Tuesday, June 19, 2012

S04 Ep10 : Brown Family Confessions - Discussion Zone

Ha! What confessions?

Can we talk?

After watching the Browns make a big production out of not answering questions in their second Q&A session, the thought came to me "How the heck am I going to recap this mess." And suddenly I had a revelation: "Why recap this mess? "

Here they are, sitting their ample asses on Janelle's couch, with Kody 'pulling rank' on whether the teenagers should be present or whether a certain question can be answered. What's so awful is that they obviously knew in advance what the questions were going to be, so why the lame huffy "How DARE they ask me that question" attitude? And if they didn't know the questions ahead of time, they should have!

The only, ONLY interesting segment was when Robyn opened her mouth and incoherently said "...as much as we were going to push college, on our kids as much as possible, promote and sell this... not all the kids are going to go to college..."

Finally, FINALLY Kody showed his adult side and said, with a very stern look on his face, "They ALL have to go to college". And he added that others may disagree, but he still wants his children to go to college. Ah...so Kody CAN act like an adult!

Note to Robyn: Best to keep your underachieving aspirations for your bonus children to yourself as Mr. Kody Brown was NOT amused! Keep it up and you'll be sucking up to sister wife #5 !

More and more each day, Robyn appears to be just like those wicked stepmothers in fairy tales.

So folks, feel free to use this space to discuss what ever you like! Here's some pics to help you along!

Examples of Kody Brown Pulling Rank

 Photos of Kody's Family



Most of the family together

Here's Something You Can Discuss!!!!

CPA Carol suggested that a transcript of Kody's long discourse on what he wants in a son-in-law be added for discussion. Here it is !! Discuss away!!

Kody said: ...Who they marry will be the single most important decision that they will make in their entire lives...

I hope that they marry for love and for happiness to somebody who has ability and skill and ah brain and ah education and ah ability to make money and take very good care of them and make them happy. Who has a strong heart and the ability to justify all the things that they do in life, they will be the most decent citizens and raise the best children that can be raised by the ability they have and the skill they have in relationships...I'm a very tolerant man but my expectations for a son-in-law is very high.


  1. This is probably the ONLY time I will say this, but I agree with Robyn's reality on the college issue. NOT all of their children WILL go to college and even if they all GO, NOT all WILL graduate with any type of degree or certificate! That is the reality of such a large family. Forcing their children to attend college will not result in positive outcomes.

    1. Then again, sometimes a parent has to push their child. If my mother hadn't pushed me, I never would have gone to college. Like Janelle said, it may not be college, it may be a trade school...just some kind of higher learning/skills school. The Brown teens appear to be bright, in some cases, even smarter than their parents. Don't sell the children short just because they belong to a large family. Imagine if Robyn had a semester or two of college english under her belt...

    2. You ENCOURAGE your children to seek out higher education, yes. But to force them, especially right out of high school, is not good. I work for a university--for many years now, and the number of students that come right out of high school and then fail is very high. IMHO, it is better for kids to live a little, take a job, and THEN if they want to pursue education, they can.

    3. You mean high school English! I think both her and Christine were home schooled in a similar fashion to how Christine was home schooling the children in Utah.

    4. Unfortunately anon 9:31, in today's workforce, a college degree is like a high school diploma. EVERYBODY'S got one. And if you want a management job, guess what. To be competitive to even be considered for a job, you have to have higher education. The kids you see dropping out today will be kicking themselves 10 years later for not getting that degree earlier.

    5. I don't think Robchin is concerned with the education part or being realistic. It is the money concern. College is expensive and that equals less Benjamin's for the bedroom wife. That is the only reason she joined the circus. She saw $$$

    6. Yep, lisasumms, that's how I see it, too.

    7. OK, I dislike RNC, but on this issue she does have a child with autism. I know that doesn't rule out college for David/Dayton, but it might be too much for him. And autistic kids can obsess over things even when it is not in the immediate future so the child could be upset over the pressure of college. So IF that is what she's referring to, I'm OK with that. On the other hand, I realize she hasn't put her kids' needs first yet that we've seen.

    8. Some kids, people, ARE NOT MEANT FOR COLLEGE... Trade school is better for them. This is from someone who has 2 college degrees. My son would fail out of college, owing money and feel like a failure. It will never be for him. Robyn actually made sense last night. I can't afford to pay college, and I paid for college for myself twice... you do what you have to do.

    9. Money for college won't be an issue. Kids with single parents can get Pell grants to cover a big chunk of tuition. They can also get student loans, and work their way through college like most do.

    10. I cannot believe that RNC did the whole soccer mom wife, toilet cleaning wife, and bedroom wife. For her to bring that up, she has to have at least a limited fantasy about her identity in the makeup of the wives. If I'm not mistaken, she brought that up.

    11. I don't disagree with Robyn's point about college, but it's pretty bold for her to pipe up about the issue with kids who aren't her own. (and I'm not buying that whole, we're all moms to all the kids crap). And, why does she have to pipe up on every issue?

    12. I have to agree. This is from mother of two children who went ti Ivy lrague schools. College is not for everyonr. My husband is an suti mechanic who owns his own business. He didn't go to college and didn't need to. Neither did I but I should have. I never made over $15.00 an hour. It depends on the child and the circumstance.

  2. Did anyone else find it really weird how close Robin and Logan were on that couch? He had his arm almost around her and she looked almost as if she was leaning into him. I just find that extremely awkward.

    1. I noticed that too, i myself, if i was on tv would not have allowed that but robyn seems to be enjoying it. Maybe to make kody jealous and draw attention to herself. I wonder what the wives were thinking. What a wierd ssituation

    2. I was coming on here to comment on that...It looked like they were a couple and I felt very uncomfortable watching it. It could be very possible that Logan has the hots for Robyn....yikes!

    3. I think sometimes, whether on purpose or no, the family tries to "mirror" the Henricksens, meaning Robyn wants to "be" Margene who of course had a flirtation with Ben (Bill's oldest son) at times...of course Robyn is NO Margene...by a long shot. but she is going to flirt with Logan of course and call it "being close to my bonus son"...my two cents.

    4. i have seen another episode where hunter is stroking mariah's wrist, and playing with her bracelet. it is creepy. these are things my husband does to me. i also have a brother, and no way would he rub my arm like that or fondle my jewelry.

    5. THat was one of the very first things I noticed. I bet that daddy will keep his eyes open

    6. Yeah, I did notice and it only supports my theory that Robyn is really stupid and lives in dream world, where she is Margene Henrickson. Didn't the jewelry thing spell it out? In fact, I think Kody sees himself as Bill Henrickson. Hence, the houses in a cul de sac?

  3. Ha! Another connection to HBO's "Big Love". Remember when the oldest son was attracted to Margene?

    1. That's what I thought, too. But then I think Logan is smarter than that.

      The seating on the couch was probably the producer's choice. Maddie also looks very squeezed in between Janelle and Christine. I think the adults were seated first and then they tried to squeeze the smaller teenagers in between on the couch. It just so happens that Logan and Maddison are the slimmest of the bunch.

    2. Yeah, I think the producers were probably trying to cause some controversial conversations when they seated Logan and Robyn next to each other. There definitely wasn't much room on the couch and so he probably had to have his arm on the back of the couch just so that he would fit. I think Logan will be very glad when he finally gets to move out.

    3. No doubt Robchin getting a cheap thrill. Would have been more appropriate for Logan and Maddie trade places since they are soooo modest and prime and proper. I have noticed that Robchin and Logan often have matching cold sores on opposites side of mouth as in "interfacing". Gross, sorry the shark in me made me say that.

    4. Ha - I just posted about the BL similarity. I don't think Logan would have asperations towards Robyn in that regard, however I think Robyn wants to be The Hot Chick, the Margene. Who knows if Logan has even SEEN Big Love. I'm also sure the producers (Figure 8 Films is the producer of the show - NOT TLC - I posted my theory on how the family gets paid etc on TWOP earlier this morning) wanted to throw in a little scandal or whatever you want to call it.

      I went to Figure 8 Films' website - they are the producers of most of the "family" shows on TLC including the Duggars and Kate/Jon. As I stated at TWOP, I don't think TLC pays the Browns direct - I think they agree to either a per-season, or per-episode amount with Figure 8, then out of what Figure 8 gets, they pay the Browns, their camera crew, production staff etc etc. Other than doing a lot of shows for TLC/Discovery, I don't see any indication that Figure 8 is "owned" by TLC. TLC acts as a distributor/end user. So this could be why "TLC" doesn't reveal how much they pay the Browns - because the Browns' check isn't coming directly from TLC, it's coming from Figure 8 and a portion of what TLC is paying them. Again, just a theory.

    5. The Browns, minus, Janelle and the kids, are stupid enough to think they are real "Big Love" family.

  4. Kody sitting on his high horse pulling rank is the picture that describes him best without any words!

  5. They keep saying how they make decisions together, they are like a normal marriage, etc. but then Kody "pulls rank". If somebody can "pull rank" then the situation is inherently unequal. Whenever there is a disagreement he pulls rank (like moving to Las Vegas). What an ass (sweaty)!

  6. Love this show because, however staged, it does allow a peek into a secretive religion. I still think Robyn said not all were going to college because she thinks some of the girls will be married at 18. Isn't that fairly typical for this group?

    1. Very typical for girls to be married at 18

    2. yep, that's why Meri doesn't need to worry about having another baby. She'll be a grandma and holding Mariah's soon.

  7. Say what we will about the Browns, their teenaged kids are really very normal. I don’t necessarily see that as an endorsement of polygamy but mostly an endorsement that these (mostly) single mothers are doing a decent job raising their kids. Kody may see himself as ‘the enforcer and the rank puller’ but we all know better (uh bloodied nose at the Christmas tree excursion, anyone?). These kids are raised by their moms. And I think we can all agree that the moms love their kids and probably genuinely do love their bonus kids, too. Personally I don’t like to make negative comments about kids on reality shows because I feel that it’s got to be really hard to go through adolescence in front of a camera so I won’t make any negative comments about the kids. Some I like better than others, but we have to remember they didn’t really choose this so we should be kind with our comments. Ok, so I got that off my chest! 
    I think the seating was arranged by the producers to get everyone in the shot for the questions, I absolutely do not believe for one second that Logan would have inappropriate thoughts about Robyn. I thought it was hilarious that Kody wanted to be in discussions about his kids ‘kissing’ and I loved the natural reaction given by most of the kids. I mean, how ridiculous is that? “Hey dad, haven’t seen you in ages but I am thinking about kissing a boy, let’s chat”. Kody tries to change the whole ‘you need to not do anything physical until you are 21’ and Maddie shoots back ‘no you said 18’. Go Maddie! When Kody went through his list of qualities he expects for his daughters, that was just priceless. If anyone can get the transcript on that one, we need to discuss that in length here on SWB. Honestly even the wives were laughing at Kody on that one. And although I don’t remember all the attributes, I do recall thinking that he had very few of them himself.

    And it was inappropriate for them to purposely put out an ‘offensive’ question (which I think is TMI for the kids to hear, what kid wants to think that about their parents, let alone their multiple parents – ick) and then ask the kids to leave. That was a bad call on the producers part and the parents part to go through with that scenario.

    1. I also thought the list of attributes that Kody listed were funny because of how many of them he seems to lack. I know that every father wants the very best men for their daughters to marry, but he also wants his daughters to marry into a polygamous relationship, so I wonder how many of the attributes he listed could really be said of a man in a polygamous marriage.
      I loved the look on Maddie's face when they were talking about no kissing. :)

    2. "If anyone can get the transcript on that one, we need to discuss that in length here on SWB"

      Your wish is my command...I've added his long discourse to the end of the article above!

    3. Thanks Cynical Jinx!
      Now that I see it in writing, well its just even more stupid. Be the most decent citizens? Raise the best children based on the ability they have and the skills in their relationships?

    4. I want to know what RNC said when she giggled into a sweater about Christine's toilet. Whatever it was, the other wives just looked at her as if she had just farted. So, I'm thinking there must be something particularly awful about Christine's toilet, shower, clothes, or kitchen. Or, maybe there was some sex toy. Or, naked pictures of cameltoeboy. That is henceforth Kodsturd's new name Cameltoeboy.

    5. the other wives looked at her like she'd just confirmed what they'd long suspected. that her and kody had done more than their disapproving of her pre-marital kissing they witnessed on camera but had also done the nasty before they were married. Kody looked pissed at her for stupidly spilling the beans.

    6. When the Cleaning Wife/Bedroom Wife question was asked...Meri, Janelle & Christine all answered the same saying that they are all each one of those things. Once again, Dingbat Robyn couldn't leave well enuff alone & just agree w/the others so she started giving us all examples of how SHE is ALL of those things, like cleaning Christine's toilet. That is UNTIL she got to the Bedroom Wife part of course & that's when she hid behind her sweater & giggled like a 3rd grade little girl who just saw a boys "WEE WEE" for the 1st time! I'm sure that Kody & the other Wives were freaking out thinking she was just gonna keep right on talking & tell all about her & Kody's Sexcapades, lmao. It's hard to imagine any of them even having sex since they can't even say the word w/out going into an all out giggle fit, geez!

  8. Hey, that Klody's new laptop being used?

    Note to Klody: Being shy about sex when you are actively banging several women for many years is very unbelievable. If you don't want to talk about it, OK, that's fine. But you can mention the word. Nothing wrong with that.
    But keep in mind your whole show is about you banging several women (call it "celestial" marriages, call it whatever you like)...

    Also, it is very untasteful to involve your teens in it - for them sex AND hearing it from their "dad" is gross. You obviously don't thinks sex is gross (otherwise you wouldn't be having 17 kids and banging 4 women). Don't go to that level. Also keep in mind that it must have been so embarrasing for your teens!

    Spend time with your kids Klody. You don't work, you don't do anything, really. The taping of the Kody Brown Circus Show is only a few weeks out of the year, the rest of the time you are doing NOTHING. So, go and spend one-on-one time with your kids. Make each of them feel they are the most special one. Take one morning or afternoon for each kid. Listen to them. Talk to them. Get to actually know them. Do you know their favorite color or animal? Or even their birthdates? Walk with them, play. Have icecream. Or go to mickey D or whatever. Money enough to go on trips so you don't have to open a begging campain among your fans.

    Is that a Rolex you were wearing? Where did that money come from? Wouldn't it be better to save that money for College?

    Was it just a "one time splurge" just like the Lexus. Speaking of the Lexus, where is it?

    Did you ever splurge like that (conveniently always splurging with other people's money) on one of your children or your wives, or do you only splurge on yourself?

    Other than having a didgeridoo, what makes you feel elevated above all your wives and kids? You are a man and head of household? TAKE THAT ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY SERIOUSLY! You have two healthy feet and hands, get yourselve a job. It's time to get excited about your live Klody! Get off that recliner and DO something.

  9. Similar to the kissing discussion, when they talked about the temptations in Las Vegas in relation to the kids, I got the feeling from the reactions that some of the kids have ventured from the fold once or twice. I don't know too many high school aged teenagers that haven't at least had one sip of beer. For the adults to think kids aren't going stray here and there is unrealistic.

    I'm not condoning drinking, drugs, sex etc. I'm just saying it happens whether we like it or not.

    1. Personally, I was a high schooler who never tried alcohol or cigarettes (even though an older sister offered me alcohol and said, "I'd rather you drink at home with me, then out with your friends at a party") and my mum never had any fear that I was going to stray. I didn't start drinking until I was 23 and had left the country for a year in England. But I think we should give these kids the benefit of the doubt and not assume they won't stray. My sister (another one) and I didn't and she still doesn't drink, I drink v. moderately (one alcoholic beverage a week).

    2. Did anyone notice that Kody asked his wives the temptations in LV question but ever answered it for himself?

  10. I would just like to say that I think Robyn is feeling a bit insecure about her children going to college, especially Dayton as he has aspergers syndrome and will probably after highschool get some work related training and work a low level job (which I think is great don't get me wrong, everyone has a full potential and it differs from person to person) My heart goes out to that kid because there is no way he will be able to follow the religion and take on multiple wives.

    1. I agree, I think this was where Robyn was going with that.

    2. As posted above:
      I hope that they marry for love and for happiness to somebody who has ability and skill and ah brain and ah education and ah ability to make money and take very good care of them and make them happy. Who has a strong heart and the ability to justify all the things that they do in life, they will be the most decent citizens and raise the best children that can be raised by the ability they have and the skill they have in relationships...I'm a very tolerant man but my expectations for a son-in-law is very high.

      The Kody check list:
      Ability – to do what?
      Skill – to do what?
      Brain – no evidence of that
      Education – no, never mentioned so guessing no education past high school
      Ability to make money – Uh….no. TLC is the only $ coming in, finite resources
      Take very good care of ‘them’ (wives) – no….houses falling apart, cars held together with duct tape
      Make them happy – pretty much no on a regular basis.
      Strong Heart – depends on what that means? To climb up a water cave?
      Ability to justify all things they do in life – Now this is Kody’s main goal in life to justify all things he does. So check on this one.
      Most decent citizens – running away from the law is not being a most decent citizen.
      Raise the best children they have based on the ability and the skills the have in relationships – I still content that the moms raise these kids.

      Poor pitiful Kody, even his emotionally dead wives cracked up at that list.

    3. I just thought it was odd that his list didn't include "being a man of God/spiritual leader of the household", etc. I know they aren't "pushing" their religion on their kids (totally are), but if he's making a wish list, wouldn't that stuff come first? I mean if he's really into the his whole religion? looks like it really is all about the multiple wives and the scams. Sometimes what you don't say, says everything.

    4. My nephew is almost a junior in high school and has Aspergers with every intention of him going to college (he wants to study rocks...); I think the difference is that high-functioning autistic children can go to college if they are given the right skill-set to do so. But at the moment, I've seen no indication that Dayton is receiving any specialized help which will help him in the future, which is just tragic. A child shouldn't be label with a disorder and than considered a lost cause because of that disorder. Robyn is doing her son a huge disservice, IMO.

    5. Good point Ziggy (especially after your very excellent theory about the prophetic outcome for the blessed family!)
      Yes, why wasn't that one of the hopes for his 17 kids? How quickly they forget about the Holy Spirit Buzz and the spiritual aspects of a good life.
      Oh well kids, chase after the Squirrel, it will lead you to scams, trips, houses and fancy watches. They too can possibly dream of schweddy pants on tv.

    6. Kody's clueless that Dayton will probably not be able to go on to college. No one has spelled it out for him yet. Remember he just threw him up in Christine's bed to study and declared he helped him do his homework by doing that!

    7. They always claim the children are free to make their own decisions regarding religion when they are adults (when their frontal lobes have developed), and whether or not they want to live polygamy (for that they don't have to wait until their frontal lobes develop). I recommend the girls that do chose that lifestyle get a lobotomy ASAP.

      The boys are a sad sad story: because one men marries so many women, there are a ot less men needed in their circles than women. And since lots of men marry 18-year-olds, they are basically snatching the girls from the boys, so often times the boys are just "discarted" when they turn aduls (except for the sons of the prophet).

    8. for some reason, i do not see kody as "a very tolerant man." he strikes me more of a "my way or the highway" kind of man.

    9. Asperger's syndrome does not equate with mental disability. I have an Asperger's cousin at a good college; I've taught Aspies in my own college. See: http://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/tc/aspergers-syndrome-symptoms

      Asperger's tends to be a social issue, rather than an intellectual one.

    10. I just thought it was odd that his list didn't include "being a man of God/spiritual leader of the household", etc.
      That's an excellent point, Ziggy, and more evidence that Grody is totally full of **it! Nothing about this "lifestyle choice" is about the religious aspects of polygamy. It's all about Grody, his vanity, and his ego!

    11. My 17 year old son has autism, but is extremely high functioning. In some ways, autism/Asperger's can be a blessing as these kids sometimes focus so much on one ting that they excel at it. My son's obsession is meteorology. He has been an amateur web meteorologist since he was 14 and is starting college in the fall for....meteorology. Hopefully we'll see him on the Weather Channel one day (that's his goal). Their focus on one thing also usually makes them excellent employees (and workaholics). There are many levels of functioning for autistics just as there are in the general population. Not everyone is Rainman. However, if you compared my son to Dayton, my son's autism is almost imperceptible, whereas you can tell right away that there is something different about Dayton. I would say (based on my experiences as a special ed teacher) that Dayton is low to mid functioning and hasn't been taught the coping skills needed to allow autistics to be successful in life. I have worked with my son since he was 4 (and was a hand flapper) and not only broke him of the "autistic' habits (hand flapping, looking away when someone talks to him, not saying please or thank you, not acknowledging people) but also helped him to be more social. In fact, he has more friends and is more social than my "regular" kids! lol

    12. that's great, Anony - 8:19! thanks so much for sharing your story. Your son's lucky to have you for his mom for sure. Day-un and his luck - not so much. ;'(

  11. A few people were commenting about Kody’s eating off the kids’ bowls. I don’t see a problem with that generally, since you share so many germs living in a home together and the parent-child thing too…
    But then I started to think about the herpes issue.

    So many people have herpes. It’s inconvenient and obnoxious. When one has an outbreak or feels it coming, one should do everything possible to avoid spreading it. But when untreated or ignored, one can spread it to one’s spouse. That sucks, but it’s not unheard of. So I’m not condemning the infected.

    But how irresponsible (reprehensible?) to risk spreading an STI to your kids. I’m sure none of the parents know that “cold sores” are spreadable or what that would mean to their kids.

    Now when I see that image of Kody eating out of his kids’ (paper – how wasteful for a family of limited means) bowls, I want to shake and slap him for being so reckless with his kids’ health – even though herpes is little more than an inconvenience, it’s still a permanent condition.

    1. So I got that Grody wanted to taste the first bowl, but who was the 2nd kid(girl) who then wanted him to eat out of her bowl too??? That's the idea I got and I thought it was one of The Hounds of Hell aka RNC's daughter that wanted the hugs from Grody's brother.

    2. Peanut Butter FritosJune 19, 2012 at 12:17 PM

      Oh please, calling these kids names is a little much. I think they are just doing exactly what any kids would do with these rocket scientists in this peaceful, functional atmosphere.

  12. Robyn looks worse and worse in this season. Not sure if it was editing, but there were multiple times in this episode where they were all just looking at her (even her biggest fan, Kody) like she was just an idiot. The bedroom wife comment, for example. I think that although the first three wives may not have all been besties, they balanced eachother very well. Robyn just does not fit.

    Also, I loved when they all basically explained that they don't talk about the bad stuff. Robyn doesn't bring up "annoying things" in her relationship. Kody said they celebrate the good parts and ignore the bad. Thats healthy...

    1. After reading the comments above I understand now why that slip by Robyn (that she was the bedroom wife) was so important and embarrassing. Robyn wasn't married to Kody yet when she was helping out Christine. So if Robyn was the bedroom wife that means she was having premarital sex with Kody! What a freudian slip that was!

    2. Honestly, my take is that they had in fact already had an AUB sanctioned wedding much earlier than the extravaant TLC GALA. I figure they were trying to cover up the fact that K&R were already married before the first season ever even hapended.

      NOT because they had premarital relations, but because they had "marital relations"--and the first season was built around "courtin'". It would be par for the course that this crew would dramatize a whole "courtship" for people who had already been married for a year. Becoming more cynical by the moment.

  13. Peanut Butter FritosJune 19, 2012 at 11:17 AM

    Between 17 kids and five adults with no jobs, they really can't fill an hour with an entertaining story like every single other reality show on TV? They really had to punt some stupid monkey butt questions? These people are failures at everything they do.

    Kody was darker and less scripted than usual. Breaking character, if you will. He just came across as a bossy jerk, which I think was new. Glad I'm not on his planet for eternity! I'm also glad the teens are so strong and smart and backed up now, and they are in the bigger world to realize what choices they have. I hope they really soar, free.

  14. The question about the "sex meds" WAS inappropriate for the kids to hear (who wants to hear about their parents having sex? Ew, gross!). But the scene was ridiculous: tacky question, looks of horror, "kids, out of here", everyone struggling to get up and leave, "we're not going to answer that". Total waste of time.

    1. definitely over-scripted. maybe that's where Hunter drew the line when he was clued in how it was to go down and he said "no, way. ... that's just too stupid and i refuse to be a part of it. i've got better things to do at a friend's house. " Logan's still the ever dutiful older Johnny Appleseed son and does the crap required even if he doesn't like it.

    2. you know what's funny to me? in theory, i'm sure it sounds great to be able to have sex with 4 different women any time you want to. but most married couples will tell you (especially ones with young children) that at the end of the day, the relationship becomes way more important than the sex. maybe in the beginning, sex is a selling point, but i just don't see him as the sex crazed man child that a lot of people think he would be. i agree with everyone that robyn is probably the only one who is getting it on a regular basis. and i think that sex question was done on purpose to gross the kids out. that sounds like something they would think is comical. i don't think the teens knew that one was coming, just the adults.

    3. i think the teens were warned and were also told to have an "ew" reaction instead of giggling about it like their parents always do. and then they were going to be told to exit all ahead of time. the whole scene looked so obviously scripted.

    4. Kody didn't have any problem telling Dr. Drew he didn't "need Viagara" a couple months ago. . . so what's his problem now?

  15. Am I the only one to notice that Meri is getting bigger? I was watching and like..wow, Meri's so big.

    1. I just looked at a video from the first season, and I'm struck by how much weight they all (Kody included) have gained - except for Janelle, who looks like she has lost some. Being on TV would be one thing that would really motivate me to lose weight.

    2. For meri to claim that her and Mariah "eat healthier" than other households seems to be untrue, since the two of them have the most noticeable weight gain this season. Christine is gaining cuz she is making "mock tapioca" all the time, Jamelle maintaining with peanut butter fritos and Robchin knocked up but filling out to be a curved girl.
      Why the hell do they make everything mock? They have all day to stuff ravioli and stir pudding.

    3. Your last question had me rolling! Hilarious!

    4. I wonder if Meri is on anti-depressants as well, some brands have been known to cause weight gain.

    5. I mentioned this last week. She is getting really huge. Depression?

    6. I think they have all gained weight with the exception of Logan and Maddie. I tried to explain why I think this is on another topic on this blog, but someone jumped all over me saying that eating better meant losing weight. Let me clarify myself. By eating better, I meant that they had more money to spend on food...NOT GOING ON A VEGAN DIET. Sheesh!!! I'm sure that before their TLC gig, the peanut butter fritos were rationed to much smaller portions. With all the dining out, I'm surprised that they aren't already heavier than they are now--especially Kody, who dines out four times as much as his wives.

  16. Hi! I just found this blog last week and have found this blog so funny!! I love the comments and nicknames for Kob and Rob. Too funny.

    So much of what has been posted here is exactly how I find the family and the show to be. And Kody commenting on his daughters and marriage, ugh. He did come across as a controling jerk. He probably wouldn't even notice if his daughters got married because he really does not seem to have much of a relationship with them (or the rest of the kids). When he does visit his kids' homes he swoops in, performs his "husbandly duty" with their Mom then heads back to Robin's house. That doesn't leave a lot of time for having quality time with the children.

    Peanut Butter Fritos, I agree with you. The children do seem to be strong, clean living, bright kids. My hope is that they are a huge success in life and are able to lead normal lives once they are away from their egotistical father.

    1. I think the kids are turning out well BECAUSE of Grody's absence. I think Robyn's will be more screwed up since they're more exposed to him than his own kids ever were. he's so immature.

      when they showed the clip during the "hair products" question, i'd forgotten how giddy both he and Meri were about getting him ready for his wedding ceremony and how completely goofy he was acting about it all. i wasn't feeling the religious spirit at all. just a total giddy giggly sexual lust vibe. and all being enjoyed with Meri. ick.

  17. I thought Aspyn looked really good in this episode...it looked like she may have lost some weight.

    I thought it was very interesting when Krody called Mariah "the obedient child" and she smiled. I wonder if she's so pro-polygamy just to get the accolades of her parents...she's definitely recognized for it.

    I couldn't believe when Robyn made the "bedroom wife" comment. I have a feeling she knew exactly what she was doing. She wanted to put it out there that she has a good sexual relationship with Kody. I think it was a horrible thing to do, it was almost as bad as her explanation that when a wife is pregnant it's the physical evidence that she's had sex with the husband...she's very manipulative and conniving and wants to make them all crack.

    It was also very telling when Aspyn said, "we never see dad!"...She's Christine's daughter so I wonder how often he goes to her house. It kind of discredits their arguments that the kids see Kody a lot. I love when the kids are on because the truth always comes out.

    1. Since Kody is 'punishing' Christine for not keeping sweet, 'her' kids are getting less of his time. I am glad Aspyn said it, it needed to be said! It's the truth!

    2. I thought the "We never see dad" was the kids encouraged to mention that in regards to the housing. "Gee if only we lived on one street right next to each other! Hint Hint! Then it would be like before asnd we would see dad all the time." I don't think the kids are beggers like the parents but I get the feeling its repeated over and over around their dinner tables. It just gave me the Kate Gosselins. "The kids sure miss the tv cameras and the vacations" vibe to me.

    3. Did she really say the bedroom wife though?? I didn't hear it..

    4. ITA about Aspyn. She's a very pretty girl and definitely looked like she had lost weight.

      I'm totally pro education and actually put myself through college with no help from my parents but it probably isn't realistic to think all 16 kids are going to get a degree or a vocational certificate especially if they can expect to receive little or no financial help from their parents.

      I wonder if Hunter refused to appear?

    5. Hepburn, i didnt hear it either i must have missed it.*frown*, i wish i had seen that one.

  18. Kody's discourse on what he expects from a son-in-law......

    "I hope that they marry for love and for happiness to somebody.....
    *who has ability and skill and ah brain and ah education and ah ability to make money*.....
    Well, let's be real here....This is NOT a strong suit of Kody.

    "...and take very good care of them and.... *make them happy.*
    Again, a failing grade for Kody since this is not happening in KodyWorld.
    All of the original three wives are either "mean," "anxious," or "disconnected." Jury is still way out on Robchin's long-term happiness.

    "Who has a strong heart and *the ability to justify all the things that they do in life*...
    Well, surely Kody is an expert at justifying what he does and does NOT do, so it is easy to see why he would consider that to be a stellar quality in a son-in-law.

    "they will be the most decent citizens"....
    Hmm...Does that include integrity in tax filings and paying debts and not dishonestly gouging the welfare system?

    "... and raise the best children that can be raised by the ability they have and the skill they have in relationships..."
    Oh, Kody, maybe you should have left this one out, given your obvious lack of skill at relationships. Bedding multiple women is hardly a *relationship* skill.

    "I'm a very tolerant man but my expectations for a son-in-law *is very high*."
    Kody, let us hope that your high expectations are based on your self-analysis of your own lacks, and hopefully a sincere desire for your daughters to have better than that in their lives.

    Also hoping Kody's discourse applies *to his sons* as future husbands and fathers.

    1. Very well said, Amused....

    2. His children & "wives" were laughing at his statement, not just us. Robin looked like what I get myself into.

    3. Let me preface this with the statement that this is one of my pet peeves in general and not just with Sister Wives. Why do we still cling to the 50's and believe that men take care of women or that women want/need to be taken care of? How about we raise all children to be self sufficient whether they are male, female or gay? Then they can enter into relationships as partners and equals. What a miracle that would be!

      How many women do you know who don't hold down a job? Not everyone needs to go to college, but everyone should have skills that provide a living wage. I'm so tired of this crap! As if Grody is taking care of anyone! Stupidest thing he ever did was move them out of Utah--both because of the cost of living and the fact that Janelle had to give up the only steady job of the bunch.

      Hypocrisy, thy name is Grody!

  19. I am on a little break so I thought I would throw something into the mix. The food thing was disgusting. Not because I am opposed to the eating off of a child's plate; however, he was just going down the line eating out of their plate. Is that some kind of a tribal thing? Let me the cave man eat first and then you? I am not sure about how that translates.
    All the women and older girls are getting much larger. Two of the older girls are beyond obese and are hitting morbidly obese and Janelle, Meri, and Christine are getting close to super morbidly obese. I think that the women are so stressed about the potentiall end to the TLC gravy train, the aboundant trips that each wife wants to go off with Kodsturd, and the kids being stressed over the move that they are just going through the motions. I think RNC will eventually divorce the family.
    But this brings me to that this is a sister from the same mister and a brother from a nother mother inside joke they shared in the first season. If that wasn't confusion enough, poor Sol will say: here's a sister from another mister, a brother from the same mother, a brother from the same mother and a different mister, a brother from another mother, a sister from the same mister and a coldsore that came from who the hell knows. RNC, just saying.

    1. Peanut Butter FritosJune 19, 2012 at 12:14 PM

      He must have watched a couple episodes of Dog Whisperer and picked up some new parenting tricks. Now he should try blowing air into their faces.

      I don't think the kids will care so much about the half-sibling part, I think they're pretty much rock solid after this whole, um, lifestyle. It wouldn't be so bad to have that many siblings, especially once you leave this freakshow. They'll have each other for life, they've seen far more than the compound, and I am so hopeful for them.

    2. the kids did not look in the least amused at Grody stopping them and slopping spoonfuls of their food into his mouth. it looked like a complete uncouth beavis/butthead move. and teaches those kids to do the same thing to their siblings whenever they feel like it. nice classy boundaries you're teaching 'em, Grody!

    3. "He must have watched a couple episodes of Dog Whisperer and picked up some new parenting tricks. Now he should try blowing air into their faces."

      AHAha ha ha haahaha!!!

    4. I wont eat off my kids plate, they need all the food they can get around here. My mom use to say, eat what you can today cause you may not be able to eat tomorrow. Y is he takeing the food out of their mouths.

  20. thought this might be appreciated here.... I wonder if Kody would have made the top 12?? http://fox13now.com/2012/06/18/jeffs-revelation-reportedly-names-15-men-as-fathers-to-flds-children/

    1. Well he certainly should be named since Kody is a Most Model Citizen.

    2. I think that should maybe get its own post. That said I think Jeffs is just plain crazy. If only 15 men are allowed to procreate and all other men are now supposed to just be 'caretakers', does that mean those 15 will hop from house to house sleeping with other men's wives while the real husbands have to be celibate? How is that supposed to even work? The FLDS has thousands of members, probably three quarters of them female. Those 15 will be exhausted veryyyy fast

  21. I think in the teaser for next week, Meri was referring to her "first wife" status when she said that she's different from the rest of the wives (when talking about getting a new house). From everything I've read about polygamy, the first wife has the most status and the other wives know it... I think it was Meri's way of "pulling rank"

    1. Meri may have status, but I suspect that Robyn thinks she's the one with status in this family, since she clearly has most of Kody's attention, for the time being anyway.

    2. I want to see this teaser - where is it??

  22. Pretty ironic that none of the characteristics that Kody would like to see in his future son-in-laws apply to him! And too bad that none of the sister wives' dads didn't have that list to help guide their daughters to someone better than Kody!

  23. Thank you CJ!
    Personally I think the stern talking Krody pontificating about college is his never ending way to please his adoring public. I really doubt that had they never been featured on this show that college for all the kids would EVER be discussed.
    He knows it's the enlightened politically correct thing to say to his fan base.

    I would think that traditionally a devout plyg family would be happy to see the girls find a husband, start a family and if she's inclined to work outside the home or get some college...it's on her and her husband.
    As far as the boys, I have gotten the impression that at 18 they're men free to pursue work, college or marriage..whatever but it was on them to figure it out.

    I realize that the Browns have dived into the shark pool headlong so their goals may have changed while getting a dose of the shiny world outside of AUB land.
    I'm still gobsmacked about the "are you being safe" RNC comment. Do they not mind if the young adults get "physical" as long as it's not marriage worthy?
    Maybe EX AUB could fill us in??

    1. It seems to me that the comment is somewhat explicit in that boys can do it if they are safe; however, girls cannot do it because they have to be chaste or at least not have children by another mister. Sigh! RNC's sex ideologies are a little more liberal than the other wives.

    2. AUB discourages any kind of "physical" outside of marriage - or should I say until they can con a girl into thinking that she has a "marriage" rather than just sleeping with a married man.

    3. Thanks much Ex...that's what I would have assumed. Odd comment for sure coming from a "bonus" mother, the newest one at that.

    4. i highly doubt Logan's having sex with any girl or anything close to it. i think that's why Robyn's, "are you being careful?" question threw him off. He knows that to mean "condom" from his school world exposure but also knows that Robyn knows he wouldn't be having sex. He was shocked and asked her back, "what does that even mean?" which Robyn didn't answer him. Robyn's an idiot when it comes to her bonus teens.

  24. It seems the family made it back to Vegas. Just saw Robchin cruising down Cheyenne Ave. in the new car. Alone, too.

    1. How come she was not with Klody? Not like he has anything to do, really.

      Are the cracks between the lovey dovey couple starting to show up?

    2. She may have been consulting with her trinket maker. After all, she IS an up and coming jewelry designer with her own line.
      I'm thinking that the Brown mission statement is : La Ti Di another day another shakedown, when this one fails we'll dream up something else.

  25. Kody having a "dating" talk with his kids in the middle of an episode is quite revealing. He's no father figure, nor role-model. And the expressions on the teens' faces--they clearly don't respect him!!

  26. I think that's probably one of the most reasonable things I've ever heard Robyn say. Yes, every parent wants the very best for their kids; they want to see them grow up into productive adults who make smart decisions and find happiness. Not every kid wants to go to college. Not everyone walks the same path. As long as the kids are doing SOMETHING constructive, the parents should stand behind them and be supportive.

    I also can't hate on Kody for his little speech. If someone decides to get married, WHO they marry will definitely be one of the most important decisions they make. I think pretty much every parent wants their kid to find someone they love and are happy with, someone who's smart and self-sufficient, etc... Every father (hell, even mother) I know, especially those with daughters (including mine) has high expectations for the person their child is building a relationship with. Hey may not have articulated it well, but I did see his point. As far as him coming off hypocritical, what parent doesn’t want their kids to do better than they did?

    I’ve definitely noticed the change in Robyn’s demeanor. She was very stone-faced most of the time and during that one couch session when she trailed off and hid her face, Kody looked irritated and didn’t even pretend to laugh along. I’ve also seen changes in Christine’s demeanor. She’s clearly still pissed at Kody, but she’s a lot more upbeat and doesn’t seem to care what anyone else thinks. I wonder if that has anything to do with Robyn’s sudden change…

    I mentioned this before, but couldn’t the parents have stated that they will not field any questions about their sex life/lives in front of the teens? I’m sure the teens would have appreciated that a lot more and it wouldn’t have been so awkward.

  27. Great blog and interesting comments!

    Kody appears to be a spiritual father, not a hands-on or literal father. More disappointing is the fact that the wives expect this from him.

    Also find it fascinating that the Brown adults chose not to "better" each other by discussing flaws and avenues for change (which is normally what a marriage is all about), but instead rely on their lifestyle to help them be better people. We've heard it from all the wives that this lifestyle helps one overcome jealously and be a better human. Again, rather than concrete avenues (such as mere discussion), the Browns rely on spiritual guidance through their faith to help them through.

    It's rather sad that the Browns live in this spiritual world and have lost all touch with reality, particularly with regards to their finances, health, and education - When you file for multiple bankruptcies, long-term financial saving and investing for such a large family is not important; When your children are as overweight as they are, food and nutrition are not a priority; When you are sending your children to non-accredited private schools with polygamous children where most children get a GED instead of a diploma, after home-schooling them with the supervision of someone who has a high school education at best(in Utah that is), education is not necessarily a focal point.

    At this point, they are too far gone from the world to even come back to reality and are literally praying to God for all that occurs in their life. They seem to have given all control of their lives to a higher power and thereby relinquish any accountability or responsibility for their actions.

    On the bright side, they (as in Janelle) have raised some children (Logan, Madison, and Hunter) that have a certain distaste for the lifestyle. Perhaps watching their show can provide them with a wake up call?

  28. Love this blog and I probably missed this but what does RNC stand for? Thanks

  29. The camera crew should have stopped and re-adjusted Janelle off of Kody's couch cushion. She's sitting on enough of the edge of it that her weight difference has done a see-saw effect with him . It's made his side of the cushion way up in the air and left his feet dangling high above the floor. i had to pause the TV to figure out why his feet were so high off the floor to the point of distraction. it's comical but doesn't help big girl Janelle look any better ...

  30. "only the brave need apply" to become a future part of that family? i would think a whole lotta crazy and low self-esteem would also be good traits to have.

  31. I sure hope Robyn was lying when she went on about how she was the "toilet cleaning wife", "mall wife", and, ahem... "the bedroom wife" when Christine had Truely.

    IIRC Robyn wasn't so-called married to Kody at the time of Truely's birth. Maybe that little slip up was more than just the faux pas of talking about the bedroom in front of the other wives.

    Also, anyone else think the scene with Mykelti gushing about Breanna was a little creepy? weird...

    1. I am convinced that was pushed on her. She probably had some moments where she fussed at the kid and her punishment was to spend extra time and from that and from reading this blog, cameltoeboy said, you tell the audience how connected you are to your sister from another mister. HEHE.

    2. yes, it was weird as well as Kody's reply, "that's cool." gawd. But if it weren't for that we would have gone a whole show without Robyn crying so, i guess that's why that wasn't edited out.

    3. Yeah, that came off a bit strange for me, too. Not quite sure what to think of that one...

      "spiritual connection" is what she said.

  32. Kodouche wants a son-in-law who is the total opposite of him basically...priceless! He better stop having children if he expects them to all go to college- or maybe nix the vacations and $400,000 houses.

    As far as the sex questions...they've gotten them in every interview since the show started and always refuse to answer (thank god!). Whether it's Viagra or who uses birth control, they need to stop pretending to be outraged or shocked when asked. Seriously Kodouche, you have a wife & 3 mistresses...do you think your teenagers are not getting asked this stuff in public high school? He's such a tool-

  33. Perhaps Meri is taking fertility drugs, which would cause her to gain weight.

  34. I love this blog!! Does Kody ever wash his hair? He can go to the dollar store for shampoo.

  35. listen, kody's son-in-law requirements were not from his own pretty little head! he was either reading it off the computer screen (hence the long-shot instead of a close-up - that way you wouldn't see his eyes moving!) or it was very, very, very rehearsed. very. and i'm thinking a wife(ves)colloborated on that little speech, probably christine. but yes, the whole time he was reading it, i'm thinking "basically, everything you're not???" which makes sense! there can only be one kody in that family!

  36. p.s. i was a little surprised at the unanimous vote that tapioca pudding was the favorite food! really...??? out of everything, tapioca pudding? but then i thought, well if you are feeding that many people, i'm guessing you don't have a whole lotta time left for fancy cookin'.

    1. I honestly don't get that mock tapioca pudding recipe. it's cream of wheat for gosh sakes and she says it takes an hour and a half to make! just make REAL tapioca pudding! it's gotta taste better and less time.

    2. If I see one more person on facebook begging for this "recipe", or any other Brown specialty, I may vomit!!! These idiot fans act like they've never seen cream of wheat. Do any of these people look like their culinary selections should be sought out? I am morbidly obese and I eat 1000 times better than these people. Even their recipe makes enough for 80-90 people. I know because I've made the exact same thing for 60 people and we had left-overs (and I used less of every single ingredient). Except I call this farina pudding or cream of wheat, not "mock" anything! Phew thanks for that rant.

    3. those FB fans are sheeple idiots. it's been on TLC's Sister Wives website since day 1. STILL not corrected tho and the comments under the recipe are priceless. ;')

  37. CPA Carol rocks for suggesting Grody's monologue for discussion.

  38. I do enjoy seeing the teens – but the question remains: where was Hunter? He was on the trip back to Lehi and all but why wasn’t he there this week? Do you think Kody got mad at him for something and didn’t allow him to be on the show? Or that Hunter got mad and decided not to participate? Maybe he is getting his frontal lobes installed? Any thoughts?

    1. yes, i've posed the WHERE WAS HUNTER question a couple of times here as well as given my thoughts. I think he told them no and hell no to the contrived sex question/teens dismissed script and told his mom he'll be at a friend's house instead. Hunter seems to have the most stuffed anger issues of the teens but will stand up for himself at times, too. FREE HUNTER!!

    2. I thought he had football camp around that time?? I love the Free Hunter t-shirt idea!

    3. based on Hunter's televised clear distaste for his family displaying themselves on TV as well as the adult's decisions that affect his life adversely, I would think they would simply have stated to their viewing audience that he was away at football camp if that was the case. I think he told them in no uncertain terms, he wasn't going to endure that "family" q&a session. He's lucky he has a mom who steps in and supports him when he needs it. gawd knows, none of the other adults do.

  39. The Browns are tweeting about Logan graduating. This is what The Most Decent Citizen Kody tweeted: “Graduation lunch with mothers and five older kids at Michoacan on Tropical in Las Vegas. I LOVE THIS PLACE! Congratulations to Logan”.

    REALLY? You have to sell out your kids graduation dinner by tweeting for a comped dinner? That is just plain wrong. How special Logan must feel.

    1. Always, always trolling for handouts !!!
      No shame about it at all !!! No 'family' event is exempt.

    2. Carol, as a a licensed financial authority, you should be able to appreciate "Bleeding the Beast, Corporate-Style" LOL.

  40. I don't see the importance of college. What's wrong with going to massage therapy school? Beauty School? Welding? Automotive? Medical Coding? Trade Schools can't be dismissed. They are essential.

    I don't know why they bothered with a Q&A show, it's so borinnnnnnng.....glad the finale is next week.

    1. I agree. I did go to college but if my kids want to do something that doesn't require it, I'm okay with the decision. The point is to find something you want to do and get whatever training you need for it. The world needs good plumbers and hair stylists. I just don't want them sitting at home playing video games!

    2. Ditto. I have a BS in EE, but my husband went to trade school (printer). College wasn't for him due to several reasons. He and I have done well in life (career wise) so far. His cousin tried college and it wasnt for him so now he is going to trade school for welding and has a good job offer (he is working there now and will be full time when he finishes his classes).

  41. I finally got to see the thing. When Kody said that you have to focuss and use all the good and forget about the bad, Janelle's long and sad sad face said it all.

  42. Ok, I don't want to think about this but it popped in my head against my will. Do you think the Kodester has sex every night (barring monthly cycles)? Could a man of his age and physique do the deed daily? I'm guessing not but he is too weird and creepy to put it past him. It would be pretty annoying to know, as a wife, that any night with him required making sex. It would also be weird to know you're on a rotating schedule so if you DO feel amorous, you might have to wait several days! (This reminds me of Big Love when Bill and Barb secretly hook up on the days Bill is supposed to be with other wives.) I'm sure the plygs have it figured out and good for them, I was just wondering about logistics since it's more complicated.

    1. So. Very. nauseated.

    2. He's definitely not getting any on Janelle's night, and maybe not on Christine's, the way she's been so pissed at him.

    3. Cat Loaf - I suppose he may not be "getting it" every night, but consider that the more sex you have, the more sex you want. He may have been seeking more sex more often when he was younger and now needs a longer recovery time, but I can imagine him having daily or near-daily sex.

      Actually, no, I can't imagine it. I won't. What I mean is that it's conceivable... wait. Umm.... You know what I mean. It’s possible he’s having sex every night/morning.

    4. Toni – it’s possible to have sex with a spouse you are generally unhappy with. [TMI warning] That’s how my third baby was conceived.

  43. Meri doesn't need a mansion, but 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bathroom seems fair. Agreed with the poster who said earlier that reading the book definitely adds another dimension to watching the show.

    Janelle having been married to Meri's brother is a bit icky to me, though.

  44. Since this is an open topic venue, I have a question. Does anyone know if Christine's mom could be Dorothy Allred Solomon? She's a former polygamist who has written anti-polygamy books.

    And as far as the Darger's go, in their book they feel sad for the kids who were "kidnapped" from YFZ ranch for Warren Jeffs "alleged" crimes.

    At least the Brown's will take a stand against those types of polygamist sects. For that I will give them credit. And I wish they could have just stayed in Lehi.

    1. Christine's Parents are, Father Rex Clark Allred: son of Rulon Clark Allred and Myrtle Hoff Lloyd. Mother Ruthann Elizabeth LeBaron: duaghter of Floren Donald LeBaron and Anna Waltrout Mattern.

      Dorothy Allred is Rex's half sister.

    2. Re: "Those types of polygamist sects".

      Principle Voices, the plyg advocacy group that got Christine noticed, in not only AUB, but also includes represetatives of most of "those types"--including FLDS (at least one of the Jeffs group has a branch where daughters are impregnated by their fathers and daughters to preserve the "purity of the line"--they were reported to the police by their brothers who ran away in an effort to get one of their half-sisters away from one of their brothers after another sister had already given birth to one of his chldren) and even the Kingston Group, in which breeding pairs of parents/children/siblings are matched for desireable traits, following the genetic science which the Kingstons used to produce better Dairy Cattle. The Lebaron Group (as in Christine's mother's family) is probably the MOST infamous after the Jeffs and Jessops. Insanity and severe personality disorders are very prevalent in their family, BTW.

      I would be interested in Ex-AUB weighing. Since we only know what we read.

    3. it's a no-brainer to go on TV marketing the plusses of your religion-based polygamy and make sure you state you're against child brides. In spite of AUB's public statement they don't endorse it, it still happens anyway and sexual molestation stories are alive and well in ALL religious polygamy sects. Of course, Christine is going to tout nothing but the good in polygamy if you keep her agenda in mind.

  45. Just out of curiosity.... Where is Hunter?????

  46. I think Robyn & Meri are drifting apart. I kept waiting for Robyn to tear up (goodness knows she does it every time the wind blows) and reach over and comfort Meri when she was crying about her sister. Nothing - she sat there stone faced and cold. Very interesting. Also, when Kody was agreeing with Robin about not focusing on "petty" problems (cant remember exact words) that he was making a jab at Christine who always wants to talk out their problems - which in fairness to Christine is what normal people do in a relationship.

  47. I totally agree with the post upstream about mykelti gushing over brianna. The 1st thing that came to mymind was she was sucking up to kody on behalf of her mom. Spiritual connection? To an 8yr old? uhm,really?just seemed way over the top.arent most 8 year olds playing with their dolls and video games? Do they even have frontal lobes to form spiritual connections? Lol....just struck me as part of christines promise last year to do better.totally wierd

    1. Yeah...that was a strange display.I do feel bad for Robin's kids- it must have been tough for them to enter KodyWorld.

    2. Robin should be flogged for putting her children in this situation. Especially as she has alleged in the past that her previous husband was abusive. She needs to put her kids first and get the hell out of Vegas! No one would blame her if she did.

    3. Robyn is too effed up herself to even be ABLE to make the right decision for her kids. She's also still is convinced she's nothing without a man. even if he's a loser. the cycle of dysfunction continues to go round and round still ...

  48. I've been following the blog for a couple weeks now, and I love it! It brings a whole new dimension to this crazy show. This is my first time commenting.

    I also found it disgusting when Kody was eating off his childrens' plates - as if they were forced to let their dad eat their food. Their facial expressions said it all. This is not normal behavior.

    1. What bothered me about him taking their plates and eating from each was that around the same time Christine was explaining how they never have enough and seem to run out quick. I guess he was "pulling rank" again and making sure he got his fill. Each week he disgusts me more and more....

  49. Re: College. A couple thoughts. First, I teach at a community college and have had a number of students who are autistic. There are definitely some challenges for them (and me) but it's not impossible. In fact, most of them are incredibly bright, they just lack in social skills. Sure, Da-un probably won't make it to the Ivy League, but there are reasonable options available.

    Second...I'm not an expert on fincancial aid, but many students get grants to pay their college expenses and they don't have to be paid back. The checks go to the school and once tuition is paid...the balance goes to the student for books and living expenses. The same happens w/student loans (which do have to be paid back...in theory). Anyway, if the Browns play true to form, they will probably sign those kids up for every bit of free/low cost money they can and then leave the kids holding the bag.

    1. Yep, it is possible but if he has any degree of impairment he needs a strong support system and maybe Robynn actually realizes she can't handle it. From first hand family experience, it is tough but possible in some cases!

  50. CJ, thanks for always adding the pics with each review !!! They definitely add 'color' to your comments.
    In the current "Confession Zone" pics, check out Meri's face in the one where Kody is gobbling the pudding from one of the younger boy's bowls.
    Christine is in the background on the left and Meri is on the right, with "the look".....

    If "looks could kill"....wow....she must be quite a witch when the cameras are off.

  51. The format of the show has changed so much I am wondering: is TLC having trouble finding anything of substance to show OR is what they are filming so restrained by the Browns acting so fake-y fake because everything is falling apart around them? Why so many Q&A shows and "Is Meri having a baby...or not? Is TLC having trouble coming up with real life episodes? Like....Christine visiting Janelle, why stupid Robin can't get along with Meri, I mean real stuff? I want to see it! I don't give a toot about what they're showing.


    1. I think the Brown's have restricted them so much that they can no longer shoot "candidly". Plus, now that they all live separately, there is no one big family dynamic, which is the lie the show was based on.

  52. Here's how I know the show jumped this shark. The exposition on this blog is more interesting than the actual show. In fact, I missed the last two episodes and just came here for an update. They could do so much more with this show. The couch sessions are stupid. Why do you suppose they don't do clips of Kody at each wife's house ... so 10 mins of film at Janelle's, kinda summarizing their "night/day" together. Talking about the issues, him doing his four-day old "honey-do" list. I bet the wives each fall into "nurturing" mode when he's there, feeling he has so much on his plate that they don't ask for anything. This is rather apparent, I think, with Mary and every seeming so self-sufficient (I'm not talking about jobs, here, but household help.) Kody isn't loading dishwashers or hanging pictures.

    When I weigh-in, I tend to do a thought dump ... sorry. All this talk about Janelle being the most intelligent. I'm not seeing it. I see Janelle as the most analytical personality. She's the least likely to over-react. Christine is reactive, but intelligent. Less educated than Janelle, but snarky. I used to like her the least but am growing to like her the most. She's the only one with honest emotions. Meri is controlling. Don't forget, she calls the financial shots. If she left, half of the assets go with her. Everyone has to kiss up to her; she knows it. Still, I like her. I don't doubt she's mean, for all she claims to want this lifestyle, she prefers to be in charge ... and no one is listening! :) Robyn ... so in it for the fame and money. Contracts were signed for this reality show before they started courting, I'm willing to bet. I don't dislike her, but I'm not at all interested in her story arc. You have to give Kody this much ... each of his wives are very different. He doesn't have a "type," unless that type is 'hopeless devoted.' He really is the least likable character. I adore Logan. The show's director could have him cussing in every episode and it wouldn't make me change my mind about him. He's a good guy ... I don't see him doing plural marriage. He's been running around from house to house, apartment to apartment, finding stuff, errands, whathaveyou ... just trying to keep the peace.

    Ok, previous blog topic ... my assumption that Meri agreed to the ivf is based on the belief that Robyn is pregnant again (from pictures), but if one poster who said she saw them said Robyn ins't pregnant, and that poster is real and not a plant, then I would recant. But really, who is going to be the clincher the ending of this episode? It's either Robyn is carrying Meri's baby, or Kody is taking wife #5.

    Logan, go away to college! You'll have the time of your life, get a fabulous education, come home to spend time with family, and give yourself room to grow and think. You have to do it sometime, son, leave the nest, do it for a college education.

  53. I have to say that I'm proud of Maddie for sticking up for herself and not wanting to go to church. I suspect that she gets in some kind of trouble for not going, especially since her dad is the leader, but she's not shy about saying that she doesn't like it. Good for her.

    While I completely agree that it's best for the kids to go to college (or trade school), I also understand that not all kids will necessarily go that route; Robyn is right in that respect. As much as it pains me to say it, she seems to have the best understanding both of polygamist life and the way teenagers behave. Asking the kids if they're "being safe" implies that she knows that they may be doing a LOT more than kissing and that she accepts that reality.

    Contrast her understanding and acceptance with Kody, who seems to think that he has a right to know when his kids are kissing so that he can "counsel" them. If he doesn't have time for them from day to day, he won't have time to talk to them about who they're dating. Or kissing. Or whatever.

    It seems odd to me that the adults talk about college so much when the "the single most important decision in [the kids'] lives" is who they marry. In most families, deciding which college to attend and the program of study is the most important decision - certainly more important that who the person marries - because that education generally lays the groundwork for the rest of the person's working life. I know that people can change careers (I did), but the original education will stay with them forever.

  54. The Salt Lake Tribune had an article about the latest Safety Net Meeting. A panel of young people were there at the meeting to talk about education in the plyg community. Logan was on it and he talked about how he went to homeschool, plyg school, and public school in Utah before moving to Las Vegas. He also stated that he would probably be going to University of Nevada Las Vegas in the fall. Also appearing on the panel was one of the Darger girls who is definitely pro-polygamy. Is anyone else concerned that this means Logan is in favor of polygamy? I thought Safety Net was generally in favor of "decriminalizing" it. Also, this means that he is staying near his family, and possibly living at home to save money when he goes to college. He also toured Southern Utah University but I guess he is not going there. I know that some students were not happy when when Sister Wives filmed there; it is very Mormon (non-fundamental).

    1. Peanut Butter FritosJune 19, 2012 at 11:48 PM

      Like it or not, this kid is now a public face of polygamy. Hooray.

      I can totally see why he wouldn't want to go back to Utah and take on Mormons, and no shame in UNLV! He just needs to MOVE INTO THE DORM. Logan, seriously, MOVE INTO THE DORM. Do not stay at home. Do not go home every weekend. Have a real college experience. It will be the best time of your life.

    2. I think Logan is going to be a polygamist. People have asked him in the past and he always says that he hasn't decided yet. I think he's smart enough not to air his decision on national television.

  55. Darn! I just spoiled the big season finale that was going to reveal where Logan was going to go to college! Ah, well, drat. I guess we will have to make do with the big reveal as to whether the wives qualify for 4 homes next to each other. I'm betting not. Just a hunch. Call me psychic.

    1. No worries about the spoiler for me! So I guess we can speculate that a move by the family back to Lehi is not going to happen. Interesting.
      I wish him well and hope that all the kids can learn to be productive happy ppl who don't feel the desire to 'bleed the beast' which is my main complaint with this group.

  56. I would expect Logan to be in favor of decriminalizing polygamy; his family would be destroyed otherwise. I am concerned that it means Logan is not going AWAY to college, unless the family moves back to Lehi. But I think we had already discussed that BYU wouldn't be open to the Brown applicants. Southern Utah is public college, but predominantly mormon?

  57. For the record: As of today, the Nevada Real Estate Division, of the Division of Business and Industry lists no active, suspended, retired or pending license for Janelle Brown, Janelle Schriever, or Janelle Barber. Just sayin'. . .

    1. Thank you Linnet, so let me get my pencil and paper...the excited phone call was while K & M were on the trip to MX. They left on April 27th IIRC.
      That's a mighty long time not to register or apply for the license, wonder why?
      I'd be all over that ASAP.

    2. i bet kody made her do sister wife closet crap and put the real estate career on the back burner. see, i think janelle was just waiting til she was set up to make her escape, and kody caught onto it and prevented that from happening.

    3. Does this mean that Janelle really didn't pass. What are her other aliases. All plygs have other aliases.

    4. It was a LICENSING exam!! Which means that if you pass, you receive your license automatically! I took my RE license exam (although it was in MA) and walked out of the building with license in hand 5 minutes after the test was done. I also looked on the NV RE Board's website and there is NO ONE with the first name Janelle who has received their license this year.

  58. Robyn is TOTALLY sulking in this session! She's not the center of attention and she doesn't like it....she HATES not sitting next to Kody too. Her demeanor is always so different when she is not right next to him.

  59. Mother of the Year RobynJune 19, 2012 at 11:24 PM

    Oh Robyn thank you once again for supporting your title as "Mother of the Year Robyn." Love all of the comments and the reviews. I'm not sure if this has been shared on here or not before, but I just found this hilarious spoof of plural marriage on you tube called Sister Wives. Its a series, be sure to watch them all, you'll enjoy it!

  60. I don't understand how Logan appearing on the panel means he's staying at home. Could someone please explain the connection?

  61. Since Logan is now a resident of Nevada it will be much cheaper for him to attend college in Nevada. He will get in-state tuition fees and he should get a full Pell Grant because his mom is a single parent. That should cover all his tuition costs and maybe have something left over for books etc. If they had stayed in Utah he could have attended the University of Utah which is a much better college than BYU. Looks like Janelle will still have her built-in baby sitter/surrogate husband/surrogate father to the kids.

  62. I 2nd u linnet im a mortgage loan processor for a big bad bank. So the 1st thing I did was check out nevadas dr website. And lo and behold, no janelle. I dont want to outrite call her a liar (altho in the heat of the moment I did call bullshit when I 1st posted).so my theory is while she may have passed the test itself,she didnt follow thru with the fingerprinting and bonding requirements to obtain the actual license itself. If we have seen anything these past seasons is that they dont have a great "pull thru"rate with these business ventures of theirs. Fundamental fitness anyone? And besides if I recall correctly all she screamed into tje phone was that she passe the test. She hasnt said she wad actually a licensed agent, right? Misleading at best. But then again, I gotta remember the source! Lol

  63. Truthfully, the whole son-in-law "criteria" is BS in my opinion. All they want for those girls is for them to live the Principle. Period. I'd even bet that if one of them ended up in a physically abusive relationship and came to Kody, Meri or Christine they'd be told it was G-d's "plan" for them and to go back to it. I think Janelle might be different on something like that.

    I'm pretty sure Robyn will end up being the one to leave. When she doesn't get her way by crying and whining she'll be off to greener pastures. The newness is already wearing off for her since she's had Solomon. She doesn't strike me as someone who will/can commit to the end if she is not the star of the show.

  64. I cannot believe that the season is basically over, does anyone know how many episodes have been aired?

  65. Is there anything in this weekend's episodes that doesn't make us see that polygamy is so freakin' demented and evil? I don't know if I can watch anymore of this. As for the adults, they are ALL looking worse for the wear--including favorite wife, Robyn. That's because polygamy is completely abnormal and unnatural. Just look at the stats. From the beginning of time, there's pretty much been one man for every ONE woman. Polygamy is not natural or normal. If it were, there would be six females born for every one male, but this is not the case and NEVER has been.
    Kody is a lazy, oversexed man child just as the majority of polygamist men are.
    I have been trying to understand polygamy for years. I realize the Browns do not represent all of polygamy, but I am more and more convinced that they represent a typical plyg family. The women are the work horses, while the men lie around like a bunch of stud ponies. The more I see of the Browns, the more I am sickened by this lifestyle.
    Maddie, Logan, Hunter, and Aspyn: Run!! Run away as fast as you can!!Please!! There are organizations such as Tapestry Against Polygamy and The Lost Boys, who will help you!!! Polygamy is no life!!! Flora Jessop will give up her own life to save you!! Get out.
    The couch fiasco was too much!! Kody is okay with slutting around from woman to woman, but he can't talk about sex? Are you kidding me? His entire existence revolves around having sex with a different woman each night. BARF!!! Does he thinK that hid kids don't know that he's slutting from house to house with their motherS? Kody is nothing but a MIMBO--a male bimbo!!
    Janelle, you have skills and certifications to get out!!! Kody doesn't care about anyone, but himself and his willy. You are a tool to him,Janelle. You are slave. You are his money maker. Get yourself and your kids out NOW!! You all deserve so much more.
    Christine: Please,please take your kids and get out of this Kody World, where you are nothing, but his house slave. You are nothing but a house slave and mammy to him. I know you don't have much education, but you have tons of experience with children. You could get a job in a daycare center. You could go to night school for Early Childhood Ed and advance yourself in this field. You might even be able to test out of some courses due to life long experience caring for children. You already have the 'hands on' experience. You just need the book learning and certification. Christine, if you really put your mind to it and got a small business management diploma from Penn Foster Career School or another online school, you could probably run your own home business day care WITHOUT KING KODY!!
    Kody, Robyn, and Meri: You are nothing but a bunch of self serving pieces of crap, who use and abuse everyone. You deserve each other.

    1. a MIMBO with MOOBS! love it! lol

    2. i also so agree that Kody, Meri and Robyn are the perfect trio who deserve each other. Janelle and Christine are misfits for them and are not compatible because they're outnumbered in the passive/aggressive honed skills required to survive w/sanity intact. Meri and Robyn have SKILLS!! lol

  66. It seems like Robyn purposely snuck in the bedroom comment as she childishly hid her face in her sweater. Jannele just glared at her. It seems to me that Robyn was, is and will always be the bedroom wife as long as she prevents any new wives from coming in which is why she is so against it. I think that her being the "bedroom wife" is like a status for her and it's how she's able to manipulate the dynamic of the households through kody. It's not exactly competitive to be the hot bedroom wife when all your competition are fat and disinterested in sex all together.

    1. VXX
      I agree with RNC's need to rub the other wives face in the I'm-the-new-play-toy status. While the other three wives do want to put on some kind of a united front that speaks to normalacy, RNC doesn't seem to care. Her need to dig the knife in supracedes her need to legitamize polygamy. The digs are more than I can take and I see cameltoeboy as a total loser.

  67. THAT was fabulous.

  68. You are so correct "Bleeding the Beast"!Robyn, with her ugly chin pout look, was NOT the center of attention, and she let the world know it!! She is like a child that wants attention, just like her daughters! They are not well mannered children,and as they say "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree"..She clearly thinks she is #1 wifey, and Meri is too stupid to notice! My sympathy to Janelle and Christine. You two are there for making money (Janelle) and a free babysitter (Christine).Kody thinks he is King..Well in my eyes he's a user, a horrible and selfish husband, and certainly NOT a caring father!! Only to King Sol does he show any attention. Get this show off the air TLC..You have run the limit with this bunch!!

  69. I want to know why Robyn describes herself as the "everything wife" and especially the "bedroom wife" during the time that Christine was having a baby? That was before she and Kody had gone through their fake "marriage." Says a lot.

  70. TLC - we know you read this - what I want to see is a full 24 hours of the camera following Kody around for a typical day. No staged nights out with brothers or trips to Mexico, holidays, or anything like that - just a regular boring day. Like many others I am curious about how exactly he spends his time - does he actually do any "work" and if so, what?

    1. since the show is called Sister Wives I'd like to see 24 hours in the lives of each sister wife. No scenes with Kody, or maybe just the back of his balding head as he heads to "work".

  71. I had to stop the 2nd Q&A and delete it; it was just SO dumb.
    I would like to point out my FAVORITE scene from Sunday's back to back episodes.
    The night before Kodster and Meri are going to go away to Mexico, he had to leave her house to some other wife's house. Can you imagine that evening and morning conversation?
    Wife besides Meri in the p.m.: Soooo what are you guys gonna do in Mexico? Think I can get a Mexico trip in sometime?
    Wife besides Meri in the a.m.: Okay, well be safe and I can't wait for our trip to Mexico!

    It is all just so bewildering to me!! How can these FREAKS live this way? I can BARELY stand the idiots this season. I don't think I can even try to watch it next season. Just off the charts STOOOOOPID PEOPLE LIVING STOOOOOPID LIVES!!

  72. A few random thoughts....

    1. This episode was BORING. Didn't we already have a Q & A episode recently? Are they running out of ideas?

    2. Logan annoys the &*^% out of me. He reminds me of a young Kody. Always talking, thinking he has to be the center of attention. I can't stand to watch when he's on.

    3. Why does Truely have no hair?!?!

    4. All the women are getting bigger and bigger, even the kids. Must be all that nasty-looking tapioca. Yuck.

    5. Why don't they just build one big house instead of 4? I was thinking along the lines of the Duggars' home. Each wife could have their own part of the house.

    6. I've thought of a new business venture for Kody. He could be a spokesperson for the Hairclub For Men.

  73. I have heard that getting your license costs thousands of dollars. Actually, being a realtor is incredibly expensive. In order to stay licensed, you have to pay thousands every year, and huge monthly fees are due to the real estate company you work for. In this economy, especially in Vegas, unless you have clients ready to use you as a realtor, it is way too expensive to be one!

    1. Who enforces the laws and rules for real estate agents?
      What types of licenses are available?
      What requirements are there for licensing?
      What education is required?
      Is experience required?
      How much does it cost to become a real estate licensee?
      What is the advantage of being a broker-salesman rather than a salesperson?
      PRESS for link to Nevada Real Estate Division Licensing Information
      Who enforces the laws and rules for real estate agents?

      Each state creates their own laws and rules regarding licensing.

      In Nevada, real estate agents obtain a license from the Nevada Real Estate Division. It can be contacted at 702-486-4033 in Las Vegas.

      Back to Top

      What types of licenses are available?

      Three unique licenses are available. The types are :



      A Time Share Sales Agent license is also available for individuals looking to sell new time shares.

      Back to Top

      What requirements are there for licensing?

      Candidates must take real estate pre-licensing education, pass a state examination, find a Broker to hang his/her license, fill out an application, and get fingerprinted. During the application process, the Division will investigate any criminal records or previous real estate offenses.

      Back to Top

      What education is required?

      It depends on which license your are applying for. All salespeople must show evidence of having completed a 90-hour pre-licensing course including:

      45-hour principles and practices

      45-hour real estate law including 18-hours Nevada law

      The 90-hour course can be taken in any state, as long as the applicant can prove they took it with transcripts or certificates. If the applicant took a 90-hour course in a state other than Nevada, the Nevada Real Estate Division typically requires applicants to take only 18-hours of Nevada law from a licensed school to become a salesperson or both the 18-hour Nevada the 45-hour Broker Management course if he/she is applying for a broker or broker-salespersons license.

      Broker and Broker/Salesperson applicants must also show evidence of having completed 64-college credits and a 45-hour Broker Management course; 64-college credits covers 24 credits in real estate and business related topics, and 40 credits in anything, or 8-years full-time experience in real estate or combination. Full-time experience means 30-hours per week for 48-weeks per year. Each 2-years of experience is equal to 16-college credits.

      Back to Top

      Is experience required?

      2-years full-time experience is required to become a Broker. A broker-salesperson can work as a broker-salesperson until he/she obtains the 2-years experience. A broker-salesperson may apply for a broker's license without retesting.

      Back to Top

      How much does it cost to become a real estate licensee?

      The costs are as follows:
      This is what I found regarding costs:
      $299 for required Nevada education
      $100 for state examination
      $210 for salesperson's license or $250 for broker's license for the 1st 2 years.
      approx. 37.50- $80 for fingerprinting
      advertising fees (varies)
      office fees (varies - check around)

      Certainly less than a weekend "date" to Huntington Beach I'm guessing.

  74. With Kody's recent menacing dark looks I've seen him give, I keep seeing the same picture caption appearing. "If i had it to do all over again, i WOULD choose the 'cheaper" hooker path now!" LOL

  75. These last two questionable events, the real estate license and the bedroom wife prior to the supposed "marriage" confirms that lying to the "Beast" in order to get public assistance are only some of their lies.
    Apparently, for them it's fine to mislead everyone in order to continue or establish a tv show plot line. Apparently it's fine to include all the children in the falsehoods.
    Even if Janelle did pass but decided to forgo pursuing it further, why include the scene? Why perpetuate the fantasy so that the gullible fans will be happy and excited for her accomplishment?
    The thing that they really worship is money and they're proving it. 17 children and counting, learning at their parent's knee(s) that their God allows and applauds deception at any level.
    Thank you TLC for airing a program that highlights a white bread family of grifters and frauds.

  76. CJ: I have been snooping around this site for a few weeks. Love it! and what I love just as much is your profile picture. Robyn the SW (Sniveling Wife).

    1. Thanks so much!

      We are about to reach the 200 comment limit so feel free to continue the discussion on the Discussion for Ep 9 and 10 post!
