Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Review: S04 Ep08 No Place Like Home

Kody showing off his masculinity and a HUGE bald spot!
Let's recap, shall we? In the previous episode, Kody was briefly reunited with his brothers Curtis, Scott and Michael. They rode motorcycles  choppers, shot off some weapons and had dinner at a fancy restaurant. The women folk (you know, those ladies the show is named after) did paint on pottery and made sushi. It was so....uneventful...

And Kody is so....bald!

So what's happening with this episode. Well, for one thing, the four of the elder Brown teens taking a road trip back to the old homestead in Lehi. We'll get to meet another grandmother, Janelle's ex, some uncles and aunts, and oh yes, there's...ALMOST NO KODY BROWN!!!

Yay!! Sounds like episode 8 will be a good one!

After an interminable recap from Kody (of course) about the Brown's run from those pesky law enforcement types just doing their job to serve and protect the law-abiding folks of Lehi,  we watch the teens packing Meri's SUV for the ride back to Utah.

Finally on the road, Logan asks Maddie "What are you going to do [in Utah] you have any friends...that will hang out with you?" A confident Maddie answers with "Do I have friends!..." I just LOVE this teen! You know she is going to have some fun!

As they drive up to Grandma Bonnie's house (Meri's mother), we are introduced to new members of the extended Brown family. Grandma Bonnie, who apparently is a great cook. Uncle Marc, Meri's oldest brother. And lots and lots of food being taken out of the oven. "Ah...the food smells so good, Grandma" Hunter says. And all the teens agree...Grandma's are the best cooks!

We then meet Uncle Nathan and Aunt Rebekah ( Meri's sister), but who is that man in the tremendously flowy white shirt? Why, it's none other than Uncle Adam, Meri's brother and Janelle's ex-husband! According to Uncle Adam  "...When they moved to Vegas, I was a little bit shocked...I think for the benefit of the family ...and the safety of the children, it was absolutely the best move they could have ever made..." I was really surprised to see Uncle Adam...I wasn't particularly freaked out by his appearance, but when you try to put your mind around how these kids are related to the adults in their family, well, it can be kind of mind-blowing. But I guess that's par for the course when you're a polygamist.

April Fools!!

Next day, when Mariah refused to answer her phone, Maddie and Logan conspire to play a prank on her. They tell her that Hunter was arrested for curfew violation and underage drinking...and Mariah fell for it!! In fact, Mariah had a bit of a temper tantrum. But just like siblings, Maddie and Logan are laughing so hard they almost hurt themselves! Now this is what we need to see more of - the teenagers acting like teens AND HAVING FUN!


Back in Las Vegas, Robyn holds her first My Sister Wife's Closet meeting. After a few minutes listening to Robyn's pointless banter, it is becoming very apparent that the family is going forward with her business because :

  • It's a half baked idea with no business plan other than Robyn thinks it will be fun
  • There's one page not even half filled with Robyn's 'jewelry designs'...commonly called DOODLES
  • Kody has drunk Robyn's kool-aid, and LIKES IT !!
"That's cute!" says Kody, even though the drawing looks like a child's scratching. "Oh yeah, that's cool" says Christine, apparently still trying to atone for being so mean to Robyn. "This is very trite to me...this is like...oh my gosh, I'm five..." says Janelle, pointing at a particularly childish rendering of the letters SW into a shape.

Leave it to Janelle to call it like she sees it. You can almost hear her thinking to herself 'Kody turned down my Fundamental Fitness business plan for this crap?'

Later in the meeting, Meri and Robyn high five each other when they figure out the SW stands for Strong Women. Which is ironic because its so painfully clear these women are not strong women by any definition. Stupid women, maybe, but not strong women. Oh yeah, My Sister Wife's Closet (whenever it gets online) will really help with that $720,000 down payment!
Oh yeah, I want to spend money on this cheap looking stuff!
And to new business partner Brandon, all I can say to you is Run!!! Run like the wind and don't look back!!!

Can we get back to the teenagers, please? Oh no, we can't. It's the obligatory Miniature Golf Time segment.

How can you tell Christine is lying ? Or about to cheat?
Still in Brown LaLaLand, we find the adults taking the children left behind miniature golfing. The most troubling thing we get out of this segment is that Christine is a liar. In fact, according to Kody (who should know a thing or two about lying) she's so good at lying because she actually believes her lies are truths. And she cheats at games, too. Note to Christine: Your reputation is in shreds. Time to get off your high horse and start repairing the damage! NOW!!

Back in Utah, the teens decide to go on a hike and a picnic. Unfortunately, it's 30-40 degrees outside, but, under Logan's lead, they try to have a good time anyway.

Logan learned some valuable life lessons that day. He learned, for instance, that it is always a good idea to check weather forecasts, especially outside temperatures before planning an outing. He also learned it is never a good idea to drop an F-bomb when cameras are recording you. Frankly, as long as he isn't ruining his life doing hard drugs, robbing people or dropping out of school, who cares?

And Christine, for the record, if Janelle understands her child, who are you to say any different? Now, aren't there some sharks you need to protect your own children from, Christine? How about toasters? Or microwaves? AT LEAST LOGAN'S NOT KNOWN FOR BEING A CHEATING LIAR IN HIS FAMILY!

I feel a lot better getting that off my chest!

Back in Lehi, the teens go to the old plyg house. For some reason, we not only see the front of the old house, we also see the back. Notice how each 'apartment' has its own door to the outside in the back of the house. It's also evident that there is plenty of room to expand the old house with another 'wing' for Robyn and her growing brood. Think of how much cheaper it would be!

But the teens know that the chances of their parents returning to the old homestead are next to none. So they tearfully take a look at their old home, and think about the happy memories they will always have.

And so ends episode eight.

Your thoughts?


  1. It just occurs to me that the Brown family house i Lehi is a little short on windows.

    1. ... and short on landscaping. I've lived in Utah and it's notorious for beautifully landscaped and flower filled neighborhoods. also big family gardens. The Browns did none of that the whole time they lived in Lehi. NO GARDEN?? with all your kids to maintain it and eat it?? no canning or preserving like the masses there do? geesh...

    2. It would appear that the only efforts they make at frugality are sharing that ugly bright yellow top amongst the wives.

    3. Good Points! WHY no garden? Remember when they were basically cleaning up the mess in the backyard?

    4. When I was growing up, we had an extensive garden in both the front and back yard, in a much smaller property space (maybe 1/4 acre - the Browns property is more than an acre). I have fond memories of myself and my sisters helping dad in the vegetable garden, planting flowers, mowing the lawn etc etc. we even had an apple tree that my dad planted himself. Now granted that my dad grew up on a working farm - however most flowers and veggies are easy to grow, and it would have been a great learning and bonding experience for the kids - not to mention they would save money on food and the entire family would be getting much-needed exercise. however I don't see the Browns eating veggies all that much anyway. Maybe there's a hybrid Fritos tree out there somewhere...

    5. Yes, gardens...on the episode called, "The price of Polygamy" Christine says that she helped save the family budget by "canning". So what she goes out to local farmers, pays, brings home and cans. Totally understandable if don't have a yard, but the have soooo much land the could even sell some. And where is the show of the four wives canning together? There is never a bonding scence except for those fake sisterwives lunches and watching them eat dessert before lunch.

    6. Great points about the veggie garden! You'd think they would use that acre to their benefit. They just all seem kinda lazy. Well I suppose between Janelle and Christine having so many kids they were busy but what was Meri doing?

    7. Lisasumms - I think that's a Mormon thing. The giant cans of food...preparing for the apocolypse or some such. Been awhile since I saw that particular ep (S1?) but I don't recall seeing any mason jars or what I would consider home canning (which my mom and grandma used to do, mostly tomatoes as I recall). If memory serves, Janelle has/had a food business registered to her in Utah, at some point.

      Ah here's an article:

      It appears that the FDLS folks also do this squirreling away food thing. Costco sells the big cans of food as well...doesn't make any sense to me, because once you open up a huge can of food (beans, etc) then one would need to use it as quickly as possible before it went bad, right?

    8. Yeah your're right DJ...we have seen their Apocalypse pantry many times and no home canning there, excellent point. Lots of huge institution sized gallon cans with fairly blank lables. Janelle has worked for "something Pantry" company.
      Yet again more of there frugal lies and from Christine, who has just been pointed out to be a habitual liar and cheat this last episode. Haha!

    9. "Well I suppose between Janelle and Christine having so many kids they were busy but what was Meri doing?"

      too busy bossing everyone else around?

      "once you open up a huge can of food (beans, etc) then one would need to use it as quickly as possible before it went bad, right?"

      They are supposed to have huge families, so if you need 20 servings of beans it seems like that is about one of those big cans.

    10. I'd just love to see a non-religious polygamous family on tv instead. I don't really want the Browns and the Dargers being the media face of polygamy! Now more people know about modern polygamy but again, just one side of it. If you're going to show a plural family you could show one that is more like the average plural family- non religious, two or three wives and about 7 kids, NOT 17! Kind of screws over the rest of us who now have to prove that we aren't as crazy and over the top as the Browns as well as not abusive or brainwashed or on welfare.

  2. I would like to know if the Lehi house is the norm for plyg families, or do most live in one common home (not broken into apartments.) If it is common to live all together, then other than the wives having their own rooms, do the children all share, meaning it doesen't matter who the mother is, all girls in a room/ all older boys in a room. This seems to me would make a family and make the siblings closer. Also if a common home is the norm, then Mariah has got a rude awakening coming when she is a sister wife, and realizes that she has to live WITH the other families, and won't have her own house to go home to when she gets mad (like her mother)

    1. I think it depends on who the designer was and his level of expertise and what kind of home the plyg wants. Kody said the man who designed the Lehi house was a well known plyg house designer. Some plyg houses like in Centenial Park are marvels. Others are not so great. The Lehi house is in the middle but it seems like it is very cheaply made with average materials and appliances.

      I hate to say this but I think once Mariah gets married, she may find out her husband may not be so receptive to her having a career outside of the home, and I think she will be a overbearing, mean sisterwife because of it.

    2. The Lehi house is actually a modification. Based on photos, the house was originally a one-sided Ranch house - not sure how to say it, the photo of the original house shows a very ordinary, almost dumpy, smaller split-level ranch house. Whoever modified it (prior to the Browns purchasing it) just stuck another end on the part that is the middle of the house, making an L-shaped house into a U-shaped house. has a photo of the house date-stamped 3 January 2002, based on the lack of landscape and the building materials strewn about, I would say this was right after the house was renovated.

  3. "How can you tell Christine is lying ? Or about to cheat?"

    Hand raised. Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! I know, I know!

    Her mouth is moving, she is filling out legal documents, she is awake or any combination of the former.

    1. Oh yeah Christine lies...
      Lies when apologizing...
      Lies when filling out welfare/food stamp applications and renewals...
      Lies when she says she is happy...

      But not lying when adding, just can't do simple addition due to that cult compound 6th grade education. My 5 yr old can add double digets just fine.

  4. What's hilarious to me is that before TLC came knocking, the house in Lehi that they were living in, was probably financially way over-extending them now that they have a bit of coin that house financially would be exactly right for them. But with no common sense between them they're looking at mcmansions. I have never seen such awful money management with that many kids to support. They are sooooo dumb!!!!

    1. I repectfully agree.
      You know, if this was all about the kids and not Robyn and Kody. Thinking wise financially not this family's brightest point.

      Move back to Utah! You have a house that almost fits your needs, just need a trailer for Robyn or add on. Because where I sit in a financially responsible situation where we make more than we spend, buying 4 houses for almost a half a million each is just not realistic. Especially when NONE of the partners work, have savings or a lottery windfall. Are you all freaking stupid?!

      Get a grip Browns! Save what you are making from TLC, move home and make the best of it.

  5. I dont even watch the show anymore. So thank you for this blog!. Sorry for the bad spelling at times im from holland :).
    It used to be fun when they were all in utah. They seemed so loving and happy (i said seemed ;)).People were working and earning money. They at least seemed to have a realistic view of life. You saw more of the sister wives and less of Kody. Now it is all about Kody, kody and yeah Robyn.
    It is not even a reality show anymore. It is beginning to look like a show with a script. Everyweek they have a new plan to make money... Now with the ugly pieces of Jewelry. The week before that a fitness center. What will it be next week? Maybe a bike shop for kody? Robyn can design the jackets.

    These woman make me happy about my own life you know?. Im working, my fiancee is working. We are having a nice appartment and saving for our wedding. Basically we are living a realistic life and we are being adults. They dont really seemed to have a life, accept for when kody and tlc tells them they have.
    But i dont feel sorry for them. They can leave and they should. Leave robyn doodling and kody doing 'men' stuff. Oh and Kody when you are a guy and you feel the need to do 'men' stuff all the time, then you are being a boy not a men. Jus saying. All that time on that bike and with youre brothers you could have spent with youre kids. All that time going out with youre wives, you could have spend time with youre kids. So you are not a men, but a boy who did not grow up. And i think the woman are to blame for that to.

    So dear tlc please just leave this family be. They are so sad and they are showing me about a type of family i would never want. Plus they are showing me that my fiancee will be a far better husband en father then kody could ever be.

    1. Good for you AWillowTree! It sounds like you found a real man and he and you are acting like adults should!

      You are absolutely right that all the time Kody has spent 'dating' his wives and hanging out on his motorcycle could have been spent with his kids. TLC SHOULD cancel this show. It's become nothing but the Robyn and Kody LOOK AT ME show.

      Welcome and your English was fine. By the way, you live in a gorgeous country! We visited several times while we were stationed in England. Beautiful country and such friendly people.

    2. awillowtree---I teach at a community college and your writing and spelling is much better than most of my students!

    3. Thank you FunkyTown i really like my country to :)!. Glad you enjoyed Holland. That is always so nice to hear.
      Yeah they should cancel and just let this trainwreck family be!. Ugh they are hopeless and attention seekers. They really sold their souls.
      And im really happy with my man :).

      Thank you Make it stop i do my best to check my spelling :D!

    4. "What will it be next week? Maybe a bike shop for kody? Robyn can design the jackets." Oh my gravy!! that was HI-larious!

  6. Where to start...hmmmm. I thought the boys episode was so lame. Kody Brown is a joke. I'd be embarrassed to be associated with him.

    I love this blog :)

    Robyn and her on-line store? GMAFB. That girl is as dumb as a box of rocks. She needs to put up or shut up. I'd prefer she shut up.

    After "peeking" at the book, I have a serious question (sensitive) but don't these ladies have concerns about STD's? I'm asking because I was married to a serial cheater and learned the hard way in an OB/GYN visit that I was sleeping not only with my husband but EVERYONE he slept with. Wasn't pretty.

    Just ''s very unhealthy.

    1. yeah, Sally, i have that "ick factor" (thanks,Kody) every time i see cold sores on Robyn's mouth again. which they were back again this last episode. anyone else notice?

    2. Now, presuming not one of them is a cheater (Robyn's and Janelle's exes included), they know every person that anyone has slept with because their religion mandates waiting until marriage. Assuming that no one cheats and (again assuming) that no one brought in an STD, they're all safe to screw one another until the cows come home with no worry of disease.

      I would be more worried about the kids who don't follow the lifestyle and religious requirements getting STDs than the parents. Considering it's "normal" for dad to sleep with lots of women, I hope it's not ingrained in them that sex with anyone is completely safe.

    3. I get cold sores when I'm stressed (neat, I know) so I assume that Robyn's cold sores might be a sign that all is not as calm and loving in La La Land as she might like us to believe.

      Or the stress of being a jewelry designer is just too much for her.

    4. i don't care how or why she keeps getting them but they are contagious and you should not be in close contact with anyone with an outbreak of them. yes, i know the difference between herpes simplex HSV 1 and 2 and both can be contagious in the genital area.

      So, as a Sister Wife, I would be disgusted to the max to constantly see Robyn with those and worry about what kind of sex her and Kody are actually having during her outbreaks that i'm getting myself exposed to. (That and the other myriad of diseases i would have to worry about.)

      Robyn and Janelle have both slept with other men and so, are not pure enough for a comfort factor to constantly share my husband with them if i were the virgin Meri and Christine. (just conjecturing here.) Janelle at least has a proven history now but Robyn and those constant herpes outbreaks would definitely be troubling to me as a Sister Wife. But then maybe they never get past just the pure emotional troubling factors of it all to even think about the physiological possibilities.

      fwiw - Robyn also had an outbreak of those going on when they were dating.

    5. So right "Make It Stop" stress and unresolved issues big contributing factor to the nervous system reaction and herpes breakout.

      I have noticed many times in past seasons not only cold sores but the women have eye infections too. All communicable disese they seem to pass around.

      So you gotta think of other parts of the body too...sorry, YUCK!!!

    6. "fwiw - Robyn also had an outbreak of those going on when they were dating."

      Was that the episode when both she and Logan had an outbreak at the same time?

  7. Didn't watch, your recaps are so much more entertaining! Could you elaborate on what Christine said about Janelle's son? About Janelle understanding?

    1. Janelle felt Logan's cursing was a teenage thing - you know, testing the limits, seeing what he could get away with and that deep down it was NOT a character flaw. Christine, on the other hand, thought that Logan should strive to be an inspiration for his siblings like Hunter to look up to, rather than F-bombing him.

      Being that all Logan said to Hunter was to "man the f*** up" when Hunter was complaining about how cold it was, I just don't get Christine's anger. As usual, it seems she has over reacted.

    2. KodysUglyConvertible JanellesNewMinivan WherestheLexusandJalopyJune 13, 2012 at 1:01 PM

      I agree...Logan's cursing was probably just a teenage thing. I also think it was a conscience move on his part in front of the cameras. These poor kids probably act out in front of the cameras a bit and in front of their peers because they want to prove to their peers and to the world that they are NOT like their parents. They are not squares who go to bars and drink water and paint pottery for wild times. They are trying to show they are normal teens (except pro-plyg Mariah).

    3. kinda like how Momma Christine should strive to be an inspiration to Logan and her own brood to just play miniature golf and other games for the fun of it and not always cheat so you can win. ;')

    4. I was so angry this was even mentioned...have always thought Logan is the only adult in the family. This is the kid that on the first episode got up at 6 in the morning feeding his brothers and sisters before school...and not just a bowl of cereal, but a hot plate to their order.
      This is the kid that is the first to be up loading, packing and coordinating all the ridiculous exoduses weve seen in three years.
      This is the kid that took the male lead on cook out when his dad was off for 11 days with his new mistress.
      This is the kid that looks directly in the camera and tries to diplomatically explain what is going on under the big top.
      If I were Logan, I'd sound like a truck driver!

    5. this is the kid who also stepped up to the plate for CHRISTINE's KID and took her to the dance so she wouldn't have to share her dad w/way too many sisters (2 of them Robyn's non-biological kids.) yeah, 2 LESS kids that your daughter shouldn't have had to share with due to the awesome blessing of polygamy's tentacles.

      geesh, Christine. LIGHTEN UP!! and quit being the old, "but Logan, what have you done for me lately?" type of ingrate. In fact, you didn't have a kid there exposed to that incident so take a cue and butt out completely of this one just like Robyn should do herself all the time w/your teens. (which i'm sure gets on your own one last nerve.)

    6. I'm sure he got lectured by Mother Meri too when Mariah went home and narced on him. which by the way, why was Mariah's BULL SHIRT ok with Meri and Christine? gosh, the word BULLSHIT doesn't come to my mind loud and clear at all when i see that.

    7. Logan is definitely more of a man than his dad is

    8. Cursing isn't a character flaw and just because Logan dropped the f*bomb in front of the cameras, there is no telling what kind of language the other kids are using in school, since it is a "different" environment for them.

      At least Janelle knows Logan taking to cursing; I'm sure it will be Logan's fault if and when Christine gets called into the principle's office for something Hunter did in class....

    9. Amen to that Lisasumms! It was nice to see that these kids were being normal kids. I remember Janelle (I think it was) saying how she was "pissed" last year when they were moving. In my home, that was a curse word as well. I saw a flicker of the old Christine that I remember who is always "holier than thou." I have always marveled at how amazing Logan seems to be.

    10. Kady Butler - Hunter is not Christine's kid. He's Logan's brother. Christine didn't have a dog there in this fight. Also, Janelle admitted Logan's been cursing around her at home, too, so this was no newsflash for her.

    11. Anon 10:21, oops, my mistake. I have trouble trying to keep all these children straight since this show doesn't really focus on a family relationship between the mothers' and their children... It is The Kody (and Robyn) Show after all.

  8. Is Christine on meds? I've noticed the last few episode, Chrisine hasnt been christine! Very quiet withdrawn almost! Anyone one else notice a chance in her?

    1. I think Christine has been sternly told by Kody to stop with the on-camera complaining and to stop telling the audience 'the real story' of their family life. I think she is trying to keep sweet. I can see it in her eyes that she has things she wants to say but just can't.

    2. I agree Carol. She must play nice in front of the camera and pretend they are one big happy loving family

  9. SW = Stupid Women! HA! HA! HA!

    1. They should say PA for Passive Aggressive... LOL

  10. They probably needed a route to escape fires so that is why the apartments all have their own exit to the backyard. They could build onto it but Vegas is way to exciting for Kody ... Lehi is too small town for him (until they can't afford LV anymore).

  11. It is nice that they listened to us and cut down on Kody, it's also nice to see the teens take an independent (leading) role on the show. If they'd do that with the wives as well, and improve the storylines and the editing in a big way - they could actually get a LOT more viewers.

    Kody's bald spot LMFAO!!! That's probabl why he let it grow so the long hair covers what's not there.

    1. Also, does Kody have dark roots? Do you think he is dying his hair? He could either use some shampoo or root touch up in the shooting picture.

    2. I think they all lighten their hair, except Robyn.

  12. I think if they moved back under 1 roof in Lehi they would kill each other.They probably only survived before because Kody, Janelle and Meri were working all day, Christine had the house to herself & Robyn was tucked away in a townhouse!

    Wonder how they'll handle being couped up on the same celestial planet for eternity?

    1. That is a very good question. Do they believe once they end up on the Kody Planet that they will somehow then all get along and be happy? Isn't the promise essentially that they will all be together on said planet forever bearing children in the after life? And they keep saying how it's all worth it in the end? How is this something to look forward to? Baffling

    2. Kody, Janelle and Meri working all day???

      Did I miss something? Kody working??!?!??!!

    3. Oh yeah...I should have said "driving around Utah pretending to sell signs"! I'm sure most of his day was actually spent fluffing his hair after zipping around in the convertible-

  13. It's apparent - to me, anyway - that the adults, particularly Kody and Meri, are getting the (pardon my French!) "shithead" edit. I'm guessing that there's little love lost between the producers and Kody, especially if he's ordering them around and it's obvious that he's a total doofus - TLC probably realizes their best bet to keep the show on the air until they have a replacement is by playing up the train wreck aspects, of which there are legion...

  14. I loved seeing the teenagers acting like regular teenagers. I thought the April Fool’s prank was really very funny – good job, teens! I really like the relationship between these kids. I wanted the whole half hour devoted to them visiting the old house, their friends, grandma and Mom’s ex-husband/uncle. I seriously sat and wondered “are they hoping to do a spin off reality show called ‘Plyg Kids’ in a year or two when several are back in Utah in college living in the Lehi house?” If TLC comes up with this show idea, please remember that I suggested it and expect the appropriate finder’s fee! I am doodling the show plan right now!

    But alas, we have to go back and spend more time with the Brown ‘adults’. I have conflicting feelings about the miniature golf outing. I think they only did it because there has been criticism that Kody doesn’t spend enough time with the kids (I know he says ‘its spring break and the older kids are in Utah so we are taking the younger kids out – but we also know that reality tv isn’t reality, so who knows when this was actually filmed). Who really knows if Christine cheats – I kind of think it’s a combination of that and the fact that she really can’t add so she probably messed up her own score by adding incorrectly. But Meri sure loved calling her out on it. I will say that the couch time where they are talking about the golfing and the potential cheating scandal showed all of them laughing and smiling for the first time in a very long time. Like they actually do occasionally like each other! Gasp! So that was somewhat fun to see.

    But then we get back to the serious matter at hand and that is the extremely gifted up-and- coming jewelry artist, Robyn and her impressive portfolio of designs. Oh, my bad, it was a doodle page. Go Janelle for saying one of the designs was ‘trite’. Robyn probably initially thought that was a compliment. And I agree, Janelle is thinking, hey I came up with a business plan with printouts and everything but here we get some doodles and Kody is all “it’s cute”. Nevertheless, I predict that this Sisterwives closet business will be a total bust. I am however looking forward to the online store to open so I can peruse the items and see how they run the website. You just know that Janelle and Christine are not going to participate in that venture at all. And Brandon, yes, please just get out now. Call Trainer Bill and see why they are no longer Twitter friends. Bill will probably save you a lot of grief.

    1. a plyg kids show would be so much more entertaining than this. and if they're 18 and outta the house they could be more revealing about it all, too, without fear of being grounded for telling it like it is. lol

  15. CJ---What a treat to find your recap first thing this morning. It's gonna be a great day!

    It sure seems like a good idea for the Browns to go back to Lehi. Much cheaper to live there. They'd all be in one house (I agree w/CJ that they could add the Robyn wing with blinged out trim).

    But, even if they do go back, it won't be the same. The hurts caused by adding Robyn to the family etc won't go away and won't be forgotten (at least not by Kody and Robyn) so the emotional abuse and passive-aggressive behavior will continue, though it might be toned down.

    I recall from an earlier episode that they were all going to cash in their retirement plans to fund a new business in LV. It seems like Janelle had the most steady income, the most financial knowledge (yikes), and probably the best retirement plan to cash in. I bet she's looking at those doodles thinking "I cashed in my retirement plan for this?"

    I bet her son isn't the only one dropping F-bombs.

    1. That jewelry just looks so weird like its suppose to look antiqued but it just look like cheap tin. How disappointing it must be for Jannel to see all that hype for such a dumb idea.

    2. yeah, i'm hoping that no one shaved their legs for that business meeting let alone brought bucks to it. what's up with these "professionals" like Mona, that mortgage broker, and now this jeweler that aren't embarrassed to be looking like they're in bed with this group, too?

      at least the investor for the gym was smart enough to not ever show his face (provided there really was an investor to begin with.) it was probably someone Trainer Bill had talked to and then mentioned the Browns to him and the "different direction the investor decided to take" was in the opposite direction from the Browns as well as Trainer Bill.

  16. If the Browns are not seriously considering a move back to the Utah house, and expanding it to accommodate Robyn's brood, then they are just plain crazy. TLC is clearly their only viable source of income and that ship is gonna sail at some point....especially with the lack of interesting story lines of late. Buying four extremely large houses is just insane, and I really don't think the viewers will be that interested in seeing them continue to try and fail at qualifying for homes beyond their means. And from a purely financial standpoint, it seems ridiculous to purchase four brand new expensive homes, when you have a perfectly good one that can be renovated. It's not like any of them have JOBS that are tying them to Las Vegas.

    I know it's too soon for us the viewers to know what they are up to, the closing of the prosecution is just weeks old at this point, so the Utah possibility just opened up to the Browns. And perhaps there's more to that than we know. It's possible that Utah closed the books on it, but could re-open it later if the Browns return to Utah and flagrantly live their illegal lifestyle.

    In any event, it was nice to see the Brown teens in this episode. I've really missed them this season. Oh, and Maddie looked stunning!

    1. I totally agree, they need to move back to that house and work on paying it off. They don't even HAVE to expand. I mean these people go bankrupt left and right so while it would be ideal for each wife to have their own "apt" it isn't necessary when you can't afford it.

      Soon Mariah will be gone and Meri would have that apt with the kitchen, living room, Mariah's room, sewing room and Meri's room - which was huge with a fireplace sitting room area.

      For the time being, I say to take Meri's huge master bedroom and put up a wall dividing it in 1/2. Put Robyn's girls on one side and Robyn's boys on the other. There was a bathroom in there they could share. Then put Meri in her sewing room (as a bedroom) and Robyn in Mariah's old room. They can share the kitchen and living room because come on - they share other intimate things so what's a kitchen and living room. There had to be another bathroom up there for Mariah so they can share that.

      There all 4 wives under that one roof in Utah.

      Pay that house off and STOP HAVING KIDS. Eventually more of the kids will leave and you take take the bottom or top of Janelle's apt and make into an apt for Robyn or Meri. Then they each will have their own space.

      I figured this out in about 1 1/2 minutes. Surely SOMEONE in that family could figure it out.

  17. Did anyone else notice that the house in Lehi looked better than when they lived in it, newer appliances, fresh fruit on the counter? Who lives in it now?

    1. Who lives in it now?

      I've heard its family members living ...since Aunt Rebekah opened the door for them, I would think she and Uncle Nathan are living there.

    2. The kids (I think Hunter?) mentioned that the place looked better than when they lived there. It was tidier...

    3. It did look brighter, cleaner and more organized - no doubt about it. Janelle said that she isn't one on working inside the house and she worked long hours so I think her house was neglected as far as cleaning and such. Probably the kids were supposed to do chores, which they didn't do regularly.

  18. hunter is my favorite! the most normal out of all of them. i was cracking up when they went on the picnic and he was all "who does this?!?! i'm not even hungry, i'm too cold!" christine needs to get over it that logan cussed. "he should be inspiring the younger children..." ummm....mariah, maddie and hunter? they aren't really "younger" children, and if they are in public school i would say that it isn't anything they haven't heard before. often. by the way...i bet 'ol hunter has had a sip or 2 of alcohol before. :)

    1. Perhaps Christine was trying to curry favor with Robyn by slamming Logan. Logan was part of the April Fools on perfect Mariah.

    2. Hunter is way cute and adorable. He does seem most like a normal kid - he has that teen guy "whatever" attitude. Aspyn is the most normal girl I think.

      Mariah and Logan are parent like and a bit holier than thou. I think that they would really have trouble adjusting to a life outside of polygamy. What's interesting is that out of the teens, I think Hunter and Aspyen are the best looking - perhaps they are better accepted by kids at school and so they fit in better have adapted to a "normal" public school better.

      Mariah insists on wearing those old lady glasses and sweaters. Logan is, well he's a nice kid but he isn't cute and both of them are big on towing the polygamy line.

  19. I agree about the housing thing. It's absolutely absurd to me what they are trying to do. Who do they think they are!? I would like very much for a sponsor to come up with 3/4 mil dollars for the college funds that is! I would love to see the look on that DB's face!

    Perhaps the Duggers can offer some financial advice.

    Oh, and Robyns jewellery Hahaha. Yeah plyg jewellery is in high demand...

  20. Koduche not only has a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEE bald spot, it's obvious he dyes his hair.

    1. We'll wait for the Facebook Brown Family Apologists/prospective Fifth Wives to start sending Kody baseball caps, bandannas, and beanies to cover up his new cranial open real estate. ROFL!

    2. DakotaJustice, I just envisioned him wearing a wig and bandana just like Brett Michaels. Now that would be hysterical!

    3. Who would dye their hair greasy yellow

    4. Kody totally dyes his hair. I was watching the first and second season this weekend on Netflix and his hair was not that "blonde" or whatever it is in the beginning.

  21. Re: the story lines. I think that if we actually liked these people and thought they were working hard to come up with the money to get houses, then the search for houses and financing might be compelling enough to keep us watching. But, since it seems that most of us are rolling our eyes and saying (or yelling at the tv) "are you kidding me?" then I think this is a dud of a story line (let alone real life).

  22. Again i will say these peiple are crazy. Pleasw tell me what is real about this show? I mean watching these five adults sit around talking about another lame buainess deal is not enrertainment. Hello TLC are you listening????? Seeinf the kids act normal was great. I want to see more. Oh im sorry that would cut into baldie.........I mean kodys camara rime.

  23. I know that when people say here "an apartment for Robyn" that's shorthand for "move Robyn into the big house and make an addition to accommodate her.”

    ITA with the idea. In practice, it seems that she should get Meri’s old space and they should add a MIL apartment for Meri. She only needs a master room, a kitchenette and a bedroom for Mariah. Sure, she likes having a sewing/craft room, but by the time they get the addition built, Mariah’s going to be heading off to college. Also, why does the living space have to be separate from the craft space? I’m not running an ad for Ikea, but shared spaces are their specialty, after all.

    The whole hassle of renting a house for Robyn when they had land enough to put a trailer, a modular, an addition, or even sharing space in the house (baloney they didn’t have space – that house is HUGE).

    I know this has been covered a hundred times already… that family SUCKS with money management and responsibility.

    1. That is smart thinking, Allyn, on Meri only needing mother-in-law quarters! It would be cheaper to move Robyn in Meri's apartment and add on a smaller addition for Meri. I would like to see them all back in that home because it seems more economical for their future.

    2. Excellent point Allyn,there was that big scene last year about Meri getting a house as big as other wives with many kids when they first moved to Vegas so I doubt number one wife would ever go for the "Mother-in-law" quaters. But it makes perfect fiscal sense, that is why the Browns would never even think of it.

    3. Yes, excellent point, but IMO, Meri would pull the 1st wife(legal) card. She didn't mind turning on the waterworks when needed in her bid for a large home in Vegas. But now that most of us have formed a different opinion about Meri, esp since the release of their book, her shedding couch tears won't make a difference anymore. If they are forced to move back to Lehi, Robyn will never go back to living in a double wide. She'll get her own home, & will continue causing riff in this family, just like she has always done from the beginning! They all need to wake up & quit trying to live in lalaland. Seriously, I'm so over this family & their bs nonsense & pipe dreams!!

    4. They may have but Meri threw a fit and threw her first status out there....because she is the first and legal wife she thinks she deserves better or more

    5. I don't even understand why Meri wants a bigger home OTHER than the only thing that makes sense is to make her point of being FIRST WIFE - lest any of the others, including Kody, should ever forget that status.

      She doesn't enjoy having bonus kids over or hold the family parties there as she likes her knick-knacks, order and clean house (other than her messy bedroom apparently). Everything that wild, rambunctious crew is used to doing when they get together, they know they can't do at Mother Meri's. It's just extra rooms to clean and having to buy stuff to fill them up with. Also, extra heating/cooling costs. Mariah is always over at one of the other houses when she wants to group socialize. I don't think she's close to any of her bonus siblings to have them hang out with her on a one on one basis at Meri's home.

      So, yeah my vote is she will always have to have an equally large home and decorated the nicest for her First Wife Status. The sad reality is that status is all she's got for her small sense of power and "specialness."

  24. The SWC jewelry (that they got for Xmas) reminded me of the game pieces in the old board version of Monopoly (do they still make the old school version??)- you know, the little doggie, the top hat, etc. made out of that cheap tin metal crap. Great for a game, but lousy for jewelry. Rather than wearing that yukky excuse for "jewelry" I'd rather drag out the plastic apple core on a leather cord that I used to wear around my neck in 4th grade, mid - 1970's.

    Kody's "bald spot" - more of an ultra-receeding hairline...reminds me of a Seinfeld episode - the one where Elaine is dating the swimming guy who kept his head shaved bald, but then George persuaded him to start growing his hair again...then he discovered his hairline had receeded...big time.

    TLC needs to get Jason Alexander in a few episodes to play George Costanza, Kody's new "buddy" that can point out that his hairline is eroding faster than the Pacific Coastline in a typhoon... Hell, SW is mostly contrived at this point anyway, so why not add in a fictional character at this point? I'd watch.

    1. lol dakotajustice!

    2. I thought the same thing about the jewelry, someone plays too much Monopoly. Well, now we know why they think they can afford 4 new houses, lol.

    3. I remember those apple core necklaces! My mom had one and they are cuter. I think an episode where Kody has another "guys night out" and they go toupee shopping would be good. He could also ask them which toupee they think Robyn would like best.

  25. Does anyone else think that one of Robyn's doodles looks like balls?

    1. Yes!!! That was my very first thought! Truck nuts anyone? LMAO.

    2. Yes, all above, I think the picture above in review of the boxed "jewelry" looks like phallic symbols. But three in one box? What is Robchin thinking?

    3. Robyn was thinking she only needed three hearts because she's gonna chase Christine out.

    4. To me it looked like a set of boobs!

  26. I have a soft spot in my heart for the brown family EXCEPT for Kody, he did some terrible shit to his family by moving them to nevada. he should of stayed and faced any legal problems in utah instead of himself being ran out of town.
    utah has a huge mormon based polygamy based culture, even the sheriff in the town they are from is a freaking polygamist. Since kody is only legaly married once they cant do anything to himreally and it would of been thrown out in court.
    kody brown should of left the state if he really loved his family instead of destroying his kids lives to save his hide from a night or two in the slammer.
    Brown family teen agers I feel for you!
    and kody does totaly favour robyn over the other wives, if I was in a poly family full of chubby blond wives and the husband brought home a tight bodied brunette I would raise hell. he ruined his marriage and life with that new marriage and stupid show. xoxo motherthirteen

    1. Utah has a huge Church of Jesus Christ of @ Anonymous. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called Mormon) has a huge population in Utah and a very SMALL FLDS/AUB population. Please do not lump them together. It is incorrect and it is not fair. LDS people have the same opinions you have of this incredibly sick Brown lifestyle. Utah only prosecutes when they can prove child abuse or fraud.

    2. @Unknown. Anon 12:39 did not lump anyone together. These polygamist groups ARE mormon-based. No one accused the LDS of anything in that post.

      Since you randomly brought it up, though: Mormon senators and congressman have publically made excuses for even those communities which are known to have forced minors into polygamist marriages; and have also committed financial fraud. These politicians are elected by the majority of people--not a few folks living on the fringes. If a comment had connected the political system of Utah to polygamist apologists, it would be neither "incorrect [nor] unfair". The very fact that Utah doesn't prosecute polygamy (though it is explicitly illegal) shows that the majority of Utahans do not "share the opinions that most of [us] have"--if they did, your legislature, judiciary, and executive offices would be all be composed of folks who would demand enforcement of your laws.

    3. well said, Linnet. Doris Hanson (Polyagamy:What Love Is This? - TV show), Flora jessop, Carolyn Jessop, Troy Bowles and lots of other escapees from various Utah plyg groups can well testify to their frustration w/law enforcement, mainstream mormon politicians and the mainstream mormon church itself (who brought the polygamy to Utah to begin with!!) Even the abuses are largely ignored and not prosecuted. They had the chance to get rid of all the abusive FLDS law enforcement/judges at the compound of Hilldale/Colorado City w/Jeffs locked up - thanks to TEXAS and NOT UTAH!!

    4. Polygamy has definitely been prosecuted in Utah. It is just very difficult to do. I would just be careful with sweeping generalizations, that's all. :-)

    5. Didn't mean to cause anyone to have a hissy-fit, by the way. I was just attempting to clarify a commonly-held misconception. Peace out.

    6. @Unknown: I don't think anyone had a hissy fit. LOL. BUT no one had even mentioned the LDS in that post. On this blog, everyone generally makes an effort to be sensitive to the distinction. Most of us do not agree with any aspect of LDS, and frankly, many have outright referred to it as a cult. Whether typical LDS folks like it or not, the plygs use the same religious texts; and both the elected officials of Utah and church leadership do in fact protect the polygamists (regardless of what they publicly say)--why do you think it's so difficult to prosecute polygamists? Because there is NO political will to do so. BTW, I have never seen a really nasty, vehemenently anti-Mormon post on this blog--except a few from ex-Mormons. No hissy fit :D, just a reality check.

  27. KodysUglyConvertible JanellesNewMinivan WherestheLexusandJalopyJune 13, 2012 at 12:43 PM

    Morwenna...ha! I actually thought the doodles looked like a woman's ass. Why would I shop at a SIster Wives' Closet when I can go to Claire's to buy shitty costume jewelry without the shipping costs? Also, even the name is stupid.....I keep my jewelry in a jewelry box. I keep my clothes in a closet. So why aren't they selling clothes, such as spaghetti string baby doll tops with clashing long sleeve tshirts underneath?

    Its also pretty evident the Browns are spending some of their finite resources on name brand clothes for the kids...UnderArmour, American Eagle.....maybe they could pony up a 40% downpayment if they did not outfit 17 kids in name brand clothes. Also, when Mariah had her hissy fit, she threw down her iPhone. I pay $120/month for my iPhone. I understand a high school kid having a cell phone.....but an IPhone? And then they go and cry they don't have money to buy 4 houses? Please! I am tired of hearing it!!! Again, they are living beyond their means.

    Going back to the episode prior....did anyone notice Dayton/Day-un during Kody's home preachin' session. Poor kid looked bored out of his gourd and was balancing a penny on it's side to keep him busy! Those wacky Browns....they only know how to play with money. They don't understand how to save it!

    1. In defense of Mariah and her iPhone (which I didn't see), the Browns are probably on a family plan. I pay $130 a month right now for 2 iPhones (my own and my husband's) through AT&T (unlimited texting). When the 4S was released, AT&T dropped the 4 to $99 and the 3GS to free, contingent of course upon committing to a 2 year contract. At the end of this month Virgin Mobile is going to start offering the iPhone at $35 a month unlimited, however you have to pay full price for the iPhone and I believe they will only be offering the 4S, not the earlier models. Just FYI. Kody's tweets (from the screenshots here) are made on an Android phone, so not everyone has an iPhone in the family. Still, i'm sure it adds up.

    2. Mariah's Iphone ticked me off too. I work in customer care for a cell phone company and I know that a plan for an iphone is not cheap. In fact I talk to a lot of customers refuse to buy a smartphone for their kids due to the cost. They are in no financial position for smartphones.

    3. Maybe Mariah has a job and is paying for it herself.

    4. From reading the book, I think they make decisions (financial and otherwise) when they have thoughts about certain things. So if they think "I want an IPhone" it's a message from God saying they should get an IPhone and it will all work out. Just like they did w/ adding wives, the 4 houses, the TV show etc etc.

    5. "Maybe Mariah has a job and is paying for it herself."

      Yeah, it makes sense that if Mariah has a job she would not even consider saving her money for college or her future. She follows the lessons her parents show her and spends it as soon as it comes in on silly things.

    6. On the Brown Family Page there is a link for My Sister Wife's Closet up & it says they are gonna sell clothes so maybe Robyn will start her own clothing line too, lmao! Oh & the link just takes you to a page that says coming soon so nothing is up & running yet...surprise surprise!

    7. Sell clothes? WTH is wrong with these fools! How about flipping burgers to make some money??

    8. KUC. . . I think the reason they don't often show Day-un/David is because asperger's kids are not capable of displaying "socially relevant dishonesty". If they think something/someone is stupid, they can't filter it. He's probably the best one to watch during group scenes particularly for that reason--his face says what everyone else would like to.

  28. I know these people are a twisted mess but 4 huge houses in a gated community??? They need medication because not one of them has enough viable brain matter to drive this crazy train.

  29. I really like the teens portion of this episode. I think more story lines that center around them would appeal more to people. It's interesting that we are starting to see more and more of their relatives. I guess they figure everybody knows they are our family so we might as well be filmed too. It was so weird to see Uncle Adam. I wonder what they think of him. Hey this is my uncle but also my mom's ex husband. I would love for the teens to explain how they feel about stuff like that!

    I also caught that while the children call their "bonus moms" by their first names, they call their non related grandmas "grandma". Does anyone know if its normal that the call their bonus mom by their first names? I remember in Big Love that Nikki's kids called Barb "Mother Barb" but Barb's kids called Nikki and Margene by their first names. Was this just because they were older when they (Nikki and Margene) came into the family?

    I agree that it's a kind of annoying that every episode is about them spending money (that they don't have) or trying to start a business to make money. They could take a few pointers from the Duggars. These people have more children and less adults and live debt free! Neither Jim Bob nor Michelle have traditional 9 to 5 jobs and they make it work. I bet they have taken their TLC money and invested it in things that will keep them living debt free.

    1. No it's not usual for kids to call the other women by first names. They are usually given the pre-fix "aunt" - so it would be "Aunt Robyn" etc. Others call them Mom or Mother - ( fill in the blank according to first name)

    2. IMHO, it's a sign of the mother's disrespect for each other, that the kids have not been raised from birth to call the other wives "mother__" or "aunt__" or something special (Mimi, JJ, Cici would even be more appropriate than their first names). Not necessarily Robyn's kids so much--but the ones who had been together since birth.

  30. I know I'm mean. However, I can't wait till this show cancels and we get to see a "Where are they now" a few years from now. Bet you are are going to be soo broke and even Robyn will be bad-mouthing Kody if she is even still around.

  31. In the book and now also on the show, they talk about the Lehi house with such fondness. It was the place that they all agree (well except for Robyn) that the family was the closest and Kody was the happiest. They are clearly never going to be able to make a living in Las Vegas and are clearly never going to be able to buy those houses no matter how Mona tries to spin it.

    So that leaves the question, why aren’t they moving back to Utah? It’s not because they don’t want to uproot the kids again (since when do they really consider the kids) and it’s not because they have anything (like oh, say, a job) to hold them back. Remember, Kody and family had filed a lawsuit against the State of Utah alleging among other things that Utah’s laws prohibited them from pursuing jobs (using the whole Meri got fired for polygamy thing) and worshipping with other AUB members (which violates their constitutional rights). Just because Utah said they weren’t prosecuting the Browns does not mean the lawsuit against Utah has been dropped. And if they move back to Utah before the lawsuit is resolved, that means they no longer feel that they are being ‘persecuted’ due to their ‘lifestyle’. I am beginning to think this is why we will not see them move back, it’s because they want to CASH IN on a huge lawsuit and then live off of that. That is their financial plan. All these other ‘business ideas’ have been fillers for the show. I don’t think they have any intention of doing any sort of ‘jobs’, they want a multi-million dollar settlement and then they will live off that. Anyone think this is their ultimate plan?

    1. The worst thing that could happen for the Browns is for polygamy to be decriminalized. Their whole schitck is because they're living an illegal lifestyle, even though Utah has bent over backwards to make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that they wouldn't be arresting Kody or anyone unless there was proof of fraud or underage messing about. They could have just as well stayed there. And polygamy will never be decriminalized in Utah, because then they would have to also allow gay marriage (IMO) and I doubt that will ever happen in that state, since LDS was a big backer of the anti-gay marriage proposition in California.

    2. Not drinking the kool aidJune 13, 2012 at 3:55 PM

      This is my first time posting and I'm sorry for not introducing myself sooner but I have to say that I totally agree with you CPA Carol!!! Wasn't their whole intention on suing Utah because of the money? They won't admit that but that's been my feeling on this family the whole time.

      Sorry for interrupting....I love how you all think!!

    3. Wow. I bet you're right, CPA Carol. And I can't imagine they would have any chance of winning, if they don't have jobs in Az!

    4. There will not be a multi-million dollar settlement because the State of Utah has sovereign immunity. That basically translates to "you cannot sue the king". There are narrow exceptions to this immunity, and payment can only come from insurance proceeds. Insurance covers negligence, such as car accidents with state vehicles, and can cover false imprisonment, but there is a pretty high standard to recover money for that.

      There was the woman in California who won several million a few years ago after the probation and child protection services failed to realize she was being kept in the backyard in tents, even after several calls from neighbors, but the failure of state officials was so egregious and she suffered for years.

      I'm not a huge fan of the Brown's attorney, but I think he has probably explained this to them. I think their plan is for notoriety, and possibly book deals/talk shows, etc. There will never be a multi-million dollar settlement. I know there are attorneys on here who can explain this better. I also know the Browns are delusional. However, I don't think the case is their ultimate plan.

    5. What Christina said. Any lawyer worth his/her salt would have told them that this case is about principle, not a settlement.

    6. Didn't the judge summarily dismiss out everyone except the prosecuting attorney as defendants? I am unclear whether he is being sued as an individual or whether the county is also being sued with him as the county attorney. If the county is being sued with the prosecutor named as the representative, then they might have a chance of some settlement, but I highly doubt it would be a multi million dollar settlement. If he is being sued as an individual, there is no way they will get a multi million dollar settlement, as it's highly unlikely he personally possesses that much money (and this isn't the kind of thing for which an individual can obtain insurance.) The prosecutor may not even entertain any kind of settlement, as the Browns have to show damages. I think the Browns have made big mistakes in documenting (on Twitter and on film) how hunky dorey everything is in Vegas. Everytime one of them tweets or talks about a great meal, fun time at some event, or a boys/girls night out they are hurting their case in my humble opinion. As I understand their lawsuit, they are essentially saying the prosecuting attorney damaged them by threatening to charge them for a crime that did exist at the time of the alleged threat. I realize their suit essentially challenges the constitutionality of the statute prohibiting polygamy, but once the other parties were summarily dismissed out they were left with the prosecuting attorney as the only remaining defendant. I don't see how they can challenge the constitutionality of the statute through a suit that is now limited to the prosecutor. Even if they are successful at the trial court level, my guess is an appellate court would find that it sets a bad precedent to allow people who were merely threatened with prosecution of a statute that, at the time, was valid to sue the prosecutor. This is all just my opinion, but as soon as I heard the other parties were dismissed out I thought their lawsuit suffered a terrible blow.

  32. I LOVE seeing the children. I would like to see the adults living their "normal" lives, like when they were in Utah, as opposed to their made up outings. Their REAL lives were so much more enjoyable.

  33. In the early photos of Janelle and Kody when they married she looked far too young for marriage. I expect that is why her marriage to Adam failed. She was just too immature and not ready for that, and maybe Adam wasn't either. I could never imagine my daughters married at such a young age. (My youngest is 25 and she is still too young to be married IMO!) After her failed marriage to Adam, Janelle was probably happy to be Kody's concubine. She didn't have to work on the relationship since it was all about Meri and Kody at that point and she was just there for birthin' babies.

  34. I'm sorry to barge in here and take this comment section "in hostage" but I've literally spent hours on this blog today... And boy, this mess of a cannibal freak circus is starting to confuse me. Maybe it's because I'm not from the US and thus the polygamy issue and Mormonism in general are not culturally embedded at all. I wish I could understand what the entire abuse system the Browns are using truly is (I saw the bankruptcy documents people posted links to here but I'm trying to fully understand how one can manage to secure so many thousands of dollars of debt on credit cards!).

    Besides that, I started looking into the Flora Jessop matter after finding the post about the Twins&Cuz family. And off to Google I was. Did anyone ever discuss the bizarre articles on this bizarre blog( What the letter F is this all about? I feel like I stepped into a nest of cuckoo birds with that one.

  35. OKAYYYYYY I just realized what Kody's receeding hairline reminds me of...or who. Remember the comedian/actor Bobcat Goldthwaite? He lost his hair in the same pattern Kody is now. The only difference is that Bobcat made it part of his act until he eventually cut off his long hair, now he's either got extremely short hair or keeps it shaved. I remember one HBO standup show where he skimmed his hair back and said in his Bobcat whiny voice "I look like Benjamin Franklin now..." lol...I double dog dare Kody to just face the fact that he has classic Male Pattern Baldness. Maybe he can get a hair surgeon to do implants - I remember Jon Gosselin did the same at one point, yes?

    Kody's hair when he was young was blond, so i think that if he's doing any touchup, its to get rid of the grey, not to take away dark hair. He's a natural blond IMO.

  36. MeanGirl Meri had too much fun calling off Christine on her "lying" during the golf game. Who cares, Meri? It's putt-putt. Not "Hunger Games".

    If they move back to Utah, MeanGirl Meri should get a small add-on. Robyn gets her old apartment. Sorry Meri, you're used up as far as "plyg wives" go. Too bad you went that route.

    Robyn's "jewelry designs" reminded me of 3rd grade drawings of scrotums and bosoms. I am being kind.

    Love the blog more than the show. And if TLC would listen to many of your readers they would have higher ratings LOL!

    1. "SCROTUMS AND BOSOMS".....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha!!

    2. "It's putt-putt. Not "Hunger Games"." Oh my gosh! I nearly choked on my Dr. Pepper!!!!!!

  37. Maybe while Robyn was drawing these "jewelery designs," she was really thinking about wanting to design bras and underwear, hence the boob looking designs. We all know her real passion is VS and undergarments.

  38. Peanut Butter FritosJune 13, 2012 at 4:01 PM

    The old photos of Jenelle are quite pretty. I think she still is the prettiest, if she can actually get in shape.

    If Jenelle can get self-esteem up, she'll realize she deserves more than this.I was honestly shocked she was saying that she would be disappointed in her kids if they weren't polygamists. Huh? She can't even talk about all the "happiness" her choice had given her without crying. Flora Jessup was right, it's all in the eyes.

  39. I have got to say the editing is horrible. The couch scene were they just get done with the doodle meeting...they say how low the start up will be (unlike the fitness center), and Janelle has dark roots, here pops in a talking head of Janelle says something like, "because we have allot of large expense coming up, like getting into these houses and kids into college, we just need to get some money coming in" and she has bright yellow, freshly bleached hair...then back to a wide shot and her dark roots are back when you see the four of them.

    Which I believe,as many of you have mentioned previously that this season has just been a series of wacky filmed, staged activities strewn together.

    But for them to insert Janelle explaining some "financial concerns" just makes me jump on the "I don't care for Janelle anymore" band wagon because of all of her Kody excuses and damage control comments this season. I agree her kids are the best, she is the smartest tool in that box and the most realistic but her weight tells the real story of discontent and depression.

    It's so transparent that she was a rung out wash rag last season in total crisis about new wife, the move, the finite resources, and no jobs to the point of a breakdown. Now that there is a little TLC money on the table she is all smiles this year. But it won't last for long when we have little lord Kody; spoiled with expensive gifts every show.

    The teenage road trip was so much more entertaining than seeing Kody and Robchin. I think Christine's girls didn't go because they have said that they like Vegas from the beginning and I think Christine is very strict with them.

    1. I always think they film it and then when they're done putting it together, they have them watch it in their couch sessions to talk about the scenes and then film the couch sessions. So there might be a few months difference. I think Janelle's just trying to survive with this mess she's gotten herself into. No use complaining and so she tries to put on a positive spin. I hope she does get her real estate license soon.

    2. Ahh as an on again off again fatty I really think that her weight telling the real story of her unhappiness is some pretty harsh conjecture. Not that I'm against snarkyness Or that I think she is happy. I just know that for me personally its certainly not as simple as Fat=sad and skinny=happy. Generally fat means I am not exercising and opted for the drive through to many nights because cooking is a hassle or I don't have time or whatever other reason I can find for putting grease in my face. I'm not saying she is a happy woman but for me overweight =unhealthy not unhappy. I did have a friend who once told me basically that when I was carrying my chunk. That I must be unhappy but I always regarded that as projection. That when she put on weight she felt that depression. On the other hand I am pretty ok with my size whatever because I know I have some brains and some looks, that I am super funny and have large quantities of awesome just laying around. MY scale just doesn't double as a mood ring.

      Also I'm sure that there are readers here who are thick ladies who have pretty happy lives. Sorry to get all crazy preachy. Even when I'm thin I'm a fat chick at heart and sometimes I have another peice of pizza because I want one nothing behind it.

      That said if I was Janelle I'd be pretty sad when my business plan got cast aside for Robyn's doodles. Or if I married someone who was like "squiggles? Oh mi gosh yes thats brilliant!" In reality though..who is going to buy that stuff? The only person I know who goes after jewelry sight unseen is grandma when we forget to block the home shopping channels. They need to look into the economy and see which businesses are on the rise if they are determined to start a business. Money is tight for everyone. They need to come up with something people are going to go crazy for. People aren't throwing money into going to the gym or buying niche jewelry items. I really think they just need to watch some of that show Shark Tank and go back to the drawing board. They can sell some jewelry for sure. But just until the celebrity thing runs dry. There was nothing drawn there that was exceptional or unique. In fact the double heart looked an awful lot like the "open heart" stuff doctor quinn medicine woman was selling on tv recently. If you don't have something exceptional theres no reason I shouldn't stop by a mall and grab some necklace there. The only reason to buy it is because its from people you saw on tv. And that novelty won't last long, the same way buying green juice or whatever from them won't last long for the same reasons. After you get over that you are buying it from people you saw on tv who will respond to your tweet if you buy from realize you just spent 75 dollars for juice. I am definetly for them capitalizing on this publicity while they can. Get money and all that. but if you're going to barter what you are least make sure you have more to show for it then a connected S and W necklace and snake oil juice. I'm thinking..things that come in 4 packs?... A wallet that folds out with 17 slots for kids pictures (no space for credit cards because..who are we kidding), . Travel guides on how to visit vegas and miss every single reason to go to vegas. Kids books explaining "why does billy have 7 mommies?" Clearly I would bomb out of shark tank but these ladies really need a back up plan!


    3. Anonymous 7:55pm, I am not saying skinny=happy and fat=sad!

      I base my comment on hours of programming and observation of her.

      I am not judging the book by its cover...after watching 3 years of this show making her weight an issue I feel great empathy for Janelle. I have seen her humiliated in a public weigh in and then again a year later with little or no results in losing weight. (10 pounds)

      I base what I SEE as a myriad of life choices she has made leading her to what is portrayed on the show in past seasons... ghosted eyes, vacant stares, repression of emotion and an overall sad appearance. She had a very depressed demeanor last year and seemed in crisis every couch session.

      Janelle, this year, starting with the book tour and recent episodes has looked better than ever. Her beautiful clear blue eyes shine and she is much more confident and appears much healthier.

      It is not a new theory that she is eating her problems and suppressing her emotions with food. It is a common theory in the medical and psychiatric community that stress and unhappiness can lead to over eating for comfort.

    4. ELM (Anonymous), well said.

  40. The way I understood it, it was the stupid little hearts that Janelle felt was trite not the SW. It was funny when she sais it because Kody had just said that he liked the hearts the best. Then she said that she liked the SW design.

  41. Why does Meri have a sewing/arts and crafts room when she said in last weeks episode, when they took the sister in law to paint pottery that "arts & crafts" just aren't her thing????

    1. I think it's more a sewing room than an arts and crafts one. Just because one can sew doesn't mean one can paint. I sew and I crochet and I can throw a pot like nobody's business; yet I absolutely fail at painting and drawing...not my cup of tea.

  42. I've been reading these posts for a while now and I love them. You all are so spot on. Thanks for making my lunch hours entertaining.

    Somebody mentioned the Browns expecting a windfall from their lawsuit. If you look at the statistics of lottery winners, most of them go broke within 2-5 years. I suspect this would be not different in the case of the Browns getting a big settlement in a lawsuit, considering the way we see them spend money. For example, if they got a $2 million dollar settlement, it would be gone once they bought four houses at half a million each. Just food for thought.

    1. I hadn't read that the Browns were seeking monetary damages from the state of Utah, they were suing over the purported unconstitutionality of the anti-bigamy/polygamy laws in Utah in an attempt to have them overturned? They would have to prove damages for one thing. They can say all they want that they were forced to flee Utah because of fear of arrest, but that would all be easily pushed aside in court, just from the many TV interviews in which they admit that Kody wanted to live in LV to begin with and they weren't all that concerned about arrest. I read somewhere that Lehi's sheriff is a polygamist himself - is that true?

    2. I honestly think that even if they did get a big windfall from the lawsuit (or anywhere else) that they would not spend all of it on houses. They might spend some of it on housing, but I honestly think they would blow through it in record time with stupid, instant gratification spending. Of all of them, Janelle is the most likely to try to stop them from buying a fleet of Hummers and going on a family cruise, but as always, she will be ignored.

    3. DakotaJustice, I apologize. I hadn't read your comment yet when I posted my long winded opinion on the lawsuit upthread.

  43. Great Overview:
    I knew that Kody was balding. He does his hair like my brother used to do his: let what little he had grow out and then try and keep it pieced over the bald spots. His hair days are numbered.
    My problem with this whole episode was that there are so many little and big girls who are exposed to so many adult men and most of those adult men do not have a biological connection to these girls; not that it matters, molestation occurs with biologically related as well as step related males. But, Janelle's daughter went to Meri's mother's house, and Janelle's ex was there…an ex she was married to about the same age that her daughter is now at.
    And I know talking about the kids should be off limits, but I have to say that Janelle's daughter is looking so much better since she lost weight and colored her hair light. Meri's daughter has always been way overweight and she does carry her weight in her belly and she wears really tight pants which push all of the fat up so it does look like she is pregnant. If I were Meri, I wouldn't talk about eating healthy, I would eat healthy and get the kid to a gym and to a clothing store and get her in clothes that don't add to the problem.
    I, too, was really angered by the way Kodsturd is pushing that bitch Robyn-No-Character's doodles down everyone's throat. I believe if Janelle's retirement is going to fund the business, she should fund her fitness center. I believe she would do better at that than the stupid pipe dream of sister-stupid-screwloose-wives' jewlery.
    Janelle, if by some chance you read this, you should not contribute one dime of any of your money to RNC's project. She is ignorant, irresponsible, and a little narcissitic. You take your money and either go back to school and get an MBA or invest in your health club and keep the screwballs out.
    Finally, is it just me or is RNC's girls the saddest little things. They jump around in all the men's faces and use the smaller kids to try and get attention. There is something troubling about that and even more troubling that all of the other little girls are so well behaved but RNC's two and no one takes the time to train them to act right. SIGH.

    1. Robyn's "jewelry" can already be bought. At the dollar store.

    2. Lobotomized love it!!!

  44. The thing is, I don't expect them to get a settlement at all. Even if they did, like
    ECG said, it would go in a jiffy. These people will be broke in no time at all.

  45. They should move into duplexes or 2 large houses in LV, or, as you suggested move back to Lehi. Do they still own that house? Clearly, NOONE is very happy. I read the book this weekend, and they talk about how happy they are, but they are always strapped for money (even w/ the TV show) time and attention from Kody. I think they're all depressed and miserable most of the time. Where is the joy? Why not get real jobs instead of trying to start businesses?

    1. They have no ambition to do real work, they are lazy. Its easier to live off of the government to work a real job. Its a sad shame too because the kids will most likely repeat the cycle.

  46. I love your blog, keep up the great writing!

  47. I cannot BELIEVE that Janelle cashed out her retirement. Not smart at all.

    1. You are so right especially when the penalty for doing this is harsh. I think Janelle has made some very bad decisions starting when she married the Kodster. For someone who seems to have alot of commonsense about many things she seems just as clueless as the rest of them when it comes to the big stuff.

    2. I don't think she really is all that smart as people think she is. Of course she appears to be smart next to Robyn-No-Caracter and Kody, but so would everybody else.

      She probably is the least dumb of the bunch, but by no means is very smart.

    3. I absolutely do not believe that she had more than a couple thousand in her retirement acount. It hasn't been that long since her last bankruptcy; and accounting, with no CPA, does not pay six-figures; they weren't even estabished in Utah long enough to work her way up to a higher status within an office environment. Maybe CPA Carol can give a better estimate, but I'll say 7-9K, tops.

  48. Just saw the episode and without reading any other comments can I say how pleased I was to see the teens acting like TEENS?! Swearing, teasing and really talking. And how lovely it was to NOT have the Kodester dominate this episode. Best in a long time TLC. Keep focusing on the wives and kids and you may get another season out of this.

    1. ITA Amy. The kids are much more interesting then any of the adults. Even the wives are more interesting then Kody. He just reminds me of a strutting little rooster and that is boring. The teens (especially Janelle's 3 & Christine's 2) have a lot of stories that could be told and wouldn't have to involve contrived activities.

  49. As boring as it has been lately, this is TLC's #1 show right now. This episode convinced me more than ever that TLC is going to ensure that the Browns get the 4 houses together as part of the story arc for the end of this season/beginning of next season. Now we're seeing all the "obstacles" that are in the way of their "dream." It's classic (though, in this case, ridiculous) story-telling, and it's clear to me that it's coming straight from the TLC production room.

    1. #1 show on TLC or no, I doubt that the network is going to cough up $720k - or ANY money - to give the Browns what they want on a silver platter. The reason a lot of us are watching the show to begin with is the train-wreck-ness of it. TLC should just not get involved, and film whatever. because watching the Browns find out that they can't get what they want just because they feel they deserve it is much more interesting viewing than seeing them get everything they want from the network. that would make REALLY boring TV, and personally, I would quit watching. I think TLC should just let them flounder while they film away.

    2. If this is TLC's #1 show they better get off their behinds fast and start doing a decent job in editing and script writing!!!

    3. Peanut Butter FritosJune 15, 2012 at 1:07 AM

      I agree. I see a big mansion rental coming soon. How much can that be in Vegas?

  50. I agree ELM. I don't think weight gain/loss is that simple or else all of us "fatties" would just pop a few antidepressants and be thin!. Even the early pictures of Janelle & Christine show two overweight gals. There's a genetic predisposition to holding onto that fat and probably a slower metabolism. Also I think their culture (like so many of ours) has food as a central focus. They all seemed to gain more weight when they moved to LV. Could be a bit of loneliness, anxiety about the new place and anger over Robin/Kody. Also Meri & Janelle probably getting close to perimenopause and boy can that do a number on the old metabolism.

    1. Actually losing weight is not that difficult, but you gotta be very determined, dedicated, goal oriented and mentally strong to do it. Basically, you have to watch WHAT and HOW MUCH you eat, drink a lot of water and get yourself moving. If everybody would consistenly do that, 99% would be losing weight. But here's the thing, you have to do it day in day out, every single day (you can't cheat or skip days) for longer periods of time. No one magically loses all their extra weight in a short period of time. It takes (a lot of) time. And motivation. And when the magic number is reached, a similar lifestyle _still_ has to be lived or else those pounds come back faster than Kody to Robyn for a booty call.
      Most "fatties" (including myself) could lose weight and stay skinny, it merely is a matter of attitude, willpower, etc.

      As far as Meri, Janelle and Christine, they sure seem to be very lonely, don't feel appreciated, a tad depressed, etc so it's easier to eat away their emotions. And even if they were to be healthy nd slim, Kody wouldn't be paying more attention to them as he does now, I think.

    2. have you ever noticed the old pics of christine, such as her wedding photo? she has always been a big girl

  51. Several interesting posts overnight. I wanted to respond with my opinions...

    first off - Janelle's "retirement savings". I'm sure it's already long gone and there is nothing left. There probably wasn't all that much to begin with. I don't think she was at her job long enough to save all THAT much. and think of this - her salary and Kody's was supporting the entire household for the most part. When one determines how much they are going to have deducted from their paycheck for retirement or a 401k, first you have to figure out how much you need for living expenses. Let's see. mortgage on the house, food, utilities, gas, clothing for all those credit card payments (they must have been paying at least the minimums to keep the cards right?). My guess and again this is just my OPINION is that Janelle probably had AT MOST $20,000 in her retirement. A drop in the bucket really, even if she was just trying to save for her OWN retirement. I believe her "image" as a money manager is WAY overrated. Warren Buffett she most definitely is NOT.

    The health club project. I've said this before, but not only does it take a big bankroll to start one - just the equipment costs alone are huge - but they have absolutely NO experience in the industry. it's a VERY competitive industry and they have no knowledge whatsoever. How many people with no knowledge lost their shirts opening Curves? a LOT.

    The LIV "international". Many, MANY MLMs have the word "International" in their name, doesn't make them so. it's just a word. It doesn't matter anyway. If Kody & fam think they will make a fortune on this when 99%+ of the people who get suckered into this end up losing money, well...just pass that bong over here. because they won't. I had to laugh when he was talking about "the company car" and "My marketing job" because it's not a job. If you want to know how these scams work, Penn & Teller did a great ep of their BS show on Showtime in 2010 called "Easy Money". Fortunately, it's available on YouTube (warning - this isn't exactly family viewing...) (part 1) (part 2)

    Very interesting and informative - Kody isn't selling the green drink - the way he wants to make money is to recruit others who recruit others and he supposedly gets a commission from all those people. In the second link above, starting about 35 seconds into the clip, they explain exactly how that works in theory and why it actually does NOT work i.e. it's bullshit - or as Robyn would say "Bullcrap!!" LOL

    The weight gain. I do think based on my own personal experience that there's a correlation between stress/depression and weight gain, and I think that's what we're seeing here. Look at it this way - they aren't allowed to drink or do anything fun really. They might have gotten a little exercise in Lehi - way more rural and therefore more walking etc - however in Vegas I doubt they live within walking distance of any stores etc. so they drive everywhere. If they aren't used to the heat, they stay inside with the A/C. They are basically using food as a drug, a solace and/or as recreation. Mariah was not all that chunky in the first season, but she has really ballooned out and it's especially obvious this season. Whatever. They all know what they need to do, but they choose not to take those steps. oh well. Incidentally, I am almost 50, and I can still lose weight if I want to, maybe it takes a little longer than it used to but if I apply myself, tracking what I'm eating and making sure to get some exercise in daily, then the weight does come off!

  52. I know we all get frustrated with the Browns' lifestyle and their poor decisions. But the reality is it's because we're operating on logic and the Browns operate on emotions. Once i got that light bulb moment, everything they do now makes perfect sense!! LOL

    1. You're absolutely right!! LOL Now if the Brown's would just read this blog with all the good common sense advice we offer, their lives would improve quickly. Unfortunately, the Brown's don't seem to have the ability to predict the outcome of their decisions nor the willingness to heed advice.

  53. I think a Janelle's Jym where it focuses on women's weight loss, with friendly trainers might work. Christine could be in charge of a day care area for those moms who need to have babysitting. I think she's very good with children. The teenagers could also help at the gym with cleaning etc. Kody and Robin could stay home and clean, cook, and do the laundry while the others are working. They could have special fun classes like Zumba. They could later expand and add things like spa services, nails etc.

    1. Anon 11:20 - that is nothing new. Many, MANY more established fitness facilities offer a "kids club" or child care, that's pretty much the norm. Also, I'm don't know about the state of Nevada, but in California there needs to be a certain number of qualified adults (meaning they've taken courses in CPR, etc) for x number of children. Christine can't do it alone, just because she's good with THEIR kids doesn't mean she'll be good with stranger's kids. And Zumba isn't all that "special" - it's a great class format, but it's offered EVERYWHERE, even in church basements. as are nail salons and spa services, which incidentally would require separate licenses from the state (again, based on California).

      And this might just be ME, but I wouldn't join a weight-loss "Jym" where the owner/spokesperson doesn't appear to have had any success with weight loss.

      Most importantly is the retention aspect. Not just GETTING the members, but RETAINING those members and collecting their membership dues for the long term. This is the key in the fitness club industry, and again, why it takes people experienced in the industry to be able to stay afloat. Janelle would have to be competitive with already-established facilities in the LV area with operating hours (preferably open early and closing late, if not 24-hour), quality of equipment, equipment maintenance/upkeep, group fitness class programs (she would probably have to hire a dedicated Group Fitness Director to run the program - with a salary of course - and pay the instructors - usually an hourly fee starting at around $35-50 an hour depending on their experience/qualifications/popularity), location, and of course membership fee value. Planet Fitness seems to be the big player in Nevada - they are offering memberships for $10-20 a month with unlimited free personal training etc, and I'm certain they also have child care.

      The only thing that Janelle has to offer is her "celebrity". such as it is. If she did manage to get a club open, she would be closed within a year...people who join just because it's owned by a Brown will probably let their memberships lapse very quickly (and even if they're locked into a contract, those aren't set in stone - all they need to do is call their bank and cancel the recurring payment).

      Just another Brown pipe dream. If Janelle is so freakin' smart, let's see an example of a SUCCESSFUL business that she has started that made a profit. She appears to be quite adept at starting businesses, but there's more to it than that...

    2. One more thing - their main competition, Planet Fitness, is the official sponsor of The Biggest Loser. To me, that would be a bigger "pull" than the Browns ownership, if I was joining for weight loss.

      My guess is that the Browns' gym would draw a lot of people to check out the place with free trial memberships, to catch a possible glimpse of the fam - but few sign-ups.

  54. Ok, so what is Mean Girl Meri sewing in her arts & crafts/sewing room? Really ugly baby doll tops?

  55. I, for one, can't wait for "My Sister Wife's Closet" (do you think the My Sister's Closet folks will sue?)!! I mean, where is a gal supposed to get her monopoly piece accessories, long sleeved tees under ill fitting baby doll tops,etc.?

    1. I suggest Sister Wives Closet include modest (is hottest) swim
      suits in plus sizes.

      MIB (Making it Big) is one of my favorite online stores. I like
      seeing how a woman of size (like myelf) looks wearing the clothes. I
      think Janelle would make a beautiful MIB model or for their Sister Wives

  56. I recently sat down to rewatch some episodes and came across one of the couch interviews and a shot of Robyns heavily over make up cold sore/herpe lip. I sat there wondering why the wives would be okay with this. So not only they share the Kodsturd - but STD's as well. Its apparent that he is gonna smooch his favorite, I mean he wouldnt want her to cry like she does about EVERYTHING - and then the next night he is with Meri giving her a blow job and hence Meri gets it... Duh! I grow more and more aggravated with the ignorance of each passing episode.

    1. True, if one of them has a yeast infection, they are very likely to all get one.

      Now to STD. If Meri and Kodz were virgins when they got married, there is issue. If Janelle's ex and she were virgins, there is still nothing to worry about. If Christine was a virgin... you get the point.

      ONLY if they were with someone before without protection OR didn't get themselves checked out there is an issue.
      And of course, if Koz was testdriving other women.... well yeah then there is a problem (same goed for de ducklets with other men, but I see that as way less likely).

  57. Posted on the FB page around 6:00 tonight.
    [Adam Barber] I don't read these to often, but there seems to be some real haters out there. Though I don't believe the ways of my sister and her family, I'll stand behind them 100%. And only because they got the marbles to stand up for what they believe!

    As for the children? They get more "dad" time then half the kids in America!

    1. "As for the children? They get more "dad" time then half the kids in America!"

      Yeah robins children do! He is right about that one

    2. I am a long time reader and this is my first time commenting. The more I watch this show, the more Kody reminds me of King Henry VIII of England. King Henry was a tyrant and so is Kody.... I hope that none of the kids embraces polygamy as a lifestyle...

    3. Welcome Laurie and welcome to all our new commenters! Enjoy your stay!

  58. Did anyone else think that Mariah’s reaction to the joke was way over the top? I mean she lost her mind. I actually felt sorry for her during the joke because she was really in emotional turmoil. I thought she was going to have an anxiety attack.

    Her reaction was exactly what I would expect from Kody and Meri in that real life situation though. I also think that the minute that they told her it was a joke there was just a moment where Mariah almost went postal again for them doing that to her, but realized that a camera was shoved in her face so she just laughed it off.

    I bet that Aspyn, Logan and Hunter heard about that later. I also thought it was childish of Meri to get involved in the prank. That took it too far – siblings doing stuff like that to each other okay, but I would expect more than a Mother to be involved. I wouldn’t do that to my kid. I think that Mariah ended up getting hurt over that, especially since it was on camera and it was an emotionally charged weekend for her.

  59. Okay, I KNOW I counted more than 4 teenagers... Why did only some make the trip? Wondering if age had something to do with it, or the mom -- Christine didn't have any kids on the trip, but I thought she had one old enough. To be perfectly honest, I can't keep all of them straight - but I know Logan, Hunter, and Mariah were on the trip - and I think there should have been Aspyn and Madison too?

    1. I was wondering the same thing and thought it strange that they kept saying the "teenagers" when not all of them went. All of Janelle's kids who were over 15 went (Hunter, Madison & Logan), as well as Mari's daughter Mariah. Christine has two kids around that age, Mykelti (16ish) & Aspyn (17ish), but neither of them went on the trip.

  60. I lived in Utah for 3 longgggg years recently and could not wait to leave. I lived in LEHI which was the worst place to move our family if we were not mormon (which we were not), we were a mixed race couple (yes, we got lots of looks, flipped the bird, and often snubbing from neighbors), and isolation treatment since we were not part of the click of daily/weekly/monthly visits to try to convert us to the local religion. Hardly anyone would talk to us, we got constant stares, and neighbors did not like to even consider letting their small children play with out one youngest child.
    Polygamy?? Hmmmm weird to see at the public park but so was the spitting on our smallest child by other children when ours would ask if they wanted to play and other kids would yell "aaawwwww, get away, I don't know you....." and out the spit would come towards our child. Happened more times than you want to know.

    Soooo, the weirdest place I have ever lived and will never return. Don't even get me going on the public schools in the area.

    To each their own on polygamy- your life- your way, but leave my family alone....Utah. Glad we are gone.
