Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Review: S04 Ep06 4 Wives, 4 Valentines

Last season, shortly after giving birth to Sol, Robyn offered to be a surrogate for Meri and Kody. A few months later, Meri still has questions and has decided to do some research so she can make an informed decision.

 The fact that Meri wants to make an informed decision is so refreshingly different from Kody's decision-making process, which  consists of jumping in with both feet, without careful reasoning or consideration, then gazing into the camera with an 'oops, there it is' look on his face.

As the Browns toodle over to the OB-GYN office, we hear Meri saying "...I just want to get information from my doctor to try and decide if I want to do in vitro for myself and trying to decide if I want to do it or not."

After her OB-GYN recommends 2 fertility doctors, Meri and Kody hop back into the 'marketing' car to see the first doctor. 

Now, we the audience know that Meri and Kody have a pretty good idea where babies come from - so their acting so innocent about the 'process of getting pregnant' was just embarrassing to watch. 

When the doctor asked "About how often are you feeling that you're able to do intercourse during the course of a month?", that was a valid question.  When Meri replied "...Timing isn't the issue...for us (nervous laugh)" that was not a valid answer.  I would say timing is very much an issue, when you are sharing your husband and have to schedule your marital relations on a schedule with three other women! Note to Kody, if you are going to waste the time of a fertility professional, you will need to answer some very personal questions and act like an adult who has fathered 14 children.

And then, Kody proceeds to make the rock/scissors/paper gesture to show the good doctor his decision process. What a tool. And Meri says although she wants to have another baby, she doesn't want all the medical intervention that will be necessary in order to have a baby. Hm....interesting....

The next doctor shown gets down to the specifics - Meri you're 41 years old. Your eggs are not plentiful and the ones that are left are past their use by date - you might want to look into donor eggs. Of course, Meri and Kody reject the notion of using donor eggs, as Meri put it "...if we're gonna do it, we're gonna use my parts and his parts".  Alrighty, then...
Sounds to me Meri and Kody got a lot of thinking to do. We can only hope that between the two of them, they will come up with the best solution. And please Kody, no more using a child's game to make a life altering decision!

Next up is the Valentine's Day dance at the 'Pixies' elementary school. Seems that Gwendlyn has made up her mind to go to the dance with Logan.

Now, if you ask me, that was a good decision on her part. If she went with her dad, she'd have to share him with 4 other girls. If she asks Logan, she will have him all to herself. This little lady is a smart Brown offspring, because she based her decision on the fact that she's "...not that good with sharing...And I'm not going to be a polygamist when I grow up..."

Ah...from the mouths of babes...

Of course, mom Christine was not amused. "You wouldn't have your dad unless I lived polygamy...And then guess what? You wouldn't be inviting Logan...without polygamy."

Hey Christine, you forgot some other points.

Gwendlyn, you wouldn't be so jealous that you have to take antidepressants, and you wouldn't have to deal with loneliness and having to use welfare to feed your children. And you wouldn't have to file bankruptcy, and you wouldn't have to share your husband with 3 other women like your mother has because of polygamy.

Wait up, Christine. Gwendlyn's got a point. Listen to her and learn!

Okay, so after Kody has done his fatherly duties with the pixies, he turns his attention to four wives. He decides to walk into a florist shop and order flowers. Now, maybe the producers thought this segment would be cute. I think it was dumb, just plain dumb. Yeah, we get it, you have four wives, blah blah blah. Oh yea, look at the owner's face when you tell her you're a polygamist, yeah yeah...whatever, dude.
You should have used that new laptop to order those flowers online. Less hassles, and you wouldn't look so ridiculous!

On the subject of producer induced stupidity, the wives are plotting their Valentine's Day revenge. Robyn thinks it would be a swell idea to vandalize Kody's prized 'marketing' car with paints and Valentine's, and such.Oh, and since she is such a good liar (yep, she admitted it), she will ask Kody for his car keys, drive the car to her house where the other bonus children will be waiting to help with the ummm...decorating.

As she explains to the kids, they do not look excited about decorating dad's car. Even little Sol doesn't look to enthused.

Hey kids, cheer up! This is the start of another fantabulous family tradition, and a safe one, too. Except for the paint on the car. For some reason, I wouldn't want young children anywhere near a new car with paint markers.

The moment arrives where Robyn has to ask Kody for his car keys. It seems that Kody doesn't want to give them up so easily, but Robyn uses her most authoritative 'I've got to go do this thang' tone of voice that Kody relents and hands them over. Once at her house with the car, everyone proceeds to decorate and paint only the windows. Even Hunter got in a little joke (however, I think it was Janelle that wrote it).

Anyway, filled with balloons, Robyn drives the car back to Christine's house, with a merry parade of bonus children and wives following her.

I bet the neighbors just LOVE living next to the Browns! NOT!
Using her best acting abilities, Robyn walks back into Christine's house with the camera crew in tow. As she "lies" about not meaning to do it, or something like that, Kody walks cautiously outside, supposedly afraid that the entire left side of the car has been caved in...
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

Kody sees his decorated car. He's laughing, so that means he likes it, right? As he's surrounded by bonus children (face it, all of Kody's children are bonus children to him), the car door opens and balloons drift out into the sky...


  1. This comment isn't showing on the previous episode post so I've placed it here:

    yogagirl June 6, 2012 11:03 AM

    Hi Dakota! Hope I can get a reply in before we hit 200 and CJ closes this one. You asked me what I thought of Janelle's yoga practice. It's really hard to tell because they have showed us the same exact 2 clips over and over. One of her doing a downdog (okay form...) and one of her going thru some sort of sun salutation (again, not too bad form) I have no idea where she got instruction, I am going to guess a dvd ? as she has not mentioned any instructor. IF she is doing yoga on a reg basis, I say good for her, she has 6 kids and that alone would make anyone crazy! She needs the stress relief. However, for wt loss, the style of yoga she appears to be practicing is not going to help her wt loss. (Still super happy she is doing it, IF in fact she is)

    Samantha, agree with Dakota, there is a place out there for you. I just now got off the phone with a women who has concerns like yourself. I am off today and I spent an hour on the phone with her. Not patting myself on the back, just to say not every trainer in this business is all about $$, sometimes it just takes a lot of phonework, asking other people and so on, to find the right place/person. I work independantly (not for a gym) so I don't work on commission. Some of the newer trainers at franchises have a lot of pressure to sell memberships/2 weeks of training and don't have the time to sit on the phone with you.
    Here are a few suggestions for you: if you have a local college/university, give them a call (know it's summer, but many have summer school) Ask if they have any fit classes going on, ask if they have any exercise education majors who are wanting to train someone for cheap. It's worth a call, all they can say is no and you hang up. No big deal, right?
    Look in phone book under personal trainers, same thing, call them up, explain your needs, ask their prices, hang up if you don't like what you hear.
    If you think you're interested in a franchaise gym, go to their website and print out a one week free coupon (all should have, if not, call and ask for one). NEVER pay for anything until you've gone for a free week. Go in and HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH. I've worked at over 50 gyms all over the US and overseas. One thing I can guarantee you is people are SO interested in themselves, they really aren't looking at you. It may feel that way to you, but honestly, they are too busy worried about what they look like.
    Try not to judge the 'beautiful people' because honestly, some of these people can be super friendly and helpful if you allow them to be. Most fitness fanatics are just dying to help you out (seriously!)

    Another suggestion, if you are interested in something like Zumba, go to their website,, type in your zipcode and a list of classes will come up in your area. Many are held in church basements for $3-$5 each. There are people of all ages and sizes! Hang out in the back and do what you can do, you'll still burn lots of calories!

    Last suggestion, go to Target and buy some dvds for $9 each, workout at home. Call a friend and meet to go walking, or put your shoes on, put on some music and go walking yourself.
    You can DO IT!!!
    I can't really find a way to give you my email here in public but post me back this thread or next and let me know if you need anything, ok? Good luck to you!!

    1. AMEN! CJ thanks SOOO much for posting that. And Yogagirl, I agree with you completely. I'm not a yogi, but one of my mentors when I was getting started in Group X as an instructor was/is Molly Fox (Yoga for Weight Loss, Skinny Jeans Workout). I am a HUGE proponent of Group Fitness, as the cameraderie will keep you encouraged to go to be with your friends. I have a terrific group of regulars in my Group Power classes, and they are always willing to help new folks get set up, encourage them and be friendly. I don't teach Zumba, but I LOVE the class. It's all a matter of finding an instructor that you "click" with. They all have different styles. What I love about Zumba is that it's more of a party and the hour just FLIES by while you're dancing and having fun and laughing...again depends on the instructor. We have some AWESOME Zumba instructors in this area that I know personally. My mom (70+ years old) is one of those Church Basement Zumba addicts, she loves the class...

      And yup, I say don't judge the people on their looks thinking they will look down on you. I'm not saying they aren't out there...but most people are decent. Try out the different gyms in your area. ALL of them have freebie/trial offers, ranging from a day all the way to a couple weeks. try out different classes, introduce yourself to the instructors, let them know you're new to fitness...I always recommend finding at least two kinds of exercise that you enjoy, not just tolerate. For example, I cant stand being on the treadmill for more than 5 minutes without getting bored beyond belief (and that's with great music and the TV on!) but I can do the elliptical for an hour...or ride my road bike for hours on end. Find something you LOVE doing, and keep doing it!

      I know we are usually anonymous here, but I do have a public FB page for my class... hope it's okay to post the link here:

      Even if you aren't in my area, I would encourage you to check out Group Power, it's a VERY easy but challenging class based on basic strength training moves and like Zumba, is a format carried by different clubs across the US, Canada, and other parts of the love love the passion...KC

      And back on topic...
      Kody the Attention Ho - I mean for someone who just "wants to be accepted like everyone else" he certainly seems to enjoy the double take (which I'm sure the gal at the florist's was told to make) whenever he says "WIVES" instead of "wife". Just like Robyn couldn't wait to announce their "maritial status" during her ultrasound and Lamaze and Christine at the Plymouth reenactment. Hey I got news for ya want to be accepted as normal, just ACT normal. sheesh.

    2. Hey Yogagirl, have U seen the Yoga dvds offered on Netflix? Just wondering what ur opinion is about the ones on Netflix? I've been wanting to try Yoga for a while now, but just haven't taken the plunge :D

    3. Thanks for all your encouragement. I am 150 pounds and 5 foot 3 inches. I would just like to lose 20 pounds. I know it will happen. Lots of Zumba classes here so I will start one. My friends all say they are a lot of fun. Most is eating habits. It is true, in your 40's you can't eat like you did in your 20's.

      I see the younger pictures of all the SW's and they look so skinny, even Janelle. She is my favorite and I would love to her on Biggest Loser, or as someone else said, Celebrity Apprentice.

      Thanks again!

  2. I thought decorating his car with paint and balloons was a dumb idea. I mean that is something that high school and jr. high kids do. It isn't romantic at all and now the car has to be cleaned - is that Kody's job? What a great Valentine's Day present - not.

    I wonder how much money they spent on balloons, helium and paints. They could have bought him something that he needed - like celery, hair gel and a "Opening Businesses For Dummies" book.

    I agree that Gwen has the right idea and Christine's logic was way off in telling her that if they weren't in polygamy, then she wouldn't be inviting Logan to the dance. Well if they weren't in polygamy, Gwen wouldn't have to invite a brother (by another Mother) because she would have her dad all to herself - which I'm sure Gwen would prefer anyways.

    I'm waiting for the episode when some of the kids start saying stuff like that back to the parents and how the parent's will react to simple logic. I wonder if they would even show it on tv if the conversation took place. Surely at some point, at least one kid will put up a really good argument for why polygamy has been a thorn in their side as a kid.

    1. I would like to add HAIR CUT to ur list of things that Kody

    2. Since it was Robyn's stupid ass idea to decorate the car, I think she should of cleaned it. The older kids probably had to clean it & that's probably why they all looked at her like she had 3 heads. I so loved that Hunter (or Janelle) got a dig in at Kody about being his favorite kid after Kody calling him a monster on National Television, lol.

  3. KodysUglyKonvertible JanellesNewMinivan WherestheLexusandJalopyJune 6, 2012 at 11:53 AM

    "Balloons drift into the sky" the Browns' TLC money drifting into a wasteland.....thanks, CJ!

    Did anyone notice that Janelle contradicted herself in this episode? At one point, she said something about this being the first family celebration of Valentine's Day and then later she said something about this being the best family Valentine's celebration ever. Maybe that was just me missing something?

    I agree about Gwendyln....from now on, let's just refer to her a the Smart Pixie, or the Promising Pixie. She already has polygamy figured out. Also, were the Browns the only ones at the school dance? That gym looked empty besides their harem!

    Christine, if you need a mitten to curl your daughter's hair with a curling iron, you probably have the temperature set too high. Just an observation. I know you are not good with numbers, but....the higher the number, the higher the temperature. High number = Ouch.

    Just an add on to Samantha from the post above.....Samantha...I gained 70 pounds when I had my first child 12 years ago. I am now doing sprint triathlons and just registered for my first marathon. If I can do it, you can too. The hardest part is getting started. Just commit yourself to exercise for a month...anything! will find it becomes a habit and you will want to do it. You CAN do it! The only thing holding you back is your mind! :)

    1. TMZ posted a bit on their site around Valentines Day and there was a comment purportedly from one of the parents that stated the filming was done prior to the actual start of the dance which began at 6 PM. which might explain why only the Browns were there.

    2. Did I miss a helium tank? I saw Meri blowing up balloons with her mouth, how would they fly upward?

    3. "Did I miss a helium tank? I saw Meri blowing up balloons with her mouth, how would they fly upward?"

      trying. to. resist.....all. too. easy....

      agggh...what the heck...

      HOT AIR!!!

    4. KodysUglyKonvertible JanellesNewMinivan WherestheLexusandJalopyJune 6, 2012 at 7:16 PM

      LOL, anonymous! Thanks for the clarification on the filming at school, Dakota! That makes sense....another scripted, non-reality moment in the Browns' lives. ;)

  4. Did you catch Robyn referring to the marketing car as Kody's car? In the first or second episode, I do believe it was stated that THEY, not just King Kody, had received the car as a bonus. And now all of a sudden, it's HIS car and she has to ask permission to use it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I just didn't expect him to stake claim so soon after the episode featuring the sister wives taking a spin in it. Of course, that was probably the only time anyone except Kodouche has been allowed to drive it.

  5. This comment isn't showing on the previous episode post so I've placed it here:

    Lobotomized June 6, 2012 9:19 AM

    Looking at his twitter, I'm noticing Kody got himself some free burgers with Janelle in CA, in exchange for tweets about the place. Classy.

    1. I don't tweet - did he actually say he got free stuff? I think we're overdue for a "I scour the Internet..." post. LOL :)

  6. This comment isn't showing on the previous episode post so I've placed it here:

    H2O June 6, 2012 8:40 AM

    Wow season finale already??? I bet they're not coming back next year and will for sure be moving back to Lehi. What a really disappointing season TLC!!!

    1. Hmmm maybe they're splitting the season in half, like they did last year, which apparently actually counts as just one season even though there was a two- or three-month break in between the episodes?

    2. That was the season finale? OMG!! This season was too mundane and too hurtful to watch Christine and Janelle. It would not surprise me in the leas if this was the end of the road for the Browns.

  7. That whole surrogacy episode was just a time filler (avery borrring time filler at that). I don't believe for one second Meri is seriously considering Robyn's idea. The ONLY way I see her doing that is if they've been told by TLC they're probably not being re-newed (chances of that are good)and she does it because Kody doesn't want to leave the limelight or TLC money. How pathetic would that be??

    1. It would be entirely pathetic, but I think you're correct. Each season had become worse than the last.

    2. finally seeing realityJune 7, 2012 at 12:31 PM

      Meri will never have a child using Robin for IVF. She is almost done parenting and we can see she travels alot. Recently she took the teenage girls to disney land. I have never heard of her doing anything with the younger children. And when they find out how much IVF will cost I doubt if they will persue it. Maybe that will be their excuse this time. As I said earlier my daughter is saving for one round of IVF which will cost 25,000 dollars just for the IVF. The tests and medicine are extra, and it is no sure bet that one round will be successful. The chance of downs syndrome in a woman over 40 is one in eight, and I can't see the Browns wanting to take on that responsibity.

    3. I don't believe for one minute Meri like Robyn that much, I think she is threatened by the new trophy wife and it's more along the lines of keep your enemy closer. The excitement over baby Sol was not believable to me!She isn't threatened by the other 2 SW, They are low in the pecking order

  8. And are we REALLY to believe that with cameras rolling in the kitchen, the "Kody, I need the keys" 1/2/hour later, "Kody, I messed up the car" was all spontaneous ?? We know that he is a very bad actor and has trouble pulling off these scripted vignettes. He hardly looked surprised, as much as he was trying hard to look surprised.
    And unless TLC spares no expense and sends TWO camera/sound crews for these happenings, they filmed the kitchen scene and then hightailed it down the street to the car-decorating driveway and then back up to the kitchen and then out to the driveway?? And Kody was just meandering around through it all haplessly in the dark?? Or was it all filmed out of sequence and then just pieced together to look like it really happened that way?

    CJ, loved your 'online-ordering' comment about the bogus flower shopping.
    Yes, really !!! And how coached was the flower shop girl to act surprised since anyone on camera must sign a consent release first.

    Either TLC thinks the viewers are as one brain-celled as the Browns, or they are really scraping the bottom for scenes.

    Christine, you should be ashamed of yourself for not 'hearing' what your daughter was trying to tell you. She sees this mess for what it is, even at her tender age.

    1. "Christine, you should be ashamed of yourself for not 'hearing' what your daughter was trying to tell you. She sees this mess for what it is, even at her tender age."

      Bravo!! NOT!!! How could Christine marginalize her daughter like that?!!! This episode was so painful to watch. Great Job, Brown's. I wouldn't be surprised if the Browns just Browned themselves out of another season.

  9. For Gwendyln to already know she doesnt want to become a polgamist must mean she has seen/heard many negative the point thats its totally turned her off. If her life at home had been happy with 3 other mothers and all these siblings she would have a different opinion.

    1. Absolutely, Lily Pad....I 'heart' Gwendyln!! She is my hero!

    2. Yes, Team Gwendlyn :D
      She's not too young to know what she wants either, like Christine was trying to point out...smh
      Hey Christine, if Gwen says she wants to be a surgeon or lawyer when she grows up, are ya gonna shoot her dreams down w/ she's too young to know what she wants to be when she grows up??
      ...Who knows, maybe Gwendlyn will surprise the world with a Tell All book...we may have to wait some years for it, but I bet it would be

    3. The truth is that if Gwendolyn had said that she wanted to live polygamy, Christine would have been praising her. She would have told Gwendolyn and all the viewers what an intelligent, thoughtful child her daughter was. I hate the double standards these people have.

  10. I thunk it was a great idea. It was an inexpensive way for the wifes. They know of the money situation and they didnt want to spend money. They probably already had that stuff tucked awy in a toy box. It was cheesy but smart money wise.. kody on the other hand bought everyone flowers ..very expensive. It makes me realze he wives are conserving and kody is just spending it. Come on, how many vacations does this guy need. Didnt he just get back from a *alone time with one of my wives*

  11. I love seeing the kids - they are REAL. But I'm glad the emphasis has gone to the adults, because I don't think they should exploit (or embarrass) the kids.

    1. "I love seeing the kids - they are REAL. But I'm glad the emphasis has gone to the adults, because I don't think they should exploit (or embarrass) the kids."

      I, completely, agree. As much as I love seeing their children, I'm glad that the producers and editors aren't showing as much of them. These kids did not chose this lifestyle or the show. It also begs the question of child labor laws. Is it just me or does it seem that Solomon is in almost every scene. How is that legal? I realize a lot of footage gets edited out in production, but still. Are there different laws for kids on reality shows than there are for children on sitcoms and dramas? I'd love to know the answer to this.

      PS: My husband and son-on-law hate Kody and Robyn. Both think Kody is a windbag loser and that Robyn is a lying, manipulative witch, who's goal is to drive the other wives and kids out.

  12. It's sad that he can't even sell this lifestyle to his own children. Most of them don't want to do it because they see more cons than pros to live as a polygamist.
    We'll have to wait to these children grow up and write a tell all book.

  13. I found the whole show the "Kody" show. Where's the balloons for the kids? When did the kids just become a prop for dad? HOW do they celebrate so much stuff????? Where's the college funds? Oops, being practical.
    WHY did they not show Logan dancing alone with Gwendlyn? (Unless I missed it)
    Because that would promote what she was saying?
    Poor thing was SHUT DOWN, and that could of been a whole episode of: "You are free to choose what you want to do." What B.S. that was.
    They make me sicker by the minute. I don't buy the car was "won"-he never made over $5,000 when they used to post earnings on LIV. Funny, that's now gone. I wouldn't be surprised if that's all they got for their pimping LIV!

    I am sure many of you have been and seen a father/daughter dance. What should be a special time in a DAUGHTER'S life-became LOOK AT ME. Not one close up of each girl, not one mention from Kody of his beautiful daughters growing up. No misty eyes where they should be.

    They say they don't read us here. But I think they take their cues from somewhere.

    I laughed and said being back the old old reality shows, the train-wrecks like Ozzy and "Being Bobby Brown" or Britney's farce. At least you got a glimpse fo the real them.

    Meri, you have BEEN through all this before, and don't act so shocked of the questions. I say this is a win win for Robyn, torture Meri either way. Notice Robyn harping how Meri was so close to her girls. Robyn wants a babysitter.

    1. The dance and the bruhaha over filming the other school families is a prime example of the damage this show does to the kids.
      The SW kids are old enough to understand that the filming is not about them. It's not about their happy life, it's about the endless trials & tribulations of their multitude of dysfunctional pretend parents.
      How weird would it be for our elementary age kids to be forced to put on the fake "school dance" prior to all the other families arrive...just to carry out a TV storyline?
      The BrownClown parents have sold out completely, in this instance at the expense of their children.

    2. Anonymous j, you are so right about these 'parents' selling out....and to me, that is the saddest part of this family: there are 5 so-called 'adults' in this family and they are exposing their kids to the media, ridicule, and who knows what else for the sake of their 'show'...just like the Gosselins did with their kids...the 'adults' have chosen to participate in this sham, the kids don't get a vote....

  14. Is it safe for me to assume that I can barf now. I'm mean the insanity is over with right. What happened to this show and this season. Such a crock!

  15. I don't watch the show- I come here for the recaps, insightful comments, and snarks. Would someone please elaborate on Hunter's/Janelle's joke? Thanks!

    1. The joke was that the painted "Hunter Kodys favourite child" on the window of the car

  16. I have a question for all you savvy business folks. Wouldn't the pipe dream of selling a jewelry line be very expensive?
    Sure Robyn can doodle some templates for the pieces but from there...somebody has to make them. Even a sweat shop in China will cost some serious money to fabricate the pieces because they're not going to want to only make a few. For the best deal it would need to be thousands of each design?
    They would need to factor in the material, sterling silver,gold?
    Taking care of orders is time consuming and then there's shipping costs.

    1. If they do it totally on their own your absolutely right. But I doubt that.
      I think it´s more something in the way of "Sisterwives giving their name to some cheap-ass blingbling maker for cash".
      I think that maybe some large brand or jewellery producer for fake jewellery (more in the range of brass with silver color sprayed on, not real silvler or gold) came up to them and asked if they wanted to do some kind of cooperation with their names printed on it or something.
      I highly doubt that Robyn has "designed" anything.
      More likely they showed her a few options and she chose one of them.

    2. We are never gonna see "my Sister Wives Closet" or any other Businesses from these people because that requires the one thing the Brown's are above & that's work!! Not to mention everything else that comes along with starting a Business that they don't have, like Brains, Committment, Drive & so on. All they are doing is throwing a bunch of lame ass idea's out there hoping some SUCKER w/a fat bank account will come in & make it all happen so they can stick the Brown name on it cuz they think they are that special. Kody is a legend in his own mind, especially since he managed to get a reality show & I think it was actually Christine who got that going BUT he'll take the credit anyway. I highly doubt that we see any of "Robyn's Jewelery" being sold online or anywhere else for that matter. I can see Kody dreaming of the day when Donald Trump comes knocking on his door to hand over his Empire, lol.

    3. I will be happy when they're a random trivia question like 'Where are they now?'.
      I would guess that they will still be running in circles with failed endeavors one after the the next, always bleeding the beast for daily living expenses.
      The Legend of Kody Brown will continue in his mind forever.

  17. A comment a poster made earlier about Robyn hiding behind blankets, tables, Solomon, etc. Hmmm. Maybe she is pregnant. If so, then they are keeping it quiet until they can do the big reveal ... Robyn is being a surrogate for Meri's and Kody's baby! Our heroine! Well, yes and no.

    1. I've been trying to figure that one out, too. Is she pregnant or is she just self conscious about her weight gain? I'm not sure. She might be pregnant, but she might be trying to disguise extra pounds. After all, in her mind, she is the beautiful, younger trophy wife. She wants to maintain that image even if it only exists in her own mind.
      They've all gained a lot of weight. Even some of the kids look a lot heavier. I'm sure they are eating better now that there's the TLC income. And thus, there is more in the budget to spend on food.

    2. If you have more money and spend that money on food, you could eat healthier and better. Real, whole food costs a lot more than cheap packaged food. However, if you buy whole food you have to spend more time, aka work, cooking it. The sister wives and king kody are allergic to work.

  18. So, I heard Janelle left Kody for 2 years because of depression, huge fight with Meri, and also because of financial stuff? I think she'll be leaving again. Perhaps when the older kids go to college.

    1. Let's hope she leaves sooner rather than later. I really think she could have made something of herself if she had never gotten mixed up with Kody and the AUB. I wish she knew how many viewers would be supportive of her if she decided to leave this mess of a 'family' and the so-called religion.

    2. Janelle is weird. When she said she liked to work instead of being with her kids and running errands all day. Then WHY did you have so many kids? DUH! Why would she leave them with sister wives all day. Just bizarre. And working all day then coming home and having to do all the things wives do all day is twice the work. Someone her size would have an exhausting time trying to work full time and do all her regular chores. I don't get it.

    3. Um richsmom, lots of people have kids and still prefer to work over staying home with kids. That doesn't make you a bad parent. And in a healthy partnership, a working mom wouldn't have to do all of the domestic (not "wife") stuff too. That would be shared. In this scenario, the sisterwives, specifically Christine, did the domestic stuff while Janelle worked. Seems like they were both happy and it was working for them. Except for Meri and Kody draining the resources that is.

  19. So many things wrong with this group, where to start? Ok, so we start out with Meri saying “4 months ago, Robyn gave birth and offered to be my surrogate and so now I am taking some logical steps to making an informed decision”…ok, I agree with CJ that it totally conflicts with Kody’s usual style of impulse decision making. However, it has been FOUR months. If she really desperately wanted this surrogacy wouldn’t she at least be googling for information? There is a TON of information on the internet and bookstores about in-vitro and surrogacy. She should know WAY more than she appears to know at this point. If she were truly interested, she would already know everything that those doctors told her and should not have been offended when asked how often they were able to ‘do intercourse'. When she starts hearing the ‘news’ (why would this be news to either of them, heck I’ve never looked into either procedure and I know this stuff) that she would have to undergo medical tests, shots, etc. she is all like ‘well I don’t know, that’s a lot to think about and now we will make an informed decision”. Ok, the surrogacy thing is totally dead. I don’t even think TLC will use it as a teaser anymore, she is totally disinterested (I think Kody is interested but am not sure why it matters to him which wife’s ‘parts’ are in the next baby). For Meri to be tweeting about it “tune in and find out” and for Robyn to be egging (yuck yuck) her on during the couch sessions , is ridiculous. If Meri was interested, she would have already done the research and would be all happy looking and giggly about it. She is dead set against it and it is not going to happen. That wraps up another hapless adventure with the Browns.

    Also, am I missing something or is there some sugar being given out by Meri when the cameras aren’t around.? Why does Robyn always talk about how much she wants Meri to help ‘mother’ her children and how GREAT she is with the girls. I just don’t see that. In fact, Meri always seems just a little awkward and uncomfortable around all the kids except Mariah. Christine is the warm, motherly woman. In fact, of all of them, Christine comes off as the most warm and loving and seems to genuinely loves children, all of them. Even when they had the foolish plot line of “Robyn’s daughter and Christine’s daughter move out and move in with Meri” (silly – they stayed for the weekend and the room was decorated courtesy of TLC money), even then she was like “wow, you are really hyper and making this harder than it needs to be” and “I don’t know if I am up for this”. So now she is Earth Mother and Robyn wants her children suckling at Meri’s ‘parts’? I agree, she just wants to butter up the babysitter for when Mariah heads back to Utah.

    1. Well, just for info, a fresh IVF cycle does cause weight gain and can even cause hair loss after the cycle is over and hormone levels drop. And people have noticed she's gained weight and lost hair. But I don't really think she has done it or will.

  20. The show has nearly reached the "too painful to watch" status. My husband can not understand how a man can keep up with 4 wives. Bottom line is that America is watching 5 adults with 17 kids tryin to live the American Dream without the education and blood, sweat and tears and of course WORK that it takes.

    There is no focus on the children and the attention they need. Seems that TLC money is focused on dates and trips. Why don't they take the kids to Disney? I agree with other bloggers that Kody is detached from the children. They are means of him gettin the celestial status he desires. It's very sad that the show on and off screen is All About Kody.The best thing for the Browns is to move back to Lehi and get jobs- real paying jobs- and have Christine keep the kids- yes Robyn can get a job too and cry all the way.

    This blog is bettert than the show!!

    1. The show reached "too painful to watch" status last season!!!! I've watched from the beginning and really could barely stomach last season. My DVR was set to tape this season, but I was determined NOT to watch. I get my news about the train wreck from the blog and I'm happier because of it. I deleted the taped shows without watching, and stopped recording new shows. Kody makes me want to scream and commit acts of violence.....I'm glad I've given it up. I would watch a show about Janelle and Christine leaving Kody any day though, TLC......

    2. Only the trips that are televised are paid for by TLC. Someone in an earlier blog post explained that Disney is VERY particular about what shows film in their parks. TLC/Discovery is not owned by Disney, so the chance of permission being granted to film at Disneyland or WDW is...slim to none. TLC pays for a lot of things, but not everything, and not stuff that isn't televised. I'm sure they feel they are already paying the Browns well enough for what they do. If you think about it, there has really ONLY been one real trip - to Plymouth. I don't count the Utah and "Yoming" visits as trips per se, those were road trips.

  21. Wowee Kodeee, telling the flower shop lady you have "wives" - (apart from being a big fat lie, since they're not real wives) makes you look such a stud! Reminds me of the first episode when one of the boys shouts "go get 'em tiger" when Kodeee tells his family he's adding Robbing to the mix. Those poor boys - what a lousy example of what being a husband and father means!

    1. Every time I see Kody or hear him speak, I want to throw up. Ugh!!! He's so freaking repulsive. How can any of those women sleep with him, especially after he just slept with another wife? YUCK!!! Is it just me or does look as though he just rolled out of bed with one wife without even showering. He is so GROSS!!

    2. finally seeing realityJune 7, 2012 at 12:38 PM

      The thought of having sex with my husband after he has been with someone else is revolting, I don't know how these women do it. My husband says he could'nt be with Kody for a minute with out B slapping himl.

    3. The thought of having sex with Kodouche is revolting ... even if he didn't have sex with other wives. Yuck!!

    4. Yup, agree on the repulsive. Agree on the thought of sleeping with him is gross.
      And double, no..triple yup on him needing a B slap....all in a sweet way of course. The quote "love means never having to say you're sorry" comes to mind. A big B slap with love and not sorry a bit...yeah, yeah, that's the ticket.

  22. I have a feeling - correct me if I'm wrong - the the production crew (not the TLC directors that got Kody & Co another season but the actual production and editing people) really strongly dislikes Kody & co and therefore does some really poor editing and comes up with real cheesy storylines(or is it that they really _can't_ come up with any decent stories, it's 5 adults and 17 children, for Peace's sake can't they really get _anything_ decent to fill up a 20 minute episode) as their sort of "revenge" for hating Kody's guts (God only knows what they have to endure with that man), and hoping the ratings will drop so fast they won't get a new season (pretty much like they did with Kate)?!!?!!

    1. I'm guessing it's becoming more and more difficult to make these people appear to be interesting. Let's face it. Kody is just down right stupid, disgusting, and gross. Robyn is a manipulative schemer who is trying desperately to get Kody all to herself. For the life of me, I don't know why. I don't think she loves him. I think she enjoys being the Trophy Wife (from hell). It does something for her self esteem to keep Kodster to herself. OK. Fine, but who would want Kody in the first place and especially all to herself? He's repulsive on every level. If I had to be married to Kody Brown, I'd be trying to find ways to keep him out of my bed and not in it. Meri's just an angry old shrew. Janelle...she's a big question mark. I can only surmise that her self esteem is so low that she doesn't think she can do any better. Christine is too entrenched in the AUB and polygamy, although, I really believe she enjoys being the den mother and housewife. Her major problem is that she feels more like a nanny and housekeeper than a wife. Christine was raised to believe that being a wife and mother was her ticket. Little does she know that if she continues to allow herself to be viewed as a servant to Kody and the other 'wives', then that's all she'll ever be.

    2. I doubt they'd try to work themselves out of jobs. Personal feelings for their subjects aside, the production crew have an interest in keeping us interested in the "Browns", just as "Kate's" crew did.

  23. A Question for Mister Sister and Cynical Jinx...
    Did you ever think when you started this blog that it would reach the numbers of participants that it has now ???

    Every day it seems that there are new folks joining the discussion.
    Could be that SWB is a coupling of a very enticing topic with a very well-run blog with absolutely stellar commentary by the administrators !!!!

    Personally, it is a escape from work, family stuff and a great place to vent about this family of crazies.

    1. Admit it, we all love trainwrecks :)

      I wonder if there are any (discontent) wives are on here...

    2. take away the last "are".

      And by wives I mean Kody's celestial wives.

    3. Hey Amused!

      Thank you so much!

      You know, I actually 'met' Mister Sister on TWoP's Sister Wife forum, and she invited me to her blog she created. A year later the rest is history!

      A big thank you from me, to everyone who help make this blog a joy to read with such lively discussions!

  24. Someone mentioned the money Kody spent on roses for Valentines Day - Did you notice they clearly showed the name of the shop as he was walking in? Pretty sure that's a clear sign he did NOT have to pay for anything there, it was all advertising for the shop. Just like their tweets from restaurants are to get free food.

    The father/daughter dance was pitiful. What could and should have been a precious, memorable experience between a father and A daughter was ruined. Hoorah for Gwendolyn - what a bright child to understand the situation. Not having had a loving, nurturing father myself I applaud and compliment fathers that do the right thing by their daughters. In Kody's case - shame on you! The importance is always placed on YOU first - taking your "wives" out which really means YOU get to go out umpteen times, how hard it is for YOU to have 4 houses - well then go back to living in 1 big house you dumbass! I could go on but it's been said here before...

    I liked them at first (the original 3 wives that is) but the more they show the alienation between Kody and his children just infuriates me. TLC, if you're going to pay for these outings let's start seeing Kody taking his kids out! And I don't mean all of them at once either! They deserve one on one time with him. Having children should be a selfless act - your life should become secondary to theirs. They are NOT objects to be used for your misguided afterlife goals.

  25. When they were surprising Kody with the decorated car and one of the pixies was dancing around in front of him, excited about what they had done, it was obvious that she wanted to some attention from him. How hard would it have been to give her a little hug? But no, he just thinks of himself all the time. I felt so bad for that poor girl!

  26. Seriously, I don't think I will watch next week. If I want to see a controlling man-child ditch his wives and kids to ride motorcycles, I can just visit my brother-in-law. The interesting part of the show is the interaction among the "wives." Apart from Christine's conversations with Meri and Robyn this season, the show has mainly shown Kody and his interactions with his wives......Kody has dates with his wives, Kody and Meri look at in vitro, Kody chooses dream homes.

    It isn't a show about polygamy anymore. It is a show about Kody having funany and his relationships with each wife. Do the wives and children even talk to each other, other than seemingly staged family meetings? Are there any impromptu interactions at all?

    I have watched every episode since the beginning of this show. I bought and read the book. I haveI followed the tweets. But the emphasis on Kody and the lack of relationship among the wives is enough to make me stop watching and follwing altogether.

    1. Having read Carolyn Jessop's book "Escape," I think what you're describing is what polygamy is all about. A distant male controlling a group of females who resent and are jealous of one another who raise a litter of kids on their own with only occasional visits from the baby daddy. Favorite "wife" gets majority of attention.

      I doubt that it was much different when they lived in the big house together. I think Kody spent most of his time sleeping in the recliner while the wives made dinner and raised the kids when they were in Utah too.

      I also think that Kody is behind the Christine conversations with Meri and Robyn.

    2. Exactly Anon, sounds like next week is another Kody montage. Kody shining up his bike, struttN his leather and maybe having a heart to heart with his brothers. Yawn and watch something else.
      Now if he was doing some burn outs or knocking back some shots at a bar..that might be worth tuning in but somehow he could turn even that into an irritating wannabe scooter trash joke.

    3. I can't imagine what his brothers are like. He's got 9 siblings (I wonder if they are all from his mom Genielle or some from his father's other 2 wives)so I wonder if they are polygamist too. Guess we'll find out. Why did they even call this show Sister Wives when almost every episode is centered around Kody?

    4. Because "Sister Wives" sounds better than "Douchebag galore".

    5. 10. "Real Douchebags of the American West"

      9. "Our Big Fat Douchebag Husband"

      8. "The Biggest Douchebag"

      7. "Douchebags and Tiaras"

      6. "Queer Eye for the Straight Douchebag"

      5. "The Weakest Douchebag"

      4. "Little People Big Douchebag"

      3. "Douchebusters"

      2. "Extreme Makeover, Douchebag Edition"

      1. "Dog the Douchebag Hunter"

    6. Hey those titles are Douchetastic!

    7. 'It isn't a show about polygamy anymore. It is a show about Kody having fun and and his relationships with each wife.'

      I agree. TLC focus on the WIVES please! The Kody Show is a bit to bear.

  27. KodysUglyKonvertible JanellesNewMinivan WherestheLexusandJalopyJune 6, 2012 at 7:27 PM

    I know there is a lot of speculation about whether or not the Browns or TLC look at this blog. My guess is that both do. I just finished reading the book "Most Talkative" by Andy Cohen of Bravo TV. It was an OK read, but he revealed something very interesting. He said that a few of the Real Housewives of NYC were fired after last season due, in part, to the discussions occurring on social media. Basically, the public was reacting negatively to some of the housewives and the drama they bring. Their stories were just not compelling anymore. I am guessing that blogs like this make a difference to the execs at TLC. They must see how this site is growing and the reactions to the show are increasingly incredulous and negative. I totally believe that SisterWives "jumped the shark" when they moved to LV. It has become "the Kody show" and seeing as how Kody is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, the show has just become more of an exercise in frustration than entertainment for the viewers.

    1. It isn't just that Kody isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer (which he isn't), it's that he's abusive and a bully. Like others on this blog, I'm convinced that his anger balloons into rage and abuse towards his wives and children. It's clear by the way the kids behave around him that they're neglected by him and afraid of him. Based on the books I've read, this is par for the course in Mormon-based polygamist families.

      He's spent a lot of time saying that he's not like Warren Jeffs and the more I see his real self, the more sure I am that he's more like Warren Jeffs than not... and not just because they're both polygamists. The difference is that Kody has much less power and charisma that Warren did.

      I hope that Christine is able to get in touch with someone in her family to help her and her kids get away from the family. I suspect Kody will react like other polygamist husbands in this scenario: badly and abusively.

  28. Amused, I would occasionally sit watching this debacle by myself thinking the entire time..there MUST be others that believe the drivel shown is utter BS. BAM! I found this blog and I love it, however now I have watched entire episodes instead of clicking on something else so it might appear to ratings folks that I actually like this family when in fact I don't.
    I cant even be politically correct and say 'I like them but don't like what they do'. Really I can't stand them and it kind of taints some of the other reality ppl that I do like because now I'm suspicious that it's all made-up scripted junk.

    This show is so obvious about the scripting, it sucks because the adults suck. Their lives suck and it's funny because their sucky life is what they show us.
    They can't even go get a xmas tree w/o it falling apart, not because the kids got into a bloody brawl but because of their father standing there doing nothing letting their mother handle it.
    They can't go on a fun camping trip w/o the kids waiting on their pseudo mother's putting on makeup and again, their father sitting their like some pompous city slicker.
    Thank goodness for the sanity here otherwise I might have thought I was in the twilight zone.

  29. Someone wrote "I agree with other bloggers that Kody is detached from the children. They are means of him gettin the celestial status he desires.'

    Question.. in their religion they need lots of wives to obtain celestial glory right? Do they also need lots of offspring? the more you have the more moons around your planet???? Is that why Kody has been pressuring Meri to have another?

    1. In their heaven, the women get to give birth to spirit-babies (for the rest of eternity). That's their celestial reward for being good little polygamist wives.

      Anyways, those spirit-babies in their heaven are the "souls" of the babies that are born here on this planet. Since women have an eternity to give birth to spirit-babies, there's a lot of them there all waiting to be born so the best polygamist wives bring as many of those spirits here to the terrestrial plane by having lots and lots and lots of babies.

      Plus it's good practice for them for when they get to their heaven and they're pregnant forever. There's no leaving their douche of a husband once they're up on his planet and they're bound to have his spirit-babies. Forever.

    2. hmmm...I smell a sci-fi movie op with this explanation of the babies in space and perpetual pregnant women! Heads up Hollywood!
      Starring...drum roll puleeeeez....Kodouche Brown the newest hot celeb commodity, he gets free food so he must be famous,right?

    3. So their reward for their devotion to this messed up religion is, an Earth life of jealousy, heartache and sadness and an afterlife of eternal pregnancy????? Are you freaking kidding me? These ladies are brainwashed.
      Someone needs to contact those people that help ex cult members be deprogrammed, maybe they could deprogram the Brown cult.

    4. Actually their belief is while they were all in heaven as spirits after the war of the Angels vs Satan, groups of the spirits became allies and friends and made the agreement together that when one of them is sent off to Earth they will try to join each other as family. So Mormon families usually have large families because they know in their previous life that they made promises and don't want to leave anyone behind. And since they traveled through the veil of forgetfulness (not exactly what its called) they have no memory of who they agreed to bring to Earth so they don't know when to stop. Also being born in a non Mormon family is considered a terrible thing so they don't want to be responsible for allowing their 'friend' to be born outside the faith. That's a reason why adoption is kind of popular among Mormons. If you watched big love, I'm sure you've seen Barb's sister's daughter. So glad my degree in religious studies is finally useful! Lol. Also, if you die as an infant or are born disabled it means you were very important in the war in Heaven and God is rewarding you in not having to go through the trials of life to get back into Heaven. That's something I thought was weird/interesting.

    5. Holy cow, went to check my book and it is called veil of forgetfulness. I can't believe I remembered that.

  30. I have been thinking the same thing as mentioned by another poster, Kody is NOT being portrayed in anything close to a flattering mode - I'm thinking it's deliberate...wonder what the discussions are like at the wives' homes as they watch these episodes.

    1. I know. I am loving the editors this season. They kind of remind me of the Hoarders editors in that they're showing the hypocrisy of the featured person's statements.

      Go, editors!

    2. Yes, this season's editors are amazing. I think they feel the same as we do.
      (check my comment from LobotomizedJune 6, 2012 5:54 PM)

    3. Since the Browns has clearly been consumed by greed, maybe all of them were constantly in supreme diva mode O_o Plus if they were not wanting to fully cooperate w/ suggested TLC scripts & abide by TLC guidelines. Possibly having too many "we're not comfortable filming this & that, bcuz it's too personal" moments & 'off-limits' demands. Not only does Kody want to be the star of SW, but he also wants to be the writer,editor, director, &
      U know for Kody supposedly not being around so much(as Janelle stated in the beginning of season 3 premiere),being away on 'business' & his many get-a-ways w/ whoever, his sorry ass sure is featured in all these episodes...ugggghhhhhhh!

  31. Just a thought- I'm not a business major or anything, but what about the Briwns opening a daycare? Instead of these get rich schemes. Hum- janelle could be the business end and Christine be the manager and Robchin and Meri be workers. Solid incomeand they were be employed . Their kids would have a place to go after school. They could even become a chain!!!

    1. Just imagine...a parent pulls up, opens their car door and says "Hey kids, let's go" and their own kids plus half a dozen Brown kids jump in the car and slam the door shut.

    2. Make it Stop- that is hilarious!!!!!!! Omg i laughed so hard!! Anon- that would be an interesting business idea. Maybe you can email them at their website. Be interesting to see if they respond.

    3. A while ago, I suggested that Christine could possibly do an in-home daycare for income, if she ever decided to leave Kody. She would have to get licensed thru a state DHS(Dept. of Human Services)of whatever state she's living in + she would have to bring her home or building up to code + get connected w/ a Food Program so she can learn proper meal planning for breakfast, lunch, snack, & dinner(if they do after hours)& so she can get reimbursed for food costs. Of course, they will do an extensive background check on everyone living in the home & "assistants". She would also, be required to take 12 hrs of Child development courses every year +CPR/First Aid courses. Plus DHS & food program directors can & will drop by at anytime, w/o notice to check on you to make sure you're doing what ur supposed to be doing. Depending on the size of ur space, is the # of kids that DHS allows U to have enrolled, & they will consider the # of kids that U have urself & include that in their count ;/ i They do this w/ Daycare establishments too! Also, ur "adult helpers" have to be certified too & they will be required to take all the child development courses too! As much as they hate the govt being all in their business,I don't think, Kody would go for the daycare idea. I did in-home daycare for years, a while ago, before I had multiple surgeries.

    4. Sounds funny. I think their kids would put them over-ratio.

  32. These "Reality TV Shows" are designed for one purpose to make as much money as cheaply as possible while keeping the viewers interested. Janelle, I had thought might have a business mind. She seems to not know how to do research on successful businesses. I was surprised she seemed to not know a bankruptcy stays on your record for 10 years. Granted these women (except Janelle who had once separated from the group (but never left Kody) seem to all have been raised by to be dominated by their husbands? boyfriends? to sacrifice themselves for their religious beliefs. They have had no control of any money, never set up a budget, paid a bill, saved for a down payment, or had the opportunity to learn to do this now since Kody keeps them "barefoot and pregnant" I think they had no intention of buying 2 or 4 homes. The story line was getting old so the writers had to jazz it up. Maybe with all their children they don't have time to do much of anything except obey.

    Kody is toxic. These women and children are in a very abusive relationship. The way Hunter was treated when he was depressed was deplorable. I would not be surprised to learn Kody physically abuses the wives and children as well as emotionally, spiritually, and mentally abuses them. He cares nothing about their feelings, disrespects them, and they are punished by his anger, his coldness, his extra nights with favorite wives, or getting Meri or Robin to do his dirty work for him. Robin is just his newest catch and can be replaced whenever he claims "The Prophet" thinks he needs to bring in another sister wife. Meri seemed very threatened by Robyn and is in an almost crisis mode at times but tries to hide it.

    I only wish Janelle and Christine would contact a group that helps AUB members to escape. I would imagine their paychecks are made out to a business that Kody controls. I think Kody has worked for one of the many secret AUB industries that functions below the radar and he is free to go back to work there.

    I think these poor children deserve a better life as well as some of the wives. Meri, I believe only wants to have Kody "The Prize" all to herself and her daughter but to keep Janelle there at arm's length to earn money. Robyn, wants a free ride however she can get it and is actively working to further drive a wedge into the Wives and Kody's relationship. Christine seems hopeless and depressed. I think all the wives except Janelle have an emotional problem similar to the Stockholm Syndrome.

    1. Anon 9:52---can you elaborate on the secret AUB industries?

    2. ..and Robyn just wants to have more babies, so she won't have to get a real J.O.B!!..Lol
      That would be her job: To have babies & raise them...

    3. I second MIS's sentiment, Anony9:52 ... more on AUB industries. Thank you.

    4. I think this is spot on:
      "These "Reality TV Shows" are designed for one purpose to make as much money as cheaply as possible while keeping the viewers interested."

      I believe this is ABSOLUTELY spot on true. I'm constantly amazed by how much people believe the Browns are being compensated for this show. Really - 1.6 - 2.1million viewers isn't THAT much in the scheme of things. I've seen on FB and other boards, and even here, where people believe/theorize that TLC is paying the rent on all the houses now year round, or that they will pay the down payment, or ANYTHING towards buying a house, or even guarantee/co-sign for the Browns. I do think they pay for whatever is being filmed, and possibly helped the Browns get into the rentals, but I doubt they're paying the rent, at least not year-round. It appears that they come in and film at certain times of the year only, or for key events in their lives. Christmas, Valentines Day, Kody's b-day, home search etc. the "couch scenes" are probably filmed at a studio in Vegas or they rent a hotel room for those shots.

      Given CJ's theory that the Browns are getting paid $250k a season - with 21 people to provide for - they have rent, utilities (A/C must cost a small fortune in the summer for each house!!), gas, food, car insurance (with teen drivers on the policy...$$$$$), clothing, medical/dental bills (I doubt they're "employees" of TLC, more like contractors, so they have to pay for their own insurance or pay out of pocket for everything...) and now college expenses for Logan - even community colleges require book purchases!

      The Browns are far from smart, because if they WERE they would have stayed in Lehi and used the TLC $ to pay the mortgage on their home and so on - they opted to follow Kody's (ahem) dream of moving to Vegas. I doubt that TLC made that decision for them, they just followed along and said OK whatever...we'll just film. and I bet really, they're laughing all the way to the bank. Really, I don't believe the producers/PTB at TLC have any love or loyalty for Kody or interest in portraying him (or Robyn for that matter) in a positive or sympathetic light - especially THIS season. We are seeing Kody, the lazy ass slug, not wanting to work, sleeping on the recliner, ordering everyone else around aka My Way or the Highway. The other wives (including Janelle) all seem to be in a competition for who can be the most passive-agressive.

      I'm just waiting for TLC to get a shot of Kody scratching his crotch or butt. It's coming...I KNOW

  33. I wrote the comment about kody being detached and to have lots of kids for his celestial planet. CJ would know why they need to have lots of kids.
    I do have some relatives who are "regular" latter day saint Mormons. My relatives are very secretive about their church. They will not visit another church unless it is mormon. I you read The Book of Mormon, it reads as the history of the Indians in the US. One of my aunts dis open up to me one time and told me they have lots if children to reach the 7th (?) heaven - when my au ts converted it really torethe family apart for years.

    1. They only have 3 forms of heaven. Celestial is the highest, then terrestrial and telestial. There's also the preheavens of spirit prison and spirit paradise and then outer darkness which is essentially hell.

  34. I'm sure money is being put away for children, they have to be paid &I know the browns wouldn't put it away for them. There are actors child labor laws, Paul Peterson was involved with that for years. Maybe thats the money for children to go to college with. I know money is being put aside that kody can't touch. Lets hope reality children r also covered.

    1. Anonymous (10:50 pm)...just a few concerns: I don't think anyone knows if money is being put away for these kids and how do you know money is being put aside that Kody can't touch?? I believe (not positive, can anyone correct me if I am wrong, please??) the child labor laws are intended for SAG card-carrying child actors, not children on a 'reality' show that exposes them to the world but is 'approved' by their 'parents'....I followed Paul Petersen's activities on his blog while he was trying to help the Gosselin kids, he is an excellent advocate to bring awareness to sad situations like this, that involve using kids on TV but not paying them....

    2. I don't think money is really being put away for them, because I don't think they spend time in front of the camara all that much. How often do you think the camara crew is over? Must have been just a few days tops to film this "season".

    3. Lobotomized, it shouldn't matter how much time these kids spend in front of a camera, they are ON camera, and if they were certified SAG child actors, they would be paid for their time and work....right now, with no laws to mandate that a portion of the money the family makes from TLC goes to these kids, it's up to their parents to see that the money they 'earned' is put away for them, but sadly, I don't think it will happen in this case, don't believe it happened with the Gosselin kids, either....

    4. You're referring to the Coogan Act. That's only valid in California.
      Also, I'm guessing that TLC makes out one check per season, payable to Kody Brown Family Entertainment or whatever they call their LLC now. They aren't actors, so they don't get paid like actors, IMO.

  35. I don't know for sure I just hope the laws caught up with reality TV. These children r exploited terrible on this show they must be outcasts wherever they go, I hope they get something out of it.

    1. Since I missed the Plig Valentine special, can anyone tell me how the Kode dispersed the infamous flowers? Who's night was it? Did he go from home to home and if so, did he give each wife some "rock star lovin'? Wonder if he had time to shower in between.

    2. Kody was a bit frazzled when passing all the bouquets out to each 'wife' at the party & kissed(more like a quick peck) each one on the cheek....He totally got Robyns & Christines mixed up,but I'm sure he didn't even notice til it was too late...smh
      Going back to the florist scene, he requested purple roses to be added for Christine since he said that was her favorite. Then he ended up giving her bouquet to Robyn...I just wonder how Robyn & Christine felt after watching this episode & realized that he got them mixed up?
      Then afterwards, they just stood there holding their bouquets, asking "what do we do with these?"...being total ditzes. To me it seemed like they're not really use to receiving flowers, bcuz I'm not sure any of them own any vases. I love vases & flowers, so I have quite a few vases around that I have picked up at Thrift stores & garage sales :D & Sometimes I like to buy fresh flowers for myself, just because....
      Anyways, it seems like before TLC, they never celebrated it & wasn't really able to bcuz they were extremely financially strapped. Can someone please refresh my memory about the kids receiving ANYTHING at the valentines party?

      Honestly, I'm not sure who's night it could've easily been Christine's since the party was held at her place, but I'm just speculating. Dang, if it was, that would be 2 holidays so far this year, that Kody spent w/ Christine o_O

    3. The whole Valentine's day thingie was clumsy. Wonder whose idea it was, to take Valentine's day and turn it into an episode.
      It is very clear that they don't seem to have celebrated in a similar matter before, nor that Kody brought home flowers before.
      The whole selection process of the flowers was scripted and cheesy, but the icing on the cake was when he didn't even know which flowers were for which wife. He brought them around as if he was doing his paper round.. with a small "kiss" on the cheek and a "happy v-day". They didn't seem to expect it (but I am pretty sure they knew - from the storyline of the episode I'm pretty sure they or kody or all of them together "invtented" this episode. Can't imagine anyone but them could have come up with the decorated car thingie).

      Then they were left standing there with the flowers not having a clue what to actually _do_ with them.

      Did anyone else notice that the wives as usual were very busy organizing, preparing, watching the kids, cooking and Kody was just hanging out waiting for the party to start? It was all up to them, as if they were organizing it for him? Kody is actually a lot like a child and the wives are like the mom(s) and the child is just waiting and hanging around waiting for his party to start.

      I mean seriously, Kody never does a thing (except for Robyn <3) and pretty much behaves like a 3 y/o, all because he has a dingaling?

    4. finally seeing realityJune 7, 2012 at 12:56 PM

      Before my husband and I got married he bought me a Waterford crystal vase so I would always have somewere extra nice to put the flowers he bought me. I can't help but think Kody would never spend money on his wives like this that gave him no pleasure, and I agree they act like they don't often receive flowers. I can't believe he really knows what flowers each of them like.

  36. I'm giving Janelle the benefit of the doubt that the rest of her business plan was scrapped due to editing.

    I wonder if the AUB dictates how families arrange their finances--if Janelle didn't stop contributing, monetarily, to the "family" after she moved out, it sounds as if there are "rules"...

    1. I wonder if Kody was still required to "tithe" a portion of their TLC $$ to the AUB? or Maybe since they moved out of state & weren't attending their church regularly, the Browns didn't feel obligated to 'pay their dues' that's required to the AUB.

    2. Oh that's a great question, I wonder if they are giving 10% to AUB, Also I remember reading somewhere about the jon and Kate plus 8 getting 75K per episode, These people ar
      e probably making a lot more then anyone knows

  37. I was struck by Meri's timeline of her miscarriage. It seems that it happened soon before Christine became pregnant with Truely. The child kody paid (promised to and weaseled out of) his daughter to talk her mother into. That seems cruel beyond imagining. One wife grieving a huge loss only to have her husband actively trying to get another pregnant so Meri can spend nine months watching and reliving what she must have regarded as her "failure"

  38. I have to agree with those who are noticing the unflattering portrayal of Kody. They did the same focusing on the narcissist with the Kate Gosselin, Kate + 8, debacle. It sure seems that when the crew is annoyed enough, the film that makes it to the editor shows the narcissist at his/her worst. The editor can't make it into good behavior, so heck, let her rip, show the creeps in all their glory. It's really rather educational for the rest of us who are bound to come across a fair number of these folks and at least know enough now to recognize the wicked. We won't be so inclined to think we are the crazy one, we'll just remember Kate and Kody.

    1. Good point about the editing. What I also find disturbing, though, is that even after seeing themselves on TV, these people (Kody and Kate as well as others) don't change. It's like they see the behavior that is so obviously horrible to the rest of us and they must think "well, I was right" and keep doing it or get worse.

    2. It seems that if production hates their guts, they will let the viewes subtly know by their editing and cheesy "scripts".

    3. IMO - TLC doesn't care HOW the Browns are portrayed. If Kody comes across (as he does) as an arrogant bastard who only really cares about himself and his power, then so much the better, because it keeps the viewers (like US!) tuned in to see how big of an assholio he can be...the snark hath the power you know. but I don't think they can keep on much longer, because the eps are being contrived and boring for the most part....

    4. Hey, maybe Kate would want to be the next wife....they deserve each other! Kate & Kody sttin' in a tree....

  39. I wonder if Kody intentionally mixed up the Christine and Robyn flowers? It would just be another "little" dig at Christine wouldn't it?

    1. I don't think he really remembered which flowers were for whom. I assume the crew made him select different ones for each wives but in reality he doesn't know / gives a rat's ass.

    2. I don't Kody did it on purpose. It was more like neglect. I think he is calculating but not with this incident.

  40. This season in particular, it has been extremely hard to actually finish watching the episodes...

    They are just so plain boring/sleep arousing that often it was hard to actually finish watching the whole thing and I had to force myself to do it. I often found that I paused the show only to realize after a while that I was actually watching that and had to finish it. It was a task.

    I can't for the life of it see who really is able to watch this whole thing without a _lot_ of willpower.

    1. I've been having a difficult time getting through each episode as well. When I'm not completely bored, Kody or Robyn are doing or saying something so stupid that I can barely stand to watch.
      Why did they even try to get a loan for four homes? I'm no credit expert, but even I know that their financial history would make it next to impossible to get financing. I think Janelle knew this. That's why she looked uncomfortable during the whole episode. She learned years ago not to argue with Kody. So, she went along with the whole farce of trying to get financing. As a whole, Janelle looks uncomfortable in every scene she's in. I get the feeling that she knows she's living a lie. I expect her to leave once the show is canceled.

  41. OK been thinking about it...and IMO - the whole Lets Move to Vegas thing - that was all the Boy-man Kody's idea. TLC didn't suggest it...HE did and they just went with it.

    If I was TLC - i would have gone for a story arc like this, and if the Browns were really smart, they would have gone this way:

    TLC isn't paying them elephant dollars (I'm certain of that at this point). but enough to pay off the mortgage.

    Story arc starting in S2 - instead of Kody going Otto Frank before the Nazis come and arrest them during WWII (as I said in TWOP) and scaring the kids (at least the younger ones) into thinking that he was going to be taken in by the cops and thrown in the slammer any moment even after 20 years of living the "lifestyle" in plain sight...S2 focuses not just on Robyn's pregnancy but on expanding the Brown casa to include Robyn and fam.

    This could take at least one-two VERY interesting seasons, as we see the wives and Kody work with architects, interior designers, etc. Shoot, a lot of the services i bet would even be gratis or at a discount, in exchange for the free advertising.

    The kids could chip in some help as well. I'm not saying child labor, but since the new addition would be for Robyn, the other wives areas get a bit of sprucing up. The whole family participates in painting/wallpapering the entire interior. Christine gets a remodeled kitchen (nothing too fancy, but better than what she has). Janelle gets a home office.

    Kids work on the garden. They have over an acre of land on that property - it would be neat to make it into more of a kid-friendly yard. sandbox, swing set, etc.

    Of course, that wouldn't mean we wouldn't have snark. Robyn and Kody are still going to have their incredibly huge sense of self-entitlement, and they would still be unintentionally making us laugh. and I'm sure LIV would be in the picture somewhere as well as the sisterwifes closet thing. but at least there would be some interest in watching them make the Brown house into a nicer place, instead of throwing all the TLC $$ into a rathole.

    Just IMO. they could actually still salvage the show, by moving back and starting over. Of course, Robyn will still be living in her rental house while the rebuilding/redecorating is going on. I don't see Meri ever sharing her digs, even with Robyn! But i think that at this point, the show has Jumped the Shark, and the Browns have lost the opportunity to pay off their mortgage and actually have a home free and clear, instead of (apparently) being upside down...

    1. They should move ba c k home, bring in a single wide put meri in it
      & split up other need with christine getting largest & so on

    2. That's what the Bayou Billionaire parents did for their kids. Just put double wides on thier property for all of them to

    3. GREAT idea :) Hope it happens. I love to hate the show :)

    4. They should move back home to Utah now that there is no more threat of court and the focus can return to polygamy as we were promised in the first season. After the family moved to Utah, the focus became greed and how it can undo all the values of any religious belief system. Mormons drinking? Mormons shooting machine guns? This is no longer a show about polygamy. Move back to Utah and let each of the three wives moved back in to their original homes. Robin has lived with her own children in a double wide trailer for years and so asking her to do the same and put her home in the yard of the larger home will also keep her family close, unless they are able to add an addition to the large home. Robin, you married for love and the faith, or did you marry to move from the double wide into a mansion? Show us faith. Let the family return to the time when they were a happy family, living together as in true polygamy.Their reason for leaving Utah no longer exists, the children miss their friends, and the members of the family are all sinking into depression in Utah. I believe that polygamy value only work when this large family lives in their large home in Utah, near family, friends, and members of their church.

  42. It's true...these people are as boring and plain as the clothes on their backs. Any events that happen in their lives are pre- planned by the producers. And if this show counts as one of their "businesses" then they suck at it too! I hope something happens soon because I cannot stand these weak, dull and brainwashed women fight for the affection of that attention-whore anymore. Look at their faces during the couch sessions, they are all lifeless. The sad thing is, they don't know what real happiness is, and never will so long as they stay with this douche.
    I won't watch the show anymore until Jan and Chris leave him.

    1. Couldn't agree with you more. They are weak, and they are brainwashed, and they are ignorant.

      And it is very sad for the children.

  43. Someone upthread posted about how the really want to see the Sister Wives relationship and not their individual relationship with Kody. This is because I really don’t think there is much of a relationship between the women as they try to lead us to believe. Especially now that they are all in separate houses (and seem pretty adamant they want to stay in separate houses), it will be hard for TLC to find any unscripted and spontaneous moments. That’s why the time they spend together seems so strange and fake (let’s plan to decorate Kody’s car, let’s have regular lunches, let’s all stay in a big house for Christmas).. These women do not like each other, they are in competition for Kody. I think TLC ‘sold’ us on the original three and we all guessed that Janelle and Christine were close because Janelle worked and Christine stayed at home with the kids and Meri just kind of floated in and out, being the warm motherly figure. I really don’t think that is how the relationships work or how this family functions. The kids, I think, in the Lehi house were close. 13 kids running around in that big house are bound to form close bonds and relationships. But that doesn’t mean that the moms are close. Maybe Janelle and Christine are ‘friendly’ but I never see any tweets or discussions about the two of them doing stuff with all the kids or hanging out at one of their houses….I think most of the group interactions are TLC suggestions. As the seasons progress it becomes more evident what really goes on in this family which is consistent with every book I have read on polygamy.

  44. I mentioned this on the other thread…but I think it’s worth mentioning again. TLC: the viewers do NOT want to see Kody “playing” with his brothers, friends, planning stops into various business establishments hoping to get freebies and the shock reaction of having ‘wives’, receiving outrageously expensive gifts, etc. I think I can speak for a large portion of the viewing audience that we would like to see Kody out there supporting his family, financially first and then emotionally by spending some time with his kids or with the family as a whole. Real time, not just the let’s all get together and talk about the houses we will never get. Kody plays way too much and spends way too little time taking financial care of his family. We don’t see any real evidence of him doing anything to generate income. Viewers are pretty sophisticated, we know their money is coming from the show and the little trips to various establishments are comped/freebies. We want to see the real day to day stuff. Not Kody getting to play….seems like that’s all we see anymore.
    Of course that being said, when we start seeing “Kody takes Hunter and Logan out to a ballgame” we will be snarking about it…but still! Our comments do make their way to someone at TLC why do you think we saw footage of Kody carrying Truely and we also saw him hand her a stuffed animal at Valentine’s!

  45. A bottom line question for Kody...and if you don't read here, no doubt a wife or two or a TLC person does...

    Is there ANY reason why you do not work???
    Seriously....Do you have a good reason for spending the day driving from house to house, eating free at local eateries, going on trips, fluffing the hair for the camera....instead of actually "going to work"????

    Do you consider the TLC gig *your job* ???
    And what happens when SW has finally jumped the shark (and it has begun,Kody, there is no mistake about that) and the free ride is over?

    How long has it been since you actually earned a legitimate paycheck...not welfare handouts, not TLC $$, not speaking gigs...but a real paycheck??
    You know....the kind w/a W-2 at the end of the year?? The kind that has duties, timelines and performance expectations.

    Dude, You have SEVENTEEN children depending on you!! You even seem determined to make even more kids.
    You have FOUR wives who have swallowed the myth and are depending on you.

    Are you that clueless or lazy or arrogant....or all three !!!
    Fire up your new top-of-the-line laptop and go job shopping.
    It is the least you can do....

  46. Dear TLC:
    I have been a fan of reality tv since, well, since candid camera, and I think I can pretty much give you the ins and outs about what will keep the massess happy. If you will recall, when we watched Little People Big World, we were most happy when the kids and parents were doing these family type things: cooking, playing, arguing, and doing homework. We didn't like it when it went all about the dad and his struggles or the many public appearances the mom made. And as soon as Kate got all glammed up and diva acting, we dropped her like a tick off a deer. The one thing we like is seeing reality as close to real as possible and we like seeing the stars humble. We also like to see some evolution of the character. Now, we all hate Robyn-No-Character, Meri, and Kodsturd. I bet if you did a survery, you will find that they are the least liked characters in the history of reality TV. We have all grown fond of Christine and Janelle but our patience is wearing too thin. These two women are not evolving; instead, they are becoming more and more irritating. We want Christine to tell RNC that she is a smug, controlling, manipulative bitch and she can have Kodsturd and Meri. We like that she is getting the real estate license because we see this as a move for her own independence. We want to see more of her getting educated and getting a job. Keep her going in the right direction and keep the three stoogies, Moe, Larry, and Curly also known as Meri, Robyn-No-Character, and Kodsturd, out of the shots. We would also love to see Janelle getting a job in accounting and start into an MBA program. We want to see evolution of both her profession and her self esteem. You have to make sure we see her in the gym, in the kitchen, and studying. The entire show should be about the two wives (christine and Janelle and their children). I believe that if you cancel the show, that will be fine too; however, cancelling the three stoogies off and making the show about the other two's evolution into independence will be a great thing. I bet it would win tons of awards and you will have high ratings.
    That is all
    Dr. Zelda1

  47. Of course Meri hates herself and others. In her religion, if a woman can't have many kids, it's because she is doing something wrong and god isn't rewarding her with kids. Kody isn't helping with all the "encouraging" he does and Robs sure isn't helping by giving Meri a "choice". I'm glad I was not born into that religion but into one that encourages me to think for myself and doesn't think I"m going to hell.

  48. Since the first 3 women can't lose weight I think they should fatten up Robin & have mud wrestling. The grand winner gets the prize of Kody for the night. That could be how they decide who wins him every nite.

    1. The WINNER?? How about the loser gets him for the night.....

  49. I'm not comfortable bashing any of them. I think some of what y'all think, but am not comfortable expressing it. I do want to say, however, that Robyn is not the pretty one. Janelle and Christine are prettier. Meri has a more engaging and animated and happy face, and a great smile. Robyn is thinner, that is all. She's not the prettiest and she's not the smartest ... When Christine said: "Kody deserves a trophy wife," I was shocked that she felt that way. Robyn is not a trophy wife. A trophy wife is very polished. Robyn is not that.

  50. Velly velly intellesting Dr. Zelda1 and I concur. (Dr. Anon j)
    Real people doing real things is what makes a show interesting. Once it takes the inevitable path toward hyper dates, trips and endless boring self analysis it quickly becomes a channel changer.

    The( LMAO hat tip Dakota J) "Otto Frank" style scare the kids to death move to Las Vegas was the kiss of death for any believablity for this show.
    It wasn't supposed to be the Sperminator Show, it was supposed to be about the wives but how completely boring is it watching 4 dowdy house-fraus living in their track homes talking about their boring husband? They never follow through with any self advancement. The sum total of their sisterly bond is lunch at some chain restaurant with somebody boohoo-ing.

    This show is particularly bad because a lot of the storylines have been outed as lies. In my world, once I know somebody's been yanking my chain, I don't believe anything they say w/o verification so...the Brown clan have gone from just people to actors. Me no likey dull lousy 'actors' pretending that what is shown is truth.

  51. If I had painted my husbands car with paint like that he would not have thought it was me just "keeping sweet" ! Really. Robyn should have just stuck with the tried and true constuction paper, paper doily and glitter for her valentine to him.

  52. I agree with you on this. I would love to see a Janelle/Christine split. I also used to enjoy the little couple, but now it is all about them going on trips. I find that boring.

    I don't know if Janelle and Christine like each other, it is hard to tell, but they are the two who could make it work together. One works, the other could daycare and stay at home.

  53. Anyone else catch the part where Janelle and Christine where 'trying' to hit the books for the real estate business idea, Christine says something like 'makes me feel like I'm back in college'. Was she ever in college, seriously? Because if she had any education past homeschooling AUB stlye... I would be shocked spitless!

  54. Was my comments about mud wrestling for the nite with Kody not appropriate, I didn't see it

    1. I don't remember seeing it at all. Let me check.

    2. Somehow Blogger routed it straight to a spam folder. You can see it now. Thanks for letting me know!

    3. Can I just say that I really don't want TLC to cancel SWs...otherwise we would not have this great blog!!!

      Couple of random thoughts:

      Any move back to Lehi would have to be positioned very carefully, i.e. establishing residency for our court case, not bc LV was a failure, right?

      My take is that Janelle was pitching health club because she wants / needs a purpose, career, and income. Kody cannot follow through on ANYTHING...she thought it was a "safe" idea to target and push for...but Kody's no longer interested blah blah blah.

      So odd to me that there is absolutely NO dialogue or references to anyone going somewhere to work, Kody in some little home office concentrating on his "vision" for their next money maker. Zero references to Daddy going to work, have a nice day. It is so profoundly lacking!!

      Finally, can we nominate Kody to appear on "so you think you can dance" so he can do that goofy mating dance he demonstrated during wedding cake tasting??? UGH!

  55. Janelle is publicizing her weight loss on a blog - have you heard about it and does it have to do with her gym?
