Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Buzz is....Sister Wives Lost.

Buzz on the net is that TLC's Sister Wives lost the Critic's Choice Television Award for "Best Reality Series" to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and Hoarders who shared the Award. I will update if I find any pictures.
Did you really think they would win? I didn't. I love the ladies from Beverly Hills, too!


  1. The Sister Wives should not have even been contenders. Their program is a whitewash of their past criminal behavior.

  2. I would have voted for RHoBH myself. Team Kim!!

  3. I love RHoBH too! Maybe Kody needs to notice that if the show has WIVES in the title,the focus should be on the WIVES and not the goofy husband. I think Sister Wives nomination was comic relief. But if Sister Wives did lose to another TLC show (Hoarders, which I admit I've never seen) OUCH!! By the way, has anyone else notice how it seems every other TLC show is repeated ad infinitum except for Sister Wives? Like, if you miss an episode and you don't have on demand, you have to wait for the next "marathon" to see it. Thoughts???

  4. I bet that Kody made a deal which does not allow TLC to do the frequent re-runs unless he is paid more.... he has too many mouths to feed.

  5. I don't think I could choose which show I like more! Rich and disillusioned? Or poor and disillusioned? I'll give it to Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn, the RHoBH couldn't even share a limo without drama...

  6. I am torn!! I love Adrienne and Kim!! BUT, I love the Sister Wives, too. RHOBH had much more drama, and aren't pretending to be "religious" so, I go for them!!

  7. Not me. I like Sister Wives hands down. When Real Housewives are down, those ladies will go on. We don't know what will happen to Kadouche and company. Want to see what happens.

  8. Of course we know what will happen to Kadouche.
    He will continue to have babies he can't afford, file for bankruptcy every 7 yrs or so, acquire new wives, etc. No mysteries there.

  9. Yeah, that's the truth. I bet Kody takes another wife before he's done. I don't watch Real Housewives, they make me sick. Too much money.

  10. Kody probably cried that night.

  11. Hoarder is a much better show as far as digging into real problems, unlike Kody's depression.

  12. Actually, I'd like them to win something, or do more PR like sister wives does, so we could see them out more.

  13. I've not seen any pictures of them yet...
