Sunday, April 15, 2012

UPDATE! RadarOnline: Kody Brown Takes His Sister Wives To Las Vegas Ahead Of New Season

Created 04/14/2012 - 9:22pm

By Radar Staff

Just because they have 17 children to look after between them doesn’t mean Kody Brown and his Sister Wives can’t enjoy a night out.

The polygamist reality star was out in Las Vegas Friday night with three of his wives; Meri, Janelle and Christine.

Fourth wife Robyn seemed to have stayed away from the night out after giving birth six months ago.

The large family now lives in Sin City after moving from Utah.

Last night, Kody took in Mike Tyson’s new one-man show, Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth – Live on Stage at the MGM Grand and also joined the girls at the Dancing With The Stars live show at the Tropicana Hotel where they looked quite the cozy foursome.

As previously reported, Kody and his wives recently won a legal battle against Utah County prosecutors allowing their lawsuit to challenge the bigamy law to go forward.

Season 4 of Sister Wives will be returning to TLC on May 13.

Oh my gosh! Looks like Janelle and Christine are the same size now. Meri does appear to be thinner; maybe her swim regimen is working out for her.

Kody just looks like Kody...and very thick around the middle, too. Any speculations why Robyn did not join this funfest? Raise your hand if you think she's pregnant.


Found another picture (courtesy Getty Images) from 4/14/12!

Kody and Krew (including Robyn this time) attended the grand opening of Mike Tyson:Undisputed Truth. More flattering picture than the DWTS premiere the night before, and I really like Janelle's top. Kody looks like he's auditioning for the Rat Pack - forty years and forty pounds too late with a shiny shirt and black t-shirt combo.  That strange sound you hear has got to be Dean, Sammy, Peter and Frank collectively yelling HELL NO while furiously rolling over!

Oh no, another angle (courtesy and Getty Images) and Kody's not so svelte body is more apparent (he must have exhaled). Kody, Meri and Robyn need help from a professional STYLIST, NOW. Kody looks like a bobble head with a potbelly. Kudos to Christine for resisting the urge to button up her sweater.


  1. Oh jeez Christine! The moment I saw her I thought such nasty thoughts, and Zebra print to boot!

    Cody does look a little thick.

    Marie does look a little thinner, probably because she has a brunette work out buddy.

  2. My hands are in the air & waving all around like I don't Yes, I say Robyn is prego (eyes rolling) ...surprise, surprise...Not!! =)
    Meri is prolly getting more bedroom action too, & thats a really great calorie burner!!
    Kody needs to lay off the queso & guacamole too!!

  3. I am raising my hand!!!!! (sadly)

  4. Robyn tweeted about 2 hrs ago...that riding the NY NY roller coaster w/ Meri & screaming @top of her lungs has been best therapy after a long week....
    Hmmm mm??? Seems like she's always out w/ Meri & not the other wives or even Kody himself....

    1. You know, I was wondering... She must still be practicing that Honeymoon Experience on her nights with Kody. How much you want to bet she hides Kody's cellphone when he's with her?

    2. Hell, I WOULD in her situation.

  5. Christine is clearly a stress eater BUT Kodster is definately packing on the pounds. You guys are setting a terrible example for your kids....get off your butts and start excersing!GEEEEZZZZZ I wonder if Vegas is one of those not very walkabout cities and everyone just drives everywhere?

    1. It's obvious Kody, Christine and Janelle aren't partaking of that OpDetox Skinney MLM stuff they shill. Guess they aren't using the services of the personal trainer guy either.

  6. Got my paw in the air. Also one nail pointed.
    CB, if you were the other wives, would you be out with Robyn of your own free will? Didn't think so. That's why I've got my nail on my paw pointed Robyn's direction.

  7. I think Janelle has the most stylish outfit in this picture.

    It is really difficult to tell if Meri has lost weight. She has definitely bought a new pair of jeans, and those new jeans are not looking like they're going to split at the seams with the wrong move. However, they might just be a bigger size.

    I'm really curious to see if they wear the long sleeve tee shirts under the spaghetti strap shirts this season. They were getting to look like overstuffed sausages bulging in their multicolored casings last year.

  8. OMG..!!! Christine is now as big as Janelle!! Her dress makes her look even BIGGER. Kody, Christine and Janelle look like 3 blimps. Meri looks great! I'm sure Sol is still feeling sick, because there is NO WAY Queen Robyn would miss out on this!!!! What a sorry sight these 3 make!

  9. i would say she is not preg if she was riding a coaster. she probably just got stuck at home in Plyg Paradise.

  10. Well, well.....the fashionista fairy must have paid a visit to the Kody Kompound.
    Gone are the tank top/long sleeved t-shirt ensembles. Gee, I actually miss them. It was such a part of their *specialness.*

    Kody IS looking like a plumply middle-aged mogul who is quite smug and satisfied with his empire.

    And is Robyn pregnant?? Who really cares???

    1. Sorry Amused, I think the fashionista fairy might have been scared off. Appears Meri and Robyn are into the 3/4 sleeve cropped sweater over the lacy looking top look now.

      Thanks to Meri and Robyn, I'm beginning to appreciate the simplicity of pastel colored prairie dresses.

    2. are right, Cynical Jinx !!!
      Perhaps the fairy was a bit overwhelmed, but at least she may have been able to deem the sausage-filled tank-top look to be permenantly off limits.
      Giving credit where it is due, at least Janelle had figured out from the start that combo was never a good look for her.

      Yes, the prairie dress look would at least be a statement of their alleged sista-hood, as opposed to this *pre-teen* look they seem to favor now.

      And yes, how about Kody in a shiny gangster look....surfer dude ala Tony Soprano. Wonder which wife picked out that outfit?

  11. Meri and Robyn need to get off that tired layered look clothes horse and start investing in classic separates like Janelle.

    Kody needs to stay away from shiny fabrics...

    1. Yes, yes, Agreed!!
      Kody also either needs to slim down or buy a bigger size!!

  12. Christine is now just as fat as Janelle. Only Janelle looks a 100 times better. Maybe Christine is preggo again?
    Kody too doesn't seem to be able to skip the guacamole. This dude lives in the seventies. Those shirts, clothes, the hair (with the ever declining hairline).

    They all seemed to have packed on pounds (except Meri). I don't think mary actually LOST any weight, I just think she bought a not your daughters jeans pair of jeans and stayed the same weight. But if everybody around you is growing, it's easy to look skinnier.

    What happened to the healthy lifestyle episode? The personal trainer, the Kody Circus gym, project detox? Shouldn't they practice what they preach? No wonder there business ventures aren't taking off.

    Re Robyn, either she had an argument or she was the designated bonus kids watcher for the night.

  13. ahahhahahaha I just saw the picture of Kody in the purple shirt...Hello Mr. Paunchy...I wounder if Robyn still thinks he is her rockstar more like McDonutstar!

  14. Robyn does seem fatter. Don't know if she hasn't lost all the baby weight yet or if she is gaining weight due to the stress of sharing Kody plus the way the whole family eats.

    1. I doubt Robyn eats with the rest of the family if it's not a special occasion. She may be trying to compete in the curvy department.

      Kody has a beer belly without the beer! Guacamole belly lol

  15. Hahahahahaha!!! Bobble head w/ a pot belly!! that CJ :)
    So, just wondering which older kids got stuck @home w/ all the lil ones, why the 5 adults were all on a night out together??
    Robyn does look a lil thick too! Although Janelles weight remains the same, her face (when all glammed up) looks way better than the other wives!! She's way more marketable than the others. Just wonder why theyre not detoxing themselves, while hocking it to the world??

    1. Im sure Robin will plump out like the rest of them. Only because unhappy women do tend to turn to food. Living polygamy doesnt a happy woman make! Never has never will!

      Janelle does have a really nice smile. its almost contagious.

    2. Agree. Love Janelle. And yeah, also agree that Robyn has no issues with plumping up as 'Kody likes his women curvy' and if she is eating what Christine doles out on a regular basis.

  16. Im raising my hand in favor of Kody being the one that is pregnant :)

    1. He is such a tool. He obviously sucked in his massive gut for one picture then let in out in the other.

      Nice advertisement for his "business ventures".

    2. LOL yes! I hadn't noticed but yes he is massively sucking in for that one picture and then not in the other.

      Not sure I can cast judgement for that though, I suck in for photos as much as I possibly can. LOL

    3. Yes, Bargain Babe, but ur not pimping Detox & weight loss LIV products or opening up a gym either ...& that makes a lot of difference, IMO :)

    4. Exactly right, Caramel. It sort of looks just ridiculous now for them to be hawking fitness and diet products.

      Obviously, Kody is *still* trying to find himself and find that high-paying, yet low-work-hours job suited to his talents.

      Maybe we all should help that cause by thinking of jobs.
      How about a circus barker...?
      Or modeling hair extensions?

    5. Yes Amused, you are on to something. I will help throw out a job idea for him: Hair Club for Men. "I'm not only the founder, I'm a customer." He could get hair plugs and be the spokesperson.

      Caramel--this is true that I'm not hawking weight loss stuff. Although tonight I am going to try ZUMBA for the first time. ---so if you don't hear from me for awhile you'll know it killed me.

    6. Lol...BB u will love's a lil hard @1st but it works everything & u will feel it too! But afterwards u feel great bc it releases good endorphins too! Ive been to a couple of Zumba classes, but I also have it on Xbox Kinect good for you & good luck :)
      Yes, I also agree w/ Amused for the hair plugs Kody could also be a rodeo clown which is perfect, since he's full of bull s**t ....haha

    7. Love it bargain babe, Hair Club for Men!! And ditto on the rodeo clown idea :)

  17. This is getting boring...the only reason last season was interesting was the pregnancy.

    They are all getting along to well now, the initial "wow" factor is gone because we are used to them now, so unless one of the wives up and leaves, this is the last season for Sister Wives.

    1. Unless there is another pregnancy be it one of the wives or one of the kids ;) As you said, one of the wives leave..

      Or the jealousies continue to boil over..

      Kody does indeed turn out to be pregnant.

      Kody courts another wife while he and Robyn are pregnant (I would INDEED tune in for THAT season :)

      Janelle, Meri and Christine all lose a ton of weight and decide they too want multiple husbands as they have realized they have been duped big time by their twisted religion. They all live in a huge communal free for all house with three wives and at least 4 'husbands' each. And they share.

      Time for bed, the possibilities for making this show work are ENDLESS! Kodester, throw me an email!

    2. It would be fun to see janelle and christine just totally ignore robyn. Big awkward silences after robyn speaks followed by changed subject and janelle/christine conversation. Wonder what robyn would do?

  18. I love Janelle, I think she is worth more than the rest of them put together. I also think she is very aware of the position she is in, saddled with a bunch of dimwits, but will not go because she has six children with this man. I really really think she was trying to please God when she entered into this marriage, and now it has backfired on her and she is resigned to see it through.

    For pete's sake, she has had six pregnancies and supported these grifters for years. Who cares if she is overweight? She has earned it.

    Oh, and I like Christine too but Janelle is my fave.

  19. Darn it! I missed them by a week! I was at all of those places last week.

  20. This kind of has nothing to do with this post, but I've been randomly searching for facts and information on polygamy, religion, etc. And found this:

    It basically tells why polygamy doesn't work in societies. I wonder what The Browns and other polygs think about information like this.

    1. I doubt they have the brain cells to actually comprehend what they are reading. Now if it was about impregnating as many women as possible under the disguise of religion and plural love, oh yeah, the men of polygamy have an opinion. The women will just smile that blank smile and say their life is wonderful and they just love their sisterwives. Doesn't matter if its the Browns or the Dargers they all think the same twisted way. At least Kody doesnt write fake psychological essays like that Darger guy but that could be because Kody can't write.

    2. Hell I am wondering if they know how to cut and paste to actually GET TO the article unless Janelle steps in. ;)

  21. Robyn didn't look fat. Maybe it was the way her shirt was shifted, but she did look like she had a small bump in just the right spot....

    1. I think Robyn's face is fuller and her thighs are chunkier. You can tell in the last picture..the one where Meri, Christine and Janelle are smiling looking at the camera, Kody is smiling looking at Meri, and Robyn is vacantly looking out into space with an empty grin plastered on her face, holding onto Meri to get a clue when to stop grinning.

    2. Lmao...yes, I noticed that Robyn is a lil thick all over. I think she is pregnant, bc she's definitely not able to sport those tight jeans like she was when she first came into the

  22. They all part their hair on same side ..almost like they're tryna emulate Kody....ewwww

  23. I don't get how most of you think Janelle is better, intelligent, would be 1st to leave.............

    to me Janelle is a sucker - worse sucker even.... just as bad as Robyn ...... Janelle and Robyn have a lot in common, both had monogamy marriages...... then they up and divorced their spouses, and end up being 2nd & 4th wife to Kody........

    Janelle is even more sicker, how many women will marry their ex-sister in law's hubby????

    If anyone could leave the Planet Kody and be able to care for herself, that person is Meri. she have already said so a couple of times. she is the only one who did not sign up for polygamy ........ while the rest choose it (with eyes wide open)!

    1. Janelle is intelligent, but I agree with you that she will never willingly leave Kody. He is the love of her life (as she said on twitter). But remember, Meri invited Janelle to join her marriage with Kody, so who's sicker? The ex-sister in law or the sister?

      Also, Meri, Robyn and Christine were born into polygamy. Kody and Janelle were LDS who converted to fundamentalism later in life. AND Mariah has stated many times she wants to be a sister wife, so it appears that Meri has successfully indocrinated her daughter into believing she should live the plural life. Don't be fooled. Meri is deeply rooted into fundamentalism. No, I don't think Meri will be leaving Kody anytime soon.

      My money is on Christine. She is the one who has problems of jealousy. I think she loves her faith, but she's struggling because SHE has to teach Kody his responsibilities as priesthood holder,something he should already know. Remember when they first moved to Vegas, she mentioned something to the effect she would be holding prayers with her children? And Kody shot her a mean look? Well, that's Kody's job and he knew it. In the first season, she cried when she found out about him kissing Robyn before marriage, and she cried when she found out he helped Robyn choose her wedding gown. After each explosion, she apologized saying she knows HE could do better. Now she is on anti-depressants. Christine will be the first to leave as soon as the money train stops.

    2. @AnonymousApr 17, 2012 04:31 AM
      Chistine leaving? I don't see that happening! with 6 kids, no education and no job, christine is dependent on Janelle & Kody!

      Meri leaving.....hmmmmmm

      that is more likely, with Mariah gone, what will hold Meri back??? as mentioned above, she has already voiced that Mariah's well being is first! I think Kody knows that, of all the wives you can see Kody is very much in love with Meri - he pays her more attention - I think he senses that she can easily leave the circus!

      As for Meri saying she all for polygamy, and her daughter saying how much she wants to be a sister wife ........ I think that is just for camera .............. just like the "I love my sister wife" thing........ just a mirage in a desert......

      I also wish we can have an investigating reporter to get the truth - especially from Meri(she is a mystery and knows Kody's secrets), that will be a scoop of century!

    3. I think the fact the Janelle IS intelligent and is still in this polyg marriage (the way it is), makes her unintelligent. It makes it even worse because why would an intelligent person leave their good job and situation (UT) for a baron land with no work (i.e. Vegas)? She is the only one who could survive on her own and yet she'd rather lose her job and have to worry about finances for 21(?) people.

      And I think Christine would also be the first to go because it seems this lifestyle is starting to take its toll and she can't "keep sweet" that much longer. Mentally, there's only so much a person can take. I know for me, I can deal with the normal stresses of life a lot more easily than emotional/mental stresses in a "bad" relationship. Feelings of jealousy and low self-worth, to me,are not easy to live with for too long. I feel like she's being emotionally abused and that we're just waiting for the big outburst.

      Honestly, any one of them would be fine without Kody. They all can claim child support and Meri would be entitled to half of his earnings (which I'm sure has to be a considerable amount). Robyn only has one child with him but she apparently worked before.

  24. I'm not sure any of then will leave willingly.

    It's true that Meri was the catalyst for this whole mess. And whether she did it for her core beliefs....or she did it out of desperation in order "to keep her man happy" is anyone's guess. But 17 kids later, this is the KodyWorld she set in motion.

    Was/is Kody that slick a salesman that while still a newlywed to his "soul-mate" Meri, he lets her know what she needs to do to *continue* being "the love of his life" ??? That he maneuvered, however slyly, her to want what he wants?
    Meri is efficient, "a doer"...that was her ID/MO when the show first aired...Meri was the wife who got things done, remember?
    If so, then she will never leave because she has already given up too much to have that role.

    Janelle is smart for practical matters, but apparently not self-confident or motivated enough to do anything but play her part. And true, she does have 6 kids to raise, with half of them still young.
    Janelle has settled for it all.

    Christine is like a child herself, super sensitive and easily upset. She's not sure of where she fits except to be the "mom" to all. She seems almost scared of the *outside* world. I can't see her leaving. She is too unsure of everything. She seems to want to be told what to do.
    Remember the watch gifting??..that was really painful to see.

    Robyn....what's to say?? She knew the show already was on, knew what was on the table, knew exactly why and what she was signing on for.
    Actually, if any of then would fly the henhouse, my money is on her. The big "IF" is if she cannot continue to be the darling of the family, fawned over and "helped" with her special needs....Robyn will be unhappy, since she obviously is not one to take charge of her life and be resourceful.
    However, she IS is an opportunist, so if she is miserable and a better deal eventually comes along...*shrug*..????

  25. Pru says:
    @AnonymousApr 17, 2012 03:52 AM
    I agree with you there ............ Janelle is more brainwashed than Meri or Christine are...........

    That is why she slaved at work to help Kodester pay for maintenance of most of Brown household ......... while Meri plainly said that her daughter gets everything she wants, also Meri was not pitching to pay for most of these big family...............................

    and Meri did not invite Janelle, I remember specifically how Janelle said that when she married Kody, Meri was all over Kody.... how hard it was........

    this whole BS about how Meri picked the wives is all bogus! Janelle willingly fell into Kodi's arms, just as did Christine, then Meri introduced Kodi to Robyn and walla Kodi is dating Robyn and he lays it all at Meri's feet................ yet Meri asked him how he will feel if he had to share her with other men(at annivesary)...................................... and I remember her specifically saying she will leave if it was not for Maria....

    now why will Meri ask that question if she is the one signing up this women????

    I do hope new season will unravel this woman(Meri) more, there is a lot going on under the surface....................... much more under the facade of "Kody is the best" theme

    1. You make some good points, anon 07:28

      However, I guess I am so cynical now about anything "said" on that show as being real or just part of the agreed script. They all know what the purpose is of those couch chats...its all for the cameras and editing room.

      Point is if Janelle actively went after Kody, as did Christine, then Meri could have said to Kody, "NO", I don't want this."
      And meanwhile, Kody could have not had such open arms for the falling, if his agenda was to love and honor his soulmate, Meri.

      And why would Meri ask Kody about sharing her with other men *for the world (and her daughter) to see*....that line just stuck out as a hoped for ratings pop. That question if true would be for a private chat, one would hope.
      And besides, she did (for the cameras) say she had introduced why??...if the plyg lifestyle has worn thin for her?

      Is it mysteries or purposeful created storylines?

  26. Pru says:

    that is a valid point about Janelle - she shows very low self confidence ......

    that will explain why she slaved for the big family, doing her best to be supportive - almost like paying for acceptance, love and self-worth!

    now that you have mentioned Robyn ....... I can see how it might be that she could divorce(if such exist as she is not married) Kody if the gravy train come toa stop......... plus even Kody must be tired of the clingy and whining wife!

    goodness, that woman can cling worse than a clinging ivy vine!

  27. Even with all these unemployed adults, I guess they missed the Oprah where Mike Tyson said the best punch he ever threw was against his ex-wife. Why don't they just go to a Chris Brown concert next week while they're at it!

    And, seriously, no one in this whole house has an eyebrow pencil? You're going to a premier! People are going to take pictures!

  28. "And, seriously, no one in this whole house has an eyebrow pencil? " noticed that too ???!!! WTH !!
    Obviously they are dedicated *highlights and roots* clients, so why not pay attention to the eyebrows??

  29. I'm starting to think that Robyn is not so favored anymore and it may be getting to her. That would explain her need of a "stress relief" / "therapy" after a "hard week." The weight gain also.

    I think Robyn imagined alot of alone time with Kody and that the rest of her sister wives would babysit and help her with chores, etc. However, Sol isn't the darling of the family that she hoped he would be. She has to stay behind and babysit a ton of kids instead of just her own or having others constantly babysit hers. Something tells me she is slowly starting to realize that polygamy isn't all she thought it would be...not what she envisioned.

  30. I truly think that the BIGGEST mistake that was made is when QUEEN ROBYN was let into this family. The main 3 sister wives need to show her the door and lock it when she steps out it. Kody and Robyn really got me when Turly was born and they were playing suck face and laughing about it. "Kissing my girlfriend while my wife is giving birth." So wrong; Kody. I love the show but Robyn just makes me roll my eyes and shake my head; NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    1. Robyn may be a bad influence, but remember she has a strong ally in Meri. Robyn ain't going nowhere. Whoever the weakest link is the one that will leave eventually. Right now, that would be tranquilized Christine. As soon as this show is cancelled and she's off the meds, I can see her leaving Kody for a more righteous man. Because Kody hates to work hard at anything except making babies. They like to talk about how much better Kody is than one of those guys who has baby mommas all around town. Too bad they don't realize that Kody is the same way. He has baby mommas all around town in Vegas!

    2. That was absolutely terrible when Kody was too busy making out with Robyn to be with Christine while she was in labor with Truely. What kind of a man does that? What kind of a woman can be that heartless towards another woman? So much for "I love my sister wives!"...

    3. I'm a married mother with 3 children,my hubby & I r monogamus christians,& we watch Sisterwives 2gether as a family.Their last episode was 6/25/2012,wondering when their returning?Also,when their gonna start selling jewrly for their bussiness mysisterwivescloset;hopefully b4 XMAS.The ornaments Robin made in the XMAS 2010 episode were sooo cute,she should sell them,as well as necklacess,braclets,&earrings.P.S.I think the rude remarks about Kody,Janelle,&Christine's gaing weight's rather rude.
