his family joined polygomy when he was on his lds mission?? so many different stories about just basic facts? does anyone know the timelines?

    2. I'm not sure that I can think any less of him, but it does bother me a lot that he would go on an LDS mission when he had already decided on apostate beliefs. It also means that he lied to the Bishop and Stake President who interviewed him prior to his missionary service.

    3. It just proves to me even more that Kody Brown Family is a complete fabrication.

  11. OK, first: the bald spot is so very very obvious. He left his hair straight this time or straightened it with a flat iron probably for better coverage but guess what? It still showed, big time. His long locks in the front are getting way to thin to cover his balding head...

    Second: when he was 14, a religion with multiple wives was a calling? I think he found the idea to be able to bang different women openly very very attractive. Bet you he was full of sexual power and he thought it was a fantasy coming through. This man is so perverted.

    Him saying he has done the emotional work in the relationship and shoulder all of his wives' emotional needs? That's why all of his women are sad, angry, depressed, etc etc. Such a lie!

    And Christine and her defense? She might as well have said that green dogs walk on the moon, I find the latter actually more believable.

    1. i noticed he went w/a turned under bob style this time vs. his usual up-flip. ;')

    2. Personally, I think Christine felt she needed to defend the religion since she is a "blue-blood" within as opposed to needing to defend the accusation that Kody is a womanizer--because she is the only wife to outwardly seem offended by it. I mean I'm sure she thinks he is, based on the simple fact that he felt a new wife was needed when she was pregnant with Truly (which is just a douche thing to do).

  12. Well, the truth is that if one really wants to follow the teaching of Joseph Smith, they must live a "plural lifestyle." The Browns are living the principal because it is what they have been taught is God's desire for them. They sincerely believe this. While I agree that it isn't working very well, I do think it is impossible to hold them to monogamous standards because they are doing what their faith tells them is best. Unless they chose to leave that faith, they will continue on because they believe there will be a long-term reward for their present struggles.

    You cannot argue someone out of their religious faith. It is something that must come from inside of him/her.

    1. I think that the only reason people are holding them to a monogamous standard is because they have not showed us a different way. They said they would. They didn't.

      The Browns haven't explained this principle, only said that it was one and that we viewers needed to respect it.

    2. yes, this is something that has been stressed and re-stressed here time and time again. they're all in it full-on and will "endure to the end" as they're taught. they've all got too much time and kids invested in it and it would be even harder to get out than just to check-out emotionally and keep going with the flow. Most of them have their kids to carry them through right now. I think that's why Meri's so lost cause she can see her one and only distraction will soon be leaving the nest.

    3. hereswhatithink,
      Your point is well-said..."IF"..that is his (their) sincere beliefs.
      And please know that my following comments are not directed at you or your thoughts other than to be inspired by them. :)

      Kody's MO unfortunately does nor relay as a devout follower !!!
      Just my opinion.

      If doing this show was his personal commitment to the Principle, then why engage in all the ridiculous Kody-starring activities? Why show his wives in various stages of torment?
      Why not highlight his children and the *family* in totality instead of the endless individual trips, running from house to house for the bedroom duties..?? Completely abdicating his role and expected participation as a father when his sons are squabbling and drawing blood?

      Then there are the businesses that have gone nowhere, but have seemed to successfully distract from asking him "how are you paying/supporting for all these children?"

      And yes, not paying DEBTS, exploiting the welfare system that "we" working people support...
      Always looking for the handouts cleverly couched as *endorsements*....??

      Letting his wives carry the worry burden of how to pay for *his* children?

      Is that the Principle?? Is this his religion???

    4. I don't get this, if plural marriage comes from Joseph Smith, why would Kody decree that they would no longer celebrate his birthday but go all Hanuka (sp?)
      They totally confuse me about their religion. Lifestyle does not equate religion I don't think.
      Instead of repetitive relationship crap I'd really be interested in what are their current beliefs as far as religion goes. It looks to me like they've diluted it down to plural marriage and that's all. Maybe that's all it really entails? To use a Kody quote out of context "uhrr Go git ya some"

    5. Very well spoken!!! After all it us their life, live and let live.

    6. I cannot speak for the Browns, but yes, I do believe the wives are very sincere in their belief and commitment to the principal.

    7. Sorry I meant the Principle.

  13. I don't think Natalie is really going to dig deep and ask hard hitting questions. This "womanizer" question was probably the only one and they act offended as per usual. Sad.

    Thanks for this blog! I really love reading it.

  14. New Reader here. I am glad I found this blog. I watched this with an open mind. However, the religion is so wrong, and against God's word. They use Joseph Smith's book. It kills me he put in the book he was a womanizer and then doesn't want to be held accountable for it? THEN DON'T put it in a book!

    Kody Brown changes his story. First it was his mother drew to it, then he was LDS until he met Meri, and decided to go into the A.U.B. church then, now it's a calling? Get it straight. Write it down on a post it.

    Robyn looks to him before she makes a face of agreement or not.

    Lastly, NOW he says he chose each mate because of the DEPTH of their CHARACTER?
    Hmmm... that's not what he said on a couple of shows ago. He barely knew Christine or Janelle.

    HOW many times has Kody and Robyn used the word serendipitously, or some form of it? Funny how they get a word and use it over and over. Meaning come upon or found by accident. He Serenditiously found a way to be a man whore!

    1. serendipity was on their Word Of The Day Calendar which challenges them to use it as many times as possible that day. Other words that have been in the calendar include: "amazing" "surrogate" and "weird"

    2. Hey Bargain Babe, don't forget the word, "lifestyle choice"

  15. Hereswhatithink,
    I guess you and I will just have to agree to disagree because all of the mormons at one time or another followed and still follow Smith's teaching; however, when the state and federal laws banned plural marriage, the mormons stopped following that part of Smith's teaching. And, quite frankly, if we followed all the teachings of the bible, we would none of us have eyes or hands because they would have already been chopped off. So, as much as the argument for polyg based on the teaching of smith and the whole religious indoctrination thing goes, I don't see it as much of a religious thing as a choice thing. You notice they say they do what god says, but there will be no more wives. If god is the pilot and they the copilot, they would not limit the number of wives Plus, there's the whole concept of only takig those women you can support...clearly that's a part of the teaching they fail to acknowledge.

  16. Let's ask Wkipedia for a definition of open marriage. (Not perfect, of course, but a reasonably reasonable source.)

    "Open marriage typically refers to a marriage in which the partners agree that each may engage in extramarital sexual relationships, without this being regarded as infidelity. There are many different styles of open marriage (such as swinging and polyamory), each with the partners having varying levels of Input on their spouse's activities."

    And, further consulting Wikipedia,...

    "Polyamory is the practice, desire, or acceptance of having more than one intimate relationship at a time with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved."

    Sounds like an open marriage to me! (Oh, wait, but in this case "each" may not engage in intimate relationships with others - only the man can. Still, does that not an open marriage make?)

    1. Sister Wives RivalryJune 22, 2012 at 9:45 PM

      I actually would have more respect from them if it was an open marriage. Right now, Kody is engaged in individual relationships with each woman and isn't able to satisfy any of them emotionally or physically. In an open marriage, each of the woman wouldn't have to wait around hoping that Kody might happen to breeze in and bestow some of his attention on her. If all of them weren't so busy competing for Kody's attention, they also might be more open to having real supportive relationships with each other. One of the reasons that I think Kody is so against an open marriage is because he knows that he'd lose all of his wives if they realized there are other options besides him.

      I am one of 5 siblings where there was a lot of sibling rivalry. I know how painful it was to compete for my parents attention. I can only imagine that these sister wives are experiencing something similar.

  17. Eeeeek....all of them look like Vegas performers with the make up on.
    Looks like they're all on board, the Brown Crazy Train full steam ahead.

    Talk about checking out, I'm checking out! I'm so damn sick of the explanations and the love fest. It's boring. Blah blah blah, how many freaking times do we have to hear all that shizzle?
    My curiosity about them has peaked and is circling the drain.

  18. Just read on facebook that the junk jewelry online shop is opening at 9 p on Sunday. Hmmm

    1. You can already buy such pieces in the dollar store.

    2. finally seeing realityJune 23, 2012 at 12:03 AM

      Personally I would not wear their jewelry, either meaning S for Sister and W meaning Wives, or as what the call strong women. Although I see my self as a strong woman, I certainly don't want to use these women as examples of this!

    3. Right after the Finale, Amazing...NOT!

      I bet they can afford those houses now that Robyn's gonna make them Billionaires...lmao!

  19. How could he have a calling at 14 when we saw the epusode last year i think when he home to visit kody plainly stated he went on a mission. Thats where boys spend 2 years frim 19 to 21 serving rhe church. Its done in the mormon church. I dont believe the AUB doesnt even believe in it. When kody came home he joined the AUB. Ok thats 7 years after his so called revelation about pilygamy. Why would you stay in a church that doesnt believe in polygamy and spend two years on a mission if God called you to somerhing else 7 years before? Again kody and tlc thinks the viewers are stupid. We cant remember what we saw one year ago. As my granny used to say how do we know kody is lieing? His mouth is moving. The whole show is one lie after another.

    1. I saw a discrepancy there also. Kody was doing a mission for the LDS church. He has stated before his parents were looking into it, he went to the AUB church with his dad, and met Meri, and she was "THE BAIT" to go into polygamy.

  20. Oh barf...and Christine has WAYYY too much makeup on!

  21. Oh great we get to see them tell more lies, realize they're contradicting themselves, and then launch into bizarre attempts at damage control.I really find this to be the most entertaining aspect of the show right now.

    Hey TLC- If I want to watch a scripted show about polygamy I'll watch re-runs of Big Love...much better storyline, much better actors.

    1. "Hey TLC- If I want to watch a scripted show about polygamy I'll watch re-runs of Big Love...much better storyline, much better actors. "

      HA !!! Perfect, Corgi !!!!

  22. Yuck. Is it me, or is Krody morphing more and more into the Geico Caveman? Meri looks nice. Janelle and Christine - just say NO to the fake eyelashes and gobs of makeup - it doesn't suit you. On the other hand, RNC probably needs the heavy pancake foundation to cover up her green tinted skin and anything to draw away from that witchy nose. I'm thinking with proper training, she could perhaps read the lines from the stage version of Wizard of Oz. Kody could be the Scarecrow. Janelle and Christine could alternate playing Glenda..

    I have committed to never watching this show again. I don't like feeling duped, matter of fact it makes me angry. I'm sure one of the reasons Janelle's fitness center got canned was because someone over there (or an advisor or someone on this site) suggested that they're likely to get a lot more $$$ selling their ugly jewelry. They don't even have to show up at openings (gyms) to do it. People are stupid and will buy the shite, you know fools and their money are easily parted.

    Love this site and the fact that we're proving to these idiots that not everyone is buying their cartload of lies. Pull the plug on this TLC, the fat lady's singing.

    1. finally seeing realityJune 23, 2012 at 12:06 AM

      I doubt they make much money selling their ugly jewelry, and I bet it is not cheap either.

    2. I hope you're right Finally. I just looked at the crap they're trying to bait the "sharks" with. I've seen better looking stuff come out of the machines that take quarters at Chuck E Cheese. And after looking at his mug on the Stupid Wives Closet site I'm convinced he's auditioning for the part of Geico Caveman in future episodes.

  23. I can't wait for the jewelry!!!!!

    little trinkets, little trinkets!

    hands and jester hats!!!

    They will have to have mulitple barbie heads to go with the hands and middle-age-Ken head too (he gets the jester hat)

    They can add souvenir trinkets in the shape of Mexico, and one in the shape an RV, and one in the shape of a single Frito...oh, and they can take the fish taco concept and do what they did with the Claddagh ring design--pull it apart! an empty taco shell, a fish stick, corn kernels and a bowl of sauce!!! beautiful!

    Then there will be the wive's "symbols" to collect! Boxing gloves for Meri, calculator for Janelle, a princess tiara for Christine, and for Robyn, an almost-touching-nose-and-chin trinket (yeah, that's what RNC stands for, Robyn's Nose and Chin, right????)

    The symbols will have holes in the center so you can slip them on a chain....Like Add-A-Beads!

    Yes Yes Yes, I can't wait. Oh the fun!

    1. Well you did it Anonymous 8:05. I just sprayed the new computer keyboard and monitor with iced tea! I want the frito trinket first. I call it!!! Oh and don't forget the sheep-shaped trinkets. Oooh and perhaps a trinket in the likeness of a jar of Skippy? The possibilities are endless!!!

    2. I've been laughing about this for 24 hours. A frito. fish taco pieces. boxing gloves. hahahah!

  24. Don't know if it has already been said, but

    The exact moment when this show "jumped the shark" was....

    Kody riding two dolphins flexing his arms.

    And it was just a pale and pitiful imitation of the fonz water skiing over sharks.

    Everyone knew it was coming, it was inevitable, but I mean really, nobody expected them to get so literal about it.

    1. I was really hoping the dolphin would toss him off during the he-man pose! Forcing an animal to carry that tool around is just wrong-

  25. In this tell-all, are they going to tell where the Lexus is?

  26. I'd bet the Lexus was a lease, and the time was up! What fool would ever drive a sports car when they have 17 kids? That's all you need to know about what kind of person Kody is (a flaming narcissist!)

    1. Before the show, with all these unemployed wives, 10+ kids and being a sign salesman, how could he cough up the payments every month?

  27. I think a poster upthread hit on something about Meri - she is quickly approaching the "empty nest" syndrome. Once Mariah leaves she will have no diversion from the feelings of neglect and jealousy. Maybe she truly is conflicted about having another baby for that reason! This is normally the time of life when a husband & wife reconnect with each other, learn to have fun together again, go exploring and just enjoy being a couple again. She is NOT going to have that pleasure at all.

    Poor Meri is searching for something she'll never find - the companionship of a husband in a sister wife. No one will ever be able to fill that void. That's why she keeps seeking out more women. In all honesty, Janelle seems like a sweetheart and Christine is so full of energy & fun I can't imagine why neither of them would have been able to give her the relationship she was looking for which is really just a best friend. Even your bestest girlfriend can never replace your husband. If Meri can realize this she may be more at peace.

    I think we've all come to the conclusion here that these people most likely will not change their beliefs no matter how many times they contradict themselves. First of all it would be embarassing for them and as someone else here said, the thought of being shunned by other members of their "community" is a very real and uncomfortable threat. (as I see it, if a "religious" group of people would behave that way towards another human being just for leaving that faith, they are NOT people I would want in my life but that's just me) By coming out in such a public way they have really put themselves between a rock & a hard place.

    The children have the benefit of lots of siblings but, again, a sibling can not fill the void of a father. If they lived together in one house they would have a chance but now they've decided they like having their own houses (yet another contradiction). I don't care if they are right next to each other it's not the same as living under the same roof. And I've also been wondering, what address does Kody use as his own????

  28. Poor Meri is looking for something she'll never find - trying to fill the void of her husband's absence with a sister wife. This is basically what she's looking for. That's why she didn't have it with Janelle or Christine and it sure seems to be waning with Robyn. It is unattainable with another woman your husband is sleeping with. She needs a best friend. If she would just realize she needs a best friend, a friend who would NOT be expected to fill the emotional void of her marriage, she may be happier. I think a poster upthread was on the right track with her - she is approaching the "empty nest" time of life. This is normally a time to reconnect with your husband - learn to be just a "couple" again, go exploring, feel the freedom that comes with knowing you've raised a great kid to be self sufficient and now you both can find joy in each other again. Sadly, she will not have that to look forward to. This could by why she is torn about having another baby. I believe her tears and emotions are real when she contemplates this and perhaps some of the sadness is because she knows if she had a real marriage with Kody alongside her every moment of every day she could decide but of course she can't say these things out loud.

    I think Janelle is a sweetheart and Christine is lots of energetic fun so both would be excellent friends. Yet Meri continues to keep seeking....

    I am glad the kids get along but I'm afraid they use each other just like the sister wives use each other - to fill the void of an absent father.

    Lastly, what do you think Kody uses as his own address???

    1. Breaks my heart the way Kody pressures Meri about having another baby
      if she wanted one she would have broached the subject along time ago.His constant badgering is borderline cruelety.A woman knows her own mind and heart on that subject.If he is so damn adamant about wanting one he has 3 others wives he can get with.I doubt his motives are sincere about not wanting her to be alone (emptynest)maybe he knows he isnt up to snuff to be there for her emotionally as well as physically.
      It's obvious when he cant see past his nose and see the pain and anguish he puts Meri thru when he nags her,She says she doesnt know what she wants so frigging drop it!! She'll let you know when she does and quit using the bio-logical clock as a weapon to beat her with.
      As for Robyn offering to surrogate ,that was sweet ,but perhaps she is worried that she wont be able to bond with a baby she didnt carry herself even it is her eggs.Be that as it may her hestitation should speak volumes .She doesnt know and that should be respected .

  29. Oh goody, the Closet will finally open...seridipitydooda!
    I think they love playing with the sharks,mingling with the sharks,bilking the sharks,lying to the sharks.....they're quickly becoming the very sharks not so long ago they warned their children against.
    The hypocrisy is "amazing".
    Maybe they've realized that people outside their cult aren't the devil or maybe they are willing to sully themselves with "sharks" money because in their hearts they know it makes God happy?

    PS~ love the subliminal King Kody with this video clip! Trippy!

    1. i LOVE Serendipitydooda!! that's great!

  30. Just watched this clip again.......
    So Kody, you are not a womanizer by Webster's definition, and you have "shouldered" the needs of your wives....
    Yet simultaneously, you have by your own words, invested much time throughout your adult years in choosing wife after wife, evaluating each one deeply and carefully to make sure she would be a good fit. Makes perfect sense that you cannot know if a woman has the desired "character" you mentioned without sufficient time invested in the vetting process.

    So, how does a guy who *should be working/earning a paycheck* to support his many, many children, and who should be interacting with his *existing* wives have such free time on his hands to do all that reconnaissance and prep work looking for and getting to know other women ?! It is a mystery, but(borrowing a Brown fav word) it's an *awesome* one.

    Yes, the makeup fairy was a bit heavy-handed on Christine and Janelle. The eyelashes were a bit much. Couch Chat- Vegas showgirl style.

  31. Kody sure got his panties in a wad when Natalie called him a Womanizer, lol. He gets all huffy & says, "Is that what U actually think I am, Natalie?" I wonder what Kody would of done if she would have said yes?!? That would of been priceless but probably the end of the interview.

    1. He is probably too arrogant for media training which I 'm sure TLC would have provided, though watching him make a fool of himself is probably better for ratings. He is asked the same sort of questions in each interview and always gets huffy and defensive. People who are interviewed and know that they will be asked the same predictable questions learn to stay relaxed and answer the question. It's not hard, they can just keeping giving the same answer. Same with the sex talk. It's an obvious question that they should be prepared for. The Browns dont' understand how to be professional, they would be more respected if they did. Kody just makes himself look worse by getting so flustered. It doesn't even look like he has himself convinced! If you are comfortable with your choices you don't need to be defensive--much!

    2. And he is too stupid to realize the truth of what you wrote above, A4Eliz, and get media training in spite of his arrogance.

    3. Kody's used to being worshipped by his harem and his wannabe's. even that married ridics professor lady that was worshipping his ass. so, he's at a loss when a mere non-priesthood holding Woman (who's also cursed to not have a penis) disses him in front of his harem girls. his only reaction is a natural one and that's instant self-righteous anger and machoism.

  32. Kody: "OH IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK I AM, A WOMANIZER?" a I can't believe she's saying this to me & high & mighty tone.

    STFU Kody!! Yes, among other things too!!

    Kody: "OH DO I HAVE TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR MY PAST?"(having many girlfriends)

    What a dumbass douche!! He probably says the same thing when filing for bankruptcies too!!..smh

  33. Just to clarify Kody's conversion to polygamy timeline. He was LDS and evidently became converted to the idea of polygamy when he was 14 (probably through reading about the early leaders and members of his church who taught that polygamy was an essential for Mormons to be with God). He stayed LDS, went on a mission for the LDS church and came home to find his parents had converted to Mormon Fundamentalism and had joined AUB. He then quickly accepted AUB teachings too because they went along with the early LDS church teachings, and became a member. The rest we know. Unfortunately, however sincere he may have been in his choices, he needs to face the fact that his religion does give him full reign to be a womanizer. He also needs to face the fact that polygamy is a nightmare for women and that few (if any) women get their emotional needs met in such an arrangement. The effects on children are equally negative, where he has no time for the children he has fathered or taken on - this is the norm in polygamy.

    1. ex AUB, the thing with Kody is is that he does not work or do anything reall, he just roams around in his Lexus or "Company Car" between booty calls and meal visits between the houses. Oh, and being a "manly man" for his tv show, to prove he's not gay. He sleeps with 4 women, that must be very hard for a gay man, unless he's bisexual.

      He could easily spend 2 hours a week one-on-one time with EACH child. He choses not to.

      I still wonder what he does on a day to day basis.

    2. I have wondered if he didn't try to push back the timeline of his "conversion" on the show to tone down the "ick factor" because he and Janelle were indeed already step-sibings in their teens. At this point, I am so jaded by the cover-ups that I can see her having met Adam through Meri rather than vice-versa--and, likewise, having met Meri through Kody. Does Ex-AUB have any knowledge as to when Janelle's mom married Winn? Just trying to unpeel the rotten onion that is SW.

    3. I still wonder what he does on a day to day basis.

      His HAIR? ;)

    4. "Does Ex-AUB have any knowledge as to when Janelle's mom married Winn? "

      Janelle's mother Sheryl was Winn Browns 3rd wife. They were married after Kody had converted to fundamentalism and married to Meri and AFTER Janelle had moved to Wyoming. Her mother had gone to Wyoming with Janelle to meet Meri and Kody. When Sheryl met Winn, "they had instant chemistry" and he already had 2 wives. Winn and Sheryl started courting and were married soon after.

      "I can see her having met Adam through Meri"

      Janelle met Adam when he moved next door to her family when she was still in high school. According to Janelle (who was still LDS at that time) his family was AUB, but Adam was not. He converted to LDS when he married Janelle.

      This is from Becoming Sister Wives - Chapter 2 Janelle and Kody. Of course there are no dates, but it does appear that Janelle's mother married Winn after Janelle had been divorced from Adam Barber for at least a year. And that Janelle and Kody did not become step-siblings while teenagers. Remember, Kody married Meri when he was 22, so he was not a teen when his father married Sheryl.

    5. Yeah, CJ--I know what the party line is, but all their stories are falling apart at such a rapid pace, just makes me wonder. :). There's no paper trail to verify the timeline about K's dad and J's mom. That's why I was wondering if Ex-AUB might know the actual answer. I was also curious if anyone knows anything about Bill Barber's ties to the Zittings. I read somewhere Bill was related to them; curious if this is true. BTW Kody's mom was 47 When her Youngest child was born, since children and age has been a topic all day. He is 32 years younger than her eldest child.

    6. I was thinking that when they went to Wyoming, they said that Janelle and Kody were a 'courting; and her mom came up, but actually married Winn before Janelle and Kody got married. Who knows- they change the story all the time!

    7. I do know for a fact that Kody and Janelle were not step siblings as teens and that Kody had been married to Meri for a couple of years before Sheryl ever met Winn. I have known the family personally for many years. Sheryl did marry Winn the same year as Kody married Janelle.

    8. Thanks Anon 5:32. Good to know that there is at least one factual item among the numerous half-truths of their back stories.

  34. "He also needs to face the fact that polygamy is a nightmare for women and that few (if any) women get their emotional needs met in such an arrangement."

    *This* is really what the bottom line is and what the show Sister Wives has brought to public awareness.

  35. I just have to ask what is up with RNC with those shoes and socks?

    1. It's a fashion statement soon to be available on their mysisterwife website at 9:00 Sunday morning. I can't wait to spend my money for some so I can look just like the sister wives.

    2. Oh, Anonymous 11:15, you and me both! I have been waiting FOREVER for xxs baby doll tops with color contrasting long sleeve undershirts. And the "sausage fit" jeans. I hope they remember to add those to their online catalog!

    3. lol robot monkey. I layer shirts but I make sure it looks cute. They should ask Madison for help. She could do their makeup also.

    4. They should sell badly fitting bras too, for that little extra roll on the back neat the armpits to make it perfect.

  36. I wonder how the Sister Wives (in the) Closet business model works?

    Do they really participate in the clothing/handbag design and in the production?

    Or have they simply been hired to put their "branding" on someone else's marketplace selling cheap stuff made in sweat shops in China or Central America?

    With this online stuff, "in the Closet" could just be a thin software veneer of a "shop" that is just a virtual front for another already established distributor of cheap goods.

    My guess is that this is what is going on. I think they (Robyn) get a salary for endorsing this stuff, but the ownership is elsewhere. The company probably just wrote off the monopoly piece necklace charms as marketing expense to get the branding established with the browns.

    1. Basic long sleeve tees (each size will be 2 sizes smaller), ill fitting tank tops/baby doll tank tops and dollar store jewelry.

    2. I'm going to say the clothes/handbags are sewn by Meri in her craft room; because other than the pajamas she makes at Christmas what else does she use it for.

    3. They have no branding style or couth whatsoever!! First, of all Branding has to have some sort of good quality consistency & we all know that SW has none!!

  37. Anyone think Kody is plannin hair implant surgery soon?

    1. I vote yes. His vanity has no bounds.

      Also I agree with Anon@ 10:57, no way they've put in the time to arrange for that amount of inventory selection or for their designs to be mass produced and warehoused, ready for purchase. Some ppl. poopoo'd the idea of SW branding but heeeere it is!

    2. Yes. John Gosselin got it

    3. Oh my yes. That might be why there is a mid season hiatus. Hair restoration does not happen over night. He'd never be caugth dead with those balloons placed under the skin to stretch the scalp. Surfer Dude is way to vain to be seen with those.

  38. Cody a Womanizer no way his first love is himself and his hair

  39. Are they gonna talk about their dreams?
    (From their own website):"
    We have many dreams, but our biggest shared dream right now is to live in a VERY large house with 4 separate “apartments” or 4 houses side by side, maybe at the end of a cul-de-sac or in our own gated area."

    1. i dream of living in The Venetian at Las Vegas. i probably have a better chance of seeing mine come true.

    2. I don't think they understand the meaning of "gated area". I don't live in the US but I've heard about gated areas, and they encompass an entire community, not just one cul-de-sac.

      If they want to start their own Brown Family Polygamist Gated Area where love is multiplied and not divided, they need more than a cul-de-sac. They need a big old piece of land and some brains.

    3. But if they were truly realistic they would be shooting for trailers in a trailer park.

  40. I wonder if "the closet" site will have its own sizing system, like at Lane Bryant?

    They could go on a sausage scale. mini links, pepperoni, and the big cahuna bologna size. They could also sell body butter to assist in the dressing/undressing phase.

    they must use fishing line in their seams to keep it all together.

    And for the guys, the pants can come with depends sewn in to avoid those "butt sweat" moments.

    What do you want to bet that Kody picks out the clothes that go on the site!

    1. Someone should tell Kody that Walmart brand incontinence underwear now comes in boxer-like styles. Heck, I don't even need em but bought a pack for the coolness factor!

  41. Saw that robin tweeted yesterday about the launching of their sister wives closet website launch on Sunday.peed my pants when I saw the inclusion of clothing and accessories! What a joke..perhaps along with the crappy jewelry I can buy Meri's swimsuit as well as a pair of mom jeans or perhaps a plastic purse. No offense ladies, but not one of you has a lick of fashion style. Hopefully, not a penny will be made off this venture. The mission statement accompanying the website is the biggest joke of all!

  42. Totally agree the jewelry business is not bona fide. Someone else is doing all the work and using the Brown's "fame" to promote junk.

  43. Thought I'd share some thoughts regarding polygamy. I know the belief out there is that the LDS faith no longer practices or believes in polygamy. This is kinda/sorta true, but honestly, its really s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g the truth. Although LDS members no longer practice polygamy in THIS life, they do believe it will be practiced in the next - (Celestial kingdom of Mormon heaven). For example, if a man marries a woman in the temple for time and all eternity, and the woman dies before he does, the man can marry a second wife in the temple and she will be his second wife in the celestial kingdom. And if the second woman passes away before he does, he can marry a third wife in the temple and she will be his third wife in the celestial kingdom, and etc. etc. However if a WOMAN'S husband dies before she does, the woman can NOT marry another man in the temple because she can not have multiple husbands in the next life. She is allowed to marry another man in a civil ceremony, but she knows she will not be with him in the next life because she is still sealed to her first husband - unless of course, she can convince church authorities to unseal her from her first husband and be sealed to the second husband instead. Its possible Marie Osmond did something like that when she got divorced.

    The reason the LDS church does not practice polygamy now in 2012 is because it is against the law. However, if/when the laws change it will come back. The LDS scriptures (Doctine and Covenants) claims that when all of the keys of the gospel are restored, polygamy will once again be practiced IN THIS LIFETIME.

    The reason you don't hear about this stuff is because its easier to say "We just don't practice polygamy anymore." Kind of true, kind of not.

    1. You are exactly right Lavender. (I posted a comment about this at about 6pm, and it hasn't showed up yet....?!?!)

    2. OK! I found my comments down below.

      So, anyway. . .Lavender is exactly right. LDS polygamy doctrine is 100% still canonized in D&C 132, and has never been changed or revealed different by any LDS prophet.

      I absolutely believe that the 5 of them will continue in this practice because all Mormon religions (LDS, AUB & FLDS) are very heavy on the indoctrination of their faith. Celestial marriage for all 3 are REQUIRED to get into heaven.

    3. Hi Wonderwoman1975,

      I've published several of your comments tonight. Please check again. If still missing, let me know at the email address above. Thanks!

    4. @Lavender: You are right on spot. My cousin coverted the the LDS several years ago. He told me himself that it is taught that one day, "Celestial" marriage will be part of mainstream mormanism again once the law of the land changes. Presently, there are both politically influential mainstream LDS and FLDS groups who are lobbying to have polygamy decriminalized. There are also former FLDS lobbying for the decriminalization of polygamy. A former co-worker of mine, who left the LDS, told me that there are men in the LDS who are 'sealed' to more than one woman. Yes, you read that right. They keep it on the quiet. They are usually men, who 'rank' higher in the LDS. I questioned my cousin about this. At first he tried to deny it, but I kept pressuring him as this was not the first time I had heard this and my co-worker had no reason to lie about it. Finally, my cousin admitted it to be true, but he was quick to add that these men aren't sleeping with the other women they are 'sealed' to, so therefore, they aren't really married or breaking any laws. He explained that it was more like the men were just promising to be responsible for these womens'spiritually since it was usually older widows the men were sealed to. I told him he and the LDS could call it whatever they wanted to, but it was still polygamy. Of course, he got defensive and said it wasn't polygamy, because they weren't having sex. I pointed out that after my nextdoor neighbor was paralyzed in an accident, he and his wife could no longer have a physical relationship, but that didn't make them any less married. My cousin couldn't come up with a good answer. He got flustered and left. I really haven't seen too much of him sinc then. When I do see him, he doesn't try to push his religion.

  44. If you were launching SW closet tomorrow, wouldn't you maybe put that on your website? Wouldn't you have the link to SW closet mention that instead of just bringing you to a crappy page with the logo a little bigger? I know very little about marketing but that just seems like common sense...

  45. Still in shock that these fools have branded themselves and are now selling junk jewelry in addition to their book and green goo. Foolishly I decided to pop over to the grifter website...big mistake because now my eyes hurt. Figured I would pass along these green goo testimonials:

    CHRISTINE= "After giving my one year old Green2O she started pooping regularly, her mood improved and she was no longer throwing up from being dehydrated. Besides all of this, she loves the taste!My road rage has significantly decreased after using Serezen in the car while driving. If I don't remember to use it, my kids remind me. They love the effect it has on me, I love how calm it makes me and I am sure the other drivers love it too.Helping my kids with their homework used to be a struggle. Now we all spray our Serezen, sit down, and start to tackle homework".

    MERI = "I always have a bottle of Serezen in my purse and on my counter at home. It does an amazing job at calming my nerves & anxiety".

    Conclusion...the green goo drink gives the runs and spraying Serezen crap on your tongue 5 times a day helps you stay sweet!!!

    1. is Christine describing Truly? throwing up from being dehydrated?? geesh... this toddler not having hair yet is the least of her problems. sounds like she's got real health issues and a momma that doesn't get that!

  46. (con't). . . I've been surprised and disappointed that the Browns don't emphasize their religious conviction more. I would argue that polygamy alone is the biggest issue within all branches of Mormonism. Hear me out......
    LDS stopped practicing and have distanced themselves from it since 1890, but it is still canonized as Mormon doctrine. We LDS still believe that to be rewarded with the highest level of the top tier of heaven, you must agree to live in eternal polygamy. (D&C 132)
    Those righteous people will receive eternal progression which means that the men will become a God and his polygamous wives will be Goddessess. The Goddess Sister Wives will be eternally pregnant with spirit children of the world(s) they are populating.
    This is the whole point for the Browns and FLDS to practice polygamy so that they can enter this highest level of the Celestial Kingdom, instead of being punished with a lower-level kingdom. It is central to their belief, and I am a little shocked when they seem to be so open to their children making a different choice. I believe that Janelle and Christine know in their heart of hearts that this whole doctrine is BS, and their kids have picked up on this. Janelle & Christine's struggles show how wrong polygamy is, in spite of the fact that they *say* they have a testimony of it. Kids know the difference - actions speak louder than words.

  47. (con't). . . sorry so long-winded!
    It is well documented that Joseph Smith married girls underage, one as young as 14 (Helen Mar Kimball). He also married married women (polyandry) and sometimes sent their husbands away to serve a mission.
    He eloped with his first wife Emma, against her father's wishes. Shortly after his marriage to her, there started to be sexual allegations charged against him. Listen to this podcast about it, if you're interested:
    My conclusion is that it is terribly, terribly sad that Mormon polygamy continues today in practice (AUB & FLDS) and in doctrine (LDS).
    The problem is that this doctrine was latched onto by a few people who knew how to "market" it and it continues today (in practice and doctrine). As a person raised LDS, I understand the control the "testimony" has on the Brown family. They believe their testimony of this doctrine trumps their own desires, their own common sense, their own instinct about what is best for them and their children. I have no doubt that all 4 women will stay in this marriage until the day they die. I have hope that many of the children see through the reality of it, and haven't been indoctrinated to have a 'testimony' of it (Maddie & Hunter for example). Some of them have already received a 'testimony' (Mariah & Logan - I believe he absolutely will follow Kody's footsteps).

    1. Thank you WW for the LDS history,interesting.
      It seems to me that the Browns wanted to sanitize their beliefs to appeal to the masses, not for God's glory but their own.
      Also, my personal opinion is that this particular family is so weird that it turns me off to wanting to even understand anything about LDS,FLDS,AUB...anything Mormon related. I don't have a desire to know more anyway but after watching them I definitely wouldn't want to. They're kooky.
      They apparently want the audience to see "the joys and stability" of their religion but seriously all I see is dysfunction and one man's enormous ego.

    2. Anonymous j, UR last sentences summs it up perfectly!

  48. My Sister Wife's (Wives's?) Closet Prediction: (possibly with an extra wife on either side)

    No, really. I have a feeling when the website goes live it's just going to link to an external CafePress with a few t-shirt designs and some "limited edition" junk jewlery offerings that look suspiciously like the Average White Band logo.

    1. junk jewlery offerings that look suspiciously like the Average White Band logo.

      Average White Band reference FTW! Well done!

  49. Kody really needs a haircut, he looks like the scare crow in the wizard of oz. Straw & scalp

  50. SW. Stepford Wives.

  51. Interesting how Robyn is so quiet during this segment. Usually she can't shut up!

    1. Possibly Krody gave her a double hot shot of serezen to stifle her big mouth. After all, he was battling a she-shark intent on insulting him and he was busy revising his conversion story. Gotta stay focused in a couch session with a stranger in their midst.

    2. Seems she has toned it down a little this Season & hasn't been hogging so much of the Couch Sessions or maybe it's editing, who knows. Now that she's a Business Owner & All, she doesn't have that much time to do all the talking because she's too busy coming up w/new Doodles for her Coloring Book.

  52. "Those righteous people will receive eternal progression which means that the men will become a God and his polygamous wives will be Goddessess. The Goddess Sister Wives will be eternally pregnant with spirit children of the world(s) they are populating."

    MLM and Pyramid Scheme at its finest, elevated to religion!

    1. Exactly. Utah has a really high rate of MLM companies. Probably because we Mormon LDS here in UT religiously *understand* that MLM set-up. Yikes.

    2. Stupid question: what does MLM stand for? I'm not familiar with this term.

      Thank you!

    3. MLM - Multi Level Marketing. Also labeled Pyramid.

      Mary Kay, Amway, and many other companies do this. Basically, you get little.
      There's a funny video from Penn and Teller on utube about it, listed somewhere on here.

    4. "what does MLM stand for?"

      Multi Level Marketing...used to describe companies like Amway, Avon and LIV Intl (the one the Browns are associated with). Basically, its a legal pyramid but the people at the top of the pyramid still reap the rewards from the hard work (and money) of the people at the bottom of the pyramid.

  53. How was he 14? He served an lds mission, and it wasn't until after that, that he even considered polygamy?

  54. Wow.. Godessses? Now there's a pick up line! That is just so bizarre-o. To think of the vast magnitude of the universe and beyond, and God is talking to some lame "surfer dude" who pats his nasty wet cameltoe ass on national TV but thinks it's ok because he is a star now.

  55. loveisblynde - you might enjoy this-

    It's an oldie but goodie- my choices for Kody's other wives for a planet!

  56. I have spent the past two weeks reading ALL of this blog! Truly sickly obsessed! lol

    I have posted a couple of times but now that I'm caught up I've got a few observations that I posted before but since it was kind of off at that time I'll repost it here:

    I believe Meri and Kody were young and madly in love and still are. If any of them could be considered "soulmates" it is them. I don't think Meri had much luck in the dating area and was willing to agree to whatever Kody wanted, i.e. polygamy, although I don't think she, 1)really wanted it, or, 2)actually thought he would follow through with it since they were so "in love". After three years with no children she panicked and picked/agreed to Janelle but really couldn't stomach the idea and she was intentionally was mean in an effort to make her leave. Unfortunately for her, Janelle became pregnant instead and solidified her standing as 2nd wife.

    In Season 1 I felt sorry for Meri because it is obvious the baby issue has brought her great sadness but she has been mean from the beginning, before that even had grown to the current issue.

    Janelle's self-esteem has allowed her to settle. She settled in her first marriage and was likely relieved and grateful for a second chance with Kody. I don't think she believed it would be as antogonistic with Meri as it ended up to be. But she's a trooper. She works and keeps on keeping on. Her relationship with Kody has never been about anything but making babies and having a practical mind in the house. I don't see them as sexual at all.

    Christine was truly happy being the earth mother. She never expected anything more and she felt like she was a viable unit of a functioning family. I think her and Kody's was a fun one and, of course, making babies again was a function. But I don't think she's madly in love with him like Meri is. He's just the leader in her religious family unit. But she is hurt when she became displaced.

    Robyn is a different story. Robyn brings sexual experience to the table that Kody most likely has never experienced, hence the fascination with her. Meri was a virgin and their interaction is most likely very sweet and romantic but very boring. Since she knows nothing else it's fine. Sex with Janelle was solely for making children...again, boring. Sex with Christine was probably more fun just because she is playful but she is most likely very inhibited in the bedroom. Robyn has been around the block. I don't believe for a second that she has only been with her first husband and Kody. Not for a minute. She has experience and he's loving it. But it's just sex for him, and, hopefully more babies! It's not love and if Robyn thinks he's her "soulmate" she's sadly mistaken. She's just the first one that's ever given him a BJ.

    1. Just to add: Janelle has been married before too, without children. IIRC to Meri's brother.

    2. "Robyn has been around the block. I don't believe for a second that she has only been with her first husband and Kody. Not for a minute. She has experience and he's loving it. But it's just sex for him, and, hopefully more babies! It's not love and if Robyn thinks he's her "soulmate" she's sadly mistaken. She's just the first one that's ever given him a BJ."

      Those are my sentiments exactly. Robyn was no shrinking violet. She might have been raised in polygamy, but I'd be willing to bet that she left for awhile. During her youthful hiatus, she was probably quite busy spending time with 'gentile' guys. She didn't end up with a closet full of lingerie from VS for nothing.

  57. Bleeding the beast.... hahahahhahaha I laughed at the last line. wow.

  58. Just a quick FYI.... goes LIVe in 43 minutes!!

    1. OMG! UGGGG. the first necklace looks like it's for Gene Simmons!

  59. Kodouche - your NOT fulfilling your wives emotional needs (let alone any of the others) when one wife has to advise the other to be sweet because you dont have the time to discuss her emotions! You are womanizer and a fraud and your sham of a lifestyle - "calling" is coming to light and people are finally seeing you for the worthless piece of work you are.

  60. well done, Mister Sister. I laughed so hard at your choices for Kody's other wives for a planet!!!!!

    If TLC would like to liven things up a bit, they could throw in a transexual to the mix. Monkey butt could "court" him, not knowing he is really a man until the honeymoon.

    1. Thanks! Sorry the Vid no longer works, but I thought it was worthy!LOL

  61. I too looked at Mister Sister's old post, FUNNY!
    It will be very interesting which child chooses which path. I can't wait to see. Logan is on the edge. He may bypass it, or he may listen to Kody and all the sex, and go right in to the pit.

    I hope all goes well for the children, and they all get out of that religion.

  62. I think Natalie was very insensitive in her interviewing. She continually tried to show experiences in the negative light and posture her questions for the "bad" side of relationships between the parents. I thought the children were very well-spoken despite the drama Natalie tried to infuse. Did not enjoy Natalie at all but enjoyed the family more.

    1. Natali asked about what they wrote in the book. Did u also love how Kodouch talked to christine? Wasn't that beautiful.

  63. Ok so I too get it in a way and that is why I started watching this show. Heres the thing I am not Mormon and was raised with very little (some church visits 4-7) religious beliefs but I have had an inner voice for many years that agrees with this life and am not sure why. I married my high school "sweetheart" after college - we started dating when we were 15yrs old. I always felt like since we were so young when we got married and he had not gotten to experience many other women that he would do it and needed to as well. He of course would say no at first but I kept it up and had basically given him permission to do this as long as I knew about it and with a few rules. The first being that he always treated me in front of the others as "the queen bee" and that I had more say than the others because I was first and deserved it because of this. I did this because I really believed in it - and I thought it was a must for our marriage to survive the years to come. I felt like men need something different every so often and I was fine with that as long as he didnt hide it ever and that the women had reasonably similar social backrounds and "moral" code as we did. I did this out of love for him and wanting him to have everything that would make him happy - always. We were not swingers and I did not want to have any other man - ever. This was a one way street and we tried to explore this some later on in our marriage and I was true to my word and he was to his. And they knew that I was first and the "queen bee" and they were ok with it. We were together for 17 years - we divorced because he had a substance abuse problem that he could not deal with and I was tired of dealing with. But I truly believe that if he didnt have this we would have been together still and would have "grown" as a family unit by now. So I get Meri finding Robyn and or suggesting her to Cody. I see that same "love" between her and him and I think that he knows she wants him to have all that will make him happy in this world - and is forever grateful to have someone that loves him like that. So I get it on this level - for sure. I am positive that most do not get it and will say nasty things to my post but I had to get it out there because I am wondering if this is how Meri and Cody feel at all? If this is a real part of the decision to be "plural" as well as the religious aspect ?

  64. Anyone know where I can watch the tell all online? I missed it... and cant find it anywhere...
